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Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?  

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  1. 1. Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes

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Nice bullet time, looking forward to the new release, as i heard this will work in no problem with DAC

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Mh your Mod is ok but the AI in your mod is very very very BAD!

Really? Well i was playing with the thought to tweak enemy A.I. settings down becouse they are way too good. :)

I get killed every time 5 - 10 seconds after i was spotted by enemy A.I.

So i don't know what you did wrong...? What else do you use? Any other mod's?

To my experience: Most times the mistake is not on my side it's the user who made something wrong by a chance of 90% or combinated 10 and more AddOns with each other and in the end everything get's mixed up.


Do you know how to handle mod's and how to configurate them?

Just for you a little example video of how fast i get killed by enemy A.I. even in a very far distance.

Video Setup:

- 3 enemy A.I. groups with 4 soldiers. ( 12 units )

- Distance: 300 - 400 meters

- My position prone.



Yes D.A.C. and GL4 work pretty nice toghetter.


GL4 will work exactly the same if you use ArmA 2 or ArmA OA or bouth toghetter. ;)

There are no big config changes so it should work flawless with bouth.

Edited by SNKMAN

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SNKMAN, you telling porkies, you haven't played all those other games, you have a sub par rig and you have been playing Dear Hunter 2005 until now ... come on now, admit it :)

Edited by mrcash2009

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Dear Hunter 2005? Is it good? :)

Sorry i don't really get what you're trying to tell me? :D

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It does seem like the AI will charge your position alot. Is there away you can have them fire and manuever/ take cover and suppress better in the next update? It seems like there is a certain threshhold on the accuracy. They are either dead on or spray and pray. No in between. Great mod, a few more AI Tweaks and it will be in awsome status

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Does the AI still adhere to the server config values for weapon accuracy? Or does GL4 impose its own values? Or is it a mix?

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Well you can change this setting by yourself.

In "GL4_Global.sqf" there are multiple setting's where you can change enemy A.I. combat behaviours.

      // Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Behaviour: ( Combat )
     // Choose the enemy A.I. combat behaviour.
     // Note: Thouse behaviours are used by enemy A.I. which was requested as reinforcement and with enemy contact.
     // Info: [ ["FORMATION"], ["SPEEDMODE"], ["BEHAVIOUR"], ["COMBATMODE"] ]
       // GL4_Global set [6, [ ["COLUMN","WEDGE","VEE","LINE","FILE","DIAMOND"], ["NORMAL","NORMAL","FULL","FULL"], ["AWARE","AWARE","COMBAT","COMBAT"], ["YELLOW","YELLOW","RED","RED"] ] ];

I personally prefer the dynamic movement instead of hiding behind cover. Enemy A.I. already use cover objects even without coding a single line.

In the last few day's i have seen enemy A.I. hiding behind stones and house corners multiple times.

The command "findCover" still is broken and/or not available... Really bad becouse this command has worked like a charm in ArmA 1.

So just play around with the settings a bit and i'm sure you will find what you are looking for. ;)


The "Weapon Accuracy" can be set by Group Link 4.

You can tweak the weapon "Aiming Shake" for example.

It will never be mixed in the end there is only one value you can choose if you like to get it from "Zeus A.I." or "Group Link 4" for example.

Edited by SNKMAN

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Thanks, that's good to hear. Makes things simpler. :)

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Really? Well i was playing with the thought to tweak enemy A.I. settings down becouse they are way too good. :)

I get killed every time 5 - 10 seconds after i was spotted by enemy A.I.

So i don't know what you did wrong...? What else do you use? Any other mod's?

To my experience: Most times the mistake is not on my side it's the user who made something wrong by a chance of 90% or combinated 10 and more AddOns with each other and in the end everything get's mixed up.


Do you know how to handle mod's and how to configurate them?

Just for you a little example video of how fast i get killed by enemy A.I. even in a very far distance.

Video Setup:

- 3 enemy A.I. groups with 4 soldiers. ( 12 units )

- Distance: 300 - 400 meters

- My position prone.



Yes D.A.C. and GL4 work pretty nice toghetter.


GL4 will work exactly the same if you use ArmA 2 or ArmA OA or bouth toghetter. ;)

There are no big config changes so it should work flawless with bouth.

Even in your Video its taking to long.


You killed 3- 5 soldiers with a single shot and they, a hole squad, need 10 seconds for a single solider? Thats not realistic. In the real life one soldier dont attak a whole squad alone because he is dead after 1 second. ;)

In reallife the MG or any other Solider hold the fire on you and you are dead in 0.5- 1 second.

Its possible to get a.... human AI? A fast AI? :)

I search a powerful AI you know... for real heavy firefights...

Edited by Scheintot

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hmmmmm at 300-400m of course you will die easy against 12 men!

In real life you would only attack a position if you had 3:1 odds (You out number the enemy)

Now if it was 600m away sniper in cover and they are still hitting you then yes thats a bit un realistic, but then so are snipers operating on there own :)

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Well first in this video i have used "player setDammage 0" in the E.H. Hit.

This will set the damage of me to 0 after each hit.

Only a really heavy hit has killed me like a headshot for example.

