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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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My PC is not that good, but i didnt notice this. Maybe some FPS lower, but the AI is better and that will eat more of your CPU. However i havent done super big missions yet but only like 50 AI missions. In those however i did not see any big drops. I use the betas though. Maybe your on 1.04?

We all want the 1.05, but still some to fix in it before release. :)

I'm running the 60588 beta patch, but I'm getting this fps drops even with less then 50 AI, that's why I find it strange. It's purely a difference between ACE and vanilla, when running the same beta patch I get huge differences in fps.

Is there a way to change other more values then the empty bullet cases? (I changed those, but I've never seen bullet cases, so I guess the fps problem is not related to them)

EDIT: I'm not using the dev-heaven, because I don't know if this is my problem only, or a generalized one.

Edited by Jorge.PT

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OMG Sickboy get yourself some Sleep, its amazing how much Time you put into this, but its surely not healthy

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I would be glad to offer on our website the repo for Addons Sync.

We cannot host a rsync mirror, but we can host Addon Sync repo and the milestone files (we already do this)

I have just a question on what folders to include in the repo... some one can help me? I think probably this is not the right place...

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I'm not sure if this has been brought up yet but currently there are client/server version mismatch dialog window warning where you need to click to dismiss a in order to continue playing!! This dialog window will appear every 3 seconds!! (infinite loop)


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My friend, your problem is that you defined @CBA with the SixUpdater from YOUR @CBA folder (in that web site that opens where you choose addons to update). So with the updater press 1 and then click CONFIGURATION and get back to your PRESET you made. REMOVE the @CBA you have there and choose it again. This time becuase you removed your @CBA from your computer it will choose the @CBA that comes from the updater and it will install and all will be good.

Im not at home and cant remember exactlly step by step to help you more easily. I hope you know what i mean though. ;)

EDIT: The reason it says what it says (error) is because your CBA folder doesnt have the .rsync folder etc. And even when you delete it you have told the updater to look for it on YOUR pc instead of choosing the one (drop down menu on website) that belongs to the updater. The one we can download and update from there.


I was having this problem as well, how i solved it was by REMOVING the .7z files from the six-updater directory, then running the six updater acording to the instructions. The six-updater downloaded the @ACE and @ACEX folders, as well as installed the userconfig folder properly. After i used this method i am also able to update by using the "2" function in the six-updater. FYI, i attempted to instal through the six-updater WITH the .7z files in the dir, AND had removed the @ACE, @ACEX from my arma2 dir and the ACE folder in my arma2/userconfig as well before attempting instal. every time it would install the mod, however i would get the error stating that the folder was not a repository, and i was unable to update the mod using the six-updater. Seems like if you want to use the six-updater you have to download the mod through it.

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OMG Sickboy get yourself some Sleep, its amazing how much Time you put into this, but its surely not healthy
I'm on CET, and did sleep mate :D Tnx for the concerns in any case ;)
I was having this problem as well, how i solved it was by REMOVING the .7z files from the six-updater directory, then running the six updater acording to the instructions. The six-updater downloaded the @ACE and @ACEX folders, as well as installed the userconfig folder properly. After i used this method i am also able to update by using the "2" function in the six-updater. FYI, i attempted to instal through the six-updater WITH the .7z files in the dir, AND had removed the @ACE, @ACEX from my arma2 dir and the ACE folder in my arma2/userconfig as well before attempting instal. every time it would install the mod, however i would get the error stating that the folder was not a repository, and i was unable to update the mod using the six-updater. Seems like if you want to use the six-updater you have to download the mod through it.
Thanks alot for this report, very useful.

I think in your case you've downloaded incomplete/broken 7z's, or ones that haven't been made by me.

(if you still know which mirror you downloaded them from, it could be very useful)

In any case, I will double check the method locally.

Edited by Sickboy

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ACE team: I was going to post this in the BETA patching thread but i halted cause i wasnt sure BIS implemented this in the last beta or if it was you guys.

Was Kju's draw distance addon implemented into ACE2? Im wondering cause im not using it but can see the buildings in the horizon wich i only could do with his addon. :) And ofcourse i love it. I never had any FPS drop with it.

But is it ACE2 or the latest beta that gave it to us? (yeah im too damn lazy to start my 1.04 game lol). Seriously though it would be fun to know. :)


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How do I use the glowsticks, gas grenades, and flashbangs? I equipped them and tried cycling through firing modes, but all I could find were "grenade" and "smoke grenade".

