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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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The latest BI beta patch did something terrible to Mando Missiles.

I have seen a completely new targeting HUD and threat radar flash on the screen of a AH-1 momentarily, and there appears to be some sort of conflict.

The following issues happened while flying a Cobra:

Missile TVs are lagging more than they ever did on the worst of days with ACE conflicts.

The MMA HUD doesn't reappear for several seconds after you look at your map, and certain components pop up before others. Sometimes it is unresponsive when you tell it to turn it off, or refuses to reappear. I was flying around trying to get it back for quite some time. The crosshair and a few horizon lines would flash on the screen and then vanish. Missile selection was also choppy.

Pilot HUD-targeting doesn't work because the tracking boxes now lag behind their vehicles. When the target gets ahead of its radar icon, the lock is lost and the missile misses, sometimes exploding in mid-air.

Turning off the beta patch fixes everything.

Edit: While playing without the beta patch I tested the effectiveness of Hellfires with ACE2. At certain ranges, the Hellfire K either overshoots or falls short of its target. I couldn't hit a Tunguska more than 1/10th of the time. T-72s were slightly easier marks, but anything moving at any speed was a lost cause. The Longbow Hellfire is much more accurate, and was capable of getting the results you got without running ACE.

I really hope the two mods can become compatible again, because ACE2's AGM guidance systems have been terrible so far, and shooting things at tanks really isn't much fun anymore without the ACE armor system.

Edited by maturin

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From my experience, since the ace update v339, tv camera lag appeared. In v334, ace works fine with mma v2.4b6.

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Mando Missile ArmA 2.4Beta7 is ready ;)

Dont forget to read the online MMA readme for more info.

Changes in v2.4b7

  • Added HUD, cameras, MCC, RWR, ECM and flare systems for:
    • Eble's Iranian F14
    • Eble's F15C
    • Eble's F15E

    [*]Added HUD, cameras, MCC, RWR, ECM and flare systems for:

    • HEXA_Mirage_5
    • HEXA_Mirage_C
    • HEXA_Mirage_D_AS30L
    • HEXA_Mirage_D_GBU12
    • HEXA_Tiger_HAP_CE
    • HEXA_Tiger_HAD_CE
    • HEXA_Transall_A
    • HEXA_Puma_CE
    • HEXA_Puma_RESCO

    [*]Added: HUD, cameras, RWR, ECM and flare systems for:

    • FFAA EF2000 plus rearming options
    • FFAA Tigre AT (requires Tigre v1.1)
    • FFAA C130 Hercules

    [*]Added: HUD for 3LB_SA6 (SA6 launcher)

    [*]Added: Cameras for Ka52 pilot when gunner is AI or no gunner is present

    [*]Fixed: torpedo warhead was not detonating correctly

    [*]Fixed: Mando gun is now able to engage troops too

    [*]Improved: missile turning acceleration

    [*]Added: AC-130 Spectre and mine field deploy options for air support console (check new mma_console2_addon.utes demo mission)

    [*]Added: Inner dead zone for TV camera control

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Having issues integrating the new functionality into my current mission. As the my_console_setup.sqf existed previously without adding the AC130 gunship support, everything was functioning properly and the console was coming up when it should. Now it seems that I have done something wrong, as I no longer find the console in my action menu after equipping one of the items I have the console tied to. Any ideas?

Sleep 1;
mando_airsupport_type = "AV8B2";
mando_airsupport_type_rc = "F35B";
mando_reco_cam_pos = [0,3,-2];
mando_airsupport_cmissile = ship1;

mando_airsupport_armedrec = true;
mando_airsupport_armedrec_man = false; // Set it to true for manual guidance for missiles fired from armed reco planes
mando_airsupport_armedrec_max = 8;
mando_airsupport_bomb_altmax = 1000;
mando_ingress_dir = 0;
mando_airsupport_bomb_alt = 150;
mando_airsupport_cmissile_pos = [0,-4, 1];
mando_airsupport_cmissile_alt = 500;

mando_airsupport_jump = false; // reinforcements and airborne assault will land and disembark instead of jump from chopper.

mando_support_no_cas = false;
mando_support_no_br = false;
mando_support_no_ff = false;
mando_support_no_sa = false;
mando_support_no_gs = false;
mando_support_no_ab = false;
mando_support_no_cm = false;
mando_support_no_sat = false;
mando_support_no_rc = false;
mando_support_no_ev = false;
mando_support_no_la = false;
mando_support_no_am = false;
mando_support_no_ve = false;
mando_support_no_re = false;
mando_support_no_cp = false;
mando_support_no_cb = false;

