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VILAS addons release thread

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Those look incredibly good. May i ask you how much did it take you to make them from scrap?

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which one, cannons or vans ?

for me it is few days per each mode+texture, the worst are smooth cars like oldtimers, can take a week of constant work (but when you have daily job and family you must divide time, so than it can take few weeks), most easy is cannon, tank (cubic metal armour plates) , worst of the worst is always soldier because of many selections that animated and need to test all when moving , aiming, prone etc. soldier is pain in the modeller's ... neck

cannons were made for RACS mod first, but later i put them into P85 (we work on update with SV5000)

thanx to SV5000 they shoot now :)

if i had to count hours spent on P85 and NPL, CPL, other addons since 2006...

P85 is developing, old models are from time to time replaced by new, old texture by new (UAZ 452 will have 2048*2048 textures in this update) so it is not possible to count hours, for sure few years of life

Edited by vilas

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The field guns now work, but I am still working on having them integrate correctly with the arty computer. With some guidance and help from wld427 I am closer to making all the spg's and field guns work as intended.

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A little sneak peak at whats coming in the next East Weapons pack update...

Go big game capitalist Yankee hunting in the fog now!


(Goshawk model courtesy of BI with full permissions granted)

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Mod is cool.

I have a request to you. Whether I can use your models in one's small for mod for the Men of War?

(((((((Mam Prośbę Do Ciebie Vilasie. Czy mógłbym Użyć kilku Twoich modeli do mojej małej modyfikacji do Gry Men of War? Chodzimi o modele Polskiej Armii. Proszę)))))

Edited by dpbosak2

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Here we all write in English, the same goes for you as well. Please change the above to English so we can all enjoy your contibution to this thread!

Thank you!

Edited by Guest

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Hey vilas! got a little bug for ya with the PKP, it seems to zoom in with a scope when it has no scope on the gun together with no bullets on the magazine?



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Is this pkp version in P85 or the east weapons pack?

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@Sakai: it's an issue with A.C.Es 3d scopes. The PKP in Vilas' AK Pack is based on the BI PKP and therefore A.C.E treats it as if it has the normal scope on it.

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Mod is cool.

I have a request to you. Whether I can use your models in one's small for mod for the Men of War?

(((((((Mam Prośbę Do Ciebie Vilasie. Czy mógłbym Użyć kilku Twoich modeli do mojej małej modyfikacji do Gry Men of War? Chodzimi o modele Polskiej Armii. Proszę)))))

impossible due too Bohemia Interactive copyrights , those addons were made in BI tools for BI games and contain BIS elements of textures or models, those mods are only for Bohemia Interactive games (or for money for VBS2 Bohemia Simulations military simulator), they cannot be imported from Arma to other game like Battlefield, Men of War, Call of Duty etc.

saying in Polish - nie, to tylko do gier Bohemia Interactive bo zrobione na narzędziach od Bohemia Interactive i ma elementy modeli i tekstur Bohemia Interactive



- P85 is not dead :)

there is holidays season, summer, but :

- there is small team of people who will import P85 to Arma3, i do not know how long it will take, but it is not dead,

- P85 will get more civilian cars from era, Volkswagen Golf mk 1 and Golf mk 2 are work in progress, Golf I is already almost finished (dashboard need finalizing texture) , Golf II is mesh with UV map , need textures, need dashboard modeled,

- Polish army mod will get 2 new toys - Hummer with "Kobuz" (NSW remote steering from rear sit), Hummer with ATGM Spike (finally i made first human animation of crew for it, so it has RTM file of animation)

as i learned to do RTMs , now i can fix in some cars driver positions or crew positions, it is a matter of free time now to do it

Edited by vilas

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Nice to hear that P85 gets some attention. Will it be ArmA3 only or will we see some stuff for Arma2 OA? Also what about passanger capacity of OT-62? If I'm not mistaken this APC can hold from 12 to 16 troops.

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I get the following errors:

bad version 50 bvp-80 p3d

bad vesion 50 Bmp1p p3d

bad version Bmp1 p3d

bad version 50 Brdm

No entry'bin\config.bin/cfgweapons.vil_akm!

ive downloaded the following:






these are downloaded but yet not installed, im trying to figure out the errors of the others before i proceed



*the most errors i get them in opfor-bis cars 85,none of them work*

what am i doing wrong or what do i need to install?

