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What does ARMA 2 have that Operation Flashpoint 2 doesn't?

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???The original poster asked for a relative comparison.

Pros and Cons are useless if they are based on PURE speculation. The parts where I speculated were extrapolated based upon the game play videos, dev interviews, the size of the company, what technology it will be played on, the quality of previous products, the quality and effort gone into marketing and to whom their target market is. My speculations are clearly (look at the English) not meant to be taken as definite.

You flame the Pros and Cons but then provide your own but in a different format. "Pro: Smoke appears to be better"

Edited by Kenjineering

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???The original poster asked for a relative comparison.

Pros and Cons are useless if they are based on PURE speculation. The parts where I speculated were extrapolated based upon the game play videos, dev interviews, the size of the company, what technology it will be played on, the quality of previous products, the quality and effort gone into marketing and to whom their target market is. My speculations are clearly (look at the English) not meant to be taken as definite.

You flame the Pros and Cons but then provide your own but in a different format. "Pro: Smoke appears to be better"

It was not intended towards you, just a loose remark. And I did not say "better", just that I like it.

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But then we could all be wrong, OPeration Flashpoint 2 dragon rising might be the best game ever made, who knows. :).

I just cant see it being better than Arma 2. I look at GRID (good bye TOCA sims), i look at DIRT(Good bye Colin MCrae games :(), I look at DIRT 2 it has a playboy girl on the cover. LOL. And then i go, ok, so if all these other games are catered to just action only and smoke effects(which is DIRT to a tea) then how could Operation Flashpoint 2 dragon rising possably be better coming from Codemasters judging by thier recent line up and where they are heading in the gaming market. Look at FUEL, and fuel is a very boring game, yet the area and playing field is humongous and the graphics are still pretty awesome but the gameplay is drab and lacks any substance with a massive environment. There's no authenticity there at all. So im really interested to see where Operation flashpoint 2 is heading.

So you are right, dont judge a book by its cover, but im seeing a lot of the same cover's from Codemasters. And the written material inside the books they have been writing lately in the last few years have been matching thier crap glossy covers.

I have a feeling that Arma 2 is going to kill it, NOT in sales, but in gameplay. I just wish Bohemia would REDO their damn 10 year old game engine and make it run better on a wide range of TODAY's hardware not tomorrow's.

Edited by nyran125

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OFP 2 seems to be designed for kids, while Arma 2 for men.

...and robots. Manly robots... (ok women too).

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Arma 2 has a very lucky dev team, who have a very patient community, who will always stay loyal in the faith that one day arma 2 will be complete.

Flashpoint has a weeks worth of out the box gameplay, after that it's boring.

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Flashpoint has a weeks worth of out the box gameplay, after that it's boring.

right, cause you have somehow played it yeah ?

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Arma 2 has a very lucky dev team, who have a very patient community, who will always stay loyal in the faith that one day arma 2 will be complete.

Flashpoint has a weeks worth of out the box gameplay, after that it's boring.

right, cause you have somehow played it yeah ?

Yeah haha, some people....

Personally i can't wait for OPFLASH2, im going to be getting it on the PS3.

I hope the game is good and has an actuall playable campaign out of the box, unlike a certain game. :P

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right, cause you have somehow played it yeah ?

No, i haven't played it. But judging by all the inside scoops saying multiplayer consists of fail with a cherry on top, singleplayer looks to be the main aspect of the game.

COD 4 had an amazing singleplayer campaign, but after a week of completing it on various difficulty levels i went on to enjoy multiplayer. Dragon Rising apparently won't have anything more than "co-op" (and 8 player pvp?), so what am i going to play when i've done the campaign?

That is my point. Console games do not have replay value like Arma 2 without a very good multiplayer system. Unless of course it DOES have an editor. In which case yes, it might have alot of replay.

We will see. I do look foward to flashpoint 2, i like the idea of casual open ground warfare. But i am being realistic and judging my opinions based on what people who HAVE played the game say.

