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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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Ok mate sixuptader is working nicely and i did the uptade . but after it still only arma2 main menu instead of any sign of ACE2.

send six uptader and six uptader-web logs or only one of them?

All please.

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ok i send it please check it immediately mate

also i tried to make a shortcut on desktop with manual

"C:\Program Files\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -noSplash -noFilePatching -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX

but also only vanilla arma 2 launches

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Sickboy are you using any IRC channel maybe to communicate instant?

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the updater makes a shortcut in your arma2 folder you can move that to desktop to launch ace

Great work on the mod guys, I'm still having issues but they all seem to be on my end with keymapping, etc. Slowly getting it worked out and enjoying the new toys. I'm looking forward to the final release (non-beta).

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does ACEX have things that wasn't got released in other mods? i already have stryker,m113,us army,mh6 mods and now i don't see any difference when using ACEX

on biki it says that there is bradley,stryker mgs,super cobra, su 27, and a lot of weapons that i don't have

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@Pulp: Make sure you edit Userconfig\ACE, and not @ACE\Userconfig

yeah i know. i edited the right file. but there is no option ingame :(

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is there a way to disable certain pbo's server side? eg AI.

The group i play with run zues and the two kind of make it a little weird

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Haha, I added the Combat Pack to my SF unit and it's a giant sponge bob! Now that's a good surprise! I hope someone shoots me in the back, right between his damn eyes! Making it bleed when hit would be a riot.


Then it's not set up right. Try to use it with out any other Mods or AddOns before you try it with a bunch of other stuff. Make sure it all works first.

If you have ACEX set up correctly all the stuff mentioned in the BIKI is available in the Editor. I'm using a ton of mods now as well but I still have all the ACEX stuff.

Edited by Manzilla

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its on Kellys heroes domination with ACE i never had this problem before in vannila i dont run beta its only with ace mod

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I did some testing regarding the AI spotting abillities at Night, and I didn´t notice them performing any impossible feats. I had standard AI squads walk past me at a distance of 20m (Russian, no alterations, Ultra-AI on and Vanilla AI setting on max.), and none of them spotted me.

I also fired single shots from silenced M4 from a distance of about 150 meters. They only noticed me when I hit somebody, and even then they began to wildly supress the landscape, taking around a minute or so to locate and rush me.

The AI is even more incredible now than it was before, but I´m gonna fiddle a little more.

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the updater makes a shortcut in your arma2 folder you can move that to desktop to launch ace

Hmm I have installed per instructions but I do not see any short cuts in my arma 2 folder ..:confused:

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does ACEX have things that wasn't got released in other mods? i already have stryker,m113,us army,mh6 mods and now i don't see any difference when using ACEX

on biki it says that there is bradley,stryker mgs,super cobra, su 27, and a lot of weapons that i don't have

For the Bradleys look in US Arm -> Armoured in the editor.

For the weapons, look in the Æ Ammo crates, or get something like Kronzky's Target Range to check the weapons.

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Important update

(Tracking Ticket)

Traced the issues ppl were having with "No Updates found" while they still dont have any modfolder files etc.

The mirrors are quite busy, user limits reached etc, and now the software has been fixed, it will really try the different mirrors, and give you an error when it wasnt able to reach all of them :)

The fixed library, six-rsync, version 0.2.4, should arrive automatically when you rerun the updater.

Remember guys, you can install much faster if you first download the 7z files, put those in your updater folder, etc!

Everyone who had issues, please rerun the updater process

But don't forget, if ALL mirrors are full with downloaders, you might just have to try later ;)

Edited by Sickboy

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The flashlights on the weapons are not right placed when you tilt you gun up and down. Or is it client side?

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The "Cannot find clientside config.hpp"

Hi Genpatton043

From the @ACE folder you downloaded select and copy the .hpp files in userconfig folder.

In your root ArmA II directory, find or create a folder called userreconfig, within the ArmA II root userconfig directory create a folder called ACE and paste the .hpp filews in there.

On the actual install process: Yoma's addon synchroniser is probably the best process for most people to use.

Kind Regards walker

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ok Sickboy i fixed it

im sorry i took your time :) please deleted also my issue

(the problem was that i didnt copy ace,acex,cba to core arma2 folder )

Tnx one more time and i wish You good luck on future projects over ACE2

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another one which is pretty cool actualy Infinite shooting without reloading

Shoot a CQB gun the mag empty dont reload and switch to SQB sights then fire 30rounds and switch back keep doing it u dont have to reload please fix

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Important Updater Bug Fixed!


ok Sickboy i fixed it

im sorry i took your time :) please deleted also my issue

(the problem was that i didnt copy ace,acex,cba to core arma2 folder )

Tnx one more time and i wish You good luck on future projects over ACE2

No that wasnt the problem. See link above.

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The flashlights on the weapons are not right placed when you tilt you gun up and down. Or is it client side?

Still WIP.

How do we make the tactical flashlights on rifles work?

Get a rifle with a flashlight and press L by default.

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Just installed MOD -Excellent Playing.

However, when I go to revert to a saved position, I get the following message:

"You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted .weapons."

I have no idea what it means.

Any suggestions?

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