// Info text displayed in the setup / info dialog (this is an structured text)
mando_airsupport_info = "Mission info: <br />Try altitudes between 190 and 250m for carpet bombing using AV8B.";

mando_airsupport_opt1_text = "Gunships Support Type";
mando_airsupport_opt1_array = ["AH6 Little Bird", "AH1Z Viper (SuperCobra)","A10 Thunderbolt II","AH64D Longbow","AH64D Longbow (Sidewinders)","AC130 Spectre"];
mando_airsupport_opt1_action = 
mando_airsupport_opt1_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  switch (_item) do
     case "AH6 Little Bird":
        mando_airsupport_type_ca = "ACE_AH6_GAU19";

     case "AH1Z Viper (SuperCobra)":
        mando_airsupport_type_ca = "AH1Z";

     case "A10 Thunderbolt II":
        mando_airsupport_type_ca = "A10";

     case "AH64D Longbow":
        mando_airsupport_type_ca = "AH64D";

     case "AH64D Longbow (Sidewinders)":
        mando_airsupport_type_ca = "AH64D_Sidewinders";

     case "AC130 Spectre":
        []execVM "mando_missiles\mando_bombs\options\mando_spectre.sqf";

mando_airsupport_opt2_text = "Reinforcements Type";
mando_airsupport_opt2_array = ["Normal", "Heavy AA","Heavy MG","Engineers"];
mando_airsupport_opt2_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  switch (_item) do
     case "Normal":
        mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["USMC_Soldier_TL", "USMC_Soldier_Medic", "USMC_Soldier_AT","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier"];

     case "Heavy AA":
        mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["USMC_Soldier_TL", "USMC_Soldier_Medic", "USMC_Soldier_AA","USMC_Soldier_AA","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier"];

     case "Heavy MG":
        mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["USMC_Soldier_TL", "USMC_Soldier_Medic", "USMC_Soldier_MG","USMC_Soldier_MG","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier"];

     case "Engineers":
        mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["USMC_Soldier_TL", "USMC_Soldier_Medic", "USMC_SoldierS_Engineer","USMC_SoldierS_Engineer","USMC_SoldierS_Engineer","USMC_SoldierS_Engineer","USMC_SoldierS_Engineer","USMC_SoldierS_Engineer","USMC_SoldierS_Engineer","USMC_SoldierS_Engineer"];

mando_airsupport_opt3_text = "Vehicle Supply Type";
mando_airsupport_opt3_array = ["HMMWV", "MTVR","MtvrRepair","M119"];
mando_airsupport_opt3_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  mando_airsupport_type_vehicle = _item;

mando_airsupport_opt4_text = "Ammo Supply Options";
mando_airsupport_opt4_array = ["Normal west", "Silenced","Heavy AT"];
mando_airsupport_opt4_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  switch (_item) do
     case "Normal west":
        mando_airsupport_magz = [];
        mando_airsupport_weap = [];

     case "Silenced":
        mando_airsupport_magz = [["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", 20],["15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", 20]];
        mando_airsupport_weap = [["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo", 10],["M9SD", 10]];

     case "Heavy AT":
        mando_airsupport_magz = [["Javelin", 3],["M136",9]];
        mando_airsupport_weap = [["Javelin", 3],["M136",3]];

mando_airsupport_opt5_text = "Evacuation Support Type";
mando_airsupport_opt5_array = ["ACE_MH6", "ACE_UH60M","MH60S"];
mando_airsupport_opt5_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  mando_airsupport_type_ev = _item;

// End of options setup dialog configuration

// Carpet bombing custom code global variable for AV8B
mando_airsupport_carpetcode = 
  private["_plane", "_targetpos", "_widx"];
  _plane = _this select 0;
  _targetpos = _this select 1;
  while {(([getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 0] distance _targetpos) > 2000) && (alive _plane)} do
     Sleep 1;

  if (alive _plane) then
     _widx = [_plane, "BombLauncher"] call mando_weaponindex;
     for [{_i=0}, {_i<6}, {_i=_i+1}] do
        _plane action ["useWeapon",_plane,driver _plane, _widx];
        Sleep 0.4;

["Request Air Support", {("ACE_PRC119" in weapons player) || ("ACE_PRC119_MAR" in weapons player) || ("ACE_PRC119_ACU" in weapons player) || ("ACE_ANPRC77" in weapons player) || ("ACE_P159_RD54" in weapons player) || ("ACE_P159_RD90" in weapons player) || ("ACE_P159_RD99" in weapons player)}]execVM"mando_missiles\mando_bombs\mando_giveme_console.sqf";

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mando_airsupport_opt1_action = 
mando_airsupport_opt1_action = 

remove the first one

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Hi, Mando.

