Electricleash 133 Posted July 28, 2009 (edited) I use the first page as reference, the one from Noamles. So I'll use the reference from #49 This is a good thread, but very misleading if you don't read it all. I think someone should highlight this confusion earlier on and make sure people know this is not the correct list. edit: Maybe his post needs to be edited with a link to #49? Edited July 28, 2009 by Electricleash Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted July 28, 2009 I still can't get groups to man any static weapons, they just sit around when using BIS_fnc_taskDefend. Can someone post a quick sample mission? I just want to see them actually man the dynObjComp static weapons at the generated bases. I'm still having the same problems from earlier in the thread. :coop: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_centipede 31 Posted July 29, 2009 (edited) @Manzilla, I still can't get groups to man any static weapons, they just sit around when using BIS_fnc_taskDefend. Can someone post a quick sample mission? I just want to see them actually man the dynObjComp static weapons at the generated bases. I'm still having the same problems from earlier in the thread. :coop: think I manage it. I think you need to put a waypoint for the AI. then on activation of the wp, write in the code eg: [group e1,getpos def1] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend; e1 is the group leader name. i think "group this" also can use. It never worked if I put the code in at the unit init line I tried it with my mission, and they man the static guns every time. give some more time, some of them will start patrolling too Edited July 29, 2009 by Mr_Centipede Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jingle 0 Posted August 7, 2009 (edited) Ok I have a gamelogic in the editor with this in the initialisation. _newObjs = [getpos this, (random 360), ["usmc", "medium"]] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf"));grpD = [getpos this, West, 4 + (random 4)] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;[grpD, getpos this] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend Now since 1.03 for some reason it no longer spawns units to defend the composition, just wondering if anyting has changed in the spawngroup syntax. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also how would i get it to spawn CDF random units as im working on a Russian campaign on cherny and this gamelogic is very handy for placing instant random camps. Edited August 7, 2009 by Jingle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebreakr 3159 Posted September 9, 2009 Does anyone know how to place these compositions on the map via Visitor tool? Or at least which pbo do they use from the /Addons dir of A2? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted September 9, 2009 Not possible. These are scripted compositions of objects. Just as the named indicates. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[GLT] Legislator 66 Posted September 18, 2009 Is it possible to customize the vehicles spawned with the composition? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
abdecken 1 Posted October 10, 2009 This is a great feature in ARMA2! Is the a way to get crew to board the spawned vehicles? I tried BIS_fnc_taskDefend but it did not work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The-Neurocyber 10 Posted October 17, 2009 Yeah it is possible to get custom made or edited compositions sets I've made a post about that on : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74767&highlight=composition And also is it possible to delete them or implement their creation with an interractive menu or using sorta construction vehicle. Thanks to DTM2801 for giving me the how-to : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=85478&highlight=composition I'm gonna workaround for an even simplier way to do ... I'll post that soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SD_BOB 10 Posted January 26, 2010 (edited) Hi guys, sorry for dragging this thread back up. But i'd rather do that than crate a new one for an existing topic. After much playing around i have managed to get the compositions working, plus added spawns ai onto the compositions. Here is what i have so far:- private ["_newObjs"]; _newObjs = [getPos camp, random 0, "Camp1_INS"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); patrolunits = 2 + Random 2; patrolgrp = [(getPos camp),[b]east[/b],patrolunits] call bis_fnc_spawngroup; [patrolgrp, (getPos camp),50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; defendunits = 3; defendgrp = [(getPos camp),[b]east[/b],defendunits] call bis_fnc_spawngroup; [defendgrp, (getPos camp)] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend; I have highlighted the "east" because this is my question. Do anybody know what i would put inplace of "east" to spawn insurgent ai, rather than russians as "east" seems to do?? Thankyou in advance for any help with this matter. EDIT:- P.S Does anyone know how i could go about making sure the campfires that are part of the smaller camp compositions, be lit and burning from when they first spawn? Edited January 26, 2010 by Shadow.D. ^BOB^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy455 11 Posted January 26, 2010 You would just replace 'east' with 'resistance'. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SD_BOB 10 Posted January 26, 2010 Sorry buddy, but "Resistance" relates to the Guerillas or Independent side. I dont want that, i actually want the communist insurgents, that are classed as being OPFOR. Thanks for your reply tho. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tobmic 10 Posted March 1, 2010 how can i modify this that i can set a name to an object that i need for a trigger private ["_objs"];_objs = [ ["HeliH",[1.09937,0.118408,-3.8147e-006],0,1,0], ["Land_coneLight",[-7.7998,-3.14648,0],261.372,1,0], ["Land_coneLight",[-6.0022,8.78149,-2.09808e-005],354.742,1,0], ["Land_coneLight",[6.3396,9.1394,1.14441e-005],17.8059,1,0], ["Fort_RazorWire",[-8.45801,-9.64697,0],254.96,1,0], ["Misc_cargo_cont_net1",[10.6997,10.5442,-1.90735e-006],339.694,1,0], ["Fort_RazorWire",[-3.56421,-16.7551,0],226.208,1,0], ["Fort_Crate_wood",[15.4314,5.97729,-1.90735e-006],192.031,1,0], ["Land_Barrel_water",[17.0234,2.88281,-9.53674e-006],116.478,1,0], ["Fort_Crate_wood",[16.7314,4.62988,3.8147e-006],214.7,1,0], ["Land_Barrel_water",[17.4822,3.61426,-2.28882e-005],109.532,1,0], ["Fort_Crate_wood",[16.875,6.0791,0],261.884,1,0], ["Land_Barrel_water",[17.729,2.89478,-1.90735e-006],98.0662,1,0], ["Fort_Crate_wood",[16.4595,7.28662,-1.90735e-006],169.75,1,0], ["Land_Barrel_empty",[17.886,2.22827,-3.8147e-006],13.6275,1,0], ["Land_Barrel_water",[18.2434,1.15308,5.72205e-006],105.811,1,0], ["Misc_cargo_cont_net2",[13.2908,13.8301,-0.0124054],110.769,1,0], ["Fort_RazorWire",[1.32471,-18.5627,0],358.709,1,0], ["RUBasicAmmunitionBox",[-18.7202,4.46948,3.8147e-006],236.973,1,0], ["Fort_RazorWire",[12.0999,-15.3577,0],145.063,1,0], ["Land_HBarrier_large",[19.2285,4.10107,7.62939e-006],260.108,1,0], ["Misc_cargo_cont_net3",[11.1116,17.271,-0.00634384],307.264,1,0], ["Land_fort_bagfence_long",[-19.8206,5.06396,-7.62939e-006],66.3481,1,0], ["Land_CamoNet_EAST",[13.4585,16.5337,-0.00155449],39.6884,1,0], ["Land_fort_bagfence_long",[-19.6875,7.96948,-3.8147e-006],118.945,1,0], ["Fort_RazorWire",[16.3042,-12.5032,0],328.977,1,0], ["Land_HBarrier_large",[21.3354,-4.4104,0],76.4689,1,0], ["Land_fort_bagfence_long",[9.06714,24.5249,0.00118828],173.746,1,0], ["Land_fort_bagfence_corner",[12.4226,24.7542,0.0281296],161.558,1,0] ]; _objs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mugaben 10 Posted March 12, 2010 (edited) When i use these compositions, they work brilliant in editor. But when I use them on my team's dedicated, they spawn for each player. (2 players, 2xcomposition spwn etc) How do i solve this? I run them with a location-logic and with _newObjs = [getPos this, 150, "CityBase03"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); The old locality problem.Like any script that spawns stuff in MP run it only on one machine. Means, in your case only on the server. If you execute it on every client including the server you end up with server + n - clients copies. If you start it from a script add a if (!isServer) exitWith {}; at the beginning of the script. isServer also returns true in SP (means editor too). Xeno Can you give me an example of this? Scripting is not my thing. Would it be something like this? if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _newObjs = [getPos this, 280, "Camp1_RU"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); _newObjs = [getPos this, 220, "HeliParking1_RU"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); How would they know, what object they should place it at? Do I just edit the "getPos this" to "getPos name" of each? Edited March 12, 2010 by MugAben Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{Op4}Bsilenced 10 Posted March 12, 2010 make a script whatever.sqf if(!isServer) exitWith{}; _comp = ["CityBase03"]; _position = getPos (_this select 0); _comp1 = [_position, (getDir (_this select 0)), _comp] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); cal the script from game logic null = [this] execVM "whatever.sqf"; ---------- Post added at 09:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 AM ---------- how can i modify this that i can set a name to an object that i need for a trigger remove the private statement and objs should be the group name right? ---------- Post added at 09:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 AM ---------- i used the second list of comps and one of them doesnt work right does anyone know which one it is? ---------- Post added at 10:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ---------- i have narrowed it down to this list _comps = ["SmallBase","CityBase01","CityBase02","CityBase04","BunkerMedium01","BunkerMedium02","BunkerMedium03", "BunkerMedium04","BunkerMedium05","BunkerMedium06","BunkerMedium07", "BunkerMedium08","BunkerMedium09","BunkerMedium10", "MediumTentCamp_RU","MediumTentCamp2_RU","MediumTentCamp3_RU", "AntiAir1_RU","Firebase1_RU","FuelDump1_RU", "RadarSite1_RU","VehicleParking1_RU","HeliParking1_RU","AirplaneParking1_RU","WeaponsStore1_RU","Camp1_RU Camp2_RU", "GuardPost_CDF","VehicleShelter_CDF","TankDitch_CDF","TankDitch2_CDF","CityBase03","BunkerSmall01","MediumTentCamp_napa", "SmallTentCamp_napa","SmallTentCamp2_napa","Camp1_INS