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Campaign 2 Seal Team Six release!! (SP)

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Hm was hoping for some more teams this time. Kinda feeling lonely out there vs the tanks and 100 men. Doubt IRL that the army would send out a squad of 5 or 1 to eliminate a whole bataljon pluss some tanks.

2nd mission was all rambo until I found out I could call in for air support. Used that to clear the Air base and the town. (poor civilianz, but its the american way).

Still impressive though keep up the good work but please add more teams to make it more realistic ;)

Do you mean like more team members or a whole other team to command?

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Theres nothing unrealistic about sending a 5 man recon team behind enemy lines to laze targets... now if you ask those same dudes to go in and assault a town crawling with enemies, without fire support, thats a different story

i'm pretty sure he meant more squads

Edited by Njayjay

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I did love this one over the first game but i will 2nd that the last mission was kind of an anticlimax.

Anyhow I have a few tips and solutions for some of the missions

1. Whenever possible ALWAYS equip yourself and your team with silenced scoped weapons the best is the MK12SD Enemies will not be drawn to you if you pick them off one at a time 1 kill per shot.

2. If you have silenced weapons and your task is to take out a camp, about 400 metres away from a camp tell your men to hold fire, go prone and induvidually order your men to surround the camp so you have a 360 degree fire coverage. (best at the edge of woods but dont get seen.) Then when the time is right order your team to open fire and the enemy will get hit from so many directions that they will get confused on who to target and end up panicking.

3. on the CAS mission you do seem to have to wait around forever sometimes and i do decide to keep calling them in until they do arrive. Just keep doing it and trying different positions to target.

4. The mission where you have to take the captive to the RZ point and hold the small village can be a pain. But easy if you know how. First line up at the end of the village and destroy the enemy in the white car that arrives. Then turn around and run up the small ridge between the village and the huge mountain where the enemy come down on you. tell your men to get into a line formation and go prone you will have the protection of the small hill and i found this to be the only successful way to hold the town.

5. the mission where you have to eliminate the commander at the safehouse by the lake is much easier than it looks. About 300 metres away from it tell your men to stop and go prone and move forward yourself. when you crawl over the small hill and get through all the bushes you will see the safehouse on the otherside of the lake. surrounded by lots of soldiers. Ignore them they wont see you. Keep crawling to the left until you can see the commander inside the tent (he is the one on the right) Make sure you have him clearly in view and use a silenced scoped weapon (MK12 sd) and headshot him. He will drop and nobody will notice. No need to cause a fight you have already won so sneak back and leave the rest of the squad to guard the dead commander.

6. The mission where you have to stop the convoy before they arrive at the base and get on the chopper is another simple one. Again use silenced weapons tell your men to hold fire and everyone to be prone in a line formation crawl towards the base and when you have a clear enough view of the enemy open fire and kill any at the base (there aren't many) then chance running towards the hind and steal it. then fly around and pick off any remaining enemy on the ground and when the convoy arrives shoot them they cant take off because you stole their ride, land and then extract in the huey.

7. The night mission where you have to demo the 2 masts and then take on the airfield is relativly simple if you sneak and stealth kill enemy. Tell your men to hide and on your own run towards the hanger and steal the russian plane take off and shoot down the enemy helicopters that patrol the area. Alternativly you can use the mounted gun at the side of the hanger and these will tear holes in anything human or flying.

8. The mission where you have to find the intel hidden in a base is simple use the LAV and hummer at a distance and let your AI take out any enemy. There is a base hidden in the woods on the side of a hill you can have some of your squad in the hummer and the rest in the lav. keep your distance and let your gunners take out the enemy, run into the base and take the computer and you get a call to help downed pilots. Get both drivers of the lav and hummer to drive there. When you arrive take out the 2 enemy at the crashed helicopter and both pilots will join your squad. Heres how you win this. Jump out and get in the minigun on the right side of the chopper, tell the driver of the lav to move to the same side you are facing and the same with the hummer. Tell the pilots to stay prone and stop on the left side of the chopper. Now what you should have is you on the minigun 2 gunners in the lav and a gunner in the hummer. you basically now have a simplified armoured position and you can easily take out anything that comes at you. Being the minigunner you are vulnerable to getting shot but spraying bullets all over the trees and hill will make the difference.

