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MP fast rope script addon

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Is there a way to add this to multiple helis in game. I've tried a few different ways but it gives a bunch of extraction options in the action menu.

Any ideas about what I could do or is it not possible?

To be honest I've never tried it with multiple helis - will give it a go and see what happens - can you give me a few details on how you would like it to work and I'll try and make it happen.

Another thing I'd like to know is if I can get a heli to respawn with a full crew and have it use this script.

The respawn thing is not a big deal - will add that for the next version (oh and it will be MP compatible)

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To be honest I've never tried it with multiple helis - will give it a go and see what happens - can you give me a few details on how you would like it to work and I'll try and make it happen.

The respawn thing is not a big deal - will add that for the next version (oh and it will be MP compatible)

Basically I just want to designate 3 different AI controlled heli's that are at my base to have the fast rope included. Just like in your example mission but 2 more heli's.

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Basically I just want to designate 3 different AI controlled heli's that are at my base to have the fast rope included. Just like in your example mission but 2 more heli's.

So do you want to get a separate goto action for each chopper when you board one of the choppers eg. you jump in one chopper and three actions to "set destination" appear ie. you command where the other 2 AI piloted and AI filled choppers go? Or do you want to set the destination in one chopper and then have the other 2 choppers automatically move to within 40 metres of this position, for instance, and drop off their units?

Having all those actions could get messy.

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So do you want to get a separate goto action for each chopper when you board one of the choppers eg. you jump in one chopper and three actions to "set destination" appear ie. you command where the other 2 AI piloted and AI filled choppers go? Or do you want to set the destination in one chopper and then have the other 2 choppers automatically move to within 40 metres of this position, for instance, and drop off their units?

Having all those actions could get messy.

I would like to be able use each independently. So depending on which one me and my group get into we can just order it to drop us off.

But also a way to control the other AI copter to drop of units in my group would be nice as well. So say I have a huge group that need to helis, it would be nice if I could get in one as team leader and order my team members to board the 2 helis and then order both heli to drop us of some where. Not sure if this is possible though but the more options the better in my opinion.

I hope that is easy enough to understand.

As far as the extraction in the action menu, if I have 3 AI piloted on a map I really only need one of them to be able to be called in this manner. That way there's not 3 actions in the action menu. With respawn of that heli available I will always be able to have at least one heli that can be called to extract via the action menu. I guess this wouldn't work for when I have a large group that needs extraction and only one heli comes. If there's a way to choose how many of the 3 will arrive that would be ideal but I don't know what's possible here.

Edited by Manzilla

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I love this script it has added so much to my mission design. I have come across a problem though. Maybe, you can reproduce it.

I host and play from the same machine. When my friends and I get in the helo and goto fast rope destination works great, but if I die before the helo gets back to base . The helo just stops in mid air and I lose control of it when I respawn/revive.(I am using your revive/respawn btw not sure if this matters). To get around this problem, I just hide until helo is ready again. But one time I was shot as soon as I hit the ground, of course, no one else was hit.

Also, when I am doing mission design/test. If I fast rope/set destination. Then die before the helo gets back to base. I will never get the ability to call for extraction. If I go back to base and get in the helo I get the option to set fast rope destination though.

I usually need to call the helo multiple times in missions. So if I lose control of it it forces a restart.

ATM I am using ACE,GL4 and ZuesAI.

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Problem solved... Just a silly mistake.

Thanks for your addon.

Edited by Tawah

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Is it possible ability to fast rope from Mi-8, i try but any succé

Edited by kheiro

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Version 1.05



If you are already using version 1.03+ then just copy the "heloGoTo" subfolder from the archive over the existing one in the "scripts" folder.



* Added respawning aerial taxi choppers

* Allowed the definition of multiple aerial taxis in the init.sqf


[helo1] execVM "scripts\heloGoTo\heloGoTo_init.sqf";
[helo2] execVM "scripts\heloGoTo\heloGoTo_init.sqf";

* Additional code to keep the chopper on the ground while units disembarking or boarding

* Myriad of code tweaks to improve MP and respawning player compatability

NB: You can only define one chopper as the extraction chopper at mission start in the init.sqf

Instructions for use

Please see the readMe.txt in the archive

@Nomadd - hopefully its fully ACE and revive compatible now - let me know if you are still having problems

@Manzilla - Respawning choppers and you can have several taxi choppers to move about in - you can only use one at a time for the time being though.

@Tawah - glad you got it sorted

@khero - I'm sorry but the fast-rope addon is not currently set-up for the Mi-8

Edited by norrin

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Wow, thanks for the fast response Norrin.

I will load up the new version and try it out.


