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Can someone please help, this is driving me nuts!

In MP upon joining it boots me and says "file ibr_isladuala.pbo has been deleted"

I also cant see the map in single player under editor...

Ive put the @duala folder to main dir, and added the string to the shortcut..

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Can someone please help, this is driving me nuts!

In MP upon joining it boots me and says "file ibr_isladuala.pbo has been deleted"

I also cant see the map in single player under editor...

Ive put the @duala folder to main dir, and added the string to the shortcut..

What exactly have you got in your shortcut?

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It should be:

-mod=@duala;@anyothermod -world=empty

Usually people make typos like =mod-, =mod: etc.

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Hi IceBreakr,

Many thanks for this update, Performances are better again.

But i have just found a bug about your trucks (police and military):

From outside, by windows i don't see the vehicle's inside. There are just nothing, like there were nothing at all.

(Am i clear enough?? )

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You are, I already fixed it for next hotfix release. Someone's been toying around with p3d and managed to destroy window properties :)

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Updated the Duala in KH Community Repo to 1.7

**Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper


Alternatively, as an easier method, you can click on this link to access both KH Repos directly from YAS -> Kelly's AddonSync Repos

Edited by Cross

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class list for mission-makers - Ice you may want to add this back into the readme


Afrenian Army


Old units


Molatian Army


Old units




T-55 Tank

AS-350 Squirrel

Civilian Units




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Thanks eggbeast, it will be included in the next release.

Also added to the official page: Duala Classes

To keep you up-2-date with the project: Maj helped me fix the windows of Pinzgauer, so expect a fully working Pinz in v1.71. I'm still figuring out what to do with that AS-350 Squirrel - its very GPU demanding due to only 2 LODs. Engine & fueltank is not configured and stuff like that. We will try to add windows to it, but I doubt I'll be able to fix other stuff. I might add UH1-H instead when Arrowhead comes...

Edited by IceBreakr

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Tnx to Maj Z. windows are now finally installed ;)



Model donated by CheyenneAh56/Nemith Brothers, modded by NZDF_Crash, window tweaks by Maj Z. aka McHide

Pinzgauer windows are also 100% done now:


Pinz donated by LoBo/GIR Team - thanks guys! Additional help by Maj Z. aka McHide, Panda and zGuba.

Couple of bugs will be fixed in upcoming day or two with the map, too. Until then please wait a bit... 1.71 is just around the corner =)

p.s. message to BIS - President of Duala denies AAN rumors and further attacks will be launched against the terrorists behind the miserably failed coup ;) :P

Edited by IceBreakr

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Thanks for the new version! Nice work

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Eagle Watch - we made our sandbagged base on top of the petrol station in Bolabongo under cover of darkness using the sniper ladder feature and took full advantage of the L115-SD with bipod to completely annihilate the enemy presence by sun-up. Moving across the roofs of Bolabongo's large towers and sniping along thelong city streets was a great atmosphere.


with the MG and AT class functions we can mout a kord and SPG up there too...

great fun

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Dude, planting *anything* on a highly volatile object is a tactical no-go :) who were you playing up against? :)

p.s. I've fixed all major bugs reported, so 1.71 is kinda ready. If you have something to report today, its is a good time. In 24 hours I'm releasing 1.71...

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In 24 hours I'm releasing 1.71...

Hehe, great! thx IceBreakr

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Dude, planting *anything* on a highly volatile object is a tactical no-go :) who were you playing up against? :)

yeah it made us chuckle how vulnerable we were...

those molatians are a bit slow though. one of them refueled his vodnik right underneath us as we very quietly pulled silly faces at each other above.

(not really)

the real war was on the rooftops of the apartments, this was just the clean-up spotter position, so only a few leakers taking potshots and the odd wing of su25's to hide from

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Thanks for your work! This has become probably my favourite island in the game.

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and did You move da choppah to the afrene army faction in the editor?

If so, please give us the patch! :)

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hoe long time till release

---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

i mean how

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hoe long time till release

---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

i mean how

When it's done :yay:

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hoe long time till release

---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

i mean how

Because editing posts is so hard :rolleyes:

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looking forward to the release.

Will it be tested against OA before release?

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Duala is compatible with Arrowhead, but you must have A2 original content installed.

We found couple of more bugs and I'm fixing them later today, big thanks to Rafalsky for devheaven reports.

p.s. there's a rumor that Afrenian and Lingor governments are in talks to buy considerable numbers of Pilatus PC-9 planes. I'll keep you informed ;)

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