Normally i would be dead after the 2nd hit. ;)

Thats not realistic. In the real life one soldier dont attak a whole squad alone because he is dead after 1 second.

In reallife the MG or any other Solider hold the fire on you and you are dead in 0.5- 1 second.

In real life would you go to war? Guess not... ;)

Real life is real life but this is a game.

I guess a real human A.I. is not possible... Not becouse ppl don't have the skill's but the OFP/ArmA engine simply can't handle it.

Just check out Crysis or Far Cry 2 in thouse games the A.I. jump to the side or make something very quick movement so it's really damn hard to hit them.

In ArmA A.I. sometimes is moving like on drug's... They move to a totally wrong direction or start moving after a few seconds.

There is a really strange thing in the animation which makes A.I. move like some really fools in many situations.

Simply watch my "Bullet Time" video. You can see after a enemy was hit it often takes 1 - 2 seconds till the engine has switched to the correct dead animation.

Same goes to many other animations...

I'm sorry but if you need more realistic enemy's i guess you have to go to iraq. :)

Don't you forget! We are really lucky to "Play" war. In iraq every day hundred of ppl are killed in "Real Life" and very "Realistic".

Edited by SNKMAN

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Dear Hunter 2005? Is it good? :)

Sorry i don't really get what you're trying to tell me? :D

LOL ... it was in reference to bullet cam, it works almost identical to how you have it in that video :) Plus many wont admit to playing it .. part of the joke.

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Oh ok. :) Now i get it.

Well yes you are right just watched a "Dear Hunter 2005" video on youTube. :)

I get this idea from Brothers In Arms : Hell's Highway but there it look's way more awesome becouse there is much more stuff flying around after hitting a enemy if you know what i mean... Splatter! :p

Umm... Well guess i will call the next release: Group Link 4 Special FX Men Hunter Edition :D

Edited by SNKMAN

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Must get time to try out your latest version SNKMAN, great work!


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Yes D.A.C. and GL4 work pretty nice toghetter.



is there already a way to let gl4 take control about DAC create AI?

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The command "findCover" still is broken and/or not available

I guess it is hardcoded within the executable of ArmA II. Even with a Hexa tool, it is quite hard to grab where the findCover command was defined as BIS uses a quite complex compilation code. Not that I'm saying it is unbreakable but it might be unusable.

I hope that BIS will hardcode less their commands by defining them directly within the game's config. This will give way more freedom to developers to improve what has been done so far.



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No it does not work in the latest release becouse there was a bug in the "Re-Initialize" of Group Link 4. Already fixed.


I hope that BIS will hardcode less their commands by defining them directly within the game's config.

Yes this would be really greate.

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I get an error every time i start it or open a mission

Script userconfig\gl4\gl4_core.sqf missing

i had a look and it seems to be there, is somthing wrong with the instalation?

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You need to copy the "UserConfig" folder from "@GL4\" into your ArmA 2 root directory.

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I keep trying to remove those initialize lines in game, yet I've never been given a straight answer, I was told I need to do it in the core sqf and remove some lines,

// Choose if the "Initialize" debug should be used.

// Note: This debug displays how "Group Link 4" was initialized directly after the initialize of "Group Link 4" was done.

// True / False, default is True

// GL4_Core set [4, False];

I remove the last "//" and that doesn't work, what does the line(s) need to say exactly to disable them? Do I just use 1 / or what?

Thanks :)

Edited by Sethos

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In "UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Core.sqf"


  // GL4 Initialize Debug:
 // ==============================================================
 // Choose if the "Initialize" debug should be used.
 // Note: This debug displays how "Group Link 4" was initialized directly after the initialize of "Group Link 4" was done.
 // True / False, default is True
   // GL4_Core set [4, False];


  // GL4 Initialize Debug:
 // ==============================================================
 // Choose if the "Initialize" debug should be used.
 // Note: This debug displays how "Group Link 4" was initialized directly after the initialize of "Group Link 4" was done.
 // True / False, default is True
    GL4_Core set [4, False];

Now the "Initialize Debug" should be disabled.

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Ah yes, thank you SNK.

I must admit I made an amateurish mistake. I had the GL4 Userconfig within the @GL4 folder itself, which gave me an error back then. I then moved it to the root folder's UserConfig, I was still changing the core.sqf file of the one in @GL4, so I was of course correcting the wrong file ... Silly me :D


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Well not a problem. ;)

Yeah i already was told to better put the "UserConfig" folder in the same direction like the "@GL4" so ppl recognize it and put it in the ArmA 2 root folder.

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Ah yes, thank you SNK.

I must admit I made an amateurish mistake. I had the GL4 Userconfig within the @GL4 folder itself, which gave me an error back then. I then moved it to the root folder's UserConfig, I was still changing the core.sqf file of the one in @GL4, so I was of course correcting the wrong file ... Silly me :D


I do that so often with ACE2 and GL4 it's astounding! ;)

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Group Link 4 Work In Progress Videos:


This feature is in developement since some time but so far not finished and unreleased.

The pretty nice idea came from Sgt Ace.

Breath Condition:

Fog > 0.1

Breath Features:

Real Breath System.

The more fog the mor breath is visible.

The more a soldier run the more he will breath after stop running.

- Breath:


Enjoy! :D

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