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Dragon Rising has been released

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it really annoys me when people make such huge glaring leaps of assumptions and state them as fact.

If you ever played DR with my ultimate AI mod and the Hardcore DS addon, you would see that the dispersion shield could very well be added to reduce difficulty (regardless of platform), playing with the afformentioned add-ons and the game is well nigh impossible to beat. much harder than anything I've experienced in ARMA. Its not due to the ai "cheating" but due to the fact that they are as good (regular ai) a shot as you are, and every bullet counts.

I wish people would stop making such huge assumptions "CM did this for that reason" unless you have proof, you should state it as being your opinion only

The DR AI isn't the only flaw and any correction to it will never get me to play it again. The PC version at release should of had those elements that you've done with your mod. I have DR for the PC and my biggest gripe is the fact it feels like a conosole game, period. We can discuss all the flaws of both games and the AI is often the easiest one to pick on since AI's are often the weakest link. That technology has a long way to go. I'll say this as a GAMER (and forget the technical lingo and splitting hairs), what matters is whether you are enjoying the end product. ARMA II has been evolving into something better since the original Operation Flashpoint days. I have been killed so many times and what I remember the most is where the AI has appeared or simulated something that resembles an intelligent decision. I don't give a s__t what the AI is doing under the hood, give me the experience and immersion. No doubt for me as a gamer, the BIS product has delivered on this front time and time again. The mods and the continual progress....don't get me started...LOL....Anyway, I think it's great for those that like DR, but for me, it's still an action, button mashing console game. As the words in the song by the Guess Who towards DR....."no time left for you, on to better days......"

Edited by Stryker_1

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Anyway, I think it's great for those that like DR, but for me, it's still an action, button mashing console game. As the words in the song by the Guess Who towards DR....."no time left for you, on to better days......"

If they would have spent less time in front of the camera expounding the vaulted virtues of the game, less time creating pretty CGI graphics and passing them off as "live in game", put a muzzle on Lenton, and focus on actually creating a good game to live up to it's namesake, then they may have something. Like others, I expected what was promoted as "all the things that made the original great have been included" well NOTHING that made the original great was included, not a single thing. So expectations were set extremely high through marketing and hype, so it hits you smack in the face within the first few minutes just how low quality it is. Of course I was comparing it to OFP because that's what they said it was.

So CM set the bar for failure with this thing. So maybe I was prejudice during my first time through it. So went back and looked at it as if it was not an "Operation Flash Point Title", and the game is still weak by any standards. While playing it trying to be subjective, it dawned on me, "They pushed it as a sequel, why am I giving them the benefit of the doubt?" It is what it is.... washed out, dumbed down, console port. Nothing more, nothing less.

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much harder than anything I've experienced in ARMA.

Try play on expert with super AI on ;)

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Try play on expert with super AI on ;)

oops edit. I had two forum screens open.


disregard. sorry JW.

Edited by [RIP] Luhgnut

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Dragon Rising patch #2 fixlist out, no patch yet or DLC still testing.

Anyways its good nothing special.

This is what I hoped to see:

FOV fixes

Video memory Option

Disable Shadows completely

Time in real-time not at x3 speed

Vehicle sensitivity and handling/ hitting rocks fixes

Entity Limits gone on PC 64 is pathetic

Screwed up weapon animations

Gameplay tweaks, like how long it takes to throw a grenade and your stuck doing so, pistol recoil/power, switching weapons, damage done from rockets on tanks

Of course the game will never recieve a proper FULL SDK and Dedicated servers but Ill keep bugging codemasters since SDK was promissed in an interview or two.

Good patch nothing like BIS patches in terms of actual difference. :)

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The patch list will need a patch to make it acceptable! Its just a whole bunch of cosmetic touch-ups, no gameplay advances.

