jackoire 10 Posted July 1, 2009 A few reasons why you will tend to see more team work in PR then ArmA 2 atm...Project reality 1. PR has been out for longer and has had the time to show that team work is needed in such a game. 2. PR has a lot smaller maps, enabling players to get pinned down together a lot more, thus making them work together. 3. PR has a squad/command menu that allows the player too assign to and leave. 4. PR has a mini map that allows the players to see where their squad/commander is telling them to go. ArmA 2 1. ArmA 2 has just came out so some people are still getting used to it. 2. ArmA 2 has a 25Km map that allows players to go any where with in that, so players can get lost and split up from their squad. 3. Arma 2 has a squad/command menu, however you don't get to pick who's with you normally, so you could have a complete numty on your squad. This doesn't stop you from finding someone that is working as a team and teaming up with them. 4. ArmA 2 has no mini map, so any orders given to you by your squad leader to move, attack or defend a target, you will have to look at the full map and then may have to use your GPS and compass to get there (which takes more time then following a nice bright coloured line). You are right on the money here. In ANY game u play ur gonna get good and bad players. Im presuming u the poster of this thread has not given this game any chance because u had 1 or 2 bad experiences on a server or 2. Also he/she chose to buy the game on steam. Its up to YOU the player to make the most out of any game. I always use the ingame VOIP/CHAT , on any server i play on. Also i found it very easy to find the clans teamspeak servers that any server i play on. Arma 2 was a big step up for me as BF2 or mods cannot be compared to neither of the arma games. This game is very new for every1 because of the setup and shear size of the game. Im a member of -1PARA- CLAN and we highly encourage the use of voip/ts/chat. Also many other clan in the ARMA community do as i have 1st hand experience. If any1 wants to join our TS we welcome them just like alot of clans. PS. (Join clan teamspeak servers and u will get the game experience that many games dont offer!) -1PARA-JacKo! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cjsoques 0 Posted July 1, 2009 Wouldn't be as nasty as the OP, but yeah the multiplayer really let me down. They threw in a bunch of bells and whistles with no real foundation that facilitates and enforces teamplayer...pretty sad. I would pay an extra $50 for a decent multiplayer system for casual players that still want realism and teamwork Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cpt.Goose 10 Posted July 1, 2009 It's interesting to see these games come such a long way over time. One thing that has to be the hardest thing though is making the people use teamwork. It's easy to say "you will win if you use team work" and easy enough to write the code and make the game setting for it with the proper devs. We just can bash it into the peoples head's. Hopefully someone will have a genius idea down the road that will force ppl to work as a team and not create the option to choose. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted July 1, 2009 Try the AAS game mode: Arma2_Advance_and_Secure Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HOPEnSPIRIT 10 Posted July 1, 2009 You compared ArmA 2 as the same as Call of Duty :eek: What are your reasons for this as I left Call of Duty (Arcade Games) for this Military Simulation? Fair enough at the moment I feel screwed by BI as well, Bugs that were reported in ArmA Warfare are still there in ArmA 2 Superpowers/War Welcome versions. They seem to be releasing patches quite efficently so far seems to be computer compatibility and the fixed some Singleplayer campaign stuff, hopefully the next one will look at the above missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swe 10 Posted July 1, 2009 What adress do youre ts-server have? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eclipse4349 1 Posted July 1, 2009 Also....for Capture the flag...why the hell are the flags so close to eachother. It's so dumb. But I'll join TC, see what it's like.sorry I meant TG You do realize that the CTF map that they supplied is only one option, right? You can go into the Wizard and in two minutes flat have a CTF map in any new configuration you want. I would highly suggest trying it out. I made one the other night that had the bases just about on opposite ends of Utes, with the airfield about halfway in between, and the flags on the outskirts of the towns. I put in an M1A1, APC, AH-1Z, and a blackhawk (can't remember the designation) for each team at their base, along with weapon crates. Its pretty easy to use. Just make sure you spawn the vehicles as "empty" and not "blufor" or "opfor", etc., unless you want them already crewed. And if someone