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Zeus AI Combat Skills

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Have the two ASR grenadiers fix been combined? In the previous version, there was an OA pbo also and both were dated later than this one.

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BE ADVISED The Zeus YOMA repository contains the @Zcommon pack used by the Zeus community which has additional content. If you just want the Zeus AI DEV standalone version use the web URL

May I suggest to separate the Zeus AI from the other mods in the YOMA repository, too?

This would make it much easier to choose whether to use the AI mod only or combined with the other things, simpy by selecting or deselecting mod dirs.

Thanks in advance ;)


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is there any way that Zeus can make the Bradley AI not so useless. I send a Bradley to 300m within an enemy position and it sits there or tries the MG instead of the HE cannon and usually dies from an RPG soldier that had 5 minutes to aim and shoot at it.

Will try the version you just posted though!

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May I suggest to separate the Zeus AI from the other mods in the YOMA repository, too?

This would make it much easier to choose whether to use the AI mod only or combined with the other things, simpy by selecting or deselecting mod dirs.

Thanks in advance ;)


Hi m8, the @Zcommon -mod folder is setup specifically for the Zeus members to play on Zeus, it contains the latest beta development version, which we always play with on Zeus.

It only got added to this thread as a download option when we discovered folks outside of Zeus was using it to grab the latest dev version

If you just want the Zeu_AI content then grab it from the web url

It's a .7z file

Have the two ASR grenadiers fix been combined? In the previous version, there was an OA pbo also and both were dated later than this one.

That was probably an oversite during the 7z creation. I have updated the download to contain both the "ASR" fixes

Edited by Terox

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I'll have a think about it - is that for all vehicle types?

Not sure. If I remember correctly only heavies trigger the mines. Smaller vehicles like cars and trucks should be safe. But I'm not sure.

Still it would be nice if at least tanks and apcs reacted to this

Now I remember that in OFP vehicles actually did react to blowing mines like that, f.e. going off road when the first vehicle is down (there is even a campaign mission dedicated to this). Don't know why BIS ditched this, because vehicles don't react apart from going into the 'danger' mode.

Edited by metalcraze

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Hey Protegimus

Is it possible for you to make driver AI in Zeus react to blowing mines?

Like when the first unit in convoy gets blown up the other ones should avoid that position for at least 100 meters by moving around it?

Because with default BI AI they just continue the same way, driving to the rest of the mines.

Hmm...not sure that can be handled by a default behavior. How do they know it is a minefield and not a single mine/ied? Would an entire column of vehicles going off-road really be the realistic reaction to one vehicle hitting an ied on a road?

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Combining the old ACE core skills with the new Dynamic AI seems to result in some quirks. For example in the main menu cutscene (the one with the sniper team laying prone) the sniper stands up and starts sprinting down the hill. A little strange, but not bad enough to make me stop using. The new AI skills are awesome :)

Looking forward to the stable release(s)

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I installed a copy of 'ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead' but I don't own a copy of either 'ARMA 2' or 'ARMA 2: Combined Operations'.

Will the Zeus AI combat skills mod work for me? :confused:

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Yes it will. In fact the default installation option is Arma2:Arrowhead. But DO pay attention to the installation instructions, it is paramount that you modify the skill and precision settings in your OA config.

Comments on Zeus AI

Recently I've been playing a bit of singleplayer and I must say that Zeus AI racks up the tension by a tremendous amount. Not only is the opposing AI more devious, but the friendly AI is significantly more capable and much less annoying.

I'm considering to try to 'sell' Zeus AI as a concept to the people I usually play with, but I am left with some questions.

FOV changes

Is it the intention of this package that FOV be restricted for everyone -- or is it just an optional setting geared tower trackIR users? Many of our gaming group do use trackIR, but I do not.

From a purely game perspective this plants a severe handicap on soldiers without a magnifying optic of some sort.

"Realistic MG recoils" and "Realistic Weapon dispersion"

I'd like to know the changes introduced by these Zeus AI packages -- or more importantly the GAME DESIGN intention and consequences. I like many others find myself dubious to "b3tt3r tw34k gunz fer m0re r34l1sm!!!1"

If this is already documented somewhere, please point me in the right direction. :)

"Rocket Ballistics"

On a similar vein, what sort of changes to rocket ballistics have you made? Most importantly what are the ingame consequences.