9. The final mission in which you have to rescue the doctor is simple too. Make sure you have a landmine in your pack. After taking out the patrolling soldiers along the valley you come to a t junction where the base is on your left and the reinforcments are on your right. Place the landmine in the road and attack the base with scoped silenced weapons. This way if the alarm is raised and reinforcements are called in the truck will drive over the landmine wiping the whole squad out. When you manage to get inside the prison area of the base. Walk up to the front door of each barracks and there will always be a soldier at the end of the hall, shoot him through the glass because they are always a pain to get if you open the door. I like to use my pistol when inside the barracks, open each door and shoot any enemy hiding inside the cells. You will eventually find the doctor

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Awesome tips Archamedes! Yeah once again the last mission was kinda a let down. I'm glad to say that the new campaign is 100% kickass! Here's a few teasers. Seal Team Six 3 will feature custom voice overs for important characters, many character animations that add to the immersion, and more special ops mission types such has recon and linking up with indigenous fighters. It's sill in production and hopefully will be released in a week or two. I want to make sure this one is perfect. Keep posting the mission ides. I've already implemented most of them.

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Big suggestion if you update this campaign.

As has already been mentioned, the end of Op. Eagle Claw is insanely irritating because I'm spending almost as much time finding one sniper at the end of the mission as I spent on the whole mission. Please make it so you don't have to kill them to complete the HQ destruction and get to extraction.

Also, why are there no medics?

edit: Well I spent almost 2 hours running in circles looking for the last man(men) and couldn't find anyone. :(

Edited by MacScottie

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Okay here is the zone that needs to be cleared on eagle claw. The square must not contain any living enemy units. Don't forget there are guys in the machine gun nests in the front. Hope this helps.


Also I'm sure i added medics to the update, but some missions don't have them. I like the challenge. Besides in real life medics don't bring you back to 100% combat effectiveness after being shot like in the game.

Edited by Sick1

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Yeah, but especially if you have to clear a whole Town it can become quite frustrating if you dont have a Medic

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5. the mission where you have to eliminate the commander at the safehouse by the lake is much easier than it looks. About 300 metres away from it tell your men to stop and go prone and move forward yourself. when you crawl over the small hill and get through all the bushes you will see the safehouse on the otherside of the lake. surrounded by lots of soldiers. Ignore them they wont see you. Keep crawling to the left until you can see the commander inside the tent (he is the one on the right) Make sure you have him clearly in view and use a silenced scoped weapon (MK12 sd) and headshot him. He will drop and nobody will notice. No need to cause a fight you have already won so sneak back and leave the rest of the squad to guard the dead commander.

AN idea for sick: I dont know how the AI responds to the dead guys, but what about having choppers ( trying to locate that pesky american sniper!)that fly around once the commander is dead to add some intensity and call in a bmp or something to hassle the player, this makes it more challenging.

also have a few squads on a sentry waypoint or when the commander is dead, have them run out about a kilometer in all directions(trying to locate and kill the player.

perhaps you dont wanna modify that mission again, add the cat and mouse idea above into a mission, same assasin type thing, but it could be challenging to have enemy vehicles and troops biting at ur heels as you run to extract.

a good idea for your missions is think about what you would do in the enemies shoes, if ur commander is dead, would you stand around instead of being angry and charging around looking 4 the killer?

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Thanks for that map Sick1. I'll go see if clearing that area more thoroughly helps, but like I said I'm 99.9% sure it's clear already. Does the area simply need to be clear, as in all enemies out of it? Or do you have to kill all enemies that were in it to begin with? I had a c-130 drop that annihilated the area before I went in and destroyed almost everything except the roaming truck and the 2 MG nests. I'm fairly sure everything in the shot you provided is dead and gone. Is there some sort of noclip command for ArmA so I can check to see if any units got pushed underground in the area and are stuck?