figures out a way to easily incorporate respawning vehicles into the existing CTF template without it crashing the game on loading MP, let me know :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the chief 15 Posted July 4, 2009 Hi pclipse Online and on teamspeak is the best way to play ArmA2. ArmA 2 was designed with Co-operation game play in mind. We at Phoenix Soldiers play all our missions with no respawning. We use tatics and training to get us to achieve mission objectives. We also use a 50% casualty rule, where we restart the mission when we hit this level of casualties. Its been working for us for 10 years of tatical gaming. Try it out for yourself with us. Teamspeak - pxs.servegame.org Website - www.phoenixsoldiers.com Game server tracker - http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CidCaldensfey 10 Posted July 4, 2009 (edited) Made an account just to say that this multiplayer experience for the night has been absolutely abysmal. It's the equivalent of trying to play San Andreas multiplayer, buggy and laggy. I'll break it down for you. Of the 100 or so servers listed, only about 50 of those have people. Of those 50, only about 20 of those had more than 4-5 people on the server. Of those 20, only 4 or 5 had actually good server pings (lower than 100). Of those 4 or 5, only 2 or 3 of them were actually playable. Yes, the game wouldn't finish receiving data. And of the remainder, the servers were so heavily modded and used custom maps to the point where the game was practically non-sensical. I don't even think people were playing, instead they seemed to just be driving T-72s around an airfield while someone crashed a helicopter into the ground repeatedly. And I stood there in my little sniper outfit trying to make sense of it all before being ran over by said T-72s. So yeah. Really, really, really, bad multiplayer. But the single player is fun. Kind of. I mean, it's not bad but...kind of annoying when your squadmates stand around staring at a wall while you're being shot at and keep telling them to move their asses. Phoenix Soldiers looks like fun though... Edited July 4, 2009 by CidCaldensfey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inkompetent 0 Posted July 4, 2009 Servers without password and without an admin tend to attract the worst kind of people you can find on the internetz. Try out ATOW, GOL, TacticalGamer, or some other more well-kept server and you'll hopefully have a much more pleasant experience. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 20 Posted July 4, 2009 Hello there As the others have stated, yeah, the game is far from perfect, but with a few like minded people, bugs and all, the game can really become something special. I've met a whole heap of "Ronin" (to quote Walker) whom have played coop and communicated extremely well. I try to hook up with them whenever I see their names on a server. So among the twits there are some gems out there to play with. I find, not always I must admit, that leading by example can get a server on track. Offering to ferry people, calling out contacts, assisting new folk with questions these have all helped me encourage others to play as a team and even rescue a tked and basically fubar game session. The main thing I usually do, is whatever server I go on is organise a vote to get an Admin established. As with a fairly competent admin 90pc of the hassles go away. Just my 2p Rgds LoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
santafee 10 Posted July 4, 2009 I can understand the people which say online is crap,i experienced the same,but online this game !can! be the best tactical shooter of all.If.... Peoples STOP making only Stupid Coop Servers for Public without Password. If there are many PVP Servers(im sure many would prefer INF Only) and If theres chernarus as map,its LIMITED,otherwise no chance on public.U can have loads of fun with that game without joining TS or a Clan,but then,people have to organize gamemodes which work for public! I personally will wait a while,then see if the public situation turned any better,if not i will search for some mates with TS:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orton 0 Posted July 4, 2009 Be aware of teamkillers or other funny people that are trying to ruin the fun.And join a clan with ts and mature man/woman those are the best.Every rambo don't belong in a real squad Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted July 5, 2009 The main problem with OFP, A1 and A2 is that people THINK they are amazing players without practising using all the vehicles/weapons in SP before hitting MP. That's why you get numpties in a base using AT weapons at the ground / taking helicopters when they have only mastered running etc etc As time progresses the skill levels will increase but Cid's post is NOT typical of online play at all. I don't play SP or campaign at all but just love MP. If