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Six updater, ruining everything.

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@JW Custom

Yes you do ofcause many others too, but many other communitymembers don't get along with it. It isn't a phantom which is come up with me. Just take look on the entries of the topics on all community forums and pages.

So should the half of the community play the addons which are offered by the community and the others not?


As I wrote, I don't want to offense your work.

You did a great job on ACe and other community projects. But I just wnat to exress that I hope you regonize the critics. ;)

Edited by evion

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As I wrote, I don't want to offense your work.

You did a great job on ACe and other community projects. But I just wnat to exress that I hope you regonize the critics. ;)

I certainly recognise the critics on the GUI, and I know about it, I'm hoping January to be the month of continued x-mas ;)

@JW Custom

Yes you do ofcause many others too, but many other communitymembers don't get along with it. It isn't a phantom which is come up with me. Just take look on the entries of the topics on all community forums and pages.

So should the half of the community play the addons which are offered by the community and the others not?

There are countless ways to, as a community, be on the same version, with the same addons, apart from the Six Updater.

Yoma is one, only 1 out of 100's of community members sets one up, preferably the server owner, and off you go.

People only think problems. What about think solutions?

Mostly thinking about today, think a little about tomorrow ;)

Edited by Sickboy

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Ah cmon!

Sickboy has done a fantastic job, with this tool.

Ive help t set it up a lot of my fellow ARMA 2 lovers, with NO issues What so ever.

Maybe i was just lucky, but 5,6,10 times in a row?

If you follow the instructions given, and donot screw around by doing things differently, it works, EVERY TIME!

Yea it might not be averege Joe friendly, but its still in BETA stage!, So that will come in due time:-)

Instead of creating a thread, to criticize FREE content provided to you, why dont you head over to devheaven, or Create a thread with suggestions to HELP make it better?

Anyways, here is again a THANX to sickboy and all the six-updater and ACE crew for all of this.

Great MOD, great Tool.

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@JW Custom

Yes you do ofcause many others too, but many other communitymembers don't get along with it. It isn't a phantom which is come up with me. Just take look on the entries of the topics on all community forums and pages.

Exactly... there's many posts bitching about the six update BECAUSE most of them wont take the time to learn to use it or can't be bothered reading the instructions etc etc.

Then there's of course those who really have some problems besides the above and those i've seen sickboy helping out countless of times.

The point is that most users don't have a problem with the six updater and those who have can get help by reading the guides and if that doesn't work they can ask for help.

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People always complain so this topic is as useless as all others.

If you provide 7zip/rar/zip/whatever files people ask how to install addons in a million topics.

If you provide a tool which installs the addons for you and keeps them up to date they dont want it (Yoma addon sync and Six Updater meet both complaints).

And they even don't want to pay your ticket to fly to their home and install addons for them.

OMG.......I need a vacation.......ahh right, in a few days I will :)

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One thing I could see as an improvement for people that have difficulties with the updater is the following:

  • A "setup wizard" mode that just displays a few pages with checkmarks on it ("Choose which Addons to install/update") with nothing else on it, which then creates the required config.
  • Getting rid of a few of the console windows. There are too many of those, really.

Once you have set it up the tool is rather easy to use, but I think the most confusing part for people is that they don't find the required pages to perform the initial setup. (IMO) users will look for something familiar when the web page interface pops up and don't find it; if you "guide" them through the setup, they'll have it much easier.

Just my two cents :)

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I've actually been thinking about providing an interface inside AddonSync to six's but then again it might not be needed and could cause all sorts of hassles if some basic mechanisms change.

I'd rather spend time on progressing my own thing then halting development to make it compatible with another system. The mayor benefit in this is that if for some people six's won't work, Addonsync might be a fix and visa versa.

Just getting Rsync to work under windows on all versions is (most unfortunately) a major timeloosing hassle.

A note for the critics: I understand what you're saying, but unfortunately we have to make system(s) to assure wellwilling users to have the correct files to play on a server.

Don't use it if you don't like it and feel competent you can get all the correct files in the correct spot yourself (allthough there is no real way of doing that). "The old way" as you call it never really worked, takes tons of time from server admins and creates a lot more mismatching file mayhem then you can imagine.

That is the very reason updaters/downloaders are made.

Other then that there is nothing in the world stopping people from trying to do better/enhance the current systems.

Edited by Yoma

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Thanks for the consideration Yoma.

Due to the implementation being in flux, I too haven't spend time on the GUI, it would simply be a waste of my time, as it would be of yours (with constant changing spec) :)

I will get to it, in time. Im aiming for mid-january.

In the future I wouldn't mind looking into interactions between the apps.

