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Yeah, take a look at the "resort" area of the new island in the north-west. Those red/white buildings are new textures I believe. (I could be totally wrong, so don't quote me on it)


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Ice, I remember you saying you retextured some of the houses to a different color in V.1.3. Is that true?

I seriously haven't seen anything yet...

Maybe some one could post a screenshot or tell me where they are.

They are little square villa houses, you can find them on Isla Hazena for one example.

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Mine are still Blue and tan...:confused:

I've updated to 1.3 and now 1.31. Why aren't I seeing these re-textures?

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Their walls should now be white with red roofs.

They are there for me, i dont know why you wouldnt see them.

Ice actually posted a pic of them too quite some pages back i think.

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Recheck if you're using two ibr_dtowns.pbo files (two mod folders?)...

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@SiC- Yes I've seen the pictures. I know what they look like. Mine are blue and tan.

@Ice- I just put them in my ArmA II/@All/Addons folder. Which has all my addons I dont use modfolders for in. So they are only in there. No where else. Any ideas...? :(

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Are you using the CAA1 mod? If so that is probably what's causing the issue as the CAA1 versions of the houses are being displayed instead of the Duala models.

Edited by stun

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Yes. Should I just run it without CAA1? I don't use it that much.

I'll just change the shortcut when I feel like using an ArmA 1 map. :)

Thanks though. I'll see if that fixes it.

EDIT: When I dont use the CAA1 mod, the house disapear totally. The aren't there...

So, what do I do now? Really would like to get this figured out.

Edited by Enad

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Sounds like you caught a bad case of conflicting addons bud.

Maybe time to sort out your modfolders and get a launcher program ;)

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Now I'm getting all sorts of errors since I tried not using CAA1 in my target line. I've tried putting it back in and still get all these errors. Now some buildings and objects just dont show up. They arent there, or they flicker on and off. Its really annoying. I mean wtf did I do. I didn't use CAA1 in my target line and it permanently screws up my game?? I've put CAA1 back into my target line since then and the same errors still occur. WTF.

Can some one help me. Is this dependent on CAA1 or something??

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Hey Enad,

totally agree with animal. putting everything into 1 mod folder sounds like a good idea at first but can cause exactly the probs you are having. rec you separate all your mods into their own @mod folders and make dif shortcuts for what you run most (or use a launch program). this will certainly eliminate many of your conflicting mod issues. btw, duala is not dependent on caa1. hope that helps Enad.

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I'm willing to do all that but what I'm REALLY confused about is...Why the hell did all these problems pop up right when I removed CAA1 from my Target line...? I put it back to see if it would fix it but no.. I can fully understand that there may be some conflicting addons, but generally not with a map. It just puzzles me why these problems happened so randomly. Everything was going great besides not being able to see Ice's Retextured building, but overall I had no problems, now alot of objects from the map are missing.

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Shot in the dark here Enad - did you maybe put something in your main addons folder at some point?

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No, it was working fine earlier today. Then I realized that thing about the re textured houses and got some info that CAA1 causes it not to work so I just removed that from my Target line and now its all messed up. I just did a test and...With CAA1 it works, but with some errors now...? Without CAA1,one building doesn't show up, the Blue roof buildings just don't show up, otherwise no errors....Its just the blue buildings aren't there.... Why is it almost acting as if the map is dependent on CAA1? I know its not but from what I just tested....This is just confusing me, I want good ol' Duala back. :(

Edited by Enad

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Believe me, CAA1 is not required by Duala.

Please reinstall all PBO files (ibr_plants, ibr_dtowns, brg_africa and isladuala) to a fresh directory such as @Duala/addons/ and it will work.

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Hi, I have never updated a Island addon yet but was wondering if I update to the new version of this, does that mean all my missions in the old version will get deleted/wiped?

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Missions never get deleted. To ensure compatibility, load the mission with 1.31 running and save it again. It will be 100% compatible then. Be sure to check mission areas if anything obstructs the goals, objects etc.

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Thank you very much Ice for the update.

EDIT: Nice update mate. Very nice. The new water color however imo looks awesome out in the deep, but in the rivers the new color looks like drinking water. :) Too clear. African rivers usually are muddy and the old color made the rivers look green/brow and hardly see through - i thaught it was perfect. But the new color is better out in the open sea around the island.

Can we have both? Probably not huh... ;)

Thanks Ice for a great island.

Edited by Alex72

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Just quickly, its nice that your continuing to maintain your projects, appreciated.

I have to agree with Alex that the water does go a bit too clear in the rivers, but this is probably a massive task to change hey.

Anyway, Duala continues to absorb each time I take a tour. :D

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As IceBreakr said CAA1 is definately NOT required by Duala.

I did some testing last night: With Duala on its own and no other addons I had the houses with white walls and a red roof. When I loaded CAA1 and Duala together I was only getting the house with brown walls and blue roof. What I didn't get a chance to test was whether loading order of CAA1 and Duala made any difference.

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This problem would probably be a classic example of loading order - the same buildings with two different textures - you should actually be able to select which ones you see via loading order! However, thats not the point here... The reason theres a problem at all is because Arma2 thinks you ARE loading the same model twice... it goes by classnames and stuff and if its fed two identical seeming items in a row it just uses the last one loaded... I'm by no means fully competent in all this stuff but it sounds like somehow, Arma2 thinks the Duala building and the CAA1 one are the same thing, so they're interchangable as far as the engine's concerned...

Another great update though IceBreakr!... The whole ground textures thing is looking excellent! New bump maps, huh?? Clever! Just kees getting better!


Edited by Bushlurker

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Believe me, CAA1 is not required by Duala.

Please reinstall all PBO files (ibr_plants, ibr_dtowns, brg_africa and isladuala) to a fresh directory such as @Duala/addons/ and it will work.

Thats exactly how I've been doing it. I'll try and re download the 1.3 update. Maybe that will fix things.

This whole thing just confuses me because all was going well until I tried removing CAA1 from my Target Line. How could thing spark all these problems. :confused:

First, should I try running ArmA II with CAA1 or without CAA1?

EDIT: Nope, just tested it again...Without CAA1 running, the buildings with tan walls and blue roofs will not show up at all. They aren't on the map. With CAA1 running I get no other issues besides not being able to see the retextured buildings.

Also, could some one post a screenshot of the retextured water. So I know if that's working also.

Edited by Enad

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I assume the fact that Duala changes the water color for all islands can't be helped. I actually don't mind it, just curious.

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