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USEC Aoraki/Mount Cook (New Zealand) Island

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Wow fantastic! And you seemed to have hit the snow textures right on! Most island makers just make it 100% snow. Not patchy. Great work! Man I can't wait!

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Ok Rocket, you set new standards for satimage of our maps. Therefor I'm buying L3DT Pro and redoing complete Duala (10240x10240 m map with 10240x10240 satmap) :)

Edited by IceBreakr

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If only this image would've been available in wallpaper size :)

Superb work yet again, Rocket!

Edited by Cole

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Big progress:

- I went for a flight with AI helicopter, and I have to say - the AI was fantastic. He avoided going up the mountains and stuck to the valley floor. It was quiet spectular!

- Roads for the East Coast have now been placed, along with bridges. I tested this with driving and also AI driving, they are using the roads fine.

- East coast now has scrub, powerlines (many, many kilometers!), and fences (many, many kilometers!), added. All these are accurately placed with the realworld locations as I have usec LINZ provided data.

- I reprocessed the heightmap to include better forumlation of rivers and riverbeds. The result is greately improved and very accurate to the realworld locations. Again, LINZ provided data. I am speaking with local councils about getting their roadsign data to see if I can automatically import that.

- I placed ~450 buildings using a script I made to take point data (LINZ building data) and place within map. These buildings are accurately placed within about 10m, with the correct orientation.

- I'm very pleased with "halving the scale". It allows the scenery to be easily seen, and the negative effects are non-existent. I'm very familiar with the area, and in game I don't notice a difference. Perspective is very different in game to real life, so the sense of proportion isn't altered. Travel times are greately reduced.

- More progress tomorrow...

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- I placed ~450 buildings using a script I made to take point data (LINZ building data) and place within map. These buildings are accurately placed within about 10m, with the correct orientation.

Sounds very interesting, could you please share some more technical details about this?

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So, not to be too greedy, but when do you intend on writing a series of mountain climbing scripts :D :D :D

Seriously, though, this entire thing is awesome.

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Im really looking forward to your map. Kiwi land is pretty similar to Norway's terrain and climate, despite being on the other side of the earth.

Edited by sparks50

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Sounds very interesting, could you please share some more technical details about this?

Second that!

I'm interested and pleased you're happy with halving the scale and it's still OK in-game... I've been experimenting a lot with realworld data from Scotland recently... the data are good, and the 1:1 results are (almost) as spectacular as the real landscape - which is pretty impressive - but - for gameplay - it's just TOO big - a little loch, a couple of small mountains and a valley with 2 villages IS a 20x20km area! In game terms - you don't really want 5km or more between villages, 15km or more between mountain peaks - it may be accurate, but it doesn't really make for good gameplay...

This "island" - on the other hand - looks like it cuts a good balance... I'm really keen to see more!

Well done all round - looks like you have the Mighty Icebreakr inspired too - you just raised the standard - again :)


Edited by Bushlurker

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Great shame if it has stopped, was a truly remarkable bit of work..

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thats cause hes stuck in a certain shithole known as waiouru

Correct :) Until I had the (mis?)fortune to be selected for an exchange program to Singapore halfway through.

So I'm still here, seeing how a conscript army trains officers. I've been stung by a swarm of bees, bitten by a centipede, stung by a scorpion, starved for 9 days then constipated for 10, followed by shitting my insides out... surgery... recovery.... and all the madness won't be finished until April 2011 when I finally fucking graduate.

Hence the delays.

The upside is that I have a bit of time off, and I will be uploading a "version" of the Aoraki map this week. Its going to be like watkins, no objects. Later release will be more faithful to the real Aoraki. The terrain is done, I just have to generate a server key and upload it somewhere. Its a 300mb download.

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Wow! Welcome back Rocket!!!

Sounds like you've been...... busy! :eek:

Time off sounds like just what you need!

Good to see you back, mate!


Edited by Bushlurker

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the glaciers look very lifelike. it even has moraines coming down from the mountain slopes.

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