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I think the main things that would need to be changed for me to play it properly again would be :

FOV (come on, I know you want to make things look bigger and faster and more claustraphobic, but gimme a standard 90 degrees please)

View Height (sure it lets people hide in grass better, but I feel like a kid soldier)

LOD issues (I can live with a lot of the LOD switching and drop off, but having the bush you're hiding behind vanish at a distance is annoying)

Weapon Switching (Switch to Launcher, spend 5 mins arming launcher, spot an enemy, quick switch to pistol, shoot enemy, switch back to launcher, spend 5 mins arming launcher)

If all those were fixed I would give it another go. Not sure how long I would play for before everything else annoyed me, but at least I could have a few coop games.

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I think the main things that would need to be changed for me to play it properly again would be :

FOV (come on, I know you want to make things look bigger and faster and more claustraphobic, but gimme a standard 90 degrees please)

View Height (sure it lets people hide in grass better, but I feel like a kid soldier)

LOD issues (I can live with a lot of the LOD switching and drop off, but having the bush you're hiding behind vanish at a distance is annoying)

Weapon Switching (Switch to Launcher, spend 5 mins arming launcher, spot an enemy, quick switch to pistol, shoot enemy, switch back to launcher, spend 5 mins arming launcher)

If all those were fixed I would give it another go. Not sure how long I would play for before everything else annoyed me, but at least I could have a few coop games.

I don't think they can salvage the mess that it is. CM has permanently damaged the respect I didn't even have with them in the first place...lol....Operation Flashpoint title stands with Cold War Crisis, Resistance and Bohemia and will ever remain. A most memorable game. Time to move on to ARMA II Operation Arrowhead. It's obvious the passion that people had for the original Operation Flashpoint. When I read posts about the anger on DR, those posts are definitely justified. CM lied, that simple. Yes I chose to buy it and I've accepted the money loss, but I still can't shake this feeling of being cheated. DR would literally have to be rebuilt from the ground up and it is obvious that CM never had the capability to rival the original. CM have fed a few egos to those that have become champions for a game that no where resembles what it was promised to be. How naive.

Edited by Stryker_1

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just did a drive by at CM during my meal break.

Apparently there is now a bug introduced in last patch that will just make a random player connecting to a multiplayer game invincible, super fast, and unlimited firepower. what I can gather. It's not a hack, or a cheat, but a legit bug in the game. only way to stop it, is to have the person hosting the game, shutdown and restart.

as if all they needed was another reason not to touch the awesomeness of 4 player Co-op.

it just get's funnier and funnier.

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Luhgnut;1544639']just did a drive by at CM during my meal break.

Apparently there is now a bug introduced in last patch that will just make a random player connecting to a multiplayer game invincible' date=' super fast, and unlimited firepower. what I can gather. It's not a hack, or a cheat, but a legit bug in the game. only way to stop it, is to have the person hosting the game, shutdown and restart.

as if all they needed was another reason not to touch the awesomeness of 4 player Co-op.

it just get's funnier and funnier.[/quote']

LOL....are you sure it's not some console Rambo Mod....LOL.....too funny....CM should just take advice from that ol saying .....quit while your ahead...well not exactly...they were never ahead...but you get the drift...LOL

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nah, confirmed bug. They stop the hackers, and you then randomly become one. Then people get upset at the poor slob and get's blacklisted from their games forever, cause he logged in and got it.

Now they are killing their own fanbase, through legit gameplay.

"How many clowns you think they can fit in that car?"

Edited by [RIP] Luhgnut

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You know, once this new bug arose I'm surprised CM didn't say "we're testing out a new gamemode where one player is rambo"

... ah bugger, now I've given them an idea.

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See this thread. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/operation-flashpoint-dragon-rising-game-pc-113/404184-possible.html

This guy wants to change the layout on the M4 to have a thermal scope and silencer.

Templar has put in the code needed to do this.