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Drop a humvee with your radio command and go back til power plant previously destroyed you should find three more guys. When I killed them the mission over for me. It was hard time for me to finding them it seems like some escaped from the area that Sick1 bookmarked but when my gunner kill the last near the power plant I only have to take a ride on my blackhawk.

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One question, how do you set the start and end of the C130 bombing run? Sometimes it bombs lengthwise along my target, sometimes across, sometiems even right on top of me.

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Yeah it is kind of anoying not to know where the run will start. It would be great if it was like this:

1. Call for the Bomber

2. Klick start point on map

3. Klick end Point on Map

Bomber destroys everything between the two marks. Perhaps this could be possible by creating a invinsible Helipad with each klick, but I´m not into scripting

EDIT: Maybe the bombing run would become too powerfull with that?

Edited by Tonci87

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AN idea for sick: I dont know how the AI responds to the dead guys, but what about having choppers ( trying to locate that pesky american sniper!)that fly around once the commander is dead to add some intensity and call in a bmp or something to hassle the player, this makes it more challenging.

also have a few squads on a sentry waypoint or when the commander is dead, have them run out about a kilometer in all directions(trying to locate and kill the player.

perhaps you dont wanna modify that mission again, add the cat and mouse idea above into a mission, same assasin type thing, but it could be challenging to have enemy vehicles and troops biting at ur heels as you run to extract.

a good idea for your missions is think about what you would do in the enemies shoes, if ur commander is dead, would you stand around instead of being angry and charging around looking 4 the killer?

but if you are not aware that your commander is dead then why spread out to find the killer? Using a silenced weapon means stealth. If you went in with a machine gun then you will alert everyone to your presence. But just in real life if you are a sniper i a concealed position and you see a guarded target inside a tent. By taking him out quietly is a mission accomplished.

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And the Sound of the Body falling on the Ground? CVould be heared by the guards^^

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but if you are not aware that your commander is dead then why spread out to find the killer? Using a silenced weapon means stealth. If you went in with a machine gun then you will alert everyone to your presence. But just in real life if you are a sniper i a concealed position and you see a guarded target inside a tent. By taking him out quietly is a mission accomplished.

This is true. There is a trigger set for enemy reinforcements to arrive on the Seals detection. So taking him out silently means no reinforcements. On another note the C130 bombing run was a script made by some one. I'll let you know who in a lil bit. There are options to change the strikes, but it's all scripting.

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In the fourth mission, the one where you have to destroy armor in Alpha and Bravo points, and you insert by HALO, my AI mates doesn't have weapons! Only a pistol. They seem to lose their main weaponry when the jump from the C130.

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Haf the same Problems too, try to restart and hope that you have luck, or call for resupply

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I have that problem, I dropped a supply crate and told them to get weapons from that however one also got injured upon appearing on top of me when i landed.

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Yeah i guess that halo script is broke.

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I'm on the mission Deliberate Force, blew up the 2 AA radar stations, and am on the objective where you have to clear the airfield. It says in the objective description I have air support available but it's not appearing in the radio commands for me to request it. How do I get the air support?

On another note:

Anyhow I have a few tips and solutions for some of the missions

1. Whenever possible ALWAYS equip yourself and your team with silenced scoped weapons the best is the MK12SD Enemies will not be drawn to you if you pick them off one at a time 1 kill per shot.

2. If you have silenced weapons and your task is to take out a camp, about 400 metres away from a camp tell your men to hold fire, go prone and induvidually order your men to surround the camp so you have a 360 degree fire coverage. (best at the edge of woods but dont get seen.) Then when the time is right order your team to open fire and the enemy will get hit from so many directions that they will get confused on who to target and end up panicking.

3. on the CAS mission you do seem to have to wait around forever sometimes and i do decide to keep calling them in until they do arrive. Just keep doing it and trying different positions to target.

4. The mission where you have to take the captive to the RZ point and hold the small village can be a pain. But easy if you know how. First line up at the end of the village and destroy the enemy in the white car that arrives. Then turn around and run up the small ridge between the village and the huge mountain where the enemy come down on you. tell your men to get into a line formation and go prone you will have the protection of the small hill and i found this to be the only successful way to hold the town.