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y on earth cant we just download the stuff an make a mod folder and install it our selves liek the good old days?

I posted a link in this thread with just ACE2 in a modfolder for simple installation. I didn't do ACEX cause it's 1GB, most free sites won't take anything that big and if one does it the upload hogs up my connection for hours.

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Raptor: You do cycle them. But sometimes they are not seen if you have some combo or too many throwns. I think. I know it happened to me when i wanted to test them all out. On the other hand it has also worked for me to have tons of throwns. So i dont know whats causing it.

But you do cycle them "F".

EDIT: Nemesis, you did hear that ACE2 will be updated A LOT for some time ahead? This means that if you do it the old way you have to download the WHOLE thing everytime there is an update. With Sickboys super updater you only have to push 1 button and all is updated. Faster and easier than downloading hundreds of megs (ACE2, ACEX, CBA) every other day.

Edited by Alex72

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Raptor: You do cycle them. But sometimes they are not seen if you have some combo or too many throwns. I think. I know it happened to me when i wanted to test them all out. On the other hand it has also worked for me to have tons of throwns. So i dont know whats causing it.

But you do cycle them "F".

EDIT: Nemesis, you did hear that ACE2 will be updated A LOT for some time ahead? This means that if you do it the old way you have to download the WHOLE thing everytime there is an update. With Sickboys super updater you only have to push 1 button and all is updated. Faster and easier than downloading hundreds of megs (ACE2, ACEX, CBA) every other day.

i tried the six updater and yoma and no joy

@manzilla. thanks, but i aint going thru 157 pages

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Great, I updated my ACE and my buddy who I usually play with can't run the updater program (the browser bit doesn't work at all). Now we can't ACE together. PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE think of a smarter solution than this heap of junk.

If it is taking too long for you using FireFox. Fire up IE and enter http://localhost:16333 after the Option 1 tries to open a page in FF.

FF is unusable for me but it is running as it should using IE.

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Cheers to the [KH] Guys for getting the addons on the server for us Yoma users!

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i tried the six updater and yoma and no joy

@manzilla. thanks, but i aint going thru 157 pages

No need to do that. Just look just below the page numbers on the top right on every first post on each thread page. There's a drop down menu "Search this Thread". Just use that and you can find stuff super fast. In this thread questions that have been asked a bunch may be ignored simply due to all the questions coming in.

Oops, here's the post.


Edited by Manzilla

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i just tried using the six updater again following the videos on youtube. it doesnt work, get to very end where is says action found action taken something like that an sayd a box will open showing progress..... nothing happens at all.......

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Woohoo, after 2 days of broken auto-update of the software, the issue has been resolved!


Above news item also lists the key fixes/changes.

In the next days I hope to be concentrating on web-client issues.

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Im enjoying this mod so much it hurts. Hurts my life that is. :D

I had a suggestion though about dust kick ups. I think they could be a bit bigger. Not for the small arms fire as they seem pretty darn good to me, but shooting 50cal from vehicles at longer range makes it really hard to see where the impacts go. Also with long range sniping in wind it can be real hard to see where you land, and thus it gets hard to adjust. But im not for some drastic change! Just a tiny bit more.

The second suggestion is for when lying down spraying with MG's. The dust you guys made is beautiful and awesome in all ways. But i think the exact same amount you have now could drift in the wind just maybe 2-3 seconds longer. It disapears a bit quick. I think it would look a bit better. Keeping performance up is a key factor ofcourse, but just a little bit longer drift in the wind. :)

Had some jam issue as well. Will ticket it. And thanks for the update Sickboy. Dont know how you do it... Excellent work all around! :)


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ACE team: I was going to post this in the BETA patching thread but i halted cause i wasnt sure BIS implemented this in the last beta or if it was you guys.

Was Kju's draw distance addon implemented into ACE2? Im wondering cause im not using it but can see the buildings in the horizon wich i only could do with his addon. :) And ofcourse i love it. I never had any FPS drop with it.

But is it ACE2 or the latest beta that gave it to us? (yeah im too damn lazy to start my 1.04 game lol). Seriously though it would be fun to know. :)


From BI beta log:

[60522] Improved: Longer view distance for objects when high view distance is used.

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Hi all I got it going and as I knew its the best but we all knew it would be.

I was looking in the list of rucks and had seen this




can i use these? if so how.

btw thanks you so much for this mod and we must not forget BI who made it poss in the first place.

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I wonder if a further update option could be implemented: installed components only? I'll most likely prune some stuff away that I don't require but I don't wish for them to reappear each update.

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