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Zipper5's Missions

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Interesting, can you point me to said post, out of curiosity?

Never knew people other than The.D, Cole and myself knew I made a private Arma 2 conversion that was only played between us 3. I can't release it publicly because I don't have hank_officer's consent. Sorry.

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So zipper5. The reblmen will gladly be your campaign supporters because we are that awesome. We also has a dedicated server foar you to test your mp missions on kthx.

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Heh, thanks Bink. I shall try to make it be all it can be. :p

And here's another teaser for you all, from one of the new missions:


Edited by Zipper5

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This one has a little more significance to it:


Check the ticker. :p

Edited by Zipper5

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I'll do my best. Campaign's still a long way off from release. ;)

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I'll do my best. Campaign's still a long way off from release. ;)

Best stop all that fapping and get to work then ;)

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I'll send a whip to Zipper's sister to help keep up the pace. ;)

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oh no! citizen (brown).

look forward to the 31st of october then.

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... without Zoey again :(

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Hey fellas, I figured it was about time for an update. Sorry there hasn't been an update for a while, I've been getting ready for school which begins tomorrow. I've got a lot to get through with that in the next few weeks so updates may continue to be sparse, but I'll try my best to give them to you when I can. That being said, BOTS' progress has not halted. A lot has been perfected with the first 4 missions of the campaign along with all of their cutscenes, and the 5th and 6th missions are in development and are progressing nicely. I'm not sure as of yet if I'll be releasing them soon as sort of a half-way point to publicly beta test the work I've done so far, but I won't rule out the possibility. ;)

In the mean time be sure to check out Celery's new Dawn of the Apocalypse SP mission. I'm starting to see that it has connections to that random helmet-cam video someone uploaded to my YouTube page and posted on here a while back... :confused:

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Alright, so I've got some good news for you guys. I've just released the longest and most complex mission I've made for BOTS so far on the OFPEC forums for beta testing. It's called Preemptive Strike, and you can find it here. Be sure to let me know, either there or here, of any issues you encounter! Enjoy! :D

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The campaign itself will require Combined Operations as it also uses the vanilla Arma 2 CDF forces.

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Your Comic Sans just made Zipper quit mission making for good. Nice work.

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Your Comic Sans just made Zipper quit mission making for good. Nice work.

You just made me quit life with your post, Nice work. :cool:

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Hi Zipper, just finished Preemptive strike and have some feedback.

First off It's Awesome and all triggers and OPFOR seemed to be working great. There is a perfect balance of enemy numbers on the map for a 3 man delta squad, I really had to weigh my options in thinking about each contact I came across, engaging only what 3 guys could tackle and being patient and waiting for the bigger contacts to leave or find a way around them. Here are some details on what mods, difficulty etc. you might find helpful;

Mods: Zeus AI, custom sound mod, shacktac HUD, Copy my stance 4, CBA

Difficulty: Extreme


The intro/outro were both very impressive, and the music during the mission was not distracting.

The only suggestion i have is this

At the last objective, the artillery guns were maybe a little two lightly guarded, I noticed a few patrols in the surrounding area but the artillery position itself just didn't look "natural" only having two guards if you catch my drift. Again this is just my opinion ;)

All in all this looks like it going to be as good if not better than your previous campaign "Operation cobalt" and that is no small feat ;). Thanks mate and i look forward to the release.

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