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Swine Flu has mutated!

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So, what would you do, other than live out in the middle of nowhere with your pickup truck and Remington 870?

Don't be ridiculous. That would be even more dangerous with the risk of shooting himself or crashing the pickup :p

Not to mention the wildlife out there :butbut:

Swine flu... please I've got bigger things to worry about :rolleyes:

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bruce, we live in a real world not some sci-fi horror movie. the world isn't going to become infected with everyone turning into walking dead.

its a flu strain and if your not old/vonreable, already ill with something incureable. then the pig flu wont do nothing.

if your that scared i have a 1911a1 you could borrow, hell it wont do you much good because its de-ac but just tell yourself it works.

oh and......

get a funchin grip dude.

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yes but its fun blowing something out of proportion? no...?

fun :eek: this is a dead serious matter so don't talk about fun but rather about death. We are all gonna die!

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fun :eek: This is a dead serious matter so don't talk about fun but rather about death. We are all gonna die!

man down!

2 is down!

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Hmm, whatever, allready got the 1st Fave and it wasn't that bad. (Well, okay, the day after Krav Maga training(when the fever started) the muscle pains were so damn painfull that I had to drink myself to sleep.)

But well, as long as the mortality rates of that said seasonal flu don't go over 35-50% then I won't be worried at all.

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Bring it on!

We beat it once, we can beat it again..

edit: without any special treatment! :p

Edited by bravo 6

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It is nothing you can actually really do something about apart from getting a vaccine and that is not even a sure help. So just dont worry about it so much and see what happens.

Instead just enjoy your time and have some fun.

EDIT: And it is even the question also IF it will break out into whatever. You cannot know it and it does not bring a thing to get an headache worrying. Anyway I would love to see a "survival tutorial for apocalyptic events" :P.

EDITEDIT: Didnt read page 3, forget my advice: Prepare for impact!!!

Edited by DokiDoki

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2 million malaria deaths per annum, 500.000 regular flu deaths every season - where are the headlines? If swine-flu is that potent as the WHO and media wants us to believe, why aren't there generics available -... because it would require ado of Patents held by transnational corporations?

The last time swine-flu was in the media was in the 70`s.

There never was an epidemic, although the CDC made it appear so. At that time about 40 million US citizens were vaccinated with insufficiently tested vaccines. Some people died, several hundred got the Guillain-Barre-Syndrom and other side effects as a direct result of the shot. The "immunization" did prove more dangerous than the flu itself, the Gvt. had to compensate. Today, the consequence is legal immunity for the likes of GlaxoSmithKline, Baxter et al, so they can throw untested dreck on the market and maximize profit.

There is an epidemic. It´s called lobbying and greed, far more vicious than any virus.

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Funny you should say that, I came across a news report on the BBC website a month or so ago stating that many NHS, (including doctors & nurses), are refusing Tamiflu because there is no information given, or indeed much evidence, as to the contra-indications of the drug.

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Most TV things are a Tamiflu sales desks/ad .. garlic, vitamin D boost ... we were born to deal with most things, its the external shite thats causing immune weakness = crap gets in.

Just exchange "shite" with "vaccine" and its the same.

A recent BBC report noted that the strain has changed and tamiflu is now immune to the bug and its a "New strain" .. but that's basically news speak spin and in reality that's actually "Tamiflu wont work but will work on fucking up your immune system letting the virus spread more between vaccinated people" ... but, mainstream media will ever say that. They take the medical side as gospel and then say "its the virus, stupid".

Pharma Monkeys :)

Just watch the spread happen more .. around the time vaccines are being put out, shock horror.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Its all a media scare! Its getting rather annoying too! My mrs was told she had it by a doctor over the phone and i had to get her some Tamiflu. The thing is that she is moving, eating normally and playing playstation 3! I knew she hadn't got swine flu, but only a mild virus! Im just wondering how much money the company who makes Tamiflu are making?

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Im just wondering how much money the company who makes Tamiflu are making?

I'm sure some people got to grow their exotic car and property collections thanks to the media bulls**t :rolleyes:

The people at the top of these pharmaceutical companies must be laughing their asses off about how they fooled the world into making them richer for no good reason.