I love your tool (and dedication) too and it provides users/communities with options, and especially ease of use, big kudos mate :)

@Foxhound: Agreed, it will never satisfy all :)

Edited by Sickboy

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Guys I really dont know why we need a separate thread for this. This issues has been hashed and mashed into the ground over and over again. There are many different ways to get the ACE2 addon pack. Get off your lazy butt and do a little homework and find out what best fits you. If you dont want to do this then dont play Arma 2, because Arma 2 is the community and the community is Arma 2. No one is getting paid to bring quality items such as ACE2 to the table. There is a small learning curve to Sicks setup but it took 5 minutes to figure it out. He and the community provided pages of material(including videos!) on how to get it set up. Lets see Microsoft or even BIS be that responsive. One thing you forget is ACE2 is under constant development and upgrade, and Sickboy has provided a tool to get us current updates at the snap of a finger. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK SICKBOY AND TEAM. You have tremendous support in this community and dont let the whiners get you down. Now someone please close this thread. It takes up more time to read through all these posts than it does to set up Six Updater. Ive got gaming to do!!!!!

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Funny thread.


To Fintroll and whoever else,

It's much less complicated then it looks. It will probably take you only 10 minutes to setup if using the 3-step video tutorial (that's not 10 minutes of actual steps, its mostly just a handful of steps and video watching time). If I didn't have that tutorial I would probably be screwed.

After you set that up...everytime you want to update any mod through SIX-Updater, you litterally....

  1. Double-click exe.
  2. Press 2
  3. Press Enter

Everything dl's in minutes and your ready to play.

Take 10 minutes out of your life and setup this awesome system.

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Funny thread.


To Fintroll and whoever else,

It's much less complicated then it looks. It will probably take you only 10 minutes to setup if using the 3-step video tutorial (that's not 10 minutes of actual steps, its mostly just a handful of steps and video watching time). If I didn't have that tutorial I would probably be screwed.

After you set that up...everytime you want to update any mod through SIX-Updater, you litterally....

Take 10 minutes out of your life and setup this awesome system.

The latest version has a Console option that just updates it when it's started, you can change the mods it downloads by running the GUI version. It's not hard.

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Appears to not install on Win7-64bit

I have no shortcuts or menu items, or an EXE even to call.


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@[APS]Gnat you are talking about six-updater or Yomas Addon sync?

Works fine on windows7 x64.

Post a little bit more info on what you did, and what happend because i guess the problem is on your side.

Installed like any normal app, when launching six-updater however, be sure to:

Start as Admin!

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Sickboys knows my views on this already so I was not going to post but I would like to make one important point to the others who have posted here. I like the concept of the six-updater and I would use it if I could (Sickboy and I have worked through the issues preventing my machine from running six-updater). Sickboy deserves all of our support for what he and his team have produced.

Yoma made an important point:

The mayor benefit in this is that if for some people six's won't work, Addonsync might be a fix and visa versa.

Just getting Rsync to work under windows on all versions is (most unfortunately) a major timeloosing hassle.

There are advantages and disadvantages to Six and Yoma, it should be up to the end user which program they choose to use and in some cases have to use if they have extenuating circumstances (such as myself). Just one program should not be enforced on the community for this very important reason and not because you dislike the GUI of one or have a vested interest in another.

Now if BI come along one day and decide to pick up one for intergration into any future ArmA's then thats a different story but they would go through considerable feasability and platform testing to make sure that the software conforms to certain standards and that in my view that would need a considerable amount of work involved on current incarnations of both programs.

Edited by [KH]Jman

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I like the Updater, however if you search any ArmA II forum or squad forum, you will see that alot of people have problems installing it and using it.

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I cant say its ruining "everything" as this thread suggests. But I did swiftly move over to Yoma personally after way too much fiddling.

These are much better ways of distribution, lets face it no one else has bothered, for free, to do anything better so you cant knock it too much.

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@[APS]Gnat you are talking about six-updater or Yomas Addon sync?

Works fine on windows7 x64.

Post a little bit more info on what you did, and what happend because i guess the problem is on your side.

Installed like any normal app, when launching six-updater however, be sure to:

Start as Admin!

Its the Six-Update thread.

Yeh, I tried all that before I reported the issue.

Root cause of the problem maybe that my (Win7) USER profile is stored on a different Drive.

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Î¥ou know at one point I decided to install yoma's addon synchronizer and it pissed me off. I managed to make it work in the end but I don't want to deal with such tricks again.

I understand the reasoning behind such an application, I just don't need it. I can wait for the pbo version when and if it's ever released.

I am one of those people that hate application clutter. Furthermore, I must do the same to four pcs. Do you have any idea how much work it is to have arma2 in four separate pcs? Transfering addons, testing them, keeping every pc updated, installing the launcher with a working profile that doesn't kill addons etc.

