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Footmunch/eddyD F-16 in ArmA 2

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impressive and beautiful. humm the sound when the plane is facing may be a bit high no?

GG good jobs ;)

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Awesome, certainly one of the most anticipated releases we are all waiting for nice work!

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Nice work Myke!

The jet could sound lower/lighter when facing/coming towards you and then passing you with a roar. :) But that sounds mighty good.

Is the F16 done yet? Is the F16 done yet? Is the F16 done yet? :D (jk)

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Please add such comments to the youtube vid aswell. Thank you.

And Alex72: NO! ;)

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Your comments are being noted on here and on youtube :p

Glad you originaly like the sounds and will be making the adjustments you talk about.

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lol....and for those who are confused:

Cornish Rebel = booker90 (YT) = the Guy who does the new sounds.

Again, i love the work you do mate and as you see, others do also. Keep it up.

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Hi Myke and community

I've added the F16 into GITS evolution duala to trial it before porting it into all of the evolutons (Cherno, sahrani, red etc).

There is a little problem - we have a lot of enemy air attacks so the planes get wrecked quite often. When the respawn script kicks in (after 600 secs in the respawn script), it spawns the plane on top of its old exploding wreck, and it explodes again or else the plane is damaged/ blocked by the prior wreck. This used to happen with the UK chinook in arma 1 - resulting in 20 chinook carcasses all over the base.

1. Is there a default F16 wreck lifetime or are they permanent? Is this feature tweakable?

2. Can someone suggest a way of clearing these carcasses? Like maybe putting a sensor in the mission that runs a script that builds an array of F16 carcasses andthen deletes them after 5 mins?

3. Is there an easier solution?

I can't port it in in its present state. Am happy to have a stab at some sort of workaround but wanted to see if there's an easier alternative...

cheers and great job.

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i think the issue is Myke released the F-16 way back when we had no idea about the propper arma2 dammage systems. In the original he is running the wreck spawn as a script instead of as a proxy in the model.

I am sure he is aware of the new corrections and i will be incuded in his next update.

ps myke if you are not hit me up and ill help you get it straightened out.

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Correct, the system is scriptbased since at this time there were no info (ot the Tools for that matter) to include the new wreck system for the F-16. The issue is known and is already solved in the update (not yet out and don't ask).

Meanwhile, use nearestObject to detect F-16 wreck, it's classname to scan for is "GLT_Falcon_MRWreck". Deletevehicle it and you're good to go.

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Maybe with a Script?!

If speed is > 999 and < 1001 do play sound "bang"

Hehe ;) You can Laugh because I don't know ArmA 2 Scripts but the Logick should work

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You can't get sonic boom in arma 2, only in arma 1 :/ it just does a really loud "woooosh", after 900-something, you dont need a script.

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You can't get sonic boom in arma 2, only in arma 1 :/ it just does a really loud "woooosh", after 900-something, you dont need a script.

This is not entirely true. Although it is not implemented by default it surely could be scripted in. It is another question if this is worth the effort since rarely you go above mach 1 (343 m/s as a sidenote).

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This is not entirely true. Although it is not implemented by default it surely could be scripted in. It is another question if this is worth the effort since rarely you go above mach 1 (343 m/s as a sidenote).

Yeah I know what you mean, i knew you would mention that, it's just something for jet lover's that will miss , it was just a "fun" feature :cool:

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i thought it did this on the F4 theother day - made one hell of a pop when it buzzed the airfield at 900km/h

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I switched the sonic booms off in the F14/F4 as a part of the script requires some reworking.

I'm thinking of redoing the the sonic effect for the F15/Mig-29

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Correct, the system is scriptbased since at this time there were no info (ot the Tools for that matter) to include the new wreck system for the F-16. The issue is known and is already solved in the update (not yet out).

Meanwhile, use nearestObject to detect F-16 wreck, it's classname to scan for is "GLT_Falcon_MRWreck". Deletevehicle it and you're good to go.

thanks myke

I used this

_Objectsw = (getMarkerPos "Respawn_West") nearObjects 500;{if (_x isKindOf "GLT_Falcon_MRWreck") then {sleep 60;deletevehicle _x}} forEach _Objectsw;

and it works a peach


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hey guys, and thanks for a wonderful plane!

I have one question though:

How do I add a on/off-button to the afterburner?

Which ones of the custom controls, are for the afterburner?

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For all people that want use the F-16 on Domination map and want that the wreck can be repair like other vehicles here is the solution:

On Config.bin of glt_f16.pbo only delete the next line;

killed = "_this execVM "\glt_f16\scr\wrecker.sqf"";

The wreck still work and now can be lift with the wreck chopper.

You must also add the glt to the reward array:

ej: ["A10","AH1Z","UH1Y","AV8B","AV8B2", "F35B", "M1A2_TUSK_MG","M1A1","GLT_Falcon_AGM"]

Ty, I will try this

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If the New Updated F-16 is still in the works? Will it be using the New GLT airweapons replacement mod? It looks awesome.

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Yes and no.

Yes, it is in the pipeline. And no, the replacement mod itself will not be used. Those are just meant to replace BIS default weapons. But the models will be used on the F-16, yes.

Actually i have to work on the missilebox (in which the weapon models are included) since the F-16 will heavily rely on this. So i have to finish it previously.

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Thanks Myke, your work is really impressive looking forward to that Update F16!

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