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The pharmaceutical industry is a pretty weird one. In their (partial) defence, it's a very high risk game. You can spend millions, or even billions over many years developing and testing drugs and then find that the drug is either completely ineffective or dangerous. If it gets past that point, you only have so long to try and recoup your costs before the drug patents wear out and anyone can make them. Yeah, the companies are stupidly rich and shamelessly unscrupulous, but such in the way of the world that they need to be to make it worth their while. The fact that there's only a handful of actual pharmaceutical companies (as opposed to the smaller ones that are owned by one of the big ones) says it all really.

Edited by echo1

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Haha, yes, having a chronic condition like astma, diabetes or a neuromuscular disease makes you a great big pussy, not to mention a weakling. The same applies for leukemia, and ofcourse the biggest pussies of all - Those little queens "suffering" from high blood pressure.


Not to be taken seriously you know

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And obviously you failed to pick up on my sarcasm in turn ;)

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Heh, bring it on! Let it come and skip the stupid meds. Those that are healthy enough lives. Others don't. Way of life. We need to reuce the population of humans by 99.9% or something anyway to give the rest of Earth a fighting a chance against our stupidity, so why not let the flu help out a little? At least it'll slow down the relentless population increase a bit (world's population going to double in 50 years) :)

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By the end of next year Swine flu will have mostly disappeared. Just another one of those media-hyped scares. I've had the Swine Flu and I've had worse regular flu.

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And in the end: So what if it kills some ten thousand people globally? It's not much really. Not compared to a lot of other stuff. We just don't care about the 'other stuff' as much since a lot of it stays in South America, Asia and Africa.

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By the end of next year Swine flu will have mostly disappeared. Just another one of those media-hyped scares. I've had the Swine Flu and I've had worse regular flu.

I can 100% asure that this is not going to happen, simple fact is, it will keep spreading around and keep getting stronger, just like H5N1(bird flu).

We have been lucky that while Swine flu is more wildy spread then Bird flu, its less deadly for normal healthy people, but we cant be sure that it wont change, just like SARS, who would expect something as common as that will suddently turned so deadly. It is true that we are over panicing, but it is equally stupid to oversee the chance of a new killer virus.

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Its a scam to make the big money, like always.... the so called swine-flu is way weaker than any seasonal flu, which most-likely everyone of us already had once or more.

And the vaccines are a huge threat to your health, i would never take it, resistance until they would kill me (in case they enforce a mass vaccination).

This stuff is full with squalene (which btw. even in german Public television they explained, its making 90% of the price - lol), its extremely dangerous and most likely caused the gulf-war syndrome.

Then its full with mercury (Thiomersal = 49% mercury, so big Pharma don't have to declare it and can call it "mercury-free"), which is one of the worst poisons for your brain and nerve system, it is most likely co-responsible for the gullian-barre-syndrome.

We have a close family friend which developed days/weeks after a anti tick-vaccination (these little things that bite you, and living in grasses), the well known gullian-barre-syndrome with paralyzations starting in his feet up to his lower torso....

He had to go to "Reha/Hosiptal" for over 9 Months until he slowly recovered!!! His case is officially admitted as a "vaccination sideffect" and reported at the german vaccination authority at the "Robert-Koch-Insitute". This was 1 year ago.

Also a friend of my girlfriend told her some days ago, that a work-mate (a guy she described as "skinny", "mid-50s", "strong smoker", "often sick") has died one day after getting the swineflu-shot....He is now one of 15 dead people more-or-less "officially admitted" in germany who died from swineflu-vaccination side-effects.

A other friend of mine who has taken the shot, had developed the day after it heavy pain in his right arm and shoulder, unable to use his arm anymore, followed by a "sick-feeling" with slight depression-feelings and fever. Took him 2 Days to fully recover....

In my opinion quite to heavy/much side-effects for its proposed/claimed benefit....

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That example of 50-year taking the vaccination... He should probably never have done it since being in that state as a person it is pretty much potential suicide to let someone inject a weakened variant of the virus in him. Good riddance, I say.

Indeed there are many doubts whether the vaccination is too strong or not. Personally I couldn't care less. It's silly. Most countries haven't had more than a few cases of people dying from the flu, most (or all) of them definitely in the risk-zone of death from ANY potent flu.

Swine flu definitely feels like a scam. A very successful one though, considering how many millions of vaccine shots have been produced. I bet the CEOs of the medical corporations are bathing in money at the moment. ^^

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Then its full with mercury (Thiomersal = 49% mercury, so big Pharma don't have to declare it and can call it "mercury-free"), which is one of the worst poisons for your brain and nerve system, it is most likely co-responsible for the gullian-barre-syndrome.

You get more mercury from eating a sardine.

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