Overall Zeus-AI has brought an interesting and much needed fine tuning of Arma2 gameplay. Well done.


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Bulletbiter: Yes, Zeus AI will work with standalone OA.

That said, as you can pick up ArmA 2 for next to nothing these days, I'd highly recommend you get it for the additional content and gameplay then convert your OA into Combined Operations.


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I am a bit irritated atm.

Your addon is a regular load in my game, but atm i got

- zcommon

- zeu_AI

-zcommon from 25th july

I guess the last one is an update to the upper one, although it runs better.

What add is meant to use with what best?

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I am a bit irritated atm.

Your addon is a regular load in my game, but atm i got

- zcommon

- zeu_AI

-zcommon from 25th july

I guess the last one is an update to the upper one, although it runs better.

What add is meant to use with what best?

zcommon is a pack for the Zeus community which includes Zeu_AI pack and other stuff. The zcommon from July is probably an older version. Zeu_AI that was just posted has just the Zeus AI stuff.(most current version I believe)

I could be wrong about all this though as I'm not a member of their community. I've simply read the last few pages and came to this conclusion. The Zeus guys have explained it pretty well in this thread.

Which one you use depends on what content you want. If you just want the AI stuff I'd say just use the Zeu_AI DL.

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Both the Yoma pack and the web url download both contain the same versions of the latest development version of Zeu_AI

I upload/update to both sites at the same time and then post here afterwards.

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Terox: thanks for correcting the ASR Grenadier fix

Proti: I noticed that the latest version (22nd Aug) doesn't include 3 pbo from zcommon:




Does it mean that these 3 pbos are out-dated ? i.e. they should not be used?

Un grand merci from the French Alps

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What's the meaning of the color particles that appear on the map when findcover debugging is enabled ?



If I remember correctly are green, purple and red

Edited by fideco

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it is paramount that you modify the skill and precision settings in your OA config.

Can someone please explain how to do this. :o

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Can someone please explain how to do this. :o

Wondering about that too. Are they not set to something by default which would be reasonable? So change is only necessary for folks who like to tinker?

Sorry for being dense :)


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Can someone please explain how to do this. :o

Depbo file "zeu_cfg_core_ai_skills".

You need then the util "unrap" to convert "config.bin" in "config.ccp".

Edit files with notepad.

Use caution...



Sorry, if you mean the main OA profile, open it with notepad and edit this values:





Anyway you find all the information in the doc file downloaded with the package.


Edited by fideco

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Thankyou for being so helpful fideco, much appreciated.

I will try it now and let you know how it goes. Cheers. :)

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Do you have any intentions to play some more with detection ranges? Currently it seems way too easy to just sit on a hill without any cover and observe all AI movement in the area without getting spotted even if you lay there for a really long time. Heck even if you run around. Even at very long distances, IMO they should eventually detect you.

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fideco: thanks for helping out.

galz: what did you have in mind, distance wise?


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the AI does not currently perceive threats. For example is unaware about enemies number and their consistency or weakness.

Or do not know if the enemies are retreating and that it is time to unleash a decisive attack.

And so on...

Any chance to elaborate and translate some of these concepts on the battlefield?

I'm thinking to a higher command that analyzes these variables and give orders to the teams


Edited by fideco

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fideco: thanks for helping out.

galz: what did you have in mind, distance wise?


Basically if you can see them then they should (eventually) detect you if they're looking in your general direction (and have them look around a bit even when standing still would be nice too). The question is whether it's actually possible to make it take them longer (on average) to detect you over longer distances rather than just have a distance above which they detect you almost instantly, and also whether it's possible to make enemies with scopes (at least in aware mode) have better detection.

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An observation on my end is units with nothing-special individual weapons dont engage out to 600m like they should as part of a unit. For the sake of ammunition conservation I can understand bringing it down but at 600m when I'm in a section of soldiers, and only the belt-feds are being used its a little bit of an irritant!

What are the current values for rifle engagements Protegimus?

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fideco: quite right, in my original post I mentioned this as a future development, but for sure it will add a significant improvement to the AI.

gopherman: which rifles & what was your contact situation - are you commanding AI?

Also, bear in mind that it's a compromise and expectations need to be kept reasonable. If I extend engagement of assault rifles to simulate section fire then AI are going to be wasting ammunition in a lot of cases, especially with the older AK's and that will generate its own complaint.

That said, I also think it would be a nice feature.


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