It's like having kids.

Now I never tried to get involved with Six updater because of the hype. I see many people complaining in every topic that mentions it and for me PERSONALLY it feels like more trouble than it's worth.

I am sure it's pretty simple as long as you make it work for the first time. But I love the simple modfolder method and I'll stick with it until it becomes obsolete.

Let's hope these programs don't become a trend cause soon some other dude will come up with another updater that's very important and.. I mean where do you draw the line?

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Furthermore, I must do the same to four pcs. Do you have any idea how much work it is to have arma2 in four separate pcs? Transfering addons, testing them, keeping every pc updated, installing the launcher with a working profile that doesn't kill addons etc.

It's like having kids.

Heh at my place i autobuild a repo that contains all non standard arma files, i then just sync locally.

=>Keep 1 pc up to date, sync to all other pc's in minutes.

I also use it for smallish LAN parties where my friends need the correct files.

Just to let you know that however angry you get at stuff, that by itself won't help solve any problems.

---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 PM ----------

Let's hope these programs don't become a trend cause soon some other dude will come up with another updater that's very important and.. I mean where do you draw the line?

Everyone obviously draws their own line. It's a bit like people bitching "I don't need these friggin addons cause they make me not be able to connect".

Well... make your choice: there is nothing preventing users from downloading stuff the old way and there is nothing preventing users from not playing with addons at all.

Just don't nag about it at people that invest substantial portions of their free time to at least try and fix a real and existing problem.

---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 PM ----------

Do you have any idea how much work it is to have arma2 in four separate pcs?

It's actually funny to see how you indicate the very problem but fail to see why these applications are being made.

Ok you have problems distributing files to 4 pc's when you have full access to them on a local network. Now consider an arma server admin who wants to do the same over the internet to 200-400 pc's, and also do that on a regular basis.

That my friend is 100 times your personal problem times the added difficulty factor of not being able to have direct access to the users PC's.

And that is exactly why these tools are made. We don't make them for our ego's you know, we make them to get the game working easily.

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When I looked at it for the first release of ACE2 I just borked and droppped the idea. Too much time fiddling over stuff I only worry about when its fun.

The second release of ACE2 has streamlined this a bit however and I think its agreat tool.

I think one area though where the the whole thing went over peoples heads was the lack of any decent read-me. Its simply too much to ask people to follow some link, get dragged through a few pages and believe that all will be ok. And rightly so, people will complain less when given a good heads up of what to expext and what it is they're clicking.

I know I saw the vids first time round but there was no sound , no explanation and no way of knowing what the out come was.Seemed remiss of them to me, given the outstanding quality of quantity effort they've gone too, not to include a simple one page explanation.

But thankfully they kind of listened and all is well

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stuff that makes sense

Hey I don't disagree with you. You are right and I am sure you deal with more technical bullshit than I even dream of.

But that's your choice in the end! Like it's my choice to want a clutter free game even if that means that I don't get the latest version of your map.

I appreciate the effort and the fact that all of you do this to make it easier for us players, I just don't need it. I thank you for everything you do for the community and I wish you never stop because you make Arma what it is (awesome).

I can't follow though. I am not a person that welcomes change easily. As I said I am one of those people that use windows XP and I have it configured to look like windows 98. All classic grey boxes and start menu.

Anyway you shouldn't be the one explaining that shit to me. I have your updater installed already. I just wish I will not have to use it again mainly because I don't remember how.


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I just wish I will not have to use it again mainly because I don't remember how.


Doubleclick on server, click download addons, click delete extra files, be happy :D

The funny thing is this takes more user interaction then six's when using the "lazy" method.

So again, I like options and I like what Sickboy has made.

Edited by Yoma

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The documentation is a nightmare and set up sort of like the intelligence departments that missed the Christmas bomber. That kind of web design doesn't make anything easier for addon makers, it just fools people into thinking that the installation and operation is complicated, which it really isn't.

And this is an ACE problem, but stealthily disabling all voices by default and leaving it to players to hunt down the fix? You have got to be kidding me. Let us download one readme instead of surfing through half a dozen.

Edit: But maybe for the sake of those who didn't develop SixUpdater and don't know how it works, switch the language to Chinese or something so we don't have to read messages about it apparently uninstalling itself or trashing entire folders, making us wonder if something has gone terribly wrong.

Edited by maturin

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Why bash a mod that no one's making you use?

I was happy the first time i didn't hear MAN TO OUR FRONT CLOSE scream out of my speakers. If you would have red the ace page prior to downloading it you wouldn't complain about things written in it.

And why bash here and not in the ACE or SixUpdater treads!?

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