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WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

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NodUnit: Don't see why you would want to chamfer a cilinders cap if it needs to be sharp. Not what it needed to be + only added more faces.

What would be ideally i think (but i don't know much about the technical side), is to cut/past the caps. So you have a non connected cap, meaning it will be automaticly sharp outer edges and afaik this is what the game engine has to do with sharp edge stuff (calculate hard edges and disconnect them during progressing for rendering ingame).

That is why i recently started to import pure FBX models (with disconnected hard edges from modo). But again not sure if it helps the loading and progressing of the models by the engine.

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Are you planning on making a model of those spacecraft?

Indeed I am, Starting some time next week with some luck.

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NodUnit: Don't see why you would want to chamfer a cilinders cap if it needs to be sharp. Not what it needed to be + only added more faces.

What would be ideally i think (but i don't know much about the technical side), is to cut/past the caps. So you have a non connected cap, meaning it will be automaticly sharp outer edges and afaik this is what the game engine has to do with sharp edge stuff (calculate hard edges and disconnect them during progressing for rendering ingame).

That is why i recently started to import pure FBX models (with disconnected hard edges from modo). But again not sure if it helps the loading and progressing of the models by the engine.

Would that have any effect on section count? I'm a bit rusty on what causes it, all I remember is separate textures. Either way such would be good to know since section counts are important too :).

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Indeed I am, Starting some time next week with some luck.

Oh, well disregard my comment then, good luck.

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Would that have any effect on section count? I'm a bit rusty on what causes it, all I remember is separate textures. Either way such would be good to know since section counts are important too .

No influence on section count. The only thing that influence section count are textures and materials. You some times encounter section errors when you copy stuff out an other lod...but nothing that can be fixed (just a mather of right clicking the texture list and resetting the path).

But again not sure if it actually helps. Could be binarizing the model already splits hard edges. I leave that to someone who knows.

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Hey SNKMAN our addons are going to go together sooo nicely :) you're interested in the actual explosion event, while I'm interested in what comes after :)

Great too see you guys work together!

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No influence on section count. The only thing that influence section count are textures and materials.

And user values, and face order, and proxies.

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Mark, care to share what 'user values' actually mean? I thought it was best to keep them all on 0 as they didn't contributed to anything.

Hm, didn't knew face order influenced section count. At least i never noticed any change :s .

As for proxies, afaik one or more will only add 1 section as 'unmapped'.

Anyway, bit offtopic, but might be nice to know what something means...

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Very nice tanks, Topas! Looking forward to use them!

Is Kenji still on board?

MfG, Medicus

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Mmm, the B52....can't wait! Also, Schnapsdrosel if you release that...all we need is the girl...and some zombies....and a creepy island. And we'll be set!

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Nice reports all!

That stratofortress looks spooky :) Having the good old Bear as a counterpartwould be pure awesomeness!


Yes, he's alive and kicking..

Due to the attachment limit I did put only one shot of his T80;but plan on paying some more attention and devoting a single post just to show it sometime soon.

MfG Topas ;)

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Awesome fortress :)

My suggestion: leave out the normal maps. Due to the nature of photoshop generated normal maps u have panel lines at about 10 cm thick which is rediculous. Just subtly draw them on in deffuse. In real life its hardly a mm or 2 between panels which if you look at it from different angle wouldnt even produce a "normal map" effect.

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wow..very nice B-53 Gnat! sure wished that was around for arma1, oh well still looks alsome tho! good luck!

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My suggestion: leave out the normal maps. Due to the nature of photoshop generated normal maps u have panel lines at about 10 cm thick which is rediculous. Just subtly draw them on in deffuse. In real life its hardly a mm or 2 between panels which if you look at it from different angle wouldnt even produce a "normal map" effect.

Yeh, your talking about one of the few things thats annoying me about this model (apart from low poly, but I'm not about to attack that) is the normals.

I'm doing it with crazybump, but the real problem is the size of the Normal Texture map file vs the size of the bomber! LOL

Its likely I'll either drop the normal map or upsize dimensions so it doesnt look so "thick".

Oh, by the way guys, it F^%$&%$ AWESOME to watch it lay a line of bombs across the ArmAII landscape!! :yay:

Yes, intend to do a couple load-outs

Gunner position has a movable optic

Nearly cured it of the AI's dive-bombing that was so annoying in A1

And yes, I may have to find a rough OPFOR bomber to counterpart!

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I think you had access to a wonderful Tu-22 Backfire. That would be a good counterpart for the BUFF.

Arm it with anti ship Moskit missiles or other cruise missiles and there you'll have a worthy opponent for your ships ( BTW, I hope you have some worthy pics of the frigates soon).

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The TU-22 Backfire is good, I prefer the TU-160 Blackjack, but it's his decision.

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tu-95 and b-52 would be amazing to have in game although currently there is not a map available big enough to really make them worthwhile (unless someone has one already).

That's not to say they wouldn't be awesome even on Utes... I hate to think what the framerate would drop to though if those planes unloaded a bay full of freefall bombs...

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tu-95 and b-52 would be amazing to have in game although currently there is not a map available big enough to really make them worthwhile (unless someone has one already).

That's not to say they wouldn't be awesome even on Utes... I hate to think what the framerate would drop to though if those planes unloaded a bay full of freefall bombs...

True, but we could do special operations missions where you go into the airfield and destroy them, or something of that nature.

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They can also be in the beginning of a mission. See them come and smash a city up before you go in. Or they come in and take out a lot of a large force and you deal with the rest. They can come in the end of a mission to destroy a village completely. You see them come as you rush away. :)

The possibilities are endless. To fly them - thats maybe where the maps are too small, but definatelly not as a part of a mission.


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