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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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hey mandoble,

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but it seems the GLT F-16 is currently not working. The mando scripts initialize alright, but I can't switch weapons, lock or fire. Using 2.4b8.

I am using A2:OA with the correct files for the F-16 and missile box.


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Salah ad Din, 2.4b8 includes support for the original Mike's missile box weapons (with different class names than the current one), and with the last Mike's F16 patch his planes are armed only with the new weapons by default (you can still use the MMA rearming to select old configurations for them).

Next version will include support for all new weapons, if you want to tease these currently configured try the test mission posted one message ago for GossamerS, place there any F16, and if you want to try JSOW or JDAM place an F16 parked near an ammo truck, rearm it with JDAM or JSOW configurations, switch to the corresponding GROUND mode on HUD, press MMA special key (G by default), mark a target, take off, fly towards the selected target and drop the GPS bombs. That intermediate test mission is also including support for OA SCUD.

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Hey mando, I haven't been able to test the code you posted a few posts ago yet. I'll test it tonight when I get back from work.

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Salah ad Din, 2.4b8 includes support for the original Mike's missile box weapons (with different class names than the current one), and with the last Mike's F16 patch his planes are armed only with the new weapons by default (you can still use the MMA rearming to select old configurations for them).

Next version will include support for all new weapons, if you want to tease these currently configured try the test mission posted one message ago for GossamerS, place there any F16, and if you want to try JSOW or JDAM place an F16 parked near an ammo truck, rearm it with JDAM or JSOW configurations, switch to the corresponding GROUND mode on HUD, press MMA special key (G by default), mark a target, take off, fly towards the selected target and drop the GPS bombs. That intermediate test mission is also including support for OA SCUD.

i tried rearming an f16, but when i clicked Rearm it just did a beep

Maybe because i moved the editor save to desert map

I have only OA Standalone, can you make an similar mission with only OA map and vehicles?

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Might be because you didnt select a rearming source?

As the bar below message indicates, you need to click on a rearming source first, you can use an ammo truck for this purpose. You can zoom in/out/rotate the camera and drag the dialog, and once you see the desired ammo source (the truck, for example) just click with the mouse on it. A white circle will surround the truck if there is ammo left, else the circle will turn red.

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oh ok now the rearming works

but the JSOW Camera and SEAD doesn't work, i tried clicking G but it gave some maptgt error

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SEAD works against MMA SAM emitters, JSOW display might be outdated in that test mission, will have a look at it later.

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Mando Missile ArmA 2.4Beta85 is ready (Requires A2 or A2 + OA). Dont forget to read the online MMA readme for more info.

Changes in v2.4b85

  • Added MMA support for new Myke's F16 pack
  • Added MMA Support for new Myke's Su34 pack (note that pilot's head is a bit missaligned with the HUD)
  • Added MMA Support for new Myke's Missile Box
  • Added new GPS targeting system for JSOW and JDAM (press G when HUD ground mode selected)
  • Added MMA support for CheyenneAh56's CM-170 Fouga Magister
  • Added MMA support for OA SCUD launcher (included mma_oa_scud_addon.utes mission to test it)
  • Added MMA support for all STI A10s variants
  • Defunkt fixed the issues with the Javelin interface and the map. WFOV and NFOV indicators now working according to zoom level
  • MMA Rearming dialog enlarged
  • MMA Rearming configurations added Su34s, F35Bs, AV8Bs and F16s if Myke's Missile box is present
  • MMA Rearming configurations added for AV8Bs, A10s and F35s if SirSmok@lot's Cluster Bomb pack is present
  • Fixed class assignment for Mi28
  • Fixed an issue with the TV cameras that prevented you to lock on stopped vehicles.
  • New mando_portables.pbo addon by Defunkt, prevents OA to selflock on targets with manpads and Javelin

Edited by Mandoble

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Awesome work mando

the GPS stuff is a little difficult to use, it seems to give the tone when it can be dropped on the target, but its a very limited window and you have to basically have to have the nose pointed at the target and can't drop it during level flight. It is strange using the JSOW in this manner, dropping it under 2k from a target @ about 1500 M AGL, am I doing something wrong?

