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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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Why not change the keybindings to what ever you want? ^^^^

Just change the ace_keys.hpp in the Userconfig/ACE folder. The numbers for each key were even included at the bottom.

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The key bindings are all wrong. We need a keybinding for default ArmA II controls because I don't want to vault over nothing just to change the range of my gun.

dude just re-config the keys here are the numbers for the US keyboard

ESC = 1

F1 = 59

F2 = 60

F3 = 61

F4 = 62

F5 = 63

F6 = 64

F7 = 65

F8 = 66

F9 = 67

F10 = 68

F11 = 87

F12 = 88

PRINT = 183


PAUSE = 197

` = 41

1 = 2

2 = 3

3 = 4

4 = 5

5 = 6

6 = 7

7 = 8

8 = 9

9 = 10

0 = 11

- = 12

= = 13

, = 51

. = 52

/ = 53

; = 39

' = 40

[ = 26


\ = 43

HOME = 199

TAB = 15

ENTER = 28

DELETE = 211


INSERT = 210

END = 207

PAGEUP = 201


CAPS = 58

A = 30

B = 48

C = 46

D = 32

E = 18

F = 33

G = 34

H = 35

I = 23

J = 36

K = 37

L = 38

M = 50

N = 49

O = 24

P = 25

Q = 16

R = 19

S = 31

T = 20

U = 22

V = 47

W = 17

X = 45

Y = 21

Z = 44



UP = 200

DOWN = 208

LEFT = 203

RIGHT = 205

NUM_0 = 82

NUM_1 = 79

NUM_2 = 80

NUM_3 = 81

NUM_4 = 75

NUM_5 = 76

NUM_6 = 77

NUM_7 = 71

NUM_8 = 72

NUM_9 = 73

NUM_+ = 78

NUM = 69

NUM_/ = 181

NUM_* = 55

NUM_- = 74

NUM_. = 83


CTRLL = 29

CTRLR = 157

WINL = 219

WINR = 220

ALTL = 56

ALTR = 184

SPACE = 57

APP = 221


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Thanks guys for the great work.

Also, the updates were smooth and easy thanks to rSync.

The software has created 2 folders (.gem & .ri) at the root of my user folder, can those folders be deleted (or moved elsewhere) ?

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rsync.exe*32 is starting over and over again and again.... how do I fix this... it eats up all my 8 GIG of Ram and it startet 1 milion of times....

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What's up with userconfig? It seems like it's not used at all. I disabled ACE_NOVOICE in ace_clientside_config.hpp - but there's still no radio chatter. Key bindings are also at their defaults, no matter what I set. The mod is updated via AddonSync2009.

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I would just like to announce that:

Royal British Commandos ACE2 Public Server

Will be playing ACE2 Domination/Longest Day and many other multiplayer Modes. Our server is hosted in the United Kingdom and has amazingly low ping for our continental friends! We have very fair admins, who are always on and getting the server using teamwork, which we really do emphasise throughout the missions.


Please just filter for "Royal" and hop on, for Teamwork, Banter and of course...ACE2!

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This is my properties line:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe" -winxp -nosplash -mod=beta;@Ace;@CBA;@acex

Not sure what the -nofilepatching does?

Runnin Win7 64 Bit as below....

It looks ok, personally I would make it:


as this seems to be the order that always worked for me. Next thing you should check is the "Start In" field, in the shortcut properties.. make sure it's set to the default ArmA 2 installation folder, in your case:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2"

What happened to me was that, since I created the shortcut to the beta exectuable manually, my "Start In" was set for the beta folder, as default. This is Windows doing that, it assumes the start in folder is the same as the target location, which is mostly the case..except in our case now. :)

From BIS Wiki

- nofilepatching: Ensures that only PBOs are loaded - and NO unpacked data.

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Mornin' :)

ArmA2 jumped back into the XFire top 100 yesterday, for the first time since release month. I'm pretty sure that's thanks to the whole ACE2 dev team. :)

Thanks! Added all yer servers!

At 19 now and still rising. Will add an API in the next weeks so you can add your server yourself.

Our community server is already running ACE2. Filter for "[LagZero.NET]ArmA 2 1.04 ACE2"
I would just like to announce that:

Royal British Commandos ACE2 Public Server

Will be playing ACE2 Domination/Longest Day and many other multiplayer Modes. Our server is hosted in the United Kingdom and has amazingly low ping for our continental friends! We have very fair admins, who are always on and getting the server using teamwork, which we really do emphasise throughout the missions.


Please just filter for "Royal" and hop on, for Teamwork, Banter and of course...ACE2!



"-=ARMA2.AKeLLa.COM=- @ACE2 Official Server "









Edited by Sickboy

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Do you guys plan on removing the ammo counter for infantry like you did in ACE 1? I really liked that feature, especially the check for remaining ammo. :)

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I used the Lazy method, all updated gone well, when I start ArmA2 in ACE2 mod here is what I get:


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Found a problem with the 'beta config', Updated Lazy-Method beta config.

Please download and put over current config, then run 24 or 23 again.

If it is not the case, it is also possible that you are trying to join a server that requires 'beta', while you startup with 'vanilla' preset, or visa versa.

Edited by Sickboy

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You need to add -mod=beta to your shortcut, since it would appear you are using the beta patches.

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operation reality are happy to say we got two new ace2 servers up for you to play on



both running ace 2 missions plus our own missions

also join us on our ts if you are playing on our server.

SFOD North America / Europe:

IP:Port ==

Password == grimbergen

leaders in reality co-op play

looking for joint ops vist us on our forums or ts


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operation reality are happy to say we got two new ace2 servers up for you to play on

leaders in reality co-op play

looking for joint ops vist us on our forums or ts


Thanks lightning! Added!

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when is it planned to integrate the full wounds system, working for players and AI?

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@Hawk: Nice!

Nope, no need to keep the software open :)


when is it planned to integrate the full wounds system, working for players and AI?

Beta 2 to my last knowledge: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/4203

There are other plans beyond that though, but details are few atm.

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...Is there any chance to change the explosion "eco" sound? This is the only concern of me and my clan mates think that is odd.

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Has anyone tested this with the RH HK416's? I'm trying the ACOG models but i'm not getting CQB sight toggling. Can anyone confirm if this is the case or if something is wrong with mine?

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i think the explosions sounds are awesome! especially when you hear them in the distance.

Still trying to figure out why sometimes the ACE Keys don't work! doing my nut in lol!

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Has anyone tested this with the RH HK416's? I'm trying the ACOG models but i'm not getting CQB sight toggling. Can anyone confirm if this is the case or if something is wrong with mine?

CQB sights wont work with anything other than the ACE models with ACOGs.....

Edited by TimRiceSE

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CQB sights wont work with anything other than the ACE models with ACOGs.....
Because CQB requires special setup of the eye-point in the models.

If you post a ticket on our issue tracker with the weapons that are missing CQB, we could look at them to see if their eye-point is correct, and if they are, add them to the system.

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Sorry, I wasnt reporting that as a bug, i was telling it to the guy who posted asking if anyone had got it working with RH's addons. Probably should have quoted him. Updating that post now.

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