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ARMA2 & OA's Steam Thread: All Steam Q's/discussions go here [covered by Dwarden]

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Also says in the Steam FAQ that the Steam version is 100% compatible with mods and addons.

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In the steam FAQ forum it says we can absolutly get our money back if we wanted to from a steam preorder. How do I do this???

That would be a question to address to Steam would it not?

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the question about beta patches WAS not ignored and it was answered by me on both forums

TBD is not an answer.

TBD, yet most likely not...
MojoFlow , the issue with beta patches will be decided later , ofcourse we will try to provide them also for STEAM users ...

This is a very contradicting response concerning beta patches and is ABSURD.

plus it's in FAQ asking for definitive decision about beta patches prior we even release first beta patch is bit absurd ...

Asking a moderator to elaborate about the beta patches is absurd?!? Asking a moderator to elaborate on how beta patches have been implemented historically with Arma 1 on Steam to try and assist new Arma 2 members who wish to purchase Arma 2 thru Steam is absurd?!? I'm not asking for a definitive answer on this matter but a little more detail concerning the history of BI beta patches and it's compatibility on Steam. If this request is just too absurd then perhaps BI can afford to lose a potential Steam customer.

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I was going to leave the whole subject around beta patches alone, but I can't after this statement...

the question about beta patches WAS not ignored and it was answered by me on both forums plus it's in FAQ

asking for definitive decision about beta patches prior we even release first beta patch is bit absurd ...

Saying that giving a proper answer on support for beta patches, which are known in how they are implemented by BIS (ie Arma1) is absurd, is pretty irresponsible and disrespectful of your customers.

If everyone buying from Steam had full realization of what it meant to NOT have support for beta patches on Steam they would have cancelled their preorders (as I did last night).

I hated to cancel, and I was really hoping for a better answer that I could count on, but I couldn't risk having to possibly pick up another copy of the game if Steam didn't work with the beta patches, hence, not working on 90% of the online servers.

Again, very disappointed, and on top of that it is delaying me getting the game, and will likely cost me more to get it (I am in Canada).

my .02, fwiw.

Edited by mojoflow

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I agree it is important whether or not the beta patches will be supported by steam or not. It's a critical descision-breaking piece of information.

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12:59 PM EDT (GMT -5)

It's unlocked on Steam and available for download.

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ARMA 1 beta patches works fine with ARMA 1 on STEAM ...

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12:59 PM EDT (GMT -5)

It's unlocked on Steam and available for download.

Thank you sir. If you guys are having trouble just restart your steam client.

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Thanks, mine never updated, if not for this post I would have been waiting forever.

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ARMA 1 beta patches works fine with ARMA 1 on STEAM ...

Right, but on the Steam forums you stated:

"using 1.16beta with ArmA 1 is no issue on STEAM at all as the copy protection was removed ..."

So that would leave me to believe that the reason (or part of the reason) why the beta patches worked was due to the removal of copy protection by BIS in one of the earlier official patches (1.08 I think).

Anyway, it doesn't answer the question.

I just hope they are supported by Steam for the sake of all the other players, again, it is too late for me.


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there is no need to worry about the command line (it's covered by FAQ again :)

when nothing set in launch parameters in the STEAM game profile

shortcut 1:

Drive:\Path\Steam.exe -applaunch IDnumber -nosplash -maxmem=2047

shortcut 2

Drive:\Path\Steam.exe -applaunch IDnumber -nosplash -windowed -maxmem=2047

shortcut 3

Drive:\Path\Steam.exe -applaunch IDnumber -nosplash -windowed -maxmem=2047 -mod=@test

one starts game fullscreen second windowed third got passed mod paramater correctly ...

works as intended :) any other concerns ?

Yes, I have this annoying rash, should I see a doctor?

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Right, but on the Steam forums you stated:

"using 1.16beta with ArmA 1 is no issue on STEAM at all as the copy protection was removed ..."

So that would leave me to believe that the reason (or part of the reason) why the beta patches worked was due to the removal of copy protection by BIS in one of the earlier official patches (1.08 I think).

Anyway, it doesn't answer the question.

I just hope they are supported by Steam for the sake of all the other players, again, it is too late for me.


it is possible but i cannot for the moment confirm it as 'sure thing' ...

we will try our best :)

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12:59 PM EDT (GMT -5)

It's unlocked on Steam and available for download.

