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Swine Flu has mutated!

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Jesus, this should be renamed the Tinfoil Hat thread.

OP has been watching too much 28 days later. Stashes of food and respirators?

Flu mutating is hardly a big shocker. Last I heard, regular human flu had killed more than swine flu this year.

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You get more mercury from eating a sardine.

Its the way its put into the body in a unnatural way.... completely different if it goes through the gastrointestinal system ;)

Trust me i know a bit about that pharma-crap.....they have no interest in healthy people... :)

But we should not go that deep in this topic IMHO, just stay with the facts that even the mass-medias are presenting (at least here in germany), which are:

- Normal seasonal Flus are much more dangerous than the swine-flu, yet not requiring the whole world to get a vaccine?! ROFL (i hope you wont take that as a tip, dear Pharma-Industry)

- Alone in Germany, "weaker persons" (means for instance children, chronically-sick persons, person with HIV or Cancer and other immune-sicknesses) of around 12.000 People Die every year direct related to the normal seasonal Flu.

The Swine-Flu so far "only" costs 19 death people in germany, of which all people were were old and weakened (because of whatever reasons), yet still the whole population must be vaccinated? ROFL

- The Vaccines have very hard side-effects and are extremely expensive, that will result in the raise of the monthly fees for every citizen which is insured in german healt-fund.:mad:

I think that should be more than enough for the clever people to avoid the vaccines and to ignore that hype of the big bad swine-flu.... First it was the bird-flu (but people didn't care about the starting hype in europe), now its renamed into the "Swine-Flu"..... how will it be called in 1-2 years? :D:cool:

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Actually the OP is a prefect example of what the media and pharma industry want out of it as a reaction.

No disrespect to the OP all entitled to views etc obviously.

I suspect in 1-2 years it will be called "plague-flu" :)

I agree the stats they throw into the media are only the minority of worse case ... cases. They never actually show the full stats as people are clearly stating here. The media will let you know what you NEED to know, not what you should know.

BTW we are in a economic world wide dark period right now ... timings are perfect, you have to prop it up as best you can ... whether that be drug sales, bank charge law now set so they can rip you a new one o your account ... etc etc.

Edited by mrcash2009

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And 2 years after that "Death-Flu" - the ultimate in marketing hype :D

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- The Vaccines have very hard side-effects and are extremely expensive, that will result in the raise of the monthly fees for every citizen which is insured in german healt-fund.:mad:

Like with the effects of the influenza itself, the effects of the vaccine varies from person to person - My mate, who works as an ER nurse took the shot and suffered no side effects, nor did I. Then there are the people who get sick for a few days, then there are more serious reactions most commonly suffered by those already weakened by old age and or other ailments.

In regards to the cost... The cost for Swedens vaccine is 1,3 billion SEK (18 million shots of vaccine), a bill the government was willing to pay because the alternative of having roughly 20-30% of the population sick (even if it is just for one day) is quite a bit more costly. Even if the vaccine only puts a dent in the expected minimum of 400 000 sick it will have been worth the cost. And this isn't because they expect the flu to be deadlier than ye olde seasonal variation, it is because they excpect it to be alot more prolific than the seasonal influenza - Preventing deaths is just one factor to take into account, economy is another and preventing even short term lapses in public services like transportation, government, healthcare, schooling and so on and so forth is a third.

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So, what would you do, other than live out in the middle of nowhere with your pickup truck and Remington 870?

use common sense and realise that a shotgun isn't a vaccine and is probably going to get you locked up for being mental while armed with a deadly weapon

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And 2 years after that "Death-Flu" - the ultimate in marketing hype :D

Naah, death flu sounds cool to the post Star Wars generation. How about "Peado Flu"

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A student(hostler) died due to its who came for study from 400 km away.at last this diseases open mouth.everyone take precaution.

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Swine flu? BS!, for what is called this flu "swine"? any animal can get a flu, even my dog had flu last winter, what was that? dog flu? This "swine flu" is simply a human flu, if is not treated, can lead to other complications. By the way, many governments have refused vaccinations. There is no mutation, is a business.;)

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They give the flu shots down here where i live for free 2 days a week. But as i went there they said its for "high risk" persons only. Kids, seniors and people that are more affected by it.

Thats where i decided not to get any vaccine.

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They give the flu shots down here where i live for free 2 days a week. But as i went there they said its for "high risk" persons only. Kids, seniors and people that are more affected by it.

Thats where i decided not to get any vaccine.

Here, any kind of flu is treated with boiling vodka.:D

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Swine flu? BS!, for what is called this flu "swine"? any animal can get a flu, even my dog had flu last winter, what was that? dog flu? This "swine flu" is simply a human flu, if is not treated, can lead to other complications. By the way, many governments have refused vaccinations. There is no mutation, is a business.;)

keep away from it.

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The OP has feelings too!

I do not take any Drugs as I am a true believer in if your body can fight it, let it.

I was having a bit of fun and trying to be a post whore to up my count... obviously this was a successful troll :)

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How about a nice little ban for unconstructive post whoring and trolling?

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this was constructive, if it wasnt a constructive post then it wouldnt have had 7 pages worth of replies.

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this was constructive, if it wasnt a constructive post then it wouldnt have had 7 pages worth of replies.

Creating a stupid discussion by trolling is not constructive.

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The OP has feelings too!

I do not take any Drugs as I am a true believer in if your body can fight it, let it.

I was having a bit of fun and trying to be a post whore to up my count... obviously this was a successful troll :)

Well... with the emphasis on "was".

Postcount reduction by 15 for that (failed) attempt.

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If the virus has mutated that mean the vacine are useless. I'm really happy I didn't take the shot and never will,

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