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Too many servers = small populations

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How many of you noticed that, with arma, we had hundreds and hundreds of servers playing lots of missions with only a few people on each?

Would it not give a better arma2 experience to have only a small number of servers with only a few missions on each ? So although its nice of people opening their servers to all players, should be not have demand>supply first?

Or am I talking out of my hat ?

What do you think?

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So we should not be able to set our own servers up or? If i play with my team i dont want to be forced to play with people i dont know. Especially not when we do serious teamwork - wich is 99% of the time, and the 1% is i go pub/DM etc just to kill some time and have some laughs.

I think its more up to the public servers to have good admin ops that can make sure the games there are fun and clean and therefor more people join them, and they stay as a good server with a lot of players. I know ArmA1 lots of servers that were fun first stopped being admin'ed and after that people played as they wanted (meaning bad) and people left for other servers with better control. Lots of servers in the wake wide open with no control made people flee more and more until they were ghost towns. As we know when rambo's & retards join it gets very bad for the more serious players. Some team are about to make a coordinated attack on a village and in their bino's they see some R&R guy come driving into that village in a jeep alerting every god damn enemy.

I just cant with that type of play anymore. Im too old for that shit. :D So we need to have our own server locked with a heavy lock where only people with teamwork spirit have keys.


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What unfortunately happened was that there were multiple servers running on the same machine with different mod settings.

The mod support needs to be improved so mods can be changed without restarting.

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Keep in mind that its not released globally yet... I mean an english version is not even widely available. Servers should be getting a boost by the end of the week.

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i dont want to play on a server with lots of people. From time to time playing on a server with more than 8 is ok but i find 4 to 6 players just fine in coop. Playing on a 30+ player server is usually evo ( the suxfest it is), or ran by a few whacked out pretend military anal retentive "commanders" who bark out insane orders, which have no flow and or go, then there is the huge player wars, where you will sit on a ridge for 6hrs doing nothing...hmm fun...

but there are a "few" 16 player coops out there that just rock,almost all are private( for good reason).

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I am sure we will get more servers with more people... Just wait for EU and US release.

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I think his point was that you had 200 empty servers in your MP list and about 20 servers with 1 player and only a few with a nice population on them. It did not give a good view about the MP side of ArmA. I only play with a squad on the private server, I never played a public game because I did not know where to begin.

But I have no idea how you would organise this, you can't expect people to join some others server just because there are allready to much servers now.

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I will do my part and not start a dedicated server. LOL :yay:

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There´s already way to few mp missions included in the german release.

One coop that didn´t work right (never touched it again), 2 or 3 DM maps, and the rest is all damn Warfare.

Even half the campaign is Warfare missions ... i mean, c´mon BIS - you guys cannot be serious :raisebrow:

We´re eagerly waiting for better mp missions, and also building some on our own.

Xeno did a great job with his 1st two missions already. Much more fun than anything that came with stock A2.

I´m sure that this, and the "black screen on connect" bug are driving away lot´s of players. Also there´s the "vanishing player slots" bug, the "VON makes FAX noises" bug and many other discrepancys (car horns no longer transfer to other clients, wth?!) which need to be fixed with a patch asap!

Otherwise i cannot foresee a good future for A2 MP in the next (vital!) months.

As for MP BI really seems to have made one step forward, and 5 backwards.

I´m serious, it´s even worse than A1 v1.00 - why couldn´t they just have used A1 v1.16 netcode/GUI/etc. ?

Also with all those newcomers the need to 'protect' your server via bisign files is bigger than ever before. Out of 10 players trying to connect on our server there´s barely one coming through. May it be missing signatures for the english language files, addons installed into the original addons folder, cheats, signature timeouts or whatever ... all those guys will never be able to connect on our server - and i dont care about it.

On top of that come your average 'rambo's & retards' who like to destroy any good game with their pathetic teamkilling and/or wannabe pilot chopper races, etc. etc.

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What we need is a game mode/mission that allows veterans and "rambo's & retards" to coexist. Something that punishes idiots, takes'em out of play for a while. For those that screwed up with an accident, they will take the punishment and try again, Maybe even a more serious try this time. For those that does it time and time again, the punishment (jail time) increases each time and won't ever be reset, causing the punishment to be felt so severe that they leave.

The true TK'ing idiots should be warned, and if they not act up, they should be put on a ban list shared by the community. But I think everyone deserves a fair chance. Putting every other server up as private doens't really bring new blood to the game.

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ArmA2 already has more players online than ArmA1, so I can imagine what we'll have after the US/AU/EO release. :)

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i think you will find that due to the high specs required for a decent server performance you will find that an awfull lot of the lesser servers will soon drop out of circulation.

people aren't gonna be running 4 servers from one box (if its a quad core CPU server) due the server exe needing 2 cores.

the multiple instances that you used to find where a clan would have a public vanilla, public ACE, private practice server and a match server for example will be a thing of the past since that expensive quad core CPU can now only host 2 servers. the small clans that used to have a moderate spec server will no longer be able to afford a decent dual core or quad core core server meaning they will soon drop their servers due to tight finances at the moment.

this argument that there are too many servers and not enough players will soon reverse IMO

The experienced server hosts with lots of time put into both OFP/ArmA1 will grasp A2 quickly and have the hardware required to run the best servers, these will become private or fill quickly leaving the public player with little or no choice/chance to experience playing with either the better players or on the better servers.

to the OP if you think there are too many servers TAKE YOURS DOWN.

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I dunno RN_Escobar hardware prices are droppin also with the economy :D

I just hope there will be some open admined servers around when i get the game and new comp :)

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If you are serious, you should go and buy a 2-CPU slot server and pay for co-location only...so that you can insert your 2nd Xeon Quad-Core CPU when needed for efficiency in running simultaneous applications. ;)

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I really hope we get a lot of players in the next month or so. The reason I stopped playing ARMA1 was not because I was tired of the game, but because there weren't many if any populated non coop servers. I really enjoyed playing on the servers running the Berzerk missions but those seemed to decline in popularity. Too bad I didn't hear of IC-ARMA until recently.

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As we know when rambo's & retards join it gets very bad for the more serious players. Some team are about to make a coordinated attack on a village and in their bino's they see some R&R guy come driving into that village in a jeep alerting every god damn enemy.

I just cant with that type of play anymore. Im too old for that shit. :D So we need to have our own server locked with a heavy lock where only people with teamwork spirit have keys.


I'll drink to that! Tea please, weak, no sugar or milk, my bladder.

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