And it may take a few attempts, but if you persevere you CAN get in to download it. It took about five retries for me - I kept getting "server full - try again later" type messages, but lucked out on the sixth try. 1% down, 99 to go!!! (xx-crosses fingers that nothing hoses the DL up-xx)

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i wasn't speaking about STEAM shortcut but normal windows shortcuts ...

there is no problem to run as many commandlines as you are able shortcuts in windows ...

Yes, I am aware that those were windows shortcuts, but they are still shortcuts to the Steam.exe so can technically be called Steam shortcuts. That's clear, but this time the question was whether or not we would be able to add those additional shortcuts to the Steam games list. This doesn't seem possible since from what I know, when you add games (using the Add Non-Steam Games option) to the list you need to supply an executable, and Steam generates a shortcut to put in the list. In other words, you can't add windows shortcuts directly to the games list as far as I can tell.

So to summarize the issue, we want to know if, while browsing our games in the Steam games list we will be able to see multiple icons to launch ArmA2 with different parameters (ex. different mods or settings).

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And it may take a few attempts, but if you persevere you CAN get in to download it. It took about five retries for me - I kept getting "server full - try again later" type messages, but lucked out on the sixth try. 1% down, 99 to go!!! (xx-crosses fingers that nothing hoses the DL up-xx)

If you are having trouble downloading Arma 2 on steam. Go to your steam client. Then go to File->Settings->Download(tab) and select a different server to download from.

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Also, downloading from steam, you will never have to download the entire thing again (i.e. no bad downloads), it will pause and restart if interrupted and you can check the file integrity of the download by right clicking the game name in your steam browser, going to properties\files\verify integrity. It will fix any errors that may have occurred during download

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Yes, I am aware that those were windows shortcuts, but they are still shortcuts to the Steam.exe so can technically be called Steam shortcuts. That's clear, but this time the question was whether or not we would be able to add those additional shortcuts to the Steam games list. This doesn't seem possible since from what I know, when you add games (using the Add Non-Steam Games option) to the list you need to supply an executable, and Steam generates a shortcut to put in the list. In other words, you can't add windows shortcuts directly to the games list as far as I can tell.

So to summarize the issue, we want to know if, while browsing our games in the Steam games list we will be able to see multiple icons to launch ArmA2 with different parameters (ex. different mods or settings).

you got it completely wrong ...

atm i have im my STEAM list


ARMA 2 demo


ARMA 2 demo nonSTEAM

and i have 3 different windows shortcuts in tray (fullscreen and windowed and some tests) for both STEAM full and demo version ...

what else You want ?

it works as retail version shorcuts , the parameter is passed via steam.exe to correct appID which is arma2.exe /arma2demo.exe and runs then same like retail!

about STEAM GAMES LIST multiple shortcuts ...

this is just experiment example and it may be quite unstable for game,steam or OS

use on own danger

add NON steam game, leading to STEAM.exe

and then change it's properties (rename it)

and change the commandline to

DRIVE:\PATH\Steam.exe -applaunch 33920 -window -maxmem=2047

it works fine

Edited by Dwarden

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Downloading fine, 1.2MB/s.

:mad: I hate you guys with fast internet, 156kbs for me

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:mad: I hate you guys with fast internet, 156kbs for me

I'd donate some temporary bandwidth if I could. :P

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Thanks anfiach and erversteeg for the tips! This is the first time I've downloaded a game using Steam on the game's actual release date, so I wasn't aware of the option to select a different server as I'd never run into the problem with too many people accessing steam's download server at once.

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about STEAM GAMES LIST multiple shortcuts ...

add NON steam game, leading to STEAM.exe

and then change it's properties (rename it)

and change the commandline to

DRIVE:\PATH\Steam.exe -applaunch 33920 -window -maxmem=2047

it works fine

I see, that never occured to me but seems fair enough. That's all I wanted to know, thanks.

you got it completely wrong ...

Relax, I get it just fine. No need to get hostile.

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well i though you mean the windows shortcut for 3rd time

but i realized i was wrong :)

i'm going check with someone from Valve if the STEAM.exe executing STEAM.exe is 'safe'


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