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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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Mandoble - Is there a way, or a mod available that's compatible with yours, that allows the Apache pilot to use the gunners station while in auto-hover mode or when pressing the "NUM 0" key toggle? For instance, when I press the "NUM 0" key on my keyboard, while piloting the aircraft, my view zooms in but when I'm the gunner, instead of the pilot, I am able to aim and steer the chaingun under the nose of the aircraft. I would like to be able to use this feature as the pilot as well. It would seem to me that the pilot would be able to override the gunner station in the real aircraft in case the gunner was killed just as the gunner should have an override to fly the aircraft if the pilot is killed. I could be wrong about this but it would make sense.

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When, Mandoble (and Evil Echo), WHEN?!

Assuming you mean when is the next release date, that would be Mando's decision - there is more than just our warhead he is working on. When he's happy, it ships.

Most of my work involves subtle physics stuff like geometry issues, light decay curves, damage effects. Only once in a while do you get to enjoy seeing the results at a distance. In this case, the missile strike was perfect for demonstrating the blast impulse effects on units/vehicles. The burning jet parts raining down after the detonation made me happy.

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KaBoNG, this might be ready for this week. It mostly depends on adding more mma systems for new planes/choppers or not before next release.

The new nuclear warheads are almost finished, they work well on water or on ground, you will have different mixtures of vapour/dust per single particle depending on water below it, or water below the closest particles. Air burst mode is present too, so you may have detonations hundred of meters over the target area, creating nice ascending clouds. And as Echo pointed out, most damage logics are also there and working. ATM the only "but" might be related to the impulse applied to nearby objects, as you can see in the video some planes parked on the deck of the carrier jumped as high as 500m, the last one near the end of the video was falling down almost from the moon.

Garren, as indicated some pages ago, MMA cannot iteract with the gun of current BIS AH64 from the pilot's seat. There are other non BIS AH64 which gun can be directly enslaved to MMA pilot's monocle, but that AH64 is not public yet, and I cannot guarantee that the author will make it public in any near future.

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why cant i get this to work in MP, even on servers that have it signed, and it dont work in servers that dont have mod signing on all together either


amazing work though mando group :D

i usually only play online, so its a shame i cant use this anywhere cause i love it =(

Edited by AussieSausage

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No idea, because it works perfectly in MP.

does the mission need it? I usually play on op4 which has no mod signing but it dont work. It does in the editor though

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If the mission doesnt use it directly with the gamelogics, or usign the script suite then MMA may start only if the client and the server have the MMA XEH. So, if you have MMA XEH a mission without MMA dependency will use it in SP, but in MP you would need to have MMA XEH server side too. On the other hand, if the server has MMA XEH, then all the clients should have it.

Of course the normal way is to have a mission that uses it directly.

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Hi Mando,

It's good to see collaboration between you and Evil Echo. Your ideas seem to overlap and work nicely together. All the best for your efforts.

I've been making (a seemingly never ending) mission and wanted to add in some RU anti missile units. I used the init from your mma_test_torm1_addon.utes example mission for a couple of BTR-90's and it works really well but I can't seem to get them to target enemy cruise missiles. My scripting/editing knowledge is limited, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

if (isServer) then
  // smulated automatic torm1
  _posunit = 1;	// 0 driver, 1 gunner
  _ttype = ["Air"];
  _quantity = 12;
  _minrange = 500;
  _maxrange = 7000;
  _rof = 12;		// 12 up to launches per minute
  _pos = [0,0,0];
  _scan = 360;
  _mink = 0;		// No need to have knowsabout about the target to lock on it
  _enemies = [];
  _antimissile = false;
  _fixed_firing_direction = false;
  _initially_active = true;
  _vangle = 85;

  [tor1, _posunit, _ttype, _quantity, _minrange, _maxrange, _rof, _pos, _scan, _mink, _enemies, _antimissile, _fixed_firing_direction, _initially_active, false, _vangle]exec"mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_torm1.sqs";
  Sleep 1;
  [tor2, _posunit, _ttype, _quantity, _minrange, _maxrange, _rof, _pos, _scan, _mink, _enemies, _antimissile, _fixed_firing_direction, _initially_active, false, _vangle]exec"mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_torm1.sqs";

I've tried changing _enemies = [west];

and also _antimissile = true;

But with no result.