5. the mission where you have to eliminate the commander at the safehouse by the lake is much easier than it looks. About 300 metres away from it tell your men to stop and go prone and move forward yourself. when you crawl over the small hill and get through all the bushes you will see the safehouse on the otherside of the lake. surrounded by lots of soldiers. Ignore them they wont see you. Keep crawling to the left until you can see the commander inside the tent (he is the one on the right) Make sure you have him clearly in view and use a silenced scoped weapon (MK12 sd) and headshot him. He will drop and nobody will notice. No need to cause a fight you have already won so sneak back and leave the rest of the squad to guard the dead commander.

6. The mission where you have to stop the convoy before they arrive at the base and get on the chopper is another simple one. Again use silenced weapons tell your men to hold fire and everyone to be prone in a line formation crawl towards the base and when you have a clear enough view of the enemy open fire and kill any at the base (there aren't many) then chance running towards the hind and steal it. then fly around and pick off any remaining enemy on the ground and when the convoy arrives shoot them they cant take off because you stole their ride, land and then extract in the huey.

7. The night mission where you have to demo the 2 masts and then take on the airfield is relativly simple if you sneak and stealth kill enemy. Tell your men to hide and on your own run towards the hanger and steal the russian plane take off and shoot down the enemy helicopters that patrol the area. Alternativly you can use the mounted gun at the side of the hanger and these will tear holes in anything human or flying.

8. The mission where you have to find the intel hidden in a base is simple use the LAV and hummer at a distance and let your AI take out any enemy. There is a base hidden in the woods on the side of a hill you can have some of your squad in the hummer and the rest in the lav. keep your distance and let your gunners take out the enemy, run into the base and take the computer and you get a call to help downed pilots. Get both drivers of the lav and hummer to drive there. When you arrive take out the 2 enemy at the crashed helicopter and both pilots will join your squad. Heres how you win this. Jump out and get in the minigun on the right side of the chopper, tell the driver of the lav to move to the same side you are facing and the same with the hummer. Tell the pilots to stay prone and stop on the left side of the chopper. Now what you should have is you on the minigun 2 gunners in the lav and a gunner in the hummer. you basically now have a simplified armoured position and you can easily take out anything that comes at you. Being the minigunner you are vulnerable to getting shot but spraying bullets all over the trees and hill will make the difference.

9. The final mission in which you have to rescue the doctor is simple too. Make sure you have a landmine in your pack. After taking out the patrolling soldiers along the valley you come to a t junction where the base is on your left and the reinforcments are on your right. Place the landmine in the road and attack the base with scoped silenced weapons. This way if the alarm is raised and reinforcements are called in the truck will drive over the landmine wiping the whole squad out. When you manage to get inside the prison area of the base. Walk up to the front door of each barracks and there will always be a soldier at the end of the hall, shoot him through the glass because they are always a pain to get if you open the door. I like to use my pistol when inside the barracks, open each door and shoot any enemy hiding inside the cells. You will eventually find the doctor

What a goddamn exploit fest.

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Yeah that was a bug. I forgot to takeout the support info in the briefing. An air strike in that level makes it too easy. I'm not a big fan of CAS in all missions.

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Sure I don't expect AA in every mission, just thought it was available here. Doing it the old fashioned way now. I still think theres a little too many enemies in those hangers for doing it the traditional way though. It should be like a couple guard posts outside the hangars, maybe a couple of guards patroling, and a pilot or 2 inside the hangars. Not a shooting gallery that pops up once u peek inside. Believability is the key here imo.

Edited by Njayjay

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Sure I don't expect AA in every mission, just thought it was available here. Doing it the old fashioned way now. I still think theres a little too many enemies in those hangers for doing it the traditional way though. It should be like a couple guard posts outside the hangars, maybe a couple of guards patroling, and a pilot or 2 inside the hangars. Not a shooting gallery that pops up once u peek inside. Believability is the key here imo.

A cool thing to try is to sneak into the static AA gun. That bad boy will pump lead right threw both of the hangar walls.

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Oh it will shout throght the walls? Damn I should have tried it, I just aproached very silent in this mission and took the bad guys out as the came running out of the Hangar, wasn´t such a Problem

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