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Dragon Rising has been released

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You have to hand it to these CM devs don’t ya




They treat there members like mushrooms (kept in the dark and feed on shit) and when the chit hits the fan, they get there members to fix there game up. They need to hire this young man he could be an asset.


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I got banned yesterday

congratulations, welcome to the club :D

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You have to hand it to these CM devs don’t ya

[... they get there members to fix there game up. They need to hire this young man he could be an asset.


They wont hire him, he does it for free, and now he will be a tool for them to keep the sales up till after Xmass when they pull the plug. They can do all he can do and more. But then you would have to pay the coder, and if they can srting along a modder to just do enough to keep the sheep feed well they may even see it sell into February for 20$, or untill there MS and PS3 contracts finnish...

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I'll never understand people who think DR is a better looking game than Arma2, to me it's just funky lighting on a repeat island. Vanilla Arma2 is a far better looking game imo, but damn, throw some SLX/JTD/Warfx into the mix- my jaw just drops even in missions I've alreay played before.

Ever try a sniper hunt in A2? I put one in the woods in a random location and went looking for him, out of 20 attempts, I got him once. In DR? Just follow the tracers. I didn't know snipers needed tracers in RL.

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They wont hire him, he does it for free, and now he will be a tool for them to keep the sales up till after Xmass when they pull the plug.

A replacement puppet for Sir. Polaris.... dance puppet dance :yay:

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Hi all


Since this game has stoped being sold and nobody is playing it I see little reason for this thread to still be here. :j:

Regards walker

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Hi all


Since this game has stoped being sold and nobody is playing it I see little reason for this thread to still be here. :j:

Regards walker

Is it still on steam??

And has anybody ever had a gun JAM? Did this actually make it in the game?

Edited by kklownboy

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Here's my dilemma:

1. I want to try the demo to see if I like the game, despite of all the negative feedback

2. I don't wanna buy it, because of all the negative feedback

3. I don't wanna pir...te it, it's not worth the bandwidth

What the Sam Hill's going on? Where's the demo?

Hey, I know, I will play some more A2 instead...and there's always good ole Swat 4, Hidden & dangerous 2, Raven Shield etc.

The ones that made the decision to stick with BIS, made the right one.

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Here's my dilemma:

1. I want to try the demo to see if I like the game, despite of all the negative feedback

2. I don't wanna buy it, because of all the negative feedback

If you have a console, try rental and look for yourself. It's not a stellar game, but neither is it the POS some people here make it sound like.

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Umm it really is the POS everyone is making it out to be. It lacks any character or soul, extremely bland, washed out like the colour scheme ingame.

The new patch for DR is a joke. Its the type of patch that should've been released on the games release day.

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It's not a stellar game, but neither is it the POS some people here make it sound like.

Thats your opinion, in my opinion it is the POS it's made out to be!

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A replacement puppet for Sir. Polaris.... dance puppet dance :yay:

Would you mind not, awfully?

We respond to DR's lack of quality by criticising it. He responds to it by working his ass off in an attempt to fix some of it. If you look at his posts on the forum, they're all on technical matters and he's never once praised the game for qualities it doesn't have. He tries to change CM's 'product' to cater to the 'hardcore' PC gamer - surely a good thing.

You may think he's misguided in his choice of game to mod, but no comparison to Sir. Polaris is fair.

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wanna see something "funny" ?


DR is "more realistic", read "comparision", can someone who have DR check this "penetration" ? :D

on other forum (about gaming) i started pro-BIS posting and you know what ?

"Arma is bug on bug and bug, who need buggy game, i don't care about about large battles if it is all bugs"

i asked guy "do you have Arma, have you played?"

"no and i won't cause it is only bugs and DR is realistic cause bullets really fly"

gosh.... :/ idiots, they haven't tried Arma2, they know it is "bug on bug" and "DR is realistic"

helpless idiots :/

Edited by vilas

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That comparison was made before DR was released. I can easily see how someone might end up with that conclusion if he completely swallowed CM's bullshit

Edited by Fincuan
Yay for lack of filter!

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Has anyone actually made a direct comparison of the two penetration systems? It was lauded by certain people, even on these forums, before DR was released, but now...

I would try it myself, but I sold my DR copy last week. ;)

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PS. The "rude word" filters don't seem to work here. I was able to replace marketing with another word starting with bull... just fine

Thats because there arent any. You can swear here if you want, just dont swear excessively.

One of the joys of not being over-run by 13 year old kiddies :)

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Oh that's good to hear. I guess I'm just too used to being on forums where they are used.

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Has anyone actually made a direct comparison of the two penetration systems?

There is bullet penetration in DR?

Can't remember anything that could be penetrated in the first place. There are only trees and a couple of houses on Skira.

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Has anyone actually made a direct comparison of the two penetration systems? It was lauded by certain people, even on these forums, before DR was released, but now...

I would try it myself, but I sold my DR copy last week. ;)

I have. And made a youtube of it. I have a bunch of demo's of how horrid the accuracy is, the bullet penetration, the damage system on soldiers, damage models on vehicles. Shoot a helo out of the sky with an MP5 (seriously) one clip and they will fall. Watch a helo fall full force into the terrain and BOUNCE 10 feet into the air and land on it's skids.

