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I'm blind, this is impossible

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No night vision, the place is pitch black other than the tiniest of grey in the sky, night vision on, the sky is bright green but myself, the trees, everything is pitch black still! I can stair at the floor for a few second then quickly look up to actually see stuff but then the iris mode thing makes everything black again. I can change the brightness and gamma levels but all this does is turn the completely black areas to white.

Is there some way to change it to day time or get rid of this crappy iris auto adjustment feature, its making the game unplayable at the moment. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if the AI couldn't see either but at the moment if I face anywhere vaguely south I can't see at all.

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Try changing HDRprecision to 16 or 32 in your arma profile .cfg as well.

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All depends on the phase of the moon, time of night, cloud cover over stars

In a real life rural area with little/no overhead natural light, sometimes there is pretty much blackness and that's it until you acclimatize enough around 20 minutes later

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IMO if they want to incorporate "getting used to the dark" they should also incorporate more types of NV, such as NV weapon sights or 1-eye NV so that your left eye stays used to the dark so that you can still see stuff without NV.

Even during the darkest nights you can still see things that are nearby or things on the skyline.

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Even during the darkest nights you can still see things that are nearby or things on the skyline.

not true at all.

i was walking home the other night at about 2am, heavy cloud cover, no visible moon.. and i had to walk with my hands out in front of me so i could feel for trees and oncoming trucks

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not true at all.

i was walking home the other night at about 2am, heavy cloud cover, no visible moon.. and i had to walk with my hands out in front of me so i could feel for trees and oncoming trucks

Yup, apparently hes never experienced the "I cant see my own hand in front of my face" effect that the wilderness can have on some nights.

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Yup, apparently hes never experienced the "I cant see my own hand in front of my face" effect that the wilderness can have on some nights.

Those were always fun as a kid playing a late night game of capture the flag.

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That is until you spend 2 hours sneaking up the to flag, only for some little bugger to be lying next to it and grab your leg making you crap yourself :D

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lol I learned to be the "counter" little bugger. Wait for someone else to get his attention and I sneak away with the flag during the confusion. Of course it only worked when there wasn't 5 of them all watching the flag like crocodiles watching a zebra drown.

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No night vision, the place is pitch black other than the tiniest of grey in the sky, night vision on, the sky is bright green but myself, the trees, everything is pitch black still! I can stair at the floor for a few second then quickly look up to actually see stuff but then the iris mode thing makes everything black again. I can change the brightness and gamma levels but all this does is turn the completely black areas to white.

Is there some way to change it to day time or get rid of this crappy iris auto adjustment feature, its making the game unplayable at the moment. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if the AI couldn't see either but at the moment if I face anywhere vaguely south I can't see at all.

are you driving around in a BMP as the gunner?

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not true at all.

i was walking home the other night at about 2am, heavy cloud cover, no visible moon.. and i had to walk with my hands out in front of me so i could feel for trees and oncoming trucks

I feel as if by the time you touched an oncoming truck it would be to late. Or perhaps that was sarcasm and I am tired. Edited by usmc123

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i did the fixed nightvision addon for arma1 when i got so frustrated with it

i've found the stock arma2 NVG fairly functional so far

haven't found any spots where it would be rendered unusable like in arma1

is this only inside a vehicle or is there some situation where you get "blinded" while on foot aswell?

i'm hestitant to make an addon that wouldn't be for the betterment of the game

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I feel as if by the time you touched an oncoming truck it would be to late. Or perhaps that was sarcasm and I am tired.

you must be tired :)

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I did notice once that driving in a BMP, Gunning and then switching to full 3rd Person view.... made the SIGHT effect happen in 3rd Person as well. It was impossible to see since the HDR was in overdrive. GOTO the gun sights of the BMP to see what I'm talking about. I had to reboot to get rid of it.

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1. start the mission

2. go afk for 8hrs

3. voila: daylight!

In fact, aren't there time-skip controls?

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In fact, aren't there time-skip controls?

i only found the "fast time" option in the warfare version... although i never looked for it in missions or the campaign. i always have it on though

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not true at all.

i was walking home the other night at about 2am, heavy cloud cover, no visible moon.. and i had to walk with my hands out in front of me so i could feel for trees and oncoming trucks

Too much beer, man... ;)

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It is entirely normal for night to be so dark that you cannot see your own hand in front of your face.

In fact, I once read a Hagar the Horrible strip cartoon in which Hagar was stumbling around his cave in the dark, complaining about the lack of light. His friend, sat nearby in the darkness, said "Tell me about it, I've lit six fires already and I still can't see anything". Hagar whistles and says "Wow, that's REALLY dark!

---------- Post added at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 PM ----------

It is entirely normal for night to be so dark that you cannot see your own hand in front of your face.

In fact, I once read a Hagar the Horrible strip cartoon in which Hagar was stumbling around his cave in the dark, complaining about the lack of light. His friend, sat nearby in the darkness, said "Tell me about it, I've lit six fires already and I still can't see anything". Hagar whistles and says "Wow, that's REALLY dark!

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I feel as if by the time you touched an oncoming truck it would be to late. Or perhaps that was sarcasm and I am tired.

Australians don't get hurt by a teeny weeny truck.

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1. start the mission

2. go afk for 8hrs

3. voila: daylight!

In fact, aren't there time-skip controls?

With advanced or extended selected you should be able to adjust the weather, date, and time of a mission in the editor.

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i did the fixed nightvision addon for arma1 when i got so frustrated with it

i've found the stock arma2 NVG fairly functional so far

haven't found any spots where it would be rendered unusable like in arma1

is this only inside a vehicle or is there some situation where you get "blinded" while on foot aswell?

i'm hestitant to make an addon that wouldn't be for the betterment of the game

NVGs in real life are much worse than the fixed ones in Arma1, maybe also before they were fixed (when they had noise). ACE provides NVGs that can remove blooming in them. Although realistic (adjustable gain instead of auto gain), they didn't have any negative side effects. Thus they becomes far too useful compared to what they actually are, I'll name a few problems:

* Moving by foot is hard and awkward due to the limited FOV.

* Fighting with them is tough due to limited resolution, some claim they can't see shit with them beyond 50m.

* Not compatible with all sights and optics.

* They actually use batteries. Battery supply can be a real problem, especially before the new ones arrived.

Implementing a realistic system would be awesome, but would also require proper night optics for certain weapons.


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The 4X sight I had let me see things at night up to 300m, how well depended on the conditions. And it's quite higher quality and narrower FOV than the arma sights.

Not sure if this is what we have in game or not, but here:


300m moonlight, 150m starlight, 40deg FOV.

Another thing to note, is that NV of this type (single lens in the middle of the head) are very hard to aim with. That's one of the reasons IR lasers are often used with them, so you don't have to actually look through the sights.

They should really also include longer-range NV, like one I've used (don't know it's model name) that is heavier and has magnification so that you can't helmet mount it (don't remember how much), but agian has magnification, a laser range finder and a compass. Usually issued to sniper teams.

Currently NV in the game is VERY lacking, since we only have 1 type of NVGs and a lot of night action.

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modern night vision uses an invisable lazer beam, which the NVG's then pick up and amplify. as for wot u describe, i had it in arma 1 sometimes, pretty annoying, i just used to tinker with settings or ditch them all 2 gether, but if ur doing SP then i suppose ur gonna need them

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