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Motion blur, bloom : make them options!

Make enable bloom/blur an option  

492 members have voted

  1. 1. Make enable bloom/blur an option

    • Don't make it an option, it would be unfair!
    • Make it an option, now i can play without headaches!
    • I don't care

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LOL - though I was frustrated by Postprocessing a few weeks I learned only today of the possibility to switch it off!


I went through all the settings at first install and never again.

Maybe many gamers do so.

And are frustrated like I was.

After switching it off I am really fascinated again.

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I'd want them as seperate options, bloom, blur and motion blur. I really love bloom but can't run the motion blur, it looks ... OK ... sort of, but I'd prefer to be able to choose. I really love bloom but not everyone does, make it an option.

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Thank you Bohemia for letting your public tell you our tastes and dis-tastes! Get rid of MOTION BLUR!!! :D

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Lol yeah, even though half of the forums complained against it already since the first screens ~1 year ago with this stuff appeared, they did not remove it and nor implemented a option to disable it :rolleyes:

And anyway it's a frivolous addition to the game. This is a RTS FPS game...and that is its core competency.

As you might guess, I think that development time should have been spent making the editor much more user friendly...

I don't give a damn about anisotropic filtering or peripheral vision blur. I do care very much about the ease of use in employing artillery which is at this time still ridiculously complex to employ in a scenario.

Let's get some focus on how the development time is spent shall we?

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You may not care about AF or blur, but others do. Personally I find it hard to play a game without AF, while the blur helps cope with lower FPS' than I normally could. What they spent their time on was fine, what they needed was MORE time to finish the game rather than listen to a crappy publisher to push the game out earlier than it should have been.

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Had to vote on this one...

As it stands now, I play with all post-process effects off, because the motion blur is just WAY to much for me, and gives me headaches and eye strain while im trying to focus on some part of my screen and it blurs to all heck.

I miss the bloom/hdr though...but if I have to give it up in order to rid myself of the obnoxious/overdone motion blur, I consider if a fair trade.

Motion blur is, in my opinion, the stupidest thing game developers are adding in the latest games, it is very nonsensical, in my opinion.

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I have tried the game on different monitors with the same computer. It appears different on each.

My suggestion would be to have a "Low, Normal, and High" setting for it.

It needs to be toned down anyway. A slow turn will not result in a blurring of vision.

If you hold your hand out in front of you and focus on the tips of your fingers, yes there will be a blur. BUT, people don't turn using tunnel vision. Our eyes "capture frames" as we turn giving us a seamless view as we turn. High speed turns will result in a loss of focus, but not low speed to normal turns.

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Maybe we'll get some more control over it in a later patch.. maybe not :(

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I am disappointed that the tickets were closed because you can 'Turn off PP'. BIS's shaders are cool and I want them, I just can't stand the nauseating blur... There are functions to disable shaders in the code already(look in the UI.pbo), why can't they just disable that one (or two) shaders that make up the motion blur specifically? It is not feasible to edit bin.pbo just to do this, disassembing and recompiling shader code is pretty difficult! (gratz to Keg for succeeding in 1.01) Plus you'll get kicked in MP for having those core files modified.

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You can always make a new ticket to vote.

BI has taken the first as to disable all.

Make a new one about configuration for each of it.

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Yes these should all be under video settings in every game it should've been in day one release. Depth of field really bothers me. :angryfire:

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I'm using Kegety's wonderfull fix.

This fix made the game very playable for me, chernaurus runs like a dream now!

I'm really not a friend of all this "shiny new features" we see in games today.

I don't need the game to simulate things(blur, bloom, dazzle, zoom) happening to my eyes, because my real eyes can react to things happening on the screen themselves.

What I need is nice graphics(like the water now) and a proper antialiasing to get rid of the edges.

MfG Lee ;)

Where do you get that kegetys fix from?

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Where do you get that kegetys fix from?

What about taking a look at "Addons&Mods:complete"?

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As a lot of people i tend to get sick after playing an hour of blurring and flashing.

Kegetys made a wonderfull addon that solves the problem nicely, which basically gives you Arma2 without this hassle and makes the game a lot more enjoyable, the ai at times is simply great!

There is no point in constantly batteling with basic eyesight in a game.

I am new and do not know where to find this fix made by this Kegetys, i did a search but came up with nothign, could you please provide me a link to where i can download it, as i too hate the ammount of motion blur.

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I am new and do not know where to find this fix made by this Kegetys, i did a search but came up with nothign, could you please provide me a link to where i can download it, as i too hate the ammount of motion blur.

Just disable postprocessing effects in advanced graphics settings.

The addon is no longer needed!

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Just disable postprocessing effects in advanced graphics settings.

The addon is no longer needed!

Ahh thanks Yoma, i will try that and see how things go

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i would really like an option for individual effect. i like a little bit of bloom (not as much as stock arma 2 got)...but everything else should be diasabled.

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Just disable postprocessing effects in advanced graphics settings.

The addon is no longer needed!

lol i had this turned off from the beginning and totally forgot that there was a blur in teh game.

thats what i suggest, get a clue and TURN THE SHIT OFF!

seriously if you sit there and turn ur head quick , is their a blur?

no, then why TF is it in the game? wasn't in armed assault nor in OFP.

when does anything in real life blur?

maybe when u got smacked over the head, or getting up out of a hole in the ground after a blast, but when u turn your head, come on, seriously, when i saw this in a video before arma2 was comign out, i was like WTF is this now? How the F**K is this realistic.

Quit adding shit that dont exist reality Bis, otherwise we love u guys:p

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I like the post-processing, even at very high (if I don't count shining cows and some jezus moments in interiors). But what makes me turn it off completely is the blur I get after running (when my avatar is tired), 1920x1200 then looks like 800x600 and I can't tell a soldier 10 meters away from a tree. When I see AI running carelessly among trees and then instantly shooting at me, then I don't want a disadvantage in spotting enemies.

So I'm for separate options...

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I havent seen any blurring, if i have then i dont really notice it. I have all settings maxed out so it should be there and probably is but it doesnt really bother me. I think its good that it is there because it adds more to the realism when a marine/insurgent is exhausted from the fighting and his eyes are starting to blur from lack of sleep.;)

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