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No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

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Does public games mean IWnet's own servers? If so, would they have enough servers to provide everyone with all the combinations of custom rules and pre-set gametypes? Would these servers be placed just about everywhere in the world? Would these servers be able to play more then one gametype (a mixture)?

Right, I just read here that the player with the strongest connection will host. Which sort of results in to a private host without any password. It's the same as hosting a zombie game on WaW, which worked perhaps 30% of the time ....... why IW?!

They don't really give out that information, do they? It just seems more and more to me that they want to set us all in

the same room rather then having the liberty to choose the direction themselfs.

What used to be on COD: Modern Warfare (centralized dedicated server at a provider which fits the user, and the possiblity to customize and close the server at your liking)


And what will be on COD: Modern Warfare 2 (1. Private host, 2. IWnet hosting)


It would be decentralized local hosts (via IWnet) which you can't even change to your liking, force into a host and not by choice... Or a private match host which probably won't have the capacity to provide more then a few playerslots at a time. I'm not even sure you would be able to change the config besides settings that is provided in-game. :plain:

Unless we misunderstud each other completely I can't see this getting popular.

Interesting articles:

Peer-to-peer on MW2

Why dedicated servers are important

I don't support any of the personal attacks on the community manager, however. It's wasn't his decision and he is only doing his job.

Edited by colossus

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Signed the petition.

To be honest I really liked Search and Destroy servers on COD4, the one life only rule added a bit of strategy to the game, especially on clan servers. Which I liked.

First Codemasters and now Infinity Ward, and I always trusted IW because the COD series was designed and originated for the PC.

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Those are the most rubbish non-sence I have been heard for a while(well not that long ago maybe as OFP:DR shown). Yes there was a time that pc server are using the almost the same way (p2p hosting) for mp, heck, even RS by that time are still suffered from the same old problem, the creation of dedi. serve for later game makes everything better, how can anyone make things better by taking away the goods and reintroduce the bad?

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I don't quite get what he says.

What he says seems pretty clueless how organized PvP/matches/leagues and modifications work.

Matchmaking can be great. Yet at times you WANT to join a specific server, as a gang

of people is always hanging out there.

No idea how much bandwidth a standard CoD MP session needs, yet user hosting doesn't

sound like a good idea at all in most cases.

Even more it is a strong point to have admins to take care of the details and tweak the

server and the game configuration.

As he doesn't seem to give more detailed information, you can only assume that the

worst nightmares of people are true.

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If Arma 2 word of mouth could go out farther and faster around the gaming communities, Then Bis could pick up the disgruntled old Pc COD players :D

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If BIS had invested more in the typical player's expectation of adversarial game modes we'd have something to tempt them with.

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If BIS had invested more in the typical player's expectation of adversarial game modes we'd have something to tempt them with.

Very true. BIS has a chance to cash in with some more spit and polish on Arma2. They can also create some pretty damn good to replace COD with Arrowhead. The ball is in BIS's court now.

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I still play COD4 online occasionally and the tone on most servers is just atrocious. Not a game goes by without a bunch of idiots bickering about someone being a "fucking camper/hacker/sprayer/binder/lucker/noob/rusher/'sploiter/whatever". I don't know if it's because of younger peeps playing it or because of the increased adrenaline that comes with fast paced games, but it's bloody irritating.

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I still play COD4 online occasionally and the tone on most servers is just atrocious. Not a game goes by without a bunch of idiots bickering about someone being a "fucking camper/hacker/sprayer/binder/lucker/noob/rusher/'sploiter/whatever". I don't know if it's because of younger peeps playing it or because of the increased adrenaline that comes with fast paced games, but it's bloody irritating.

I simply think it is more of "that kind of people" that play those games. A pity one can't asshole-filter the servers like with addons, so such people couldn't even connect :(

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I simply think it is more of "that kind of people" that play those games. A pity one can't asshole-filter the servers like with addons, so such people couldn't even connect :(

That was the beauty of dedicated servers. You could find an "asshole free" server or two, and when you wanted to play, you went there. With this match making stuff it's going to be impossible.

Everyone is saying that this move was done due to the rampant piracy of CoD 4, and if that's the case, IW should learn to reward the people who purchase their game, not punish them. Pirates aren't necessarily lost sales anyway, as most probably never even consider buying a game.

