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Snake Man

Vietnam the Experience: Discussion

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Yep, plus i think i saw opticalsnare FX in those videos, but the core stuff is from the preview :)

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great job snakeman and i want to report a few bugs :

1. when sitting inside heli you cant hear the heli sound but still the ambient sound with birds and all the other animals.

2.when piloting the huey and watch back over the shoulders you can watch through the heli

3.some voices are russian (or czech cant say exactly)

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great job snakeman and i want to report a few bugs :

1. when sitting inside heli you cant hear the heli sound but still the ambient sound with birds and all the other animals.

2.when piloting the huey and watch back over the shoulders you can watch through the heli

3.some voices are russian (or czech cant say exactly)

All those issues are already underwork, to quick fix the last one try using CAA1 with VTE, it proved to work, just it's a big download to just fix the mized voices :( but all will be fixed in a future update:)

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Yep, it's a preview afterall ;)

Also the VTE mod is looking for modeler/texturer that would like to be involved in the project, there is always an opening for anybody :) If you would like to help in any way feel free to PM Snake Man or me.

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whats up with the red sand on the map? anyone else have this?? oh and the M79 grenade launcher, the magizines are wrong, it shouldnt be 30 rounds in 1 mag, it should be 1 Grenade round, launch & reload, also the air plane, when you disembark from it you cant get back in lol :( very good mod tho it will be fun when its fully released.

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Bad news, when i extracted the files into the game, it crashed, no pop-up or anything. I removed the config and it worked fine, added it in, and it crashed. I'm using the bis addon folder directory and i have a lot of crap in my arma 2 game. Gonna try adding the files into the CAA1 folder (as i have no idea how to use more than one addon folder at a time) and hope for better luck, i just hope you didn't put a line in the config that goes like this: fk_user_over_by_crashing_game;

---------- Post added at 05:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 AM ----------

it worked for the skyraider, but not when i tried to use aircav rifleman. I'll assume it is an incomplete unit and i'll just have to use the crap from P'85 for the time being

---------- Post added at 05:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 AM ----------

just tried NVA rifleman, and w/ the exclusion of aircraft i am convinced that you have that line in there lol

---------- Post added at 05:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 AM ----------

srry for quad post but i think this is kind of important

i am convinced that you need to make a new config file that doesn't crash the game

i have moved my config file out of the CAA1 folder so i can continue playing the dam game

Edited by Blueteamguy

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Bad news, when i extracted the files into the game, it crashed, no pop-up or anything. I removed the config and it worked fine, added it in, and it crashed. I'm using the bis addon folder directory and i have a lot of crap in my arma 2 game. Gonna try adding the files into the CAA1 folder (as i have no idea how to use more than one addon folder at a time) and hope for better luck, i just hope you didn't put a line in the config that goes like this: fk_user_over_by_crashing_game;

---------- Post added at 05:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 AM ----------

it worked for the skyraider, but not when i tried to use aircav rifleman. I'll assume it is an incomplete unit and i'll just have to use the crap from P'85 for the time being

---------- Post added at 05:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 AM ----------

just tried NVA rifleman, and w/ the exclusion of aircraft i am convinced that you have that line in there lol

---------- Post added at 05:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 AM ----------

srry for quad post but i think this is kind of important

i am convinced that you need to make a new config file that doesn't crash the game

i have moved my config file out of the CAA1 folder so i can continue playing the dam game

You seriously need to learn how to use custom mod folders. Dumping so much stuff into your game file folders with screw up your game.

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whats up with the red sand on the map?

I think it's supposed to be mud, but i agree it's way too red :)

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i think you killed your arma 2 installation.

reinstall arma 2 , patch up the latest official patch and then read a guide for the modfolder method to make mods working without killing your installation.

you cant just drop every modfile into your addons folder bcause some overwrite original files and you can get problems when you try to join servers without mods and many other problems.

do not put addons and mods in the original arma2 addons folder NEVER NEVER NEVER

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I think it's supposed to be mud, but i agree it's way too red :)

Yeah, i've been bitching Snake Man for that in the last days :D

@blueteamguy: That might be caused like others said by not using mod folder, or you don't have the extended event handlers that is required to run this mod

---------- Post added at 06:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:28 PM ----------

One thing, we are looking also for internal beta tester for the last ArmA1 release, there is tons of stuff so we need more testers, after the release of the last VTE for A1 we will bring all the good stuff and fixes to A2, the more tester the faster we do :D register to the PMC tactical forum and sign up here :) http://tactical.nekromantix.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=22114

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I have started on making a mission but have run into a problem, revive script doesn't work with the VTE units, i suppose the following is what needs to be changed:

_can_revive = "soldierWB";

_can_be_revived = "soldierWB";

_medic_1 = "USMC_Soldier_Medic";

Whats the classnames i need?