you get the right mission on the right server there is NO GAME that can touch A2 ! Aiiight ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murklor 10 Posted July 5, 2009 If you get the right mission on the right server there is NO GAME that can touch A2 ! Aiiight ! I think that's more important than the server... I just had my first couple of multiplayer games since I got the game because its been so damn hot here the last couple of weeks (like 35C... in the shade) and its easy to see the complete chaos. Evolution, some 20-ish players, I picked corpsman (no one where corpsmen for some reason) and we managed to bunch up about half a dozen people into a helo. He got us to the target area alright, it felt pretty nice. And when we got there... about 30 armoured vehicles in front of us. No one was AT. Can you surrender as a player? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hund 0 Posted July 5, 2009 (edited) Both the server and the mission matter, if you want a good gameplay experience. But even crappy missions can be fun with the right people around, while even the best of missions are ruined by bad players (thus making it a bad server). So in my mind, the server is the all important factor for good games, the mission is secondary. Then again your example involves Evolution, so I guess I'll have to agree with you for just that one instance then :D EDIT: You can actually surrender, but the AI doesn't take prisoners. Edited July 5, 2009 by Hund Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murklor 10 Posted July 5, 2009 You can actually surrender, but the AI doesn't take prisoners. Uh well then its not really any point in surrendering? :p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
linnx88 10 Posted July 5, 2009 I think that's more important than the server...I just had my first couple of multiplayer games since I got the game because its been so damn hot here the last couple of weeks (like 35C... in the shade) and its easy to see the complete chaos. Evolution, some 20-ish players, I picked corpsman (no one where corpsmen for some reason) and we managed to bunch up about half a dozen people into a helo. He got us to the target area alright, it felt pretty nice. And when we got there... about 30 armored vehicles in front of us. No one was AT. Can you surrender as a player? Yes. Set the surrender key in controls. I haven't tried it myself yet but I think it's what you're looking for. My general observation of A2 is the same. I have A and I've been playing BI games ever since OF. I have to agree that the first few days of MP were very chaotic for me, because servers had mods installed and it wasn't explained anywhere like what you're supposed to do, etc. Playing 2 days and practicing in Armory for new players is great! I think the biggest advantage A2 has over games like BF2, COD4/5 besides the realism is...NO CHEATING!! I mean BF2, BF2142,COD4/5 all suffer from easily accessible pay-to-play cheats like rentacheat or artificialaiming. These cheats are not detectable by Punk Buster etc and ruin the MP horribly with every server constantly accusing everyone of cheating and then whole servers are forced to spectate when a cheater rages them. So I'm glad A2 has their own anti-cheat engine and does suffer from private hacks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inkompetent 0 Posted July 5, 2009 Just to be a nitpick linnx, I'm yet to see a single server running any kind of modification at all. The most custom I've seen are user-made missions like Evolution, Domination and some AAS missions ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reverend Crast 10 Posted July 5, 2009 I don't even think people were playing, instead they seemed to just be driving T-72s around an airfield while someone crashed a helicopter into the ground repeatedly. And I stood there in my little sniper outfit trying to make sense of it all before being ran over by said T-72s. . LOL. That sounds fun indeed, which server do you play on, so I can run you over in T-72?:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mac495 10 Posted July 5, 2009 Yes. Set the surrender key in controls. I haven't tried it myself yet but I think it's what you're looking for.I think the biggest advantage A2 has over games like BF2, COD4/5 besides the realism is...NO CHEATING!! I mean BF2, BF2142,COD4/5 all suffer from easily accessible pay-to-play cheats like rentacheat or artificialaiming. These cheats are not detectable by Punk Buster etc and ruin the MP horribly with every server constantly accusing everyone of cheating and then whole servers are forced to spectate when a cheater rages them. So I'm glad A2 has their own anti-cheat engine and does suffer from private hacks. Ya well when you can see enemys behind walls/hills/houses by holding spacebar, you don't really need a wall hack,do you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites