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I tried using these effects a while ago but if I remember correctly the effect just disappears if you die and respawn. It was the only reason I didn't use these in my coop missions back then.

Edit: Nevermind, I made some dumbass mistake with a script file which caused the effect to disapper. Now I just used a simple trigger to active the effect and it works properly even after respawn.

Edited by Dogmeat of Finland

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Great tool, but I have a problem with it - there is no some titles:


By the way - can you update your tool to get an ability to operate with other ppEffects? And can you make that starting positions of sliders will match the default in-game view?

Edited by Li0n

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The Color range Probably| R:255 G:255: B:255 A:255

Edited by DrF33lGood

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@Dwarden: so what are the all params' ranges? [0, 1]?

well the only thing i know was that it means (most likely) range for each component (color) but the only person who knows for sure is too busy to be asked ;)

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I'm wanting to create a semi-drug induced state that lasts for 15 seconds.

I keep getting an error on the third line.

hndl1 = ["dynamicBlur", 450];
hndl1  ppEffectEnable true; 
hndl1  ppEffectAdjust [5]; 
hndl1  ppEffectCommit 1;

sleep 15;

ppEffectDestroy hndl1;

Wiki has syntax as...

hndl = ppEffectCreate ["effect_type", priority]

Wiki example; which i used as a template:


_hndl = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1501];
_hndl ppEffectEnable true;
_hndl ppEffectAdjust [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, [1.0, 0.1, 1.0, 0.75], [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0]];
_hndl ppEffectCommit 0;
sleep 10;
ppEffectDestroy _hndl;

I dont know what priority is in this regard for blur, looking at the table of priorities i dont know if each one is for different types of effects or what.


So i choose 450 since that might be for the blur effect only...?

Anyway im stumped as to why this wont work...i havent dabbled with ppeffects before so its new ground for me.

*edit* I saw a few errors in my syntax right after i posted, made corrects, and corrected which is now the current problem line at start of post.



Edited by Daza

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I'll improve this mission soon

Thanks a lot! Waitng for update.

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where do you write the code in?

init seems not work for me

Trigger works..;-)

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Could someone make a mod that gives us the same colour as seen briefly during the save screen?? - ie. this thread is evidently for and by people into modding but means nothing to casual players.

edit - ok, realised the ppefect lines are in each mission init.sqf

Turning off ppeffect goes a long way to giving the look I'm after but a tad more saturation and contrast would be nice - anyone interested in giving me a config that would do that? no doubt I could work it out by using the increased contrast config above as a start point I guess.

Edited by Chumba

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im searching for cool colorCorrections, nothing like IR or all Blue or FLIR...it should just look good and add a special touch to the game.

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Lol, simulated seasickness?

"WetDistortion" ppEffectAdjust[0, 0.16, 0.32, 0.56, 0.8, 0.64, 0.64, 0, 0, 0.08, 0.08, 0, 0, 0, 8.77];

Would be nice to be able to toggle chromatic effects on this effect. Like a "uniform on all color channels" or something, dunno.

Anyway, great little tool, thanks, very helpful. Some things I noticed:

Some of the effects requires extremely small values to be useful, so a full 0-1 range on such a small slider makes it impossible to fintune the scale. Maybe make logarithmic scales? Who cares about 4.9 or 5.0, when the important values are within 0-0.02?

Sliders should be made bigger, as sometimes it is impossible to set a slider to zero. Or a reset button below each or something.

A default button for the color corrections slider, I find it very hard to figure out when it is neutralized.

I'll do the needed changes for my own amusement, but something to consider?

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Summer Chernarus:

"colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true
"colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1,1,0,[0,0,0,0],[[color="Green"][b]2[/b][/color],0,0,1.25],[2.5,-2.5,0,0]]
"colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0

Great for cutscenes. The downside is that it makes red things greener, meaning grayish buildings and unhealthy skins. The amount of greenness can be adjusted with the highlighted value.

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in which file are the ppeffects ? Do I need to extract something ?

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in which file are the ppeffects ? Do I need to extract something ?

The file that contains the configs is missions.pbo in the Addons folder of the installed game. You need to extract missions.pbo and then manually edit the "colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust lines in the missions you want to alter.

There are the bootcamp missions, the scenario missions and the campaign missions.

The program to use to unpack and repack .pbo files is Eliteness (google it) - if you get eliteneness and mess with the configs yourself, you'll find that most of the mission folders contain two config files - one called init.sqf and one called initJIPcompatible.sqf - look in each one to find which contains the colorCorrections line (in some missions it's in init.sqf and in others it's in initJIPcompatible.sqf).

Edited by Chumba

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Guys, I've smashed every module.pbo I could put my hand on, but I couldnt find the movie day effect.

"wetDistortion" ppEffectEnable true;

"wetDistortion" ppEffectAdjust [0.5, 0, 0, 4.1, 3.7, 2.5, 1.85, 0.0051, 0.0051, 0.0051, 0.0051, 0.5, 0.3, 10, 6.0];

"wetDistortion" ppEffectCommit 0;

This is almost exactly it, except it makes me feel like I use a smalled 3D-RES. Where the hell are the color effect modules if not in the modules.pbo?

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Well, I have them in modules.pbo, main config file (convert from bin to cpp).

class BIS_Effect_Day: Logic
	displayName="Effect: Movie Day";
	class Eventhandlers
		init="""colorCorrections"" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1.02, -0.005, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.65],  [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0]];   ""colorCorrections"" ppEffectCommit 0;      ""colorCorrections"" ppEffectEnable true";

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Awesome!:D I have no idea what .bin and .cpp are so I skipped them. I thought they wold be in an .sqf.


Edit: O copy/pasted this into a trigger

init="""colorCorrections"" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1.02, -0.005, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.65], [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0]]; ""colorCorrections"" ppEffectCommit 0; ""colorCorrections"" ppEffectEnable true";

but it doesnt work.

Edited by ziiip

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Awesome!:D I have no idea what .bin and .cpp are so I skipped them. I thought they wold be in an .sqf.


Edit: O copy/pasted this into a trigger

but it doesnt work.

Try this:

"colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1.02, -0.005, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.65], [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0]]; "colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0; "colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true;

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CarlGustaffa and Celery, carved in stone, your name shall be.

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Damn, Im not getting this, the affect comes on no problem but it wont go away at all,

ndl = ppEffectCreate ["dynamicBlur", 450];
hndl ppEffectEnable true;
hndl ppEffectAdjust [5];
hndl ppEffectCommit 1;
sleep 10;
ppEffectDestroy hndl1;

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