<EntityTemplate ID="60311601980401884" Name="sa23m4a1s" Description="M4A1S Assault Rifle" FolderID="137948461090501798" ParentID="64194292620224732">

<ParamSet ID="132369196018329820">

<ParamSet NestedAs="Audio" ID="62453576233150388">

<Param Name="AE_Group" Group="AudioBaseWeapon" Type="shortname" Value="HW/USA" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="AE_Name" Group="AudioBaseWeapon" Type="shortname" Value="AR_M4A1S" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="AEW_EjectName" Group="AudioBaseWeapon" Type="shortname" Value="Shell_Light" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="AEW_MisfireName" Group="AudioBaseWeapon" Type="shortname" Value="misfire_1" Flags="2" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="Weapon" ID="62645584762005653">

<ParamSet NestedAs="Animation" ID="64718690690820163">

<Param Name="AnimSet" Group="Weapon" Type="shortname" Value="m4a1" Flags="2" Description="Swappable name in the animation set for the movement type" />

<Param Name="recoilFreq" Group="DefaultGroup" Type="float" Value="14" Flags="1" Description="Recoil wave frequency" />

<Param Name="recoilSlewRange" Group="DefaultGroup" Type="float" Value="0.5" Flags="1" Description="Maximum angular slew displacement" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="dr" ID="134703178799933589">

<Param Name="base" Group="DR" Type="float" Value="240" Flags="3" />

<Param Name="handling" Group="DR" Type="float" Value="120" Flags="3" />

<Param Name="recoil" Group="DR" Type="float" Value="15" Flags="3" />


<Param Name="bigRumble" Group="Weapon" Type="float" Value="0.3" Flags="1" />

<Param Name="dofAimNear" Type="float" Value="0.1" />

<Param Name="dofNotAimRange" Type="float" Value="0.45" />

<Param Name="littleRumble" Group="Weapon" Type="float" Value="0.3" Flags="1" />

<Param Name="osdName" Group="Weapon" Type="shortname" Value="m4" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="templateName" Group="Weapon" Type="shortname" Value="m4a1" Flags="2" Description="Set this name to the same name as the weapon in the xls spreadsheet" />

<Param Name="weaponAimType" Group="Weapon" Type="shortname" Value="UNAIMED_ONLY" Flags="3" Description="Should be either UNAIMED_ONLY, BOTH, PREFER_AIMED or AIMED_ONLY" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="FireMode0" ID="62977867993868437">

<Param Name="magType01" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="shortname" Value="am30mag556sub" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="maxRange" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="float" Value="1000" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="releaseVelocity" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="float" Value="270" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="rpm" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="int" Value="900" Flags="2" Description="Use this for AUTO & BURST modes only" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="FireMode1" ID="62977872037177493">

<Param Name="magType01" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="shortname" Value="am30mag556sub" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="maxRange" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="float" Value="1000" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="releaseVelocity" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="float" Value="270" Flags="2" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="AnimatedModel" ID="63645399997506585">

<Param Name="boneMap0" Group="AnimatedModel" Type="string" Value="W_RFL_M4A1_S" Flags="3" Description="Name of bone mapping file (if required)" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="Scope" ID="63789196266203220">

<Param Name="attachBone" Group="StandardScope" Type="string" Value="bone_anpas13" Flags="1" Description="Bone on the weapon to attach the scope to" />

<Param Name="scopeName" Group="StandardScope" Type="string" Value="w_scp_anpas13e" Flags="1" Description="Name of the renderable object" />

<Param Name="TwoDScopeOSD" Type="shortname" Value="Thermal" Description="Does this scope use a 2D OSD?" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="GameObject" ID="65009067586775274">

<Param Name="UIArtName" Group="DefaultGroup" Type="shortname" Value="RFL_M4A1_S" Flags="5" />

<Param Name="UIName" Group="DefaultGroup" Type="shortname" Value="m4a1s" Flags="7" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="WeaponCamera" ID="66891622029244492">

<Param Name="fpModelScale" Group="WeaponCamera" Type="float" Value="1.6" Flags="1" Description="Scaling value for the 30cm clip plane" />

<Param Name="sightOffset" Group="WeaponCamera" Type="float" Value="-0.1" Flags="1" />