You do fine mod, I am admired by work. Mod we use yours at ourselves on a server. The truth is 1 problem. When the unit sits down in helicopter MI8 mtv3 the manual mode of fire joins. Thus the front machine gun is accessible only. Its main weapon Rockets are inaccessible. It becomes same senseless, as well as civil Mi8. Please rectify this error in the following version, I will be very grateful, once again thanks for the done work.

Sorry for my English

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So the process of elimination tells me its a recent ACE update that is the culprit, as far as I can tell so far.

Would we be better off going back to Ace2 stable you think? I don't know how I can revert, but I'm not giving up Mando Missiles.

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is it possible that only a gunner in a Heli can access the weapons? so that you must be 2 Persons in a Chopper?

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mando_airsupport_opt1_action = 
mando_airsupport_opt1_action = 

remove the first one

My hero... :D

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Terror Wolf, just a note that probably you already know. You are enabling all the support & info options since the very beginning. Remember that you can change them dinamically too. So, as your mission progress, you can add more options to these listboxes, or remove existing ones.

deralky, I will think about that, while IMO it is well balanced now. The most powerfull aiming systems are the MCC and the TVs, and these are disabled for the pilot if a human gunner is present.

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Just out of interest, is the rate of fire for the Hellfires true to life? I imagined them firing in quicker succession than they do in game.

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Yes sir... although I have not gotten that far yet I am aware that that is a possibility. Currently I am using that config for VTS3.5, which I doubt it would be beneficial to include dynamic changes to the setup/options considering the entire mission is essentially a free-form create-on-the-fly approach to quick and easy mission building, but I am about to start working on adding this to some of my other missions in which I will more than likely include dynamic changes to the config to simulate air support arriving or departing the AO.

A few questions though:

1) Had a chance to try out that MV22 yet? That would be a great option to include for evacs if it could be made to work, if not no biggy!

2) Is it possible to include more than 5 option fields in the console? I only see 5 clearly defined spaces for the options to go when clicking over to setup/options, but haven't tested what would happen including a 6th or more fields.

3) It seems as though the text identifying my 5th setup/option field (mando_airsupport_opt5_text = "Evacuation Support Type") doesn't display in-game in the console, at least with the last version. I have not taken notice whether or not the text has been displayed with the latest update yet (I've been too preoccupied with the AMAZING AC130!!), but I know it wasn't showing the last time I checked. Any ideas?

Again... thanks for all the help... your addon is f*ckin incredible!

Edited by Terror Wolf

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Would we be better off going back to Ace2 stable you think? I don't know how I can revert, but I'm not giving up Mando Missiles.

Im not to sure mate. From my own point of view I can live with the issue as it isnt causing too much of a headache. Its just not quite as slick and smooth as it once was where camera views are concerned.

I tried to do some tests over the weekend, in particular I wanted to be 100% sure it was ACE that was causing the problem and not something local to my PC. So I removed ACE from my mod list only to have ArmA crash each time I launched it. So i've been unable to confirm that fact so far :(

Rolling ACE back would be a painful process I reckon, especially if it has no effect.

Dropping either mod simply isnt an option for me as the game would lose so much appeal if one or the other were abscent :)

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Terror Wolf

1) MV22 will require an external script to make it land correctly in the selected spot. I'm planning to mix this with mando heli route for evac missions, but first I need to recover my last heli route script from a broken HD.

2) Yes, it would be possible, but that would leave a quite small space for the description of the list box and the description of the items. You can create an unlimited number of options there with only two list boxes. For example, selecting an option in list box one changes the contents of listbox two, etc. The conclussion is that 5 is way more than enough.

3) The fifth listbox works pretty well for me, you might try just this for testing:

mando_airsupport_opt5_text = "Vehicle supply type";
mando_airsupport_opt5_array = ["HMMWV", "MTVR","MtvrRepair","M119"];
mando_airsupport_opt5_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  mando_airsupport_type_vehicle = _item;

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Thanks for the reply!

1) Very cool... take your time my friend!

2) Wow... I never thought to make the setup/option fields dynamic like that... that's an incredible idea!! I will try to piece it together with my limited scripting knowledge sometime soon. That gives me an idea as well... as you mentioned I have all options in the console initiated at mission start for VTS3.5 due to its already dynamic nature. The only problem with this (which I'm sure was your first thought after seeing the code) is the player with the air support console is almost god-like with his abilities to call in unlimited support options, even when it is not deemed appropriate by the mission. What I could do is code different console "loadouts" into the first field, then allow the other fields to be dynamic based on the selection in the first. I could setup a "light air support" or "heavy air support" type selection, then initiate the options through those selections so on basic infantry missions you would not have the full capabilities of the console that may be a requirement of larger more combined forces type missions. All you would have to do at that point is tell your FAC to select "light" or "heavy" based on the mission you create. That's awesome!

3) Will test tonight... thanks!

