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ARMA2 & OA's Steam Thread: All Steam Q's/discussions go here [covered by Dwarden]

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I think that depends on your STEAM settings more than Arma2 itself. You can set STEAM to look for updates whenever you launch the game or do it manually, whichever you prefer.

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you can disable autoupdate in STEAM ...

depends if you like to do trigger it manually by verify file cache

for time being the retail patch is NOT for steam version (incompatible)

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Remind me again what's different between these ARMA2 versions; the EU retail price, €28,99, and the Steam version going at €47,99?

It's ridiculous. Steam should be ashamed of themselves.

US: $49,99 (35,10€)

UK: £29.99 (34,60€)

Europe: 47.99€ (£40,60 / $66,90)

It's a common misconception to think that Valve can't lower prices set by the games publishers, because they can. Valve respects the wishes of the publisher but the publishers also respect Valve's price settings. Remember, it's business, it's negotiable. You see, in the end, it's Valve that's ripping off euro players.

Valve has chosen to do nothing about the high pricing in spite of numerous emails and posts on their forum so now i'm asking Bohemia Interactive to adress this issue! BI, please renegotiate the euro price with Valve.

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I don't know if you can blame any one company, as in the end there's some kind of agreement between them on the prices.

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there is no need to worry about the command line (it's covered by FAQ again :)

when nothing set in launch parameters in the STEAM game profile

shortcut 1:

Drive:\Path\Steam.exe -applaunch IDnumber -nosplash -maxmem=2047

shortcut 2

Drive:\Path\Steam.exe -applaunch IDnumber -nosplash -windowed -maxmem=2047

shortcut 3

Drive:\Path\Steam.exe -applaunch IDnumber -nosplash -windowed -maxmem=2047 -mod=@test

one starts game fullscreen second windowed third got passed mod paramater correctly ...

works as intended :) any other concerns ?

Yes - I've tried creating a desktop shortcut to connect directly to a server (Silent Warriors) and keep getting "Connect Failed" errors. I then verify the server is running by connecting manually, so I know it's not a server-side issue. I've also tried both the Dogs of War and Armalauncher utilities with the same results.

Here's the target information in the shortcut I created:

"C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 33900 -nosplash -connect=

Arma2 starts up fine whether or not Steam is running, but after the "Wait a Moment..." message I get "Connecting Failed". Nosplash option works fine so I know at least that parameter is getting passed properly.

I've tried the same thing with other servers, removing the nosplash parameter, but nothing seems to work. I doublechecked the Steam game profile launch parameters and verified nothing was specified there.

EDIT TO ADD: I'm running Vista 32 sp1, verified Steam was running as Administrator...

Has anyone successfully created a shortcut that will successfully connect to a server? Or got DOW or ArmaLaunch to do the same (with Steam)?

Edited by tldspectre22

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i was wondering if i bought this game at the gamestop store and installed it with the disks would it work on steam?

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I have a problem. i downloaded ArmA2 off of steam a few days back but i can not find where the ArmA2 folder is so i can install mods. please help:confused:

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Yes - I've tried creating a desktop shortcut to connect directly to a server (Silent Warriors) and keep getting "Connect Failed" errors. I then verify the server is running by connecting manually, so I know it's not a server-side issue. I've also tried both the Dogs of War and Armalauncher utilities with the same results.

Here's the target information in the shortcut I created:

"C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 33900 -nosplash -connect=

Arma2 starts up fine whether or not Steam is running, but after the "Wait a Moment..." message I get "Connecting Failed". Nosplash option works fine so I know at least that parameter is getting passed properly.

I've tried the same thing with other servers, removing the nosplash parameter, but nothing seems to work. I doublechecked the Steam game profile launch parameters and verified nothing was specified there.

EDIT TO ADD: I'm running Vista 32 sp1, verified Steam was running as Administrator...

Has anyone successfully created a shortcut that will successfully connect to a server? Or got DOW or ArmaLaunch to do the same (with Steam)?


-connect=IP -port=port

that will work

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I need a key Shift+Tab setup with Steam. Shift+tab makes my game menus spaz out. Every key is used it seems. I cant use a letter, because when I open a chat box online I don't want to accidentally hit it.

I like using the NUMPAD keys to look around my vehicle when ALT isn't an option... Everythings taken!


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Does the steam version of arma II have any limitations or restrictions?

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I've been playing the steam version and hadn't ran into any steam-specific issues yet, and have yet to see anyone running into any steam-specific issues (that is, with the actual game).

Hadn't seen yet anyone report that he managed to activate his retail key with steam, so it's almost safe to assume that it's not possible.

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I've been playing the steam version and hadn't ran into any steam-specific issues yet, and have yet to see anyone running into any steam-specific issues (that is, with the actual game).

Hadn't seen yet anyone report that he managed to activate his retail key with steam, so it's almost safe to assume that it's not possible.

I seem to recall that Valve would have to set this up to allow it. They did this for Unreal Tournament 3 - it had been available on disk for awhile when it eventually became available through Steam. Previous purchasers were given the option to activate their retail keys at that time. Hopefully at some point in the future Arma 2 retail purchasers will have the same option.

For the curious, here's a link to the thread on the UT3 discussion forum that covers the procedure:


If one is feeling brave (or masochistic ;)) they might try using the same procedure with Arma2 just to see what happens...

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Does the steam version of arma II have any limitations or restrictions?

there is little annoyance when you start for first STEAM ARMA 2 (after STEAM start) it will ask if run fullscreen / windowed mode

(this was added to avoid problems with default fullscreen mode out of range issues for users with non standard TVs)

this dialog is not repeating when using window shortcuts

and the only limitation i'm atm aware of is incompatiblity with Oxygen 2

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"view update news" from the steam game menu just gives me a list of steam client upgrades. Shouldn't it show the 1.02 patch info?

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i have the ArmA 2 demo on steam and when i put the game into windowed mode the screen goes white when im trying to play and my brightness and gamma settings are at 0.5 help me please

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So just to be clear:

1 - I can download any mod, install it in the arma folder and create a shortcut using it and it will work or is there anything else to do?

2 - Are patches different for the steam version. If this is the case, only steam can patch my game?

Thanks in advance


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"view update news" from the steam game menu just gives me a list of steam client upgrades. Shouldn't it show the 1.02 patch info?

Steam copy was released with a version of the 1.02 patch already implemented, so no, no patch information will be listed in the update info until 1.03 comes out, if the patch is released through Steam.


So just to be clear:

1 - I can download any mod, install it in the arma folder and create a shortcut using it and it will work or is there anything else to do?

2 - Are patches different for the steam version. If this is the case, only steam can patch my game?

Thanks in advance


1: Yes. I have yet to run into a user made mod that could not be ran on the Steam version. Folders and everything generally all go into the same place, just instead of in Program Files/ArmA2, it's under your Steam/SteamApps/Common/ArmA2 folder

2: I believe that you should be able to manually patch the game if you wish to, however I cannot say for certain. Considering there are other digital copies of the game out there that will rely on manually patching, I can't see why you couldn't.

Edited by Steakslim

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Hi all

In reply to AliMag

Question 1) All mods need to be placed in a MOD folder the process is described here:


Question 2) It is my undertanding that Steam automaticly patches customers. Patching other than with Steam for steam users may cause problems. I refer you to the official patch support page:


It says at the top and I quote


Also when you start up ArmA II and reach the main menu, what version number do you see under your ArmA II User name in the bottom right corner?

Steakslim You may wish to edit your post

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Thanks for the answers.

I'm already aware of the mod folders. Just wanted to know if it was the same with steam.

As for the patching process, I think the patches will not be the same for steam and other versions.

Thanks again for your answers


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So just to be clear:

1 - I can download any mod, install it in the arma folder and create a shortcut using it and it will work or is there anything else to do?

2 - Are patches different for the steam version. If this is the case, only steam can patch my game?

Thanks in advance


1. mods works fine

2.yes atm patches for retail WILL NOT WORK with STEAM version , STEAM will provide

(and atm STEAM version is buildnumber wise latest)

Edited by Dwarden

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I need a new hot key to chat. Sorry if this has been discussed but this thread is 45 pages long. The default Shift+Tab makes my game go crazy, selecting all the options within miliseconds in the dialog menus not allowing me to select anything and I have to press the combination of keys 5x or more for it to stop.

I want to set the steam control to another key, but I can set it to a letter - because when you chat online you'll activate the steam chat. All the NUMPAD controls are used for looking around my aircraft and vehicles, the scrolling buttons are used for going through the chat when I missed something... I mean cmon - what can I use lol.

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