<Param Name="RenderID" Type="shortname" Value="w_rfl_m4a1_s" Flags="3" />

<Param Name="WEAPONNAME" Type="shortname" Value="M4A1" Flags="2" />


<Component ID="infrared" ComponentID="66106070818121751">

<ParamSet ID="69121220349835340">

<Param Name="bone" Type="string" Value="bone_infrared_laser" />

<Param Name="isflashlight" Type="bool" Value="False" Description="True will treat as flashlight (up on dpad currently) otherwise other light (right on dpad currently)" />

<Param Name="length" Type="float" Value="80" />

<Param Name="spread" Type="float" Value="0.01" />



<Component ID="torch" ComponentID="66106070818121751">

<ParamSet ID="69121225819207756">

<Param Name="bone" Type="string" Value="bone_infrared_laser" />

<Param Name="length" Type="float" Value="80" />

<Param Name="spread" Type="float" Value="0.3" />




My god, look at all that!!!

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<ParamSet NestedAs="Scope" ID="63789196266203220">
<Param Name="attachBone" Group="StandardScope" Type="string" Value="bone_anpas13" Flags="1" Description="Bone on the weapon to attach the scope to" />
<Param Name="scopeName" Group="StandardScope" Type="string" Value="w_scp_anpas13e" Flags="1" Description="Name of the renderable object" />
<Param Name="TwoDScopeOSD" Type="shortname" Value="Thermal" Description="Does this scope use a 2D OSD?" />

that is all that was added to the already existing m4a1 stealth to give it a thermal, I simply posted the entire weapon so I didnt get stupid questions like "where do I put it" blah blah

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See this thread. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/operation-flashpoint-dragon-rising-game-pc-113/404184-possible.html

This guy wants to change the layout on the M4 to have a thermal scope and silencer.

Templar has put in the code needed to do this.

<EntityTemplate ID="60311601980401884" Name="sa23m4a1s" Description="M4A1S Assault Rifle" FolderID="137948461090501798" ParentID="64194292620224732">

<ParamSet ID="132369196018329820">

<ParamSet NestedAs="Audio" ID="62453576233150388">

<Param Name="AE_Group" Group="AudioBaseWeapon" Type="shortname" Value="HW/USA" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="AE_Name" Group="AudioBaseWeapon" Type="shortname" Value="AR_M4A1S" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="AEW_EjectName" Group="AudioBaseWeapon" Type="shortname" Value="Shell_Light" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="AEW_MisfireName" Group="AudioBaseWeapon" Type="shortname" Value="misfire_1" Flags="2" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="Weapon" ID="62645584762005653">

<ParamSet NestedAs="Animation" ID="64718690690820163">

<Param Name="AnimSet" Group="Weapon" Type="shortname" Value="m4a1" Flags="2" Description="Swappable name in the animation set for the movement type" />

<Param Name="recoilFreq" Group="DefaultGroup" Type="float" Value="14" Flags="1" Description="Recoil wave frequency" />

<Param Name="recoilSlewRange" Group="DefaultGroup" Type="float" Value="0.5" Flags="1" Description="Maximum angular slew displacement" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="dr" ID="134703178799933589">

<Param Name="base" Group="DR" Type="float" Value="240" Flags="3" />

<Param Name="handling" Group="DR" Type="float" Value="120" Flags="3" />

<Param Name="recoil" Group="DR" Type="float" Value="15" Flags="3" />


<Param Name="bigRumble" Group="Weapon" Type="float" Value="0.3" Flags="1" />

<Param Name="dofAimNear" Type="float" Value="0.1" />

<Param Name="dofNotAimRange" Type="float" Value="0.45" />

<Param Name="littleRumble" Group="Weapon" Type="float" Value="0.3" Flags="1" />

<Param Name="osdName" Group="Weapon" Type="shortname" Value="m4" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="templateName" Group="Weapon" Type="shortname" Value="m4a1" Flags="2" Description="Set this name to the same name as the weapon in the xls spreadsheet" />