Camp2_INS"]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mugaben 10 Posted March 12, 2010 make a scriptwhatever.sqf if(!isServer) exitWith{}; _comp = ["CityBase03"]; _position = getPos (_this select 0); _comp1 = [_position, (getDir (_this select 0)), _comp] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); cal the script from game logic null = [this] execVM "whatever.sqf"; Didn't do anything. No errors, but no compositions either. :j: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[GLT] Legislator 66 Posted March 12, 2010 There's an easier solution. Just put this in the init-line of a game logic: if (isserver) then {null= ["guardpost2_sla1", getdir this, getpos this] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf";}; Replace guardpost2_sla1 with the name of your composition. Be aware that this call is meant to be used with the custom made compositions. Use this for the BI compositions in the init-line of the game logic: if (isserver) then {nul = [getpos this, getdir this,"bunkerMedium03"] execvm "CA\modules\DynO\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf"}; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mugaben 10 Posted March 12, 2010 Thank you! I'll test this ASAP. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{Op4}Bsilenced 10 Posted March 12, 2010 Didn't do anything. No errors, but no compositions either. works for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[GLT] Legislator 66 Posted March 17, 2010 I did a horrible mistake in this code here: if (isserver) then {null= ["guardpost2_sla1", getdir this, getpos this] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf";}; Anyone who uses the line above to spawn custom compositions using armatechs script won't have any composition on the dedicated server! Technicly spoken the composition would be only spawned on the server, not on the clients. So now you've got two options: A) Only use null= ["guardpost2_sla1", getdir this, getpos this] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf"; to call the composition or B) Open the Createcomposition.sqf and go to line 57. Change createVehicleLocal to createVehicle Sorry about that. I didn't know armatech already "fixed" the locality issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{Op4}Bsilenced 10 Posted March 18, 2010 i have notive you need to include the isserver check whener you call it or all jipping clients create it again... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[GLT] Legislator 66 Posted March 18, 2010 You're right. In my tests I included the isServer check an during JIP no client has spawned the composition. So it wasn't a huge mistake after all :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
santafee 10 Posted June 28, 2010 Would be pretty nice if someone could tell where the new[are there desert comps]?!? are, or even post them if he found ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the unknown 0 Posted July 5, 2010 Is there anyway to get a reference to the targets in the target range compositions, so they can be used in a fire range script? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rok 0 Posted July 5, 2010 class CfgObjectCompositions { class SmallBase_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_SMALLBASE; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\smallbase.sqf"; tags[] = {"small", "base", "west", "us_army"}; }; class CityBase01_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_CITYBASE; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\CityBase01.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "base", "west", "us_army"}; }; class CityBase02_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_CITYBASE2; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\CityBase02.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "base", "west", "us_army"}; }; class CityBase04_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_CITYBASE4; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\CityBase04.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "base", "west", "us_army"}; }; class BunkerMedium01_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_BUNKERMEDIUM; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\BunkerMedium01.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "bunker", "west", "us_army"}; }; class BunkerMedium02_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_BUNKERMEDIUM2; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\BunkerMedium02.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "bunker", "west", "us_army"}; }; class BunkerMedium03_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_BUNKERMEDIUM3; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\BunkerMedium03.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "bunker", "west", "us_army"}; }; class BunkerMedium04_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_BUNKERMEDIUM4; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\BunkerMedium04.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "bunker", "west", "us_army"}; }; class BunkerMedium05_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_BUNKERMEDIUM5; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\BunkerMedium05US.