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richiespeed13 if you are looking forward to DR why have you tagged your videos with:

"flashpoint dragon rising can suck twos balls!"


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"No mission editor for the console versions at release.

PC Mission editor Confirmed and is the same one the developers are using.

Split Screen Mode will not be available for local or online play.

It is confirmed that there is no track IR or free look for infantry on ALL platforms however, free look and track IR is supported for vehicles

It has been confirmed on the official site forum by an administrator that there will be no provisions for leaning action. "

Taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Flashpoint_2

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"No mission editor for the console versions at release.

PC Mission editor Confirmed and is the same one the developers are using.

Split Screen Mode will not be available for local or online play.

It is confirmed that there is no track IR or free look for infantry on ALL platforms however, free look and track IR is supported for vehicles

It has been confirmed on the official site forum by an administrator that there will be no provisions for leaning action. "

Taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Flashpoint_2

My god, in one paragraph you made DR go from "I can't wait to get this" to.

"Wtf no splitscreen on consoles? EVERY half decent FPS on the console has splitscreen, no editor either? WTF, farcry 2 had a console editor why can't codewan**rs include one"

Seriously not having splitscreen on a console FPS should be a crime.

I wasn't expecting much tbh when i heard it was being developed by codemasters, they are pretty average in terms of the games they make.

Edited by thedudesam

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Splitscreen is a relic of pre-online multiplayer times, i havent used it in years.

Who on earth would want to play such a large scale game on half a screen?

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lol, split screen.


richiespeed13 if you are looking forward to DR why have you tagged your videos with:

"flashpoint dragon rising can suck twos balls!"


Well yeah, i went through the "Hate Dragon Rising, Love Arma 2" stage lol. I guess when you first buy a game you have to be very defensive so you can justify spending your money on it.

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Sorry - to answer the topic I ask one simplest question:

Assuming that

a. Codemaster was left by BI.

b. But Codemaster is quite a commercial enterprise - so their lawyers placed a hook into the flesh of BI: They held back the name, the trademark "Operation Flashpoint". This is quite a routine for the more powerful contract partner.

Holding only the name of the game, Codemasters tries now again just to make money of it

- without having a game,

- without having the code,

- without the developers,

- without the idealisam and ideology of BI.

For WHAT reason and HOW shall the outcome of this be a good game?

It's not just like roulette.

Believe their professional marketing or don't.

I don't.

Edited by Herbal Influence

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to answer the original question:

One was released without thorough testing to occupy the market first, the other will be released onced thoroughly tested to avoid frustration and stress on the consumer.

One has a marketing policy relying on its reputation, that does not take into consideration the customer satisfaction index onced the product released, the other has a marketing policy based on customer satisfaction after release of the product in a vision of repeat business....As the Zen story says: We'll see!

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There is a new "hardcore mode" developer diary movie on http://www.codemasters.com/flashpoint/index.php#/video/

I noticed that in night levels they use flir scopes even on rpg, is that realistic?

I know its being used, maybe for spec. ops or maybe one piece in a squad or platoon, but not everyone.

So all of them run with scopes like this -->


Edited by KrUEgER

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... the other will be released onced thoroughly tested to avoid frustration and stress on the consumer. .... the other has a marketing policy based on customer satisfaction after release of the product in a vision of repeat business....

:o ... dream on !

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Tbh I will try dragon rising too - cant say either way which will be my favourite game wise - but as for mods and support id go with BIS.

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Yeah, appearently there is such a scope, but I wouldn't see that as standard gear :D

Yeah, not least because each scope costs something like $20,000-30,000 each...

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So recently (I believe in the past couple of days) OFP:DR came out with a slew of videos on their forums that a friend told me about, it includes a description of hardcore mode, and three or four gameplay videos.

