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Footmunch/eddyD F-16 in ArmA 2

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Good to hear. Can I ask if the Thunderbirds skin might still be included in a future update? It struck me as very useful opposite to the black version in any F-16 vs F-16 air combat.

Also, Myke, would you consider releasing the next version without the counter-measures scripts? There are now two popular systems available that can be layered on any aircraft and it seems to me the sort of functionality that should be consistent across all.

  • Sad 1

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Great work as usual, mate. I said it once but i have to repeat it: you're a real artist.


Can you please give me links from those system you mentoined? I'll adapt the included system so it will disable itself if one of those external systems are active. I guess this would be the best solution.


There is a bug if the F-16 is used alongside with ACE2. You can't eject. I'm already fixing it and also including ACE2 ejection seat system to it. Besides that, some minor flaws are fixed aswell.

I hope to release an update before New Year.

Compatibility with existing reskin packs is given.

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Checking for Mando Missile initiated is easy:

if (!isNil "mando_missile_init_done") then {hint "MMA active"};

Note that activation will happen when mission starts, might be a fraction of second after the init EHs of F16s are ran.

You can use also an internal vehicle variable of your plane, for example "myke_forced_flares"

The init of your plane sets it to false by default (_this setVariable ["myke_forced_flares", false]). But if set to true by a mission maker, then whatever other systems are present in the mission, Myke's flares for that plane will be active.

So, for your flares:

if ((_this getVariable "myke_forced_flares") || (isNil "mando_missile_init_done")) then
  // Run Mykes auto flares here

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Thanks Mandoble, will include it into the F-16 flare system so when yours is active, the included will be disabled. And while i'm on it, is there anything i could include to the config or even the model itself that would be helpful for MMA functions or you wished they were there?

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Mandoble, this would be the perfect time to propose integrating missing items from the DesertPhoenix missile pack into Myke's GLT equivalent. There may also be some common ground on dialog based re-arming?

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I don't see the plane? I can't see a US Air Force faction either... I just see USMC, US Army and CDF :( it's checked in my arma launcher and properly put into folders

scratch that... I forgot to put the files in the addon's folder lol

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scratch that... I forgot to put the files in the addon's folder lol

Argh...who do i have to pay so i can work with pro's only? :D

Just kidding mate, glad you have it working.


Added links for the various reskins to the first post.

Edited by [FRL]Myke

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Nice one Myke ! Looks very promising indeed.

A target-cam/missile-cam would be lovely :) but I don't think A2 will let picture in picture.

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but I don't think A2 will let picture in picture.

Nope, it won't.

But Operation Arrowhead seems to be somewhat promising of that concern, as it promises "HUDs for airplanes and helicopter" to be "really new features".

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F-16C Version 2.0 approaching


- [FIXED] Couldn't eject with ACE2

- [ADDED] ACE2 Ejection seat system fully integrated

- [TWEAK] Built-in countermeasure system can be disabled

- [ADDED] Full support for MMA countermeasure system

- [ADDED] Full support for RKSL countermeasure system

- [iMPROVEMENT] Cockpit texture reworked

- [ADDED] Cockpit MFD's now can be set up with custom texture/screen

- [ADDED] MFD's show boot up sequence when powering on

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I love this aircraft mod and the afterburner and vapour trail additions are fantatstic. Well done Myke :D

I have a question too... Will the next version include an easy way to disable the auto countermeasures? I'm using the RKSL flares which are operated manually.

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I don't know if it's possible but - since we have analogue throttle maybe u can add engine RPM on the 2nd MFD. It'll look cool. Sounds are dependent on the RPM so u can use the same thing on MFD...

And since ACE has it own AB u could use it - but that would require 2 version of whole addon (or at least some scripting to detect if ACE is on or not)...

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Yes, countermeasures can be disabled easily. But there is also a automatic detection of 3rd party countermeasures. If RKSL countermeasures and/or Mandobles MMA is detected, built-in countermeasures are disabled and one of those is used instead. If all are present, order is as follows: MMA over RKSL over built-in.

However, it is possible to select a specific system by setting a simple variable. Also complete deactivation is possible.


Adding animations to MFD's is a bit tricky. I'll do my best to get them working but i can't guarantee it yet.

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Almost done with completely reworking the cockpit. Here's a direct comparement of the old vs. the new version.

First the old:


Now the new, first with engine off:


And here with engine on:


Still WIP but things goin well. A few gauges i have to set up, then i guess its close to release.

Info for the retexturer out there: you can add own bootup sequence pics for the MFD aswell as own final displays, for both of them. More info when it's released, just you can start of think of. ;)

Hope you all enjoy it.

Edited by [FRL]Myke

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Wow, big improvement, and presumably you're re-making the cockpit normal maps? The previous ones sometimes caught the light in slightly unfortunate manner.

Can I ask if you will be making any changes to the way the classes are presented? Might I suggest that this...


Creates less clutter while keeping everything easy to find. Acronym "US" follows ACE convention (without periods). Class names need not change so missions shouldn't break.

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What works in the Cockpit so far. Sorry for the bad quality, had to resize a lot to fit into the 100kb limit.


Hardcore Flightsim fans may forgive me the Health Indicator. Sadly ArmA 2 is pretty limited on animation sources so i decided to misuse this gauge as else it wouldn't serve anything. Also this helps since the Ingame HUD is disabled.

Edited by [FRL]Myke

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