Also about the SEAD package, isn't that suppose to be able target enemy ground radars? I've never been able to lock onto tunguskas, SA6, or anything.

May be an issue with flares as well, atleast, I keep getting hit by AA mssiles no matter how many flares I am popping, and the missiles are coming in from 1-2k. ( AA Missiles from SA-6, Tunguska, whatever is on the BIS SU-34 ), and yeah im using your flares ( L shift )

One more thing...the Mavericks don't work on the F-16 from GLT's missile box and the F-16 Exocet isn't being supported by MMA.

I've got no problem with helping out if you need it, just need a basic run down of where everything in being connected at as there are a lot of files.

Edited by _S2_

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Hi Mando,

Love the new features, wanted to make a suggestion.

Sorry if this functionality is already in MMA..

I constantly use the air support console in multiplayer games. I would like to use the armatec firescout as my UAV in the console, I know how to change the classname in the console but...

I would like to be able to have the FireScout stop and hover at whatever position that I send it to via the camera, is this possible?

Also, when I select the carpet bombing in the console the aircraft seems to drop it's bombs a little early and sometimes if it has flown over the heads of my squad the first bomb drops on top of my squad.

What would be cool is if instead of dropping 4 bombs in a straight line, it would drop "bomblets" over the area and they would explode within the radius of the area. Not sure if I am explaining that correctly, can't remember the name of the bomb that actually does this in real life.



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I'd like to point out a mistake you've made with the Vikhrs missiles.

The Vikhr missile uses a rearward-facing non-imaging laser sensor, which means that instead of homing in on a reflected laser target it rides the laser beam of the parent aircraft. This gives it a few advantages:

  • The missile are considerably cheaper than their Western counterparts, at least 1/3 to 1/4 the price of a Hellfire
  • They are virtually immune to countermeasure systems, like smoke

It does, however, present several drawbacks:

  • Since it uses beam-riding guidance, there is no way to remote designate targets
  • Beam guidance forces the missile into a direct-pursuit trajectory and cannot lead its targets
  • The parent aircraft must expose itself to enemy fire for the entire flight duration of the missile
  • Part of the cost reduction involved using only one moving control surface, giving the missile a very distinct spiral flight pattern

To partially counteract some of these limitations, the missile is designed to fly very fast; about 600 meters/second. To counteract the rather poor maneuverability of the missile, pilots are encouraged to fire them in groups of two. In game terms, this means that the missile cannot lead its targets, cannot be remotely designated, and the high speeds make manual guidance virtually useless.

It's a shame BIS didn't really model the Vikhr's unique flight pattern, though.

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7Cav, i will try to make the firing window of these GPS bombs a bit less strict in the future.

SEAD works vs MMA SAMs.

Flares will work if you put the missile at your back, drop flares and break left or right.

On vacation now, so expect replies or explanations with some noticeable time delay.

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I've tried getting the MMA SAMs to work, but can't get the vehicle to fire, the radar works, but the SA6 that I have using the radar won't engage the targets designated by the radar range.

// Radar for SAM emplacement

[radar1, "my_radar1", 28000] execVM "mando_missiles\units\mando_radar.sqf";

// AI units setup

_posunit = 1;

_ttype = ["Air"];

_quantity = 3;

_minrange = 3000;

_maxrange = 25000;

_rof = 3;

_pos = [0, 3 ,3,]; // <<<<- Model position + radious

_scan = 360;

_mink = 0;

_enemies = [WEST];

// Weak AI SAMs with "weak missiles" attached to radar1 tower as main radar

_disp = sam_one; // <<<<- This is the AI SAM unit

[_disp, _posunit, _ttype, _quantity, _minrange, _maxrange, _rof, _pos, _scan, _mink, _enemies, false, false, true, true, 45, "my_radar1"]exec"mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_sa2.sqs";


Is what I am trying to do, I've named both units properly.

