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Star Wars Stormtrooper

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okok im really really disappointed with OFP2 now.....:(

but another question:

Copyright? I know the units,weapons will have other names and yeah the models are made by me not by any lucas game but the textures are not all selfmade, most are from jk3 or the www...

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Remember the lawsuit the UT Troopers mod faced?

Troopers: Dawn of Destiny (http://www.ut2003troopers.com/)

Ah, the lawsuit. Such a tricky thing to get around. Thankfully, some clever mod developers figured out that if you abstain from using the Star Wars name anywhere on your product, you can pretty much use every other aspect of the universe, right down to the DH-17 blaster pistol.


Several years ago before the UTroopers incident LucasArts attitude (unofficially) was to not harm SW mods if:

- they kept low profile on the net

- they didn't have the word 'Starwars' in their name

- they didn't use main characters of the official movies/books/games as part of a custom storyline

This unofficial info dates back to 1998 when i was part of the Starwars Quake mod.

So i'd say it's save to use planets, locations & their names, weapons, vehicles, clothes & equipment as long as you don't use main characters.

And you're surely not the first OpF/ArmA mod who'd use textures from other games. But if you feel like it i'd try to repaint them just to be on the safe side.

Edited by ])rStrangelove

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okok guys good news! first BETA version is finished and ready for release :D

Just have to upload it...

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Ok i send it to armaholic.com, i think it will take a bit time befor you can get it there....

i could post the rapidshare link here but you can download it just 10 times at rapidshare so it would be delete befor a moderator at armaholic get it so you guys have to wait ;)

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You can get a rapidshare collector's account, that's free, you can keep trace of your uploaded files and break this "10 downloads" limit.

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Rapidshare can host the same file multiple times with different DL links ;)

But it`s your call. Keep it up!

Edited by Charon Productions

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looking forward to this ..

I reckon that the desert map that was released recently could double up as a pretty convincing Tatooine ;)

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Thanks for releasing it. Needs to undergo a few corrections though.

It has a couple of errors (results in a few hundred .rpt file lines). Have you checked your arma.rpt file? Can`t imagine that these geometry errors did not show up on your machine.

File ru_e11\config.cpp, line 79: '/CfgWeapons/E11_Blaster.dexterity': Missing ';' at the end of line

File ru_trooper\config.cpp, line 220: '/CfgVehicles/Stormsoldier.side': Missing ';' at the end of line

File ru_trooper\config.cpp, line 242: '/CfgVehicles/Sandsoldier.side': Missing ';' at the end of line

File ru_trooper\config.cpp, line 264: '/CfgVehicles/Scoutsoldier.side': Missing ';' at the end of line

To fix that add semicolons to the line where you define the side in the config.

Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in ru_trooper\storm.p3d. Selection 9a not found

Not sure about that one. Maybe you use texures in the Geometry LOD?

Warning: ru_trooper\scout.p3d:1.733e+025 Face 3155, point 1662, face points 1659,1661,1662 - very small normal -0,0,-0

Self-explanatory, the faces need to be checked. I believe there is even such an option in oxygen to check face normals.

Also the textures don`t load, they were probably local in your path. So you did not notice that they were not correctly assigned to the actual addon

Warning Message: Cannot load texture e:\arma tools\eigene addons\ru_trooper\tex\shoulder.paa.

I could not find the rebel unit, but maybe i overlooked it.

The untextured geometry looks fine in-game. Good work on that.

The E11 has no tracers. Is that also missing or intended?

Keep it up!

Edited by Charon Productions

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Can't wait to check this out with issues ironed out... keep it up McRuppert! :)

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That texture problem is easy to fix, I experienced it also when I released my first addon.

The funny thing is that you can test all you want, you won't notice it unless you turn your P drive off/remove the textures from the path you are referring to :rolleyes: .

To fix ,you have to change all paths from e.g. e:\arma tools\eigene addons\ru_e11\blaster.paa to arma tools\eigene addons\ru_e11\blaster.paa

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To fix ,you have to change all paths from e.g. e:\arma tools\eigene addons\ru_e11\blaster.paa to arma tools\eigene addons\ru_e11\blaster.paa

It would be rather :


The E11 will look nice with tracers enabled, like this for example:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cf4p6O78OE&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cf4p6O78OE&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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ok guys!

Im really sry!!!

I fixed now all texture paths (by hand puh...) and it shlould work now, i fixed the config problems with the ; too... but this time someone should first try it on his pc befor releasing again :D

but hey Charon Productions damn looks really nice, this has to be change first, that it will look like yours :)

here we go pls guys test it for me :


post here or contact me at

ICQ: 217506015

MSN: ruppertle@web.de

Edited by McRuppert

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