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US Army 2009 Units

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Thanks for the update Binkowski, but there are still problems with the red dot and the EOTech Holo Sight.

M4A1 (Aimpoint): Red dot is slightly too big and not really circular.

M4A1 (EOT), M249 SPW: Some parts of the EOTech Holo Sight aren't red.

Edited by DragonBaron
added names for weapons

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Bink, your changelog says that theres more groups in the editor, I can still only choose Squad, thats the only group in US Army. :(

I didn't realize before but the US Flag when using freelook when using a Handgun gets distorted.

Also is there a limitation to the resolution you can use on the textures?

Im still having the problem with the low resolution textures on arms in first person. Make it sharper looking I guess, to me it looks blurred also is it possible to eliminate that black shadow below the hand? I have Shadows turned off, I guess its a Mapping bug.

I'll post a picture.


Other than that Bink Superb Addon. :D

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Backpack und siteback shadow issue still exists:


Its on all units with this bags in the shadow :-(

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hi mate

you the officer on the usmc side with the cap and m4 any chance of having one in your camo colour but just with the m9 like your old one from arma and if possiable a updated replacment pack?

thanks lee

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There is also a texture problem on the left trouser leg of the AT Specialist. Bottom on the back is white.

Nevertheless superb units!

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Hey binkowski. Anyway we can get ALL the classnames bro? There are quite a few that are not on the armaholic page. Thanks

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AA Specialist           bink_usa_aa
AT Gunner               bink_usa_at
AT Gunner (FGM148)      bink_usa_at_2
Automatic Rifleman      bink_usa_ar
Combat Medic            bink_usa_medic
Crewman                 bink_usa_crew
Designated Marksman     bink_usa_dmr
Engineer - Explosives   bink_usa_sapper
Engineer - Mines        bink_usa_miner
Fireteam Leader         bink_usa_teamleader
Grenadier               bink_usa_grenadier
Machinegunner           bink_usa_mg
Officer                 bink_usa_officer
Rifleman                bink_usa_rifleman_1
Rifleman (M1014)        bink_usa_breach
Rifleman 2              bink_usa_rifleman_2
Sniper (M107)           bink_usa_sniperh
Sniper (M24)            bink_usa_sniper
Soldier (Off Duty)      bink_usa_garrison
Squad Leader            bink_usa_squadleader


M240B			VIL_M240B
M249 Para		VIL_M249_PARA
M249 SPW		VIL_M249_SPW
M4A1 (Aimpoint)		VIL_M4_grip_aim

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Damnit. Ok, so I fixed it on one of the units. That goggle problem is really bugging the hell out of me.

yes I know, stupid transparent textures. :hammer:

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what about the replacement files please:( been paitently waiting since 1.3

I've been really busy. Sorry that I haven't been able to update that. I keep putting it off for other things. I can try to get the replacement pack updated, but I'm also working on some other projects. A good friend of mine has been helping me with them. First pic at least. Some of you guys might like these.



Hope that makes up for the lack of an updated replacement pack :).

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I think I'm in love with the multicam guys.

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Sick multica- Err... I mean... I don't accept legitimate reasons as excuses... Get to work on those replacements!!!


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wow. Awesome work, Binkowski.

Why thank you. x3.

Anyway. I'd try to get everything released, but I keep getting CTD's when I try to get anything in game. I'm not sure what the problem is. So yeah, I'll just update the replacement pack and keep trouble shooting for the answer to the weird CTD's.

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So yeah, I'll just update the replacement pack...

FINALLY!!! :rolleyes:

Maybe some addons are conflicting, try getting rid of any new ones. If that doesn't work a re install might fix it.

Maybe your GPU is over heating; if that's the case then blow the dust out of your computer, if not, blow it out anyways.

Computers like a good blowjob. :icon_razz:

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Hey binko, I know you are kind of busy, but I would love to see TLs and SLs with PRC-148s MBITRs for squad level and an RTO with a PRC-119 SINCGARS for Platoon level and above.

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hi - have installed the latest US army package.

love it, however the grips on the M4 are still at the old position (ie:too far forward). is this correct or have i stuffed up something?

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