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Delta 51

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10 Good

About Delta 51

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  1. MAOR!Z Very good units, the multicam has the best texture of it out there at the moment, all those texture contributors plus yourself must be some high speed 'leet' guys.
  2. Stay tuned to the AusArmA forums, we will be organizing an event soon for it.
  3. Delta 51

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    1907 Hague Convention
  4. Delta 51

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    forward slash indicates URL extension for somewhere
  5. Delta 51

    75th Ranger Regiment

    This has already been answered mate, read back.
  6. Delta 51

    WarFX : Blastcore

    For some reason the bikey for tracers is not compatible with the pbo.
  7. Delta 51

    Lingor Jungle SF - Rhodesy

    I pretty sure we can all agree, stuff just got real with these units...
  8. I have given IceB an FTP from the AEF to have it uploaded into for the mean time, just waiting for a response.
  9. I might know someone who can Ice, just give me a minute to sort it out.
  10. http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/ It can't be uploaded to yoma or six? Commence panic within the community! Oh well, sad face and another day shouldn't kill anyone...
  11. Sabre, if you don't give us those units, I am going to find where you live, and write you an angry letter...
  12. durp.. EDIT: Extending this so it doesn't sound trollsworthy; as Australia does not use the ACR, and this is an Australian Forces mod, it wouldn't make any sense to be there.
  13. Howdy, Is there a way to run a linux server with Combined Operations yet? Or does one have to just add the addon folders into the server.