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Project RACS

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I'd like to see these:


PRACS Static Weapons

PRACS Tank Pack

PRACS Sa330 Puma Pack & the PRACS Red Brigade Deployed to aid the Chernarussian Defense Forces in their struggle against the Russian War Machine.

*I'd even love to do a mission showing a "speedbump" force of sort deployed in the northern areas to help the CDF slow the Russians down. Using only the trucks, some kind of cannon, & Red Brigade troops fighting for their lives.*

Edit: Think Korean War Style... Remember Task Force Smith?

Edited by Darkhorse 1-6

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some of the infantry will definately come over. i will not port any stock BIS stuff due to the fact its all already int he CAA1 release. no need for redundancy. I have some new and exciting stuff to throw at you that never got released for arma1. Im also clipping some stuff as well.

I want to present the RACS as a post war somewhat modernizing military. They are beginning to shed the majority of the donated older hardware for intentionally purchased battle focused hardware. Our organization will be much better. Units will be named, organized, and equipped somewhat better.

As before dont expect F22s and stealth fighters. Dont expect wholesale changes to the MOD. You CAN expect a powerful, self sustaining army. The israelis proved a long time ago you dont need the M1A4 heavy abrams or a Leclerc to take on and defeat T72s. That pesky T90 is another story though.....

also remember one key to the plot im presenting......

Sahrani has OIL

Chernarus has REFINERIES

United States ALWAYS needs oil

Russia wants thier oil MONEY back

Chedakis want thier INDEPENDANCE

Geurillas just want them all to go away

I love how the Arma2 setup can play into the real root causes of todays conflicts.

Edited by wld427

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I am amazed how good that Mirage III looks in ArmA II considering where it came from...

Looking forward to releases...


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mate loving these news reports :)

and with taxes going down maybe I should consider moving to Cayo, a nice city by the beach.

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Looks great! But why aren't you using the stock C-130 that comes with arma2.

It has much greater quality.

Ofcourse it's your choice :P

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im ng with the H model Hercules because the new J vsion that is depicted in Arma2 did not seem to fit the RACS very well. consider these ex-USAF aircraft :)

I wanted "cheap" and plentiful whenever i choose what items we bring into the mod.

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Ah ok, got it. :D

Makes perfect sence for the racs then.

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I need some help fellas.... without letting any cats out of thier bags before the news reports come out i need some opinions....

anti tank infantry....

RPG-7.......Stockpiles captured from SLA numbering in the thousands

M136........Stockpile of US aid leftover from teh Sahrani Civil War

SMAW.......Spending all that new oil money BLING BLING :)

chime in on wich ones you fellas would liek to see. i want the opinions of those that will actually be downloading these addons.

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have you looked at something like the carl gustuv? (sp?) may be more work but in my opinion would suit the RAC's quite well :), but other than that id probaly go with the M136 or RPG7

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RPG-7 - for your regular units

M136 - for more elite units.

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Hmmm no SMAW for RACS units, RPG-7 as their main anti-tank weapon and M136 for elite troops thanks to their US connections.

I always thought of the Kingdom of Sahrani as a former UK colony. Which anti-tank weapon do UK soldiers use?

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wld427: I've heard RACS loves to patrol skies with their cheap, old but useful Mig-21 Fishbeds ;)

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RPG-7 - for your regular units

M136 - for more elite units.

Go for this one :)

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wld427: I've heard RACS loves to patrol skies with their cheap, old but useful Mig-21 Fishbeds ;)

Yeah they do. But only the Sahrani skies.

They will be retired very soon so they won't deploy them anymore.

Heard some rumours about new mirage2000D's leased from France replacing them...

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RPG-7 - for your regular units

M136 - for more elite units.

Sounds good to me!

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Yeah they do. But only the Sahrani skies.

They will be retired very soon so they won't deploy them anymore.

Heard some rumours about new mirage2000D's leased from France replacing them...

..... Lennard seems like you are the swami that can predict upcoming news events......

kinda like a sharani nostradomus.....

:yay: :bounce3: :bounce3:

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Originally Posted by R0adki11

RPG-7 - for your regular units

M136 - for more elite units.

Sounds good to me!

Yes, sounds good to me too :)

Yeah they do. But only the Sahrani skies.

They will be retired very soon so they won't deploy them anymore.

Heard some rumours about new mirage2000D's leased from France replacing them...

Let's hope that Racs don't forget to use their lovely and good old Super-Etendard too !

edit : Great to hear wld427 ;)

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..... Lennard seems like you are the swami that can predict upcoming news events......

kinda like a sharani nostradomus.....

:yay: :bounce3: :bounce3:

Ghheheh sahrani nostradomus....:p

Only predicting what I hope:whistle:

Btw. What camo will the infantry have?

Edited by Lennard

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rpg's hmmm i think they should be in the RACS arsenal but not standard unless fitted with the 105mm PG-7VR warhead muahaha XD

and the M134 isnt exactly costly either

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stop making them sound like super men :P jk

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