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I get the following errors:

bad version 50 bvp-80 p3d

bad vesion 50 Bmp1p p3d

bad version Bmp1 p3d

bad version 50 Brdm

No entry'bin\config.bin/cfgweapons.vil_akm!

ive downloaded the following:






these are downloaded but yet not installed, im trying to figure out the errors of the others before i proceed



*the most errors i get them in opfor-bis cars 85,none of them work*

what am i doing wrong or what do i need to install?

also many of the p85_v_a dont work they all show an error message when loading them for play

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bad version 50

such errors happen when person do not have Operation Arrowhead

do you have BOTH Arma 2 and Arrowhead ? all with new patch ? what game version you have ? Arma2 Combined Operations 1.62 ?

if you have only Arrowhead without Arma2 (Chernarus) or you have only Arma2 (Chernarus) without Arrowhead - this will not work, cause addons are for Arma Combined Operations (both A2+OA)

btw, i am going to holidays, so i will not answer till 13th of August

Edited by vilas

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So after a PC upgrade and then getting the tools etc back on and then getting the time to spare. I took a break from config editing and fired up o2.

East Weapon pack..





And some love for the West/P85



That is all.

Some elements of these models donated by BI Studios..nothing but love guys!

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Guys, do you have any will to create unified weapon packs for both P85 and 'weaponholders' addons? As far as I know now both packs have many common weapons but still there are some weapons that are included only in one of the packs.

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Since Delta_Hawk released his great 80's & 90's US troops there is a desperate need for some older US weapons like the M16A1 (with M203), early M249s, the XM177 and the M72 LAW. Could you please add these already existing models from the P85 weapon pack to the western weapon pack so you don't have to download the whole mod for a few weapons. That would be great! :)

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VILAS already did create many G36 variations (even some "rare" ones like lithuanian and latvian ones)

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i am preparing to P85 update and PL addon update, so far changelog looks following:

1) Polish Army addon :

- more lowpoly models for LOD 3.0 for better optimalization and more fps (so far i reached 2 fps more placing 60 soldiers with weapons, maybe it is not big effect but better to give 2 fps more than 0 fps :D mostly i remodelled some handguards, animated magazines etc. removing UV from shadow lods etc. )

- cleaning RPT more,

- adding 2 versions of HMMV (Spike ATGM and remote NSV),

2) P85:

- fixed BRDM1 (SLA85) and FUG (Nogovian army) from issues (BRDM1 s had problems with going trough them, so i fixed geometry, i modelled visors in front window guards, FUG with PKM had problem with cargo crew seat position, it was in ground/road level in PilotViewLOD, BRDM1 with ATGM finally has reticle, also front visors modelled),

- fixed missing shiny glass RVMAT on one truck,

- cleaned RPT from error messages about crew position "UAZgunner" and HitGlassX in APCs which do not have glass, so RPT should be shorter now,

- made windows in interiors of LAV V serie,

- added VW Golfs to civilian 1985 cars,

- added HK 69 greandelauncher as pistol class,

- changed global inheritance of class tanks and apc to BIS classes, maybe it will turn on sound mods or even ACE, i do not know, i haven't tested it due to lack of time, i changed inheritance to "tank" and "wheeledAPC" classes, there is no basic class builded like in past "p85_Acar, P85_hcar etc.", now inheritance is from land>tank>p85_tank (to not change basic class)>class

- new textures/maps for UAZ van (2048 px instead of 1024px),

- moved NVA/DDR DShk from RES to EAST side,

- added M88 recovery vehicle,

- added 3 howitzers M198, M102, M114,

now i would need few test and bug reports , details and links on my w.i.p. forum in section P85 (posts from last days)

P85 carry on and i am not giving up, but i try to fix as much as i can :) i try to focus on fixing rather than on delivering new content, thats why i focused now on RPT

Edited by vilas

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Do you have any plans for adding AO features like zeroing and night vision sights to the P85 weapons?

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ooo thanx for reminding, i forget about this issue

what will not be implemented - FLIR in P85 - reason is that i would have to make aaaaaaaaaaaaaall vehicles and humans thermal maps (few months of work) plus FLIR is not funny and not warrior's fair ;)

but zeroing etc. yes, i must remember about it

about NV sights - problem is that old scopes afaik were "only night" or "only day" , not like modern scopes, maybe i am wrong, but afair/afaik old scopes had one type of work (NSPU)

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