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "bunker", "west", "us_army"}; }; class BunkerMedium06_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_BUNKERMEDIUM6; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\BunkerMedium06US.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "bunker", "west", "us_army"}; }; class BunkerMedium07_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_BUNKERMEDIUM7; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\BunkerMedium07US.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "bunker", "west", "us_army"}; }; class BunkerMedium08_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_BUNKERMEDIUM8; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\BunkerMedium08US.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "bunker", "west", "us_army"}; }; class BunkerMedium09_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_BUNKERMEDIUM9; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\BunkerMedium09US.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "bunker", "west", "us_army"}; }; class BunkerMedium10_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_BUNKERMEDIUM10; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\BunkerMedium10US.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "bunker", "west", "us_army"}; }; class GuardPost_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_GUARDPOST; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\guardpost_us.sqf"; tags[] = {"small", "guardpost", "west", "us_army"}; }; class GuardPost2_US_EP1 : GuardPost_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_GUARDPOST2; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\guardpost2_us.sqf"; }; class GuardPost3_US_EP1 : GuardPost_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_GUARDPOST3; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\guardpost3_us.sqf"; }; class GuardPost4_US_EP1 : GuardPost_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_GUARDPOST4; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\guardpost4.sqf"; }; class GuardPost5_US_EP1 : GuardPost_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_GUARDPOST5; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\guardpost5.sqf"; }; class GuardPost6_US_EP1 : GuardPost_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_GUARDPOST6; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\guardpost6.sqf"; }; class GuardPost7_US_EP1 : GuardPost_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_GUARDPOST7; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\guardpost7.sqf"; }; class GuardPost8_US_EP1 : GuardPost_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_GUARDPOST8; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\guardpost8.sqf"; }; class SmallNest_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_SMALLNEST; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\smallmgnest_us.sqf"; tags[] = {"small", "guardpost", "west", "us_army"}; }; class VehicleShelter_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_VEHICLESHELTER; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\vehicleShelter_us.sqf"; tags[] = {"double", "shelter", "west", "us_army"}; }; class FuelDepot_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FUELDEPOT; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\fuelDepot_us.sqf"; tags[] = {"large", "fuel", "west", "us_army"}; }; class CheckPoint1_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_CHECKPOINT; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\checkpoint1_us.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "checkpoint", "west", "us_army"}; }; class AntiAir1_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_ANTIAIR; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\anti-air_us1.sqf"; tags[] = {"anti-air", "west", "us_army"}; }; class Firebase1_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIREBASE; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firebase_us1.sqf"; tags[] = {"firebase", "artillery", "west", "us_army"}; }; class FuelDump1_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FUELDUMP; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\fuel_dump_us1.sqf"; tags[] = {"fuel", "west", "us_army"}; }; class RadarSite1_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_RADARSITE; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\radar_site_us1.sqf"; tags[] = {"radar", "west", "us_army"}; }; class VehicleParking1_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_VEHICLEPARKING; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\vehicle_park_us1.sqf"; tags[] = {"vehicle", "parking", "west", "us_army"}; }; class HeliParking1_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_VEHICLEPARKING; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\heli_park_us1.sqf"; tags[] = {"helicopter", "parking", "west", "us_army"}; }; class AirplaneParking1_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_VEHICLEPARKING; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\airplane_park_us1.sqf"; tags[] = {"airplane", "parking", "west", "us_army"}; }; class