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so did I, i only own COD1 and played the MW1 whiel borowing my friends copy. Although they may be "COD kiddies" playing it, they are using PCs for that and thats a + these days. /signed

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after 'operation flashbox 360 failpoint: fall of the dragon' the next game with no dedicated servers and no sdk tools. just a question where it's all gonna end!

...quo vadis pc gaming et quidem pc community?!?

Danny aka tr0jaN @ BashandSlash.com wrote

Today was a very bad day for me (PC gamers).

Back in the day when I played 50-slot servers for COD UO, we were the only ones that mattered, everything was about the PC regarding COD.

WE made this game.

WE pioneered the game.

WE made mods/maps that IW have now put their twist on and made their own (PST*Joker's AC130 mod being a good example, spawn delay...should I go on?).

And now, coming up to the release of MW2...where are we? Where is our support?

If you go and ask any 12 year-old Xbox player about COD and UO, guaranteed he won't have a clue. Most of them think COD3 is the first COD.

We have been forgotten; howver, lets not forget where FPS started all them years ago, many years before COD even began.

IW have sold us out. MS came with dollar symbols and they took it.

Every preview video contained nothing but Xbox footage. Why? Because MS wanted it that way. This in my eyes is the death of IW and the COD franchise. I for one will not be buying this and I'm very sad about this as I had high hopes for this game. Why on earth have they gotten rid of dedicated servers. They are what made us a community Why?

Consoles strive to be PC's and we do not.

We need our OWN game, not a console version.

We WANT dedicated servers, mod tools, mods, maps etc etc.

With the loss of dedicated servers we have NO community.

It's over. I see no road back unless IW listen to us, the people who put this game where it is.

The people who pioneered the game...us...the PC players.

On behalf of every PC gamer, RIP Call Of Duty.


here a statement of infinity ward after the petition and really "nice" what they think of those guyz, us, after over half a decade of hosting their servers and spending hundreds on hours on configs, mods and admimistration. those who actually made it possible for them to drive a 500SEL hehehee

Infinity Ward Responds To PC Fanboys' Dedicated Server Woes

Modern Warfare fansite bashandslash.com recently reported that Infinity Ward is removing dedicated server functionality from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. With dedicated servers and the server browser that comes with them replaced with custom-built matchmaking, PC gamers will have an online experience functionally identical to console players. Among other things, this means that clans can't run their own servers with their own mods and rulesets for their own private (or public, if they feel like crushing some scrubs for giggles) use.

Predictably, nerds across world took to the Internet with a wailing and a gnashing of teeth that would make the Left 4 Dead community proud. An online petition to bring back dedicated servers at the time of this writing stands at 100,000+ signatures. However -- and this may shock some gamers with advanced persecution complexes -- this move was not made to tweak the noses of the PC community. Infinity Ward heads Jason West and Vince Zampella explain the decision as a conscious effort to improve their game for the vast majority of their players.

"We're just prioritizing the player experience above the modders and the tuners," says West. He points toward the mounting feedback IW has received from PC fans of Modern Warfare who couldn't find a decent server to play on between all of the cheaters, the insular communities, and huge skill level disparities that the original game's community fractured into. "We thought maybe it would be cool if the fans could play the game," he laughs.

IW says that gameplay concerns for the majority of MW2 players are the overriding reasons for the decision. Zampella downplays the obvious piracy prevention angle (IW has cited numbers of people online playing illegal copies of Modern Warfare up to 60 percent). "The Steam stuff helps with the piracy. I don't know that the matchmaking stuff does," he notes. West takes a shot at the motives behind some of the outrage, noting that there's money to made by selling dedicated servers and adspace on them: "It's a little dubious. Some of the people complaining are complaining with their pocketbook."

Again and again during our conversation, West and Zampella hammer the point that hardcore PC players lose very little to this change relative to the returns that casual to moderate fans will see. Clans can set up private matches to do their training or what have you; all they lose is the ability to customize the game on a deeper level with mods and such. Infinity Ward sees the addition of solid matchmaking and community support like IW-run tournaments to the PC as a huge win, and not something that could be done under the old system.

Why not have both? West does not want to include dedicated servers alongside the custom-built backend, stating that it would just "bifurcate the community."

Edited by Chaostika7-17th

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Heh. "PC gamers will have an online experience functionally identical to console players." As if that'd be a good thing...

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It seems they have erases all the reviews in Amazon.co.uk.

The money talks louder...

I won't play it but I've just signed the petition.

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However -- and this may shock some gamers with advanced persecution complexes -- this move was not made to tweak the noses of the PC community.