<Param Name="weaponAimType" Group="Weapon" Type="shortname" Value="UNAIMED_ONLY" Flags="3" Description="Should be either UNAIMED_ONLY, BOTH, PREFER_AIMED or AIMED_ONLY" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="FireMode0" ID="62977867993868437">

<Param Name="magType01" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="shortname" Value="am30mag556sub" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="maxRange" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="float" Value="1000" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="releaseVelocity" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="float" Value="270" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="rpm" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="int" Value="900" Flags="2" Description="Use this for AUTO & BURST modes only" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="FireMode1" ID="62977872037177493">

<Param Name="magType01" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="shortname" Value="am30mag556sub" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="maxRange" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="float" Value="1000" Flags="2" />

<Param Name="releaseVelocity" Group="GenericFireMode" Type="float" Value="270" Flags="2" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="AnimatedModel" ID="63645399997506585">

<Param Name="boneMap0" Group="AnimatedModel" Type="string" Value="W_RFL_M4A1_S" Flags="3" Description="Name of bone mapping file (if required)" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="Scope" ID="63789196266203220">

<Param Name="attachBone" Group="StandardScope" Type="string" Value="bone_anpas13" Flags="1" Description="Bone on the weapon to attach the scope to" />

<Param Name="scopeName" Group="StandardScope" Type="string" Value="w_scp_anpas13e" Flags="1" Description="Name of the renderable object" />

<Param Name="TwoDScopeOSD" Type="shortname" Value="Thermal" Description="Does this scope use a 2D OSD?" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="GameObject" ID="65009067586775274">

<Param Name="UIArtName" Group="DefaultGroup" Type="shortname" Value="RFL_M4A1_S" Flags="5" />

<Param Name="UIName" Group="DefaultGroup" Type="shortname" Value="m4a1s" Flags="7" />


<ParamSet NestedAs="WeaponCamera" ID="66891622029244492">

<Param Name="fpModelScale" Group="WeaponCamera" Type="float" Value="1.6" Flags="1" Description="Scaling value for the 30cm clip plane" />

<Param Name="sightOffset" Group="WeaponCamera" Type="float" Value="-0.1" Flags="1" />


<Param Name="RenderID" Type="shortname" Value="w_rfl_m4a1_s" Flags="3" />

<Param Name="WEAPONNAME" Type="shortname" Value="M4A1" Flags="2" />


<Component ID="infrared" ComponentID="66106070818121751">

<ParamSet ID="69121220349835340">

<Param Name="bone" Type="string" Value="bone_infrared_laser" />

<Param Name="isflashlight" Type="bool" Value="False" Description="True will treat as flashlight (up on dpad currently) otherwise other light (right on dpad currently)" />

<Param Name="length" Type="float" Value="80" />

<Param Name="spread" Type="float" Value="0.01" />



<Component ID="torch" ComponentID="66106070818121751">

<ParamSet ID="69121225819207756">

<Param Name="bone" Type="string" Value="bone_infrared_laser" />

<Param Name="length" Type="float" Value="80" />

<Param Name="spread" Type="float" Value="0.3" />




My god, look at all that!!!

Well, to be fair, in ArmA2 you have to make an entirely new model, with a new config, etc.

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Well, to be fair, in ArmA2 you have to make an entirely new model, with a new config, etc.

Fair enough and true...but...in ArmA 2 at least you can make a new model with new config and bring it ingame. :p

Edited by [FRL]Myke

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a Silenced M16A4

The inclusion of that is something I have never understood...

Since when do USMC Force Recon typically use silenced M16A4s? :confused:

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They've been in use for a long time now, just you haven't heard of 'em since they're silenced. Duh.

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Since when do USMC Force Recon typically use silenced M16A4s? :confused:

They dont use MH-6's either, but codemasters had a 72 strong team of researchers, so they would have known that too... right?

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you mean AH-6J right? thats whats in the game.

In September 2009 two AH-6 helicopters were used in an operation in Somalia by U.S. Navy SEALs to kill wanted terrorist Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan.[5] The attack, which was launched from U.S. Navy ships, was authorized by President Barack Obama.

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