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Motion blur, bloom : make them options!

Make enable bloom/blur an option  

492 members have voted

  1. 1. Make enable bloom/blur an option

    • Don't make it an option, it would be unfair!
    • Make it an option, now i can play without headaches!
    • I don't care

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As a lot of people i tend to get sick after playing an hour of blurring and flashing.

Kegetys made a wonderfull addon that solves the problem nicely, which basically gives you Arma2 without this hassle and makes the game a lot more enjoyable, the ai at times is simply great!

There is no point in constantly batteling with basic eyesight in a game.

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Blur and bloom makes my brain hurt

Please sort it out

Some of the white building with high lighting effect look radioactive !

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I'm using Kegety's wonderfull fix.

This fix made the game very playable for me, chernaurus runs like a dream now!

I'm really not a friend of all this "shiny new features" we see in games today.

I don't need the game to simulate things(blur, bloom, dazzle, zoom) happening to my eyes, because my real eyes can react to things happening on the screen themselves.

What I need is nice graphics(like the water now) and a proper antialiasing to get rid of the edges.

MfG Lee ;)

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Lee said it all....

An official optional optimised Kegetys-style fix would be just lovely, please!


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maybe BIS could use it and implement it in vanilla ArmA2 as an option. Would make every body happy.

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I do admit it can bring some realism to certain situations or objects, but it needs improvements thats all..

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  Heatseeker said:
Why did they waste development time with that crap?

Because a fully functional post processing system is of great value to the modders? Without integrating it it would be impossible for the german beta testers to test it.

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  CarlGustaffa said:
Without integrating it it would be impossible for the german beta testers to test it.

Lol yeah, even though half of the forums complained against it already since the first screens ~1 year ago with this stuff appeared, they did not remove it and nor implemented a option to disable it :rolleyes:

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I wouldn't say it's crap. When it works it's sometimes very nice, but cpu/gpu time is better spent on other stuff. I rather have less textures popping in then bloom/blur all over the floor.

The current implementation makes me not use my track ir in Arma2 and i think resorting to an addon to fix something this "basic" is silly.

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  Wynthorpe said:
Personally i love the way it looks and doesnt impact me in any way,

I love it too very much!:yay:

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I don't like it either. Make it an option. It runs much better without.

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I think it should be used then leaving a dark room and going outside.

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I looove the HDR, bloom and blur in ArmA2, but I guess it doesn't hurt to make it optional.

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I pretty much hate it, sure some hdr is ok but I dont need this extrem bloom and the annyoing blur. I am happy i dont need glasses in real life and I dont want to "simulate" bad eye sight, cause thats what the blur does. And the bloom is so overdone it looks like a permanent nuclear explosion in the sky.


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I think this poll is starting to show the users position on the issue.

Getting rid of it completely is not needed, just make it an option BIS, your users will love you for it.

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I don't know how BIS got the idea that real life looks blurry. Maybe they all suffer from cataracts or something.

That's the problem with a lot of modern games. They use all this fancy bloom and HDR stuff with the result being that video games are being made to look like video games.

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I don't have A2..yet. But it bothers me that :

1. It must have be obvious to BIS that some people are not going to like these effects, so why not include the option to turn it off?

2. Some people on lower end hardware may appreciate the boost in FPS from disabling these effects, so why not include the option? Especially when BIS must have know the forums where going to be full of "OMG this game runs like crap" posts. Even if a lot of them are because people are running with viewdistance too high, but some users may be happy to sacrifice some PP for extra VD.

I personally like these kind of effects, even if they are over done in some games and I probably wont ever turn them off, but that doesn't mean the option shouldn't be there. Why does it take some one like Kegetys (to whom we are all eternally grateful for such excellent fixes he always provides for games) to have to include this option? It makes no sense to me.

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If it is optional, make it a server option. Same as terrain detail.

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I value all of these effects, I consider them very authentic and they add greatly to the immersion, just as worthy of their rendering cost as the other graphical improvements. Attacking with the sun behind you is now an important tactical consideration, running makes it hard to track fine detail just as happens in reality. I don't get why anyone would want to remove these components from a simulation but if it is to be optional it must be done such that it is enforceable by the server.

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  Defunkt said:
I value all of these effects, I consider them very authentic and they add greatly to the immersion, just as worthy of their rendering cost as the other graphical improvements. Attacking with the sun behind you is now an important tactical consideration, running makes it hard to track fine detail just as happens in reality. I don't get why anyone would want to remove these components from a simulation but if it is to be optional it must be done such that it is enforceable by the server.

Why would your eyes be any different when you're watching a computer screen? You still have the very authentic focus area that blurs everything except the small area that you're looking at, you still have motion blur and you still have shock absorption. The game adds those things (except the latter) even though you already have them in your very own eyes, making you visually impaired.

If anything, A2's HDR, DOF, bloom, blur and other visual bling-bling simulates a camera more than a human eye.

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What are you talking about? Unless you're playing in front of a full-wall projection your own natural focus area will easily include the whole of the in-game scene depicted on your monitor including those portions that should represent the periphery of your vision. Could your monitor output luminance equivalent to the actual sun for the benefit of your actual eyes?

Edited by Defunkt

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