Maybe the quoted article reads differently in console land, but yes, you just explained in detail how it was meant precisely to tweak the noses of the PC community.

"We don't want you to be able to play the way you want, because we want everyone to play like this."

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LOL! IW is pathetic.. This whole path of game development is pathetic, really. Let's take away all the 'color', capacity, ability for individuals and groups to make the game unique and fantastic.. And turn it into the moderates desire for gray sameness. No one is special, no one can make creative leaps.

The young gamers have no idea of what they are giving up by supporting this action. $DLC$, loss of MP servers after a year or two (DIRT @ CM), and need to $buy$ the next in series to continue online playing. Give back Moddability and dedicated servers, you greedy corporate beancounters!!!

Thank you BIS for the open, freeform game you have given us! Keep this business model and you will always have a purchase from me.

Edited by Scrub

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Thank you BIS for the open, freeform game you have given us! Keep this business model and you will always have a purchase from me.

so true, thx BIS and always one from me hehehee

Modern Warfare 2 For PC

On 10.20.09, In Video Games, By fourzerotwo

I recently broke news on a PC community member’s podcast that Modern Warfare 2 would be introducing a completely new backend infastructure called IWNET that would allow matchmaking for multiplayer games on PC. The news, by default, means no more browsing through a Server List for a server with the settings / ping you want among other things, and sent shockwaves through the hardcore PC community, leading to many more questions than answers as to ‘HOW’ this would work, and if it would really be better for the PC community as a whole.

Questions, assumptions, and speculation I intend to dispel.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is actually the biggest investment Infinity Ward has ever made into the PC version of our games. It’s also the most feature-rich PC version we’ve ever made. IWNET takes the benefits of dedicated servers and allows them to be utilized and accessed by every player, out of the box, while removing the barrier to entry for players unaware of how to maintain a server on their own.

How does it do this?

Matchmaking & Smoother Gameplay: When you want to player a multiplayer game on PC, in the past. You’d have to scroll through a Server Browser which listed every available server which was hosted by individual server admins. Each had their own private rules, mods, or ways of playing the game. Most players would also use the server browser to find just the best quality game (based on PING). With IWNET matchmaking, it takes all that into account for you. All you have to do is select the playlist (pre-set gametypes with custom rules) that fits the style of play you are in the mood for. When you do, it will automatically find you a game with the best performance, ping, and preferences based on your location and individual connection as well as matching you with players of your same SKILL. So you’re always guaranteed the best game performance for where you are and what connection you’re playing on as well as an equal game with other players of your same skill level, not rank, but skill level. It doesn’t mean you’ll just be thrown into a random game! It will put you in the game that will give you the smoothest gameplay possible without you having to manually find a server with the best ping.

Playlists and Private Matches: As I described above, Playlists are pre-set game modes and gametypes for public games. If you just want to jump into a public game of Search and Destroy or Hardcore Search and Destroy and you don’t care about fully customizing it, then you can utilize playlists to do that quickly for you. However, say you’re in a clan and you want to play a Clan match with another team, or you want to practice for an upcoming tournament that has specific rules in a private game. Then you can start a Private Match (which is essentially like running your own private server) where you have complete control over the rules, who can join, boot players you don’t want, and essentially control the entire game or tweak it to your liking. Once the rules are set, you can invite the other team in or just start it up with your clan to practice with the custom rules before the match. This now allows you to play custom games out of the box without the need to install mods, find a modded server with the rules you like, or worry about not being in control of the match.

Party System and Friendslist: Modern Warfare 2 on PC also makes it much easier if you want to party up with your friends, or again, with your clan for a match. You can utilize the friendslist to see when your friends are online, and invite them to your Party. A Party allows you to move from game to game as a group. It’s great for clan matches, because you can party of with your clan and move from public game to public game together. Or if you’re doing a scrim, party up and invite the other clan (who is in a party) and they’ll all join at once. Set up a private match together and play. It makes setting up scrims or games with friends easier and hassle free.

Cheat / Hack Free Games: The biggest benefit of using IWnet by far is the fact that you don’t have to worry about joining a server full of aim-bots, wallhacks, or cheaters. Or relying on the server admin of the server to constantly be monitoring, banning, and policing it. Modern Warfare 2 on PC allows us to control the quality of the game much more than ever before as well as utilizing the VAC (Valve-Anti-Cheat) system to keep games clean of hackers and cheaters.

