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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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Captain Bravo, open your init.sqf, look there for mando_missileattacker.sqf and copy here that line including also 10 lines before this one.

This is my whole init.sqf :

triggerone setVariable ["murk_spawn",false,false];

triggertwo setVariable ["murk_spawn",false,false];

triggerthree setVariable ["murk_spawn",false,false];

// Wait for Mando Missile addon initialization

waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"};

waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done};



while {!alive player} do


Sleep 1;



hint "Get in your HQ vehicle as driver and use the air support console.\n\nClick RC ON button to turn on reco and missile control cameras.\n\nBeware, enemy air activity over your position, use CAP missions to eliminate it ASAP.";

// If tower1 is destroyed, comms will be lost



while {true} do


if (!alive tower1) then


mando_airsupport_nocomms = 1;


Sleep 2;




if (isServer) then


// 2 SAMs antimissile-capable for t1

[t1, 3, ["Air"], 12, 500, 3000, 12, [0,0,3], 360, 0, [west,sideEnemy], true, false, true, false, 85]exec"mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_arma2.sqs";


// run the briefing file

execVM "briefing.sqf";

nul = [m1,"jadam","","cbuap","cbuat",""] execVM "airSup\airSupInit.sqf";



ACE_NoStaminaEffects = false

setviewdistance 3000;

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mando_arma2.sqs executes the attacker script, it has a unit named t1 as firing unit (acting as a SAM) and more than probably t1 doesnt exist in your mission. If you dont want to use it, just comment or remove these lines (IF-BLOCK with isServer).

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2nd... will the Phalanx someday be able to intercept things smaller than a plane? ;)

Like cruise missiles, for example? ;)


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BLU-108's would be sick. Can't believe I never asked about that before. Good call.

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A quick update on your air controller system. Ive integrated it into a modifed version of Domination that has been enhanced with Ace2 and Zeus AI system. Ive set it so only the FAC in the mission has the ability to use the controller. Along with the R3f Arty system, it has allowed a few people to have a great time playing this mission on expert mode. Its made the odds of city capture more available and increased our enjoyment level tremendously. Thank you so much for deploying this into Arma2. Keep up the good work.

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SirSmok@lot and Manzilla, there would be little difference between BLU108 and current SADARM implementation, except that a single bomb might fire six submunitions instead of a single one. Which means that a single plane might finish with six enemy tanks in a single pass dropping a single bomb. This is quite easily doable, but probably would have a serious impact in gameplay.

gunterlund21, good that you are enjoying that greeny thing ;)

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All we do is limit the number of bombing runs available :) It is indeed impressive already to see the 2 chutes with SADARMS rushing to target so, as Mandoble says, making it into 6 submunitions wouldn't be a problem.

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Mando if I want to drop supply boxes that are predefined id ACE_USORdnanceBox how do I do that without having to define every weapon and magazine in an array.

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mando_airsupport_type_ambox = "ACE_USORdnanceBox";

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mando_airsupport_type_ambox = "ACE_USORdnanceBox";

Sorry if I wasnt clearer. I want to drop 4 different kinds of boxes like the selection system can do.

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Then, in the selection code set

mando_airsupport_type_ambox = "ACE_USORdnanceBox";


mando_airsupport_magz = [];

if mando_airsupport_magz is empty, it leaves the original content there.

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Then, in the selection code set

mando_airsupport_type_ambox = "ACE_USORdnanceBox";


mando_airsupport_magz = [];

if mando_airsupport_magz is empty, it leaves the original content there.

I am not sure but I think he is asking for an array that is selectable in the Setup of the Console for AmmoBox instead of

mando_airsupport_magz = [];

Something like this (but I am not sure it would work)

mando_airsupport_type_ambox = ["xxAmmoBox", "xxAmmoBox","xxAmmobox","xxAmmoBox"];

I was wondering the same thing.

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And I was replying to the same ;)

mando_airsupport_opt4_text = "Ammo supply options";
mando_airsupport_opt4_array = ["ACE US", "Silenced","Heavy AT"];
mando_airsupport_opt4_action = 
  _item = _this select 0;
  switch (_item) do
     case "ACE US":
[b]         mando_airsupport_type_ambox = "ACE_USORdnanceBox";
        mando_airsupport_magz = [];[/b]

     case "Silenced":
        mando_airsupport_magz = [["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", 20],["15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", 20]];
        mando_airsupport_weap = [["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo", 10],["M9SD", 10]];

     case "Heavy AT":
        mando_airsupport_magz = [["Javelin", 3],["M136",9]];
        mando_airsupport_weap = [["Javelin", 3],["M136",3]];

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SirSmok@lot and Manzilla, there would be little difference between BLU108 and current SADARM implementation, except that a single bomb might fire six submunitions instead of a single one. Which means that a single plane might finish with six enemy tanks in a single pass dropping a single bomb. This is quite easily doable, but probably would have a serious impact in gameplay.

Currently have a CBU-87 with BLU-97's, its basically the same delivery container SUU-64 / 65 / 66 (66 respectively for the CBU-97 which delivers the BLU-108 FYI, 65 for CBU-87, 64 for CBU-89). Also have a SUU-75 / 76 for the MK20 Rockeye, that's been revised from original release by Arma Tactics team, Monkalb specifically for ArmA 1) You're welcome to the model. Just let me know.....but I might need a tiny bit of help in exchange on a bigger better project if interested ;)





CBU-89 "Gator" AT Mine "Area Denial" system (currently only with BLU-91's and in Alpha) This model shows how the proxy looks for both the CBU-89, CBU-87 looks similar:


(Edit: the CBU-89 has wrong blue banding at the moment.....bad referencing led me to to believe that was the actual designation and forgot some military training :( Will revise above model later but shows proxy at least.)