WeaponsStore1_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_WEAPONSSTORE; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\weapon_store_us1.sqf"; tags[] = {"weapons", "store", "west", "us_army"}; }; class Camp1_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_MEDIUMTENTCAMP; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\camp_us1.sqf"; tags[] = {"camp", "tent", "small", "west", "us_army"}; }; class Camp2_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_MEDIUMTENTCAMP; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\camp_us2.sqf"; tags[] = {"camp", "tent", "medium", "west", "us_army"}; }; class Camp3_US_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_MEDIUMTENTCAMP; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\camp_us3.sqf"; tags[] = {"camp", "tent", "medium", "west", "us_army"}; }; class MediumTentCamp_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_MEDIUMTENTCAMP; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\mediumtentcamp_tk.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "camp", "tent", "east", "tk_army"}; }; class MediumTentCamp2_TK_EP1 : MediumTentCamp_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_MEDIUMTENTCAMP2; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\mediumtentcamp2_tk.sqf"; }; class MediumTentCamp3_TK_EP1 : MediumTentCamp_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_MEDIUMTENTCAMP3; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\mediumtentcamp3_tk.sqf"; }; class AntiAir1_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_ANTIAIR; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\anti-air_tk1.sqf"; tags[] = {"anti-air", "east", "tk_army"}; }; class Firebase1_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIREBASE; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firebase_tk1.sqf"; tags[] = {"firebase", "artillery", "east", "tk_army"}; }; class FuelDump1_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FUELDUMP; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\fuel_dump_tk1.sqf"; tags[] = {"fuel", "east", "tk_army"}; }; class RadarSite1_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_RADARSITE; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\radar_site_tk1.sqf"; tags[] = {"radar", "east", "tk_army"}; }; class VehicleParking1_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_VEHICLEPARKING; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\vehicle_park_tk1.sqf"; tags[] = {"vehicle", "parking", "east", "tk_army"}; }; class HeliParking1_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_VEHICLEPARKING; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\heli_park_tk1.sqf"; tags[] = {"helicopter", "parking", "east", "tk_army"}; }; class AirplaneParking1_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_VEHICLEPARKING; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\airplane_park_tk1.sqf"; tags[] = {"airplane", "parking", "east", "tk_army"}; }; class WeaponsStore1_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_WEAPONSSTORE; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\weapon_store_tk1.sqf"; tags[] = {"weapons", "store", "east", "tk_army"}; }; class Camp1_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_MEDIUMTENTCAMP; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\camp_tk1.sqf"; tags[] = {"camp", "tent", "medium", "east", "tk_army"}; }; class Camp2_TK_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_MEDIUMTENTCAMP; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\camp_tk2.sqf"; tags[] = {"camp", "tent", "medium", "east", "tk_army"}; }; class GuardPost_CZ_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_GUARDPOST; side = TWest; faction = BIS_CZ; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\guardpost_cz.sqf"; tags[] = {"small", "guardpost", "west", "cz"}; }; class VehicleShelter_CZ_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_VEHICLESHELTER; side = TWest; faction = BIS_CZ; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\vehicleShelter_cz.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "shelter", "west", "cz"}; }; class TankDitch_CZ_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_TANKDITCHDOUBLE; side = TWest; faction = BIS_CZ; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\tankDitch_cz.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "tankditch", "west", "cz"}; }; class TankDitch2_CZ_EP1 : TankDitch_CZ_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_TANKDITCHTRIPLE; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\tankDitch2_cz.sqf"; }; class CityBase03_CZ_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_CITYBASE3; side = TWest; faction = BIS_CZ; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\CityBase03.