Then I used the code from mma_test_scud_addon.Chernarus to try and get the BTR-90's to use the Patriot missile, but once again they wouldn't target the cruise missile.

if (isServer) then
// Two patriots anti-missile capable defending an airport

  _disp = tor1;
  _posunit = 1;
  _ttype = ["Air"];
  _quantity = 16;
  _minrange = 1000;
  _maxrange = 9000;
  _rof = 10;
  _pos = [0,-2,1,4];
  _scan = 360;
  _mink = 0;
  _enemies = [east];
  [_disp, _posunit, _ttype, _quantity, _minrange, _maxrange, _rof, _pos, _scan, _mink, _enemies, true, false, false, true, 45]exec"mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_patriot.sqs";
  Sleep 1;

  _disp = tor2;
  _posunit = 1;
  _ttype = ["Air"];
  _quantity = 16;
  _minrange = 1000;
  _maxrange = 9000;
  _rof = 10;
  _pos = [0,-2,1,4];
  _scan = 360;
  _mink = 0;
  _enemies = [east];
  [_disp, _posunit, _ttype, _quantity, _minrange, _maxrange, _rof, _pos, _scan, _mink, _enemies, true, false, false, true, 45]exec"mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_patriot.sqs";

I tried changing _enemies = [east]; to west, but it's not working for me. I also ran this on a couple of MLRS (named tor1 and tor2). They targetted a russian plane but would not fire.

I'm sure I'm missing something here. The MMA readme first doesn't seem to have much info on how to do this. Have you got a sample mission/code/any info for creating a Russian Anti Missile Unit?

Thanks in advance for your help, I've boggled my brain on this tonight.

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Das, problem might be on the side of the cruise missile. What is firing it? And yes, you need to set the antimissile parameter to true, but on the other hand, your fired missile must have its detectable parameter set to true too (aside of being fired by an unit considered enemy by the anti-missile system).

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Good work sir! I was using the Empty Destroyer object to launch the cruise missiles. I've now set them to be fired from a RHIB that the Destroyer is attach(ed)To and all works as intended. Much obliged, I would have never thought of that.

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Hey Mando, I have a question in regards to the myke's missile box AGM-65s when using his F-16 with your addon.

With the A-10, you can use the mando gun cam to track targets etc, but with the GLT F16 w/ missile box, the AGM-65s can only target through the hud, and the "G" key ala JDAM/JSOW.

The AGM-65E should be laser guided, and should be like what the A-10 has.

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oh god.. whats next' date=' hydrogen bombs? awesome stuff mando![/quote']

The main script for the MM/EE nuke is called w80.sqf for a good reason.... :smiley-evil:

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Very nice on the FX, I thought I could escape the blast in a Bunker but ..... nope. :)

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Very nice on the FX, I thought I could escape the blast in a Bunker but ..... nope. :)

That's because you're not Aahnuld.

All he needs is several yards and a mound of dirt. :p

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No - you'd need a deep bunker, sealed against blast with plenty of dirt on top to reduce the gamma and more importantly neutron flux. And a way for me to tell you are in such a bunker. I can tell if you're in a vehicle and some ( apcs and tanks ) do afford more protection.

But from a safety viewpoint - distance is your friend. For weapons this size, consider at least 1km if in the open. Have a medic on stand-by if you plan on playing chicken with this weapon.

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The AGM-65E should be laser guided, and should be like what the A-10 has.

You are right. I forgot to add the camera for the F-16, but the GPS targeting should be enabled only for JSOW and JDAM (it doesnt work for me for the Mavericks). Can you confirm that you can assign GPS targets to the AGM65s?

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With the F-16 yes, while under the "AGM-65 (Ground)" hud.

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I'm unsure if I asked this before, but does MM have a guided TV cam? You know those where the pilot flies the LGB crashing it into the vehicle?

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Yes, it has, you have this case with some missiles loaded in Myke's Su34s. There is a Ch.XX (53?) that you drive from the TV all the way to the target. Of course you can set the manual = true for any exising system, but ATM the only reallistic one is the mentioned one (unless someone releases an AGM-62 Walleye launcher).

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