Edited by Terror Wolf

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Hey Mando,

Gotta say I love your stuff! A question though, I have a problem with the Metis. It seems that on level ground I can launch and acquire control easy enough, but when I'm on a hill firing down into the valley the launch angle is still level. I find I have to point up to gain control, and then back down in time to hit the target, without blowing the envelope of the missile and losing control again. It's very difficult, I like the basic effort it takes to grow in skill, and the possibility to miss with the system, but I think the launch angle should match the point of the weapon. Any thoughts? Thanks.

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about mando heli route) i think) something)

may be my option was another one childish/cool_wanna_be_stuff))


I think I'm not a one who want some thing)


about really important thing))

)) if really) not so much))


1 option

if assigned_target heli_gunner is a "tank" or "apc" or "aa_unit" or "heavy_mg_technical" and heli has a "missile" magazine

then do_stop heli do_fire "missilelauncher"


if assigned_target heli_gunner is a "tank" or "apc" or "aa_unit" or "heavy_mg_technical" and heli does not have "missile" magazine

then do not use "hydra_launcher"


if assigned_target heli_gunner is a "man" or "car" and heli does not have magazine "hydra" and has magazine "30mm"

then to do limited speed' route(circle about 500-700m radius) around the target_pos and dofire "gun"


what do you think

is it possible to handle landing' event and make a heli landing without doing ??hill??_maneuver(with raising height) for reducing speed???

sorry about another one request and my bad engliz)

I understand about is "yours priority is not is my priority") and about you limited time and real life' issue)

I'm already trying to do something but my primitive scripting level results to fail((

at first I'm trying to prevent helis like apache or cobra attack heavy target with aa capabilities by a10_style_strafing_run tactic))

if someone have a comments about logic or something stuff) then share them here)

Edited by nikita320106

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Scrub, may you indicate which map, firing map position (aprox) and target map position (aprox) to use to test the down hill Metis guidance?

nikita, the heliroute concept is a bit different. The idea is that a chopper will avoid any engagement but will fly and land accurately on the selected destination (even in the top of a water depot, a cross of streets, etc).

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If you locate Berezino in the NE of the map, just to it's SW is hill 294. I fire down into the valley SW of 294 as an armored column passes from Gorka towards Polana.

It's a bit erratic. 1 out of 5 times it will fire as expected, other times I can't even see the missile because it's so far above my sight line.


Edited by Scrub

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Scrub, I've packed here a mission to test the Metis just in that position with an enemy tank column moving from Gorka to Polana: Test Metis mission.

The mission uses the script suite and Mando Missile folder there is reduced just to test Metis, so many unneeded files are removed.

The file that controls the behaviour of the Metis is mando_missiles\huds\mando_hud_metis.sqf, there you will find the guidance, performance and flight profile parameters. Between others, you will see there:

  5, 		// hagility
  10, 		// vagility
  1, 		// accuracy
  false, 	// intercept
  7, 		// scanarch 
  7,		// scanarcv

vagility determines the maximum turn capability in vertical plane (degrees per second), scanarc params max deviation from sight to lose the track. I've tested the Metis in that mission with 20 shots (the test mission allows unlimited reloads), and got correct guidance in all of them. Feel free to play with these parameters till your problem is gone. You might start testing with 10 in scanarcv (might be the current guidance cone is too tight). If you can, try first without any extra mod.

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If you can, try first without any extra mod.

If you had 20 shots all doing well, I have to assume ^this^ is the issue. I'll remove all addons (34) and sort through them in your mission until I find the culprit. (Please let it not be ACE or War-fx!!!)

I'll Let you know what the findings are. Thanks again. :)

Edit: Wow, that was fast. I went from zero to moron in no time flat... The mission is an old one from the first you made the Metis what it is. I never dropped the ACE compatibility mod into it after I put up ACE 2 in all my missions. Problem solved. Works as well as your specialized mission. I just don't have the fantastic interface for that and the Jav, but no problem. Thanks for getting me to break down the structure to the brass tacks.

Edited by Scrub

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This is a fantastic Mod. It is a blast using it. That said I have a question.

I have this mod running on my server, not by scripting or mission integration but simply but including @mma;@mma_xeh in the command line.

It all works great but I am looking for a way make customized loadouts. For example I landed a hind and attempted to rearm but only could choose default.

I saw this in the read-me but am a little confused:

"There is another global var named mando_weapon_master which is set to false by default, set it to true to access to more weapon and magazines so you cancreate your own configurations instead of using the pre-created ones."

Is this a variable I set to TRUE in a script that resides within one of the PBOs? If so which PBO and subsquently which file?

Or is this somthing that needs to be done specifically to the mission for it to work? I would rather avoid editing the mission if possible and only edit the server-side files but I will if it is required.

Any input is much appreciated.



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