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "base", "west", "cz"}; }; class BunkerSmall01_CZ_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_BUNKERSMALL; side = TWest; faction = BIS_CZ; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\BunkerSmall01.sqf"; tags[] = {"small", "bunker", "west", "cz"}; }; class MediumTentCamp_GUE_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_MEDIUMTENTCAMP; side = TGuerrila; faction = BIS_TK_GUE; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\MediumTentCamp_local.sqf"; tags[] = {"medium", "camp", "tent", "east", "tk_local"}; }; class SmallTentCamp_GUE_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_SMALLTENTCAMP; side = TGuerrila; faction = BIS_TK_GUE; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\SmallTentCamp_local.sqf"; tags[] = {"small", "camp", "tent", "resistance", "tk_local"}; }; class SmallTentCamp2_GUE_EP1 : SmallTentCamp_GUE_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_SMALLTENTCAMP2; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\SmallTentCamp2_local.sqf"; }; class Camp1_TKM_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_SMALLTENTCAMP; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK_INS; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\camp_militia1.sqf"; tags[] = {"camp", "tent", "small", "east", "tk_militia"}; }; class Camp2_TKM_EP1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_SMALLTENTCAMP; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK_INS; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\camp_militia2.sqf"; tags[] = {"camp", "tent", "small", "east", "tk_militia"}; }; class FiringRange1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGESMALL; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets1.sqf"; tags[] = {"armory", "firing range", "west", "us_army"}; }; class FiringRange2 : FiringRange1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGESMALL2; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets2.sqf"; }; class FiringRange3 : FiringRange1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGESMALL3; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets3.sqf"; }; class FiringRange4 : FiringRange1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGESMALL4; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets4.sqf"; }; class FiringRange5 : FiringRange1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGESMALL5; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets5.sqf"; }; class FiringRange6 : FiringRange1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGESMALL6; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets6.sqf"; }; class FiringRange7 : FiringRange1 { objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets7.sqf"; }; class FiringRange8 : FiringRange1 { objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets8.sqf"; }; class FiringRange9 : FiringRange1 { objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets9.sqf"; }; class FiringRange10 : FiringRange1 { objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets10.sqf"; }; class FiringRange11 : FiringRange1 { objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets11.sqf"; }; class FiringRange_Wreck1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGELARGE; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets_wreck1.sqf"; tags[] = {"armory", "firing range", "wreck", "west", "us_army"}; }; class FiringRange_Wreck2 : FiringRange_Wreck1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGELARGE2; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets_wreck2.sqf"; }; class FiringRange_Wreck3 : FiringRange_Wreck1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGELARGE3; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets_wreck3.sqf"; }; class FiringRange_Wreck4 : FiringRange_Wreck1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGELARGE4; side = TEast; faction = BIS_TK; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets_wreck4.sqf"; tags[] = {"armory", "firing range", "wreck", "east", "tk_army"}; }; class FiringRange_Wreck5 : FiringRange_Wreck4 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGELARGE5; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets_wreck5.sqf"; }; class FiringRange_Wreck6 : FiringRange_Wreck1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGELARGE6; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets_wreck6.sqf"; }; class FiringRange_Wreck7 : FiringRange_Wreck1 { objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets_wreck7.sqf"; }; class FiringRange_Water1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGEWATER; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets_water1.sqf"; tags[] = {"armory", "firing range", "water", "west", "us_army"}; }; class FiringRange_Water2 : FiringRange_Water1 { displayName = $STR_DYNO_FIRINGRANGEWATER2; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\firing_range_targets_water2.sqf"; }; class MPA_infoKiosk1 { displayName = "$STR_EP1_config.cppCfgObjectCompositions_MPA_infoKiosk10"; side = TWest; faction = BIS_US; objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\mpa_info_kiosk1.sqf"; tags[] = {"armory", "information", "kiosk"}; }; class MPA_infoKiosk2 : MPA_infoKiosk1 { objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\mpa_info_kiosk2.sqf"; }; class MPA_infoKiosk3 : MPA_infoKiosk1 { objectScript = "ca\modules_e\dyno\data\scripts\compositions\mpa_info_kiosk3.sqf"; }; }; Use in gamelogic init field, using composition name _newComp = [(getPos this), (getDir this), "SmallBase_EP1"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); or by using tags _newComp = [(getPos this), random 360, ["tk_militia", "small"]] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); Share this post Link to post Share on other sites