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Island Panthera for ArmA 2

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Its a great and very atmospheric island. Actually I rather use it for relaxing the fighting enemies :)

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What kind of game should we play on Panthera? DOMINATION!! Revolution is my name and I got a mouth for war.... Me and my marines come bursting in like cowboys from hell take thirteen steps to nowhere... sneak into a guarded village and avoid the light and demolish all the op force guarding it.. Its like a psycho holiday.

And after those terrible puns I've gotta say this is constantly one of my favourite maps due to how diverse it is.... And love the race track. Good job man.

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I love the beauty of this map. Sometimes I will take a little bird and go on a sightseeing tour, I do this at least once every other week and I have had the map since it has been out. The mountains are just perfect. Beautiful map. A must have!

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I love Island Panthera and Jade Grove:yay:

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Hello, can anyone recommend a good SP mission taking place on this beautiful map? I searched the User Missions quite a bit but most were Evolution or addon-heavy campaigns. Guess I am looking for something rather vanilla :-)



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FUSION Squad still use this great island for many maps, CTF, C&H etc :)

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I have around 30 missions but I never find time to put them in a pack :/

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Allright, well, if you ever get around to publish some of them, I will be happy to try them out.



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Check this gallery to see how a Real World "Panthera" looks from air ;)

It starts with hometown Jesenice and then over Vrsic pass to valley of Soca...

p.s. not my gallery

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Lovely. I feel that I've made the same flight myself on a number of occasions.

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One quick question: Does Panthera work on typical servers? We have issues with this on our server: missions using Panthera simply kick out to mission selection, we are not even able to get to slot selection.

When starting it on normal, private host everything works just fine.

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Hmm, do you use ACE as we do? If yes, could you if its possible show us settings of your server? Maybe this is the problem?

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Check your server's RPT file. Most likely it is missing a mod required for the mission.

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In ordered to fix DAGR issue, ACE developer should send me a config fix. I think we fixed Duala the same way?

Panthera does work on dedicated servers, but we gave up on ACE, so I cannot test it.

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OK, so what is this (when loading... Panthera on server!):

Unsupported language Polish in stringtable

Missing addons detected:


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Just because you can see panthera on the island list doesn't mean the server has it. It only means that you have it.

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Hmmmm, I asked server admin "Are you PRETTY sure Pathera is actually installed on the server?"

He did checked it few time, either did I and Panthera IS installed on the server.

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are there servers supporting it id love to host a pvp server with it but i dunno if ppl will come

95% of the Arma Community plays with themselves on coop missions... Haven't you seen the server list in game. PvP is virtually non existent. Sooo unless you and 20 of your close personal friends are willing to join your server, then good luck on having any of these coop wankers joining.

Oh and by the way it is an awesome map.

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Hello. May I have permission to adjust 'required version' inside Panthera config for Take on Helicopters and distribute? I have been asked, but hesitate to respond until permissions are given.


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Can you make a new patch pbo file without touching my original .pbo file? In that case yes.

Otherwise - no. I don't allow any alterations of my work and basically every readme of my islands state that island can be only used for Arma game. I have bad experience with particular people of certain "Life" mods.

Since ToH is a fine BIS product I will allow the use of island, but please let me do the changes and release a new version of the island that will be compatible with both games? What changes are needed, what version is required in ToH?

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