I could see about 6 "packed" in by scripting, less the animations of the blu-108's spinning and releasing the "pucks". In addition, with a bit more scripting I could see a pilot selectable altitude of dispersion giving a wider coverage pattern.

Up to you? Model is there for ya

But as far as the CBU-87 currently; I have the CBU-87 disperse 75 x BLU-97 bomblets instead of the real life count of 202 - 225* due to performance reasons (and seems like enough for the "shock and awe"). Works pretty good too!

*(several references state different numbers of actual bomblets)

But I will say it can impact gameplay if the mission maker isn't respectful on how much detrimental damage these things can do....for instance dropping one from above 700ft or more increases coverage area to about 300sq/M (yet to offset this its very difficult to time drop etc as the current targeting settings in the aircraft are not adjusted according. As i was saying, with the current "splash" damage and direct damage settings they can literally decimate a medium sized town occupied with infantry and/or light armor. A force multiplier, literally.

Currently in limited release Beta phase 1 testing at SPARTA (www.legionofsparta.com) and being implemented in their "Air Domination" server's next release.

Let me know if you're interested and I'll get you some links.

(Also sorry if it seems I've hijacked thread, feel it was related somewhat and tried PM'ing you regarding this before. Think you could benefit from these models if you would like. I also will be releasing the standard CBU-87's soon on the forums once they have been tested a bit more, maybe month's time)

Edited by NutzMcKracken

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Mandoble - will the mod be unworkable if I have my ctrl, alt, RMB, and shift butons remapped?

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@SirSmok@lot - that sounds great. You are using MMA to deliver all these to the battlefield?

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@SirSmok@lot - that sounds great. You are using MMA to deliver all these to the battlefield?

Could be done easily, but with a bit more then regular bombs as the CBU needs to be armed and fuzed by a fire command by a pilot, why I'm offering them if he wants em, also offering the "shells" or delivery containers as the bombs really are just that on the aircraft until a script actually disperses the bomblets. Using a clusterbomb script thats been around but with a model to show the split and pop that you would normally see.

Edited by NutzMcKracken

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Thank you SirSmok@lot, these will be a nice added touch. I'm sure Mando will come up with something real sweet for these. Hopefully we could get your stuff added to the mu90.pbo that comes with this Mod.

Thanks for all the work and time spent now and in the future.


I don't think this is a problem, try it out and see. Mando obviously knows better than I do.

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SirSmok@lot, that might be an interesting option to be used side by side with MMA, as MMA can deploy any scripted weapon too (as the Mu90 torpedo example, and current SADARM). But to make it more "standard" it should be loaded as a real weapon so this might be also added for the configurations of some choosen platforms from the MMA rearming console.

First priority now for MMA is to solve a savegame problem present for SP missions with HUD mode ON (fixed now for normal HUDs and fixed soon for portable systems). This and some extra console options will be part of next beta. Then we can discuss which of these bombs to include and how for next release.

ATM I think it should be an ordenance option for manned planes and not an option available from the air support console. If available from the console, these kind of attacks might completelly break any mission unless some serious air defenses are deployed everywhere.

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First priority now for MMA is to solve a savegame problem present for SP missions with HUD mode ON (fixed now for normal HUDs and fixed soon for portable systems).


Does that refer to the disappearance of the HUD when Reverting to a saved SP mission?

And remember that glitch where the Strela could track targets before locking on with the Mando system?

You can do a similar thing with the Air-to-Air missiles on the Su-34 (and probably other planes as well).

You can fire them normally against ground targets if you do it before Mando initializes. Also, since the Su-34 gunner has control over his arsenal and can fire it with L-mouse, you can lock on to any vehicle by holding right click and hit it with a missile normally.

Also, the AI in the Su-34 doesn't know how to use those Kh-29 things. Neither does the modernized Frogfoot that the Russians get in ACE.

Finally, I borrowed a mouse with a mousewheel for a few days, and being able to zoom in with the weapons cameras makes a tremendous difference. Please map a keyboard button for this if you can, preferably not a numpad key. I think just about every computer has Home and End keys.

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Yes, that refers to the HUD when reverting a saved SP mission.

Strella (and Metis) glitch was already fixed two betas ago. Planes (for pilots or gunners with human pilot or gunner) cannot fire missiles BIS-way because they cannot select them as current weapon (MMA prevents it), and this happens as soon as MMA initializes (which takes two seconds or so after detecting the human pilot or gunner in the plane).

I'll try to remember to map keys to zoom in/out for the camera for next beta.

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Strella (and Metis) glitch was already fixed two betas ago. Planes (for pilots or gunners with human pilot or gunner) cannot fire missiles BIS-way because they cannot select them as current weapon (MMA prevents it), and this happens as soon as MMA initializes (which takes two seconds or so after detecting the human pilot or gunner in the plane).

I know you fixed the MANPAD glitch, I'm saying that if you could disable the pre-Mando guiding ability of Air-to-Air missiles in the same sort of way, it would prevent something that happened to me. Mando may take only a few seconds to initialize, but in that time I had a Russian plane fire its entire payload of missiles at a tank from across the map. What with ACE2, the missiles did nothing and the plane's AA ability was gone.

The gunners of Su-34s retain control over all their weapons. They can select and fire them BIS-way, perhaps because MMA assumes that the player in the plane is actually the pilot.

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