I was a skeptic but after watching a whole mission played through I am quite impressed with what they have to offer, here is what they have I see that ARMA doesn't:

-You can't tell if the graphics look better or not, but animations and effects and the overall feel seems more refined

-The game is more accessible to all players types from COD type all the way to ARMA (Hardcore Mode) check out the video if you wish, they pretty much stripped the entire HUD of anything! That's going to get exciting and glad they went this way after listening and being response to their customers

-The interface is much more modern and efficient and actually matches up this generation of games

I really didn't think they would do that well and I'm not getting the game until I see a few serious reviews about it, but it does appear they are giving ARMA a run for it's money.

I don't check out the OFPDR forums much so I don't know about vehicles and aircraft but if they nail the infantry, I'd be willing to pay for expansions that would allow vehicles and aircraft (if they aren't already in the game)

I'm not an OFPDR fanboy (or an ARMA one for that matter) and I don't even have a forum account there, but after seeing the videos I am impressed and interested to see if these guys can pull something really great off. We'll see what happens.

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" but animations and effects and the overall feel seems more refined"

Huh? I agree they have some nice animations, but overall? Naaah. Their weaps are pinned to the screen when not moving, and the weap sway when running is not natural. Very console like.

Animations when moving ala running walking etc, ARMA 2 looks like real peeps moving. FP 2? I didn`t get a "that looks natural" feeling when watching.

Definately still wanna try a demo of DR. But it still seems like it has more COD/R6 RS than FP in there. I hope in their quest to make the game accessable to the COD/CS kiddies, they didn`t bend over the hard core FP fans.

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" but animations and effects and the overall feel seems more refined"

Huh? I agree they have some nice animations, but overall? Naaah. Their weaps are pinned to the screen when not moving, and the weap sway when running is not natural. Very console like.

Animations when moving ala running walking etc, ARMA 2 looks like real peeps moving. FP 2? I didn`t get a "that looks natural" feeling when watching.

Definately still wanna try a demo of DR. But it still seems like it has more COD/R6 RS than FP in there. I hope in their quest to make the game accessable to the COD/CS kiddies, they didn`t bend over the hard core FP fans.

I sorta understand that. What I meant by the natural feel was the not overdone post processing, the animations of the AI and movement of them seemed more natural, it's annoying when you AI in ARMA does crouch pop up crouch walk backwards the forward the kneels it's just very very clunky, didn't really see that in the little bit I was able to see of OFPDR.

Like I said we'll see, but the interface of OFPDR is what got me on those vids

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Sorry - to answer the topic I ask one simplest question:

Assuming that

a. Codemaster was left by BI.

b. But Codemaster is quite a commercial enterprise - so their lawyers placed a hook into the flesh of BI: They held back the name, the trademark "Operation Flashpoint". This is quite a routine for the more powerful contract partner.

Holding only the name of the game, Codemasters tries now again just to make money of it

- without having a game,

- without having the code,

- without the developers,

- without the idealisam and ideology of BI.

For WHAT reason and HOW shall the outcome of this be a good game?

It's not just like roulette.

Believe their professional marketing or don't.

I don't.

Well it wouldn't really be fun if they made it exactly like ArmA2 now would it. This is their attempt to make ArmA2 and it might not offer as great hitsystem, the fantastic physics and such as ArmA2 does - but it doesn't have to be the exact same game. We want a milsim. It doesn't have to act, look and behave like the only other milsim out there.

I was more excited about OFPDR than ArmA2 because I knew that the old OFP bugs and its weak points would still be present. Then I saw how arcade OFPDR looked and now I don't have very high expectations for it at all. I'll still buy it, in hope that OFPDR2 will be better if this one sucks (or is too COD-like which I fear). It might also force BIS to do something about their main problems, limitations and bugs that has been present since OFP and maybe inspire them to better menu-system or copy some great feature that OFPDR has.

Meanwhile, I'll continue playing ArmA2. Alone.

Edited by Rekrul

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