Besides the mud being too red it would be cool if the ambient wildlife sounds could be turned down just a bit. In the beginning when you start a mission the sound is extremely high but after like 10 seconds it get better but still a little too loud in my opinion.

That said i love this mod, keep up the awesome work :cool:

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another huge bug I came across was on the US Side, When your AI are the squad leaders they have russian voice overs instead of american

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another huge bug I came across was on the US Side, When your AI are the squad leaders they have russian voice overs instead of american

Yeah it's been mentioned. It was said that having CAA1 installed should fix that problem but it doesn't i still get russian voices mixed with americans and thats really not helping with immersion :(

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Sounds, yeah there will be some tuning there, like very very low engine sound inside the cockpit and ambient sound too loud ( try also in night, there are different ambient sound, let me know if they are too loud too )

voices, strange temporary CAA1 fixed that on my end, too bad :( we'll see what can be done,

Classname, right, i'll get you the list asap :)

@JW Custom: do you have ArmA1 installed?

---------- Post added at 12:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 AM ----------

Classnames: http://tactical.nekromantix.com/manual/doku.php?id=arma2:vte_arma2_preview#class_names

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@JW Custom: do you have ArmA1 installed?

Nope :)

Thanks for the classnames :cool:

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About the revive script problem:

With USMC units the classname "SoldierWB" is a rifleman and using that in revive script for _can_be_revived parameter makes all units revivable.

If i use the "VTE_acsoldier" classnames only the riffleman can be revived and there's only 2 params so i can only get 2 class types to be revivable.

It's like there's missing a "generic" classname that for the USMC units is "SoldierWB", the rifleman.

I did manage to add all classnames to the respective revive script files and that worked so that players can heal all class types but AI won't unless they are in one of the 2 original params.

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You should talk to horror1, he made nice revive script mission for ArmA version, I'm sure he has good knowledge how to get started.

I have talked with horror1 and he got same problem as me :(

I downloaded VTE for ArmA 1 to see what the difference was. In vte_config.pbo for ArmA 1 SoldierWB is defined but not in the vte_config.pbo for the ArmA 2 VTE preview.

With very little to no knowledge about this i guess that SoldierWB is the generic classname for all west units.

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Love the mod, very excited about the final release. I am sure you are aware of the few problems.

I do ask, what is with all the orange textures? it looks really out of place, and it's everywhere it shouldn't really be. (it shouldn't be there at all actually).


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I do ask, what is with all the orange textures? it looks really out of place, and it's everywhere it shouldn't really be. (it shouldn't be there at all actually).

The orange/brownish/redish texture is mud/sand/clay and yes it's supposed to be there. Look at vietnam war pictures and you'll see, you can see it on the pictures showing when game is loading aswell.

I do think the color is a bit off but overall it's ok and you get used to it :)

Here's a example of it, same pictures is used in VTE:


Here's a little video of the mission i'm making for VTE(just need to get revive script working so i can release it):

Battle of Hill 881

<object width="853" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AaUsFzr1lI&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AaUsFzr1lI&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="853" height="505"></embed></object>

Edited by JW Custom

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Okay i managed to modify revive script so it works, not the best solution but it will do until a proper fix is made:

Here's to sets of files, one for NVA and one for USA:



Now i can finally finish up my mission :cool:

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Direct quote of the VTE Mod Forums (pmc tactical):

There are times, there are people excited.

There are times there are people proud. (Of their work)

As always, VTE is proud to present -own-made-exlusive work, which

you will just find in the VTE mod.

This time its the exotic EX-41 grenade launcher, which is refered

as being better than the M79.

Its a cold night, thick grass surrounding me, and I'm lying there,

waiting for any movement.

My M79 was just replaced with a EX 41 and I never touched it before

this mission.

As these thoughts crossed my mind, a VC suddenly appeared.

He held a grenade launcher in his hands, and -what a surprise, it seemed to be the M79

I lost during the last trip.

He was first to fire a shot because I was still shocked. He aimed and fired a HE grenade

at me, but he did miss.

I don't know why, but now I had an advantage because I still had a round in the chamber.

So I aimed it up, compensated the level of height with the distance to the enemy and

pulled the trigger.

I hit him and he returned injured to his Comrads, which got all hit with the next HE grenade


Next morning we made these fotos, posing with our new toy, the EX 41.

I never forget how jealous the Comrads form the Army were.

So I went out to the jungle to see if it really holds up to its words,

and I wasn't disappointed.

Never was burning the enemy made easier while staying authentic.




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