All in all, IWNET adds a load of new features that the PC version of our games have never had before and allows us an infrastructure to continue to update and improve on the game post-launch.

after community manager and consolefanboy 402 released this above on his page http://www.fourzerotwo.com/?p=745#respond he nearly got 4000 comments on his site in a short time and then disabled the blog comments and deleted many answers. must say, alot where just really beneeth the beltline, we would say in germany. so i can understand that a bit. i had found a comment which i copied, good thing, cause it also got deleted. don't know why, but it just describes exactly, or hits the hammer right on the nail in the case of multiplayer @mw2 - no dedi servers, no custom content, no clans, no community:

Not sure if IW really "get" PC gaming.When I join a server, I am joining a community. I know that when I join a server, I'll get to know the regulars, learn from them, and it is a popular recruiting ground for clans. I see those same people in the forums, and we all greet each other because we all recognise and share a mutual respect. We probably don't know each other well enough to make use of buddy lists.

Part of the reason people play games is the social interaction, which is arguably stronger in the PC world where people invest thousands of dollars and lots of time on their equipment. Going into a server is a little bit like walking into your regular bar - you might not know everyone but the regulars are always there and the barman might even know your name. Now what I'm hearing is that this is too complex and IW want to force people to go to random bars, and thus the people they drink with, every time. How is a community meant to grow?

I call upon IW to restore dedicated servers, which are the cornerstone of a strong gaming community. If the perception is that IW.net will add value, keep it too, but give us, your customer, the choice. Without a strong community, I see no long term future for this game.

last but not least, something to laugh

5 words you are going to see very often in MW2

You cannot kick host player.

Is anyone else laggin here?

kick that 350 pinger pls

Host migration is in effect

Connection lost, finding new match.

I want my money back!

anyone want to play COD4?

Where the F**K am I?"

Do I know you people?

This is MW2, isn't it?

400 ping is good. Right?

where all the players at?

Searching for low ping connection

3 hours later

Searching for low ping connection

Kicked due to high ping

kicked: You ownd the host

is anyone else getting lag?

Where is the dedicated servers?

should have saved my money

WTF? Blue X to reload?

Error: You need a controller

God Activision really f***ed me.

Anyone for a CoD:UO match?

Epic fail multiplayer is fail.

Sixty bucks down the drain.

My PC became a console!!!

Someone please girl slap me.

I should have believed them.

Install Controller and Press start

Why did I buy this game?

source'n more here: http://www.infinityward.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=135212&start=40

Edited by Chaostika7-17th

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who would want to download 15gb????? that's crazy. and stupid from a marketing perspective.

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who would want to download 15gb????? that's crazy. and stupid from a marketing perspective.

They don't have to manufacture the disks, and combined with 10€ extra price they basically sell 2 games in one.

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In addition to +10€ price and no dedicated servers, there will be no installing media provided with the retail box. Only the cd key which you will use to download the 15GB game from iwnet/steam.


Did you even read the replies before posting that? It's not confirmed officially there. Just looks some moron posting rubbish.

Is there anything official on this?

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Originally Posted by Leopardi

In addition to +10€ price and no dedicated servers, there will be no installing media provided with the retail box. Only the cd key which you will use to download the 15GB game from iwnet/steam.


i listened to the web/podcast @ http://bashandslash.com/ last weekend for 3 stunning hours where the bad, shocking news came out of bowlings mouth in person. pst joker from the extreme mod, rudedog of fpsadmin.com, gartejax of cod.tv, josh of planetmedalofhonor.com and mattks from weplaycod had a discussion with the host jockyitch of bashandslash about the rumors and @ 01:38:00 rob bowling, 402, popps in from amsterdam to answer their questions. there we first got to know, that its true about the -no dedicated servers-.

well, somewhere between 01:38:00 and 2:27:00 bowling mentions, that there will be a disk, you'll have to search 4 the time yourself, cant find it right now:


(here u can "fast forward")



i also think it's a rumor with no disk, but hey, IW or 402 promised or said so much in the past, that it's quiet hard to believe some things or not sometimes,

so checkout the gif below :cool:

(wonder what grant collier is doing or thinking of his "baby" ~ cod right now!!)


Edited by Chaostika7-17th

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Did you even read the replies before posting that? It's not confirmed officially there. Just looks some moron posting rubbish.

Is there anything official on this?

The system requirements didn't have any mention about a DVD drive.

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