Also, about my previous comments, on the JDAM and JSOW, I think it is more so an issue with the cfgammo for GLT's weapons. Unless you have a script that is altering the maneuverability of these weapons. I can't find it if you do.

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ADuke, the uav should keep loitering its destination as long as you keep the TV on, else it will wait 15 secs or so and RTB. About the carpet bombing, if they drop a bit early you have three options:make them to fly a bit higher, modify the custom code var to start dropping when closer to the target and with less delay between bomb and bomb, or both.

Xeno, these details about the Vkirh are easy to reconfigure.Expect them modified for next beta, meanwhile if you use the scripsuite you can change these in the tv and hud setups for the vkirh removing any allowance of remote/manual modes.

7cav, _pos has an extra , or is missing a pivoting radious. Also does exist a trigger named my_radar1? And I dont know if you can use WEST in upper case as side.Note that this way you are creating a sam site, not just a single sam launcher. In the demo missions test-sys-xxx you have examples of single sam launcher creation, you have also a full sead test mission for the F4 wildweasel.

About these bombs I think you are right, as soon as MMA stops impulsing them a bit, mma can change their direction to aim at the target but the bombs will take forever to adjust their velocity vectors to the new direction. And yes, this is dependant on the addon configs.

Do you have any confirmed problem with GLT Mavericks?

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maybe has someone already asked this question before (sorry if so, but i couldnt find it), but are there any thoughts about making possible to bind Mando keys to gamepad/joystick buttons in the nearest horizon? Im very used to fly choppers and planes with my gamepad, just because of better sensitivity and vibrations and its kinda difficult to quickly switch to keyboard for mando functions if needed without losing control. :(

Thank you for your ultimate job anyway.

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thanks a lot for the oa version! the game feels so empty without it.

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Morhoo, yes, your question has been addressed several times in the past ;)

There are many generic control stick/pad drivers that allows you to program/bind key strokes to controller buttons. These are intended for joys that are not natively programmable.I have not the links at hand now but Im sure a quick google search will do the trick.

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Morhoo, yes, your question has been addressed several times in the past ;)

There are many generic control stick/pad drivers that allows you to program/bind key strokes to controller buttons. These are intended for joys that are not natively programmable.I have not the links at hand now but Im sure a quick google search will do the trick.

Oh, i feel so embarrassed now, i didnt even think about this option. Im going to find out whether it is possible with native drivers. Thank you Mando.

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The only issue I am having the GLT Mavericks is that you can't use the camera display, you can only lock onto things with the HUD.

I took a look at the GLT JDAM and JSOW, and they use the same base as the LGB, so...not sure what's up, I'll continue searching there.

and yeah I was trying to set up a SAM Site, it was basically just a testing of it with 1 SAM launcher and a separate Radar, I will try to change that stuff in there that you mentioned.

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Ah, probably I missed to change the weapon class name for the TV and it is still using the name of the old missile box for the Mav launcher.

I will add support for the Exocet, but for Hexagon Mod Mirages, not for the testbed F16.

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Xeno, these details about the Vkirh [sic] are easy to reconfigure.Expect them modified for next beta, meanwhile if you use the scripsuite you can change these in the tv and hud setups for the vkirh [sic] removing any allowance of remote/manual modes.

Yep, got that working already. In the TV script there also seemed to be a target lead ability which I turned off, though I may be misinterpreting the variable's function.

I think it is also worth mentioning that the AV-8B is capable of carrying the LITENING II Targeting pod on the centerline, allowing it to self-designate laser targets. The A-10A (the type represented in ArmA2), in contrast, only has the Pave Penny system, which can only detect laser emanation, not designate targets.

As a result, the A-10 would only be able to drop the GBU-12 in Remote guidance mode (and perhaps CCIP), while the AV-8B can guide them on its own.

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I am not sure how realistic you want to make your addon Mando, I am quite sure you have your own vision for it, and I would love to hear it, because myself and I am sure others would be more than happy to not only give suggestions, but to help make them happen as well, such as Xeno's posts.

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