There is (I call it) an invisi-shield around the player, first off the AI just sprays all over the place, even snipers will shoot the ground around you, and just follow the tracers back to the sniper and shoot him. The tracers that look like Star Wars blasters, so it's easy, if a bullet actually DOES hit you? It's random chance. SERIOUSLY. Even when you are hit and take one right to the forehead, you aren't hampered in the least. Just keep running around, same with getting shot in the leg. Duck behind a tree (because trees are indestructible) pull out your med pack, and heal yourself up. You stop bleeding but your head is still hit, but since that doesn't matter anyway, just keep on fighting. BTR's will shoot you dead in the chest.... no matter, it's like being shot with a .22 caliber pistol in your grandfathers closet. Med up, keep going. In one of my video's, I was standing 50meters from a BTR, and it took him 35 seconds to shoot me one time. Right in the chest. Without moving, I just pulled out my med pack, and let him keep firing.

THE GAME REALLY.... TRULY IS A PIECE OF MODERN SHIT. It's worth buying simple fact of looking at truly how stupid it is. It's a lesson in how to totally screw up a game. At no time are you really in any danger, unless they script it in for some guy to spawn behind you (where he clearly wasn't a second ago) and shoot you in the back. But it will take him a few shots.

If you want comic relief (or like watching bad car crashes) buy this thing. In one of my vids, I gave veteran AI smaws and told them to shoot a rubber boat. They couldn't even hit the water let alone the boat. They blast each other into bits. I laughed so damn hard. Screw it, here's a link.

Clicky 1 - I put 63 AI in a circle around me and stood still.

Clicky 2 - Gave Veteran AI Smaws and a little rubber boat to shoot.

And people say this is SO REALISTIC. If this is what real war is about.... sign me up!

The truly sad part of playing with this thing, is while doing the video's of DR, I got this cavalier attitude, and the feeling of superman. Knowing I couldn't get hurt, I just walked around and video taped. I got shot more from my own guys than the enemy, since everybody is just spraying all over. So, after getting used to playing "loose", I got into an Arma2 game and forgot I couldn't play like DR and got my ass handed to me. Took me a couple of days to "de-program" and get back into Arma2 can kill you mode.

Edited by [RIP] Luhgnut

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oh no, no more money to CM, even single cent to try it ;)

they earn from selling, so buying "to look and laugh" , nooo, better second copy of A2 if you have a lot of money :P to support BIS

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LOL at the Circle Jerk video above. Although the Ultimate AI mod would solve that I guess it still begs the question: What the hell was CM thinking?

I've never seen such atrocious AI in a game -ever! Tac-shooter?

Still I'm glad DR came out if not only to illustrate

A. How hard it is to pull off a successful Mil-Sim that incorporates AI in a free world.

B. How BI absolutely sets the standards in this genre.

My only worry is that no one else will ever try such an endevour after this debacle. Why would any developer risk it as it is basically a logistics nightmare in terms of how much you have to get right for basically a niche community. Most Dev's will find it easier to keep making splashier COD's and BF:BC's are whatever the f*ck they're called as that market is far easier to be pleased and much less to go wrong.

March on strong and proud BI!

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LOL at the Circle Jerk video above. Although the Ultimate AI mod would solve that I guess it still begs the question: What the hell was CM thinking?

I've never seen such atrocious AI in a game -ever! Tac-shooter?

Still I'm glad DR came out if not only to illustrate

A. How hard it is to pull off a successful Mil-Sim that incorporates AI in a free world.

B. How BI absolutely sets the standards in this genre.

My only worry is that no one else will ever try such an endevour after this debacle. Why would any developer risk it as it is basically a logistics nightmare in terms of how much you have to get right for basically a niche community. Most Dev's will find it easier to keep making splashier COD's and BF:BC's are whatever the f*ck they're called as that market is far easier to be pleased and much less to go wrong.

March on strong and proud BI!

I have the same worries and I hope someone else tries to enter this arena eventually.

Maybe it is my American way of thinking but I loved the idea that CM was coming out with a product that might compete with Arma2, it is possible it was the reason that kicked them in the butt to make Arrowhead...I could be wrong. The game at least got the community excited about another milsim. Sad thing is, about 1% of what they said they would deliver was actually delivered. Like I said before, I wanted it to be good...it just wasn't

Competition creates innovation, which creates a better product typically. Granted BIS makes an amazing game that I play almost every day but lets all admit it, it could be much better, there is just nothing else that competes and comes close. And if someone wants to try, I fully support it and hope they succeed and even if they fail. I at least benefit from a better product from the competing group (BIS) in reaction to the competition.

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We respond to DR's lack of quality by criticising it. He responds to it by working his ass off in an attempt to fix some of it.

Exactly, CM got a new puppet to do their work :)

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Yes, CM don't deserve him, to be honest. I really hope that he doesn't decide to help them given how it's basically saying "we can't do it right, you do it better, so you do it yourself, and we'll make the cash".

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