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I can get everything to work except the fastrope, its like the bird starts to go but just doesnt. It just sits there and hovers. BTW im using ace so is there something I have to do I dont know about? Any help would be much appreciated. Also there used to be a script to have ai take you to a waypoint and fastrope you in

nul = [chop1, 1, 25, "move1.sqs"] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf";

it doesnt seem to work anymore.. ive tried everything... anyway to get a new one that works with the up to date goto version?

Edited by Banister [506th Rec]

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Version 1.06

Oops, I'm really sorry about this guys but something slipped through the testing process. :icon_redface: I've now fixed the problem with the fastropes.



Once again, if you are already using version 1.03+ then just copy the "heloGoTo" subfolder from the archive over the existing one in the "scripts" folder.


* Fixed problem with setting fast roping destination


* You can now start the mission in a vehicle and still get the extraction action (works with the AI pilot fastrope function available in the fastrope addon ie. fix the fastrope destination using the AI fastrope function and then call for extraction once the shooting stops).


* If starting in a taxi chopper the player leader by default gets the actions to set destination, however, if you wish to use the goto scripts with the AI pilot fastrope function that is part of the fast rope addon you can remove these actions by adding

NORRN_noAerialTaxiAtStart = true;

(See test mission for an example of this)

@Manzilla - I'm really sorry mate - I know you wanted to kill me last time - I hate to think how you're feeling now. Rest assured, unless someone else finds a show stopping bug this will be the final update for a while.

@Banister - I think your problem is with the line of code you are using it should read

nul = [chop1, 1, 25, "move1.sqs"] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf";

ie. no space between the sqf at the end - I think this error may appear in the fastrope addon readMe so its not your fault. Any way I've tested it now and it works fine, I even set it up in the test mission to show you it working (also used the new variable in connection with this - see above). I don't have the latest ACE on my laptop but in the tests I've run previously these scripts work fine with ACE.

Edited by norrin

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Damn you norrin!! ;)

Seriously it's all good. I could update these damn mission every 10 minutes if I really took the time. I'm always tweaking things and never getting much time to actually play all the way through. Just keep doing what you gotta do. This thing is such a wicked support option for missions, I'm just happy someone takes the time to get it in game. I always enjoy seeing new things added and tweaks done.

Well done sir!

I use this with ACE2 as well and never had a problem with conflicts. I do have the ACE2 Disable fastrope module on the maps, not sure if that matters. I'm wondering whether or not I could just use the ACE2 FR with this script and have it work the same, so I wouldn't need the actual norrin .pbo in my mission. I doubt this will work though.

Edited by Manzilla

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@Manzilla - phew :) Its been quite a while since I looked at the ACE fastrope code but it probably should work as the the ACE system is loosely based off this one - it just depends on how they now activate the fastrope function. You could speak to Rocko or Xeno about it, the important line of code in Goto/Taxi scripts appears on line 73 of the FR_destination.sqf script and looks like this

[_heli, 0, 25, "scripts\heloGoTo\rtb.sqs"] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf";

NB: These scripts should work with any helicopter in game (even without the fastrope addon loaded) but for some (for which the fastrope function hasn't been configured or if you don't have the fastrope addon loaded) strangely enough you wont be able to set the fastrope destination or more exactly you'll go to the fastrope destination and then nothing will happen or an error missing script will appear. I could add a switch to turn the fast-rope part off so you could then use these scripts just to set the land destination and for extraction - would mean another update to your mission though :)

@Banister - sorry mate the fast rope descent speed is hard coded in the addon I'd have to change it to do this

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Hiho Norrin,

I've been interested in this addon for while. However I skipped it because of some issues in previous versions. Are there any issues known in the current release? Maybe addon conflicts or mp issues?

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Hiho Norrin,

I've been interested in this addon for while. However I skipped it because of some issues in previous versions. Are there any issues known in the current release? Maybe addon conflicts or mp issues?

As far as I know mate both the addon and the goto/taxi scripts are fully multiplayer compatible and I'm not aware of any incompatibilities with other addons. If you're using ACE I'd recommend you don't use the ACE fast-ropes as the two systems may conflict but I've never physically tried so I don't know for certain, what I do know is if you just use this addon with ACE there doesn't seem to be any problems. So in short I'm definitely not completely certain that there aren't any problems. :crazy_o: :)

PS: If you're referring to the report errors relating to missing geometry, then no I haven't done anything about them - I know what needs to be fixed but as they don't affect the functioning of the addon its never seemed like a high priority - maybe I should fix them.

Edited by norrin

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As the helicopters don't come with co-pilots I manually add them in. Problem is when I use the fast rope the co-pilot comes along for a ride.

Is there any way to stop this from happening?

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As the helicopters don't come with co-pilots I manually add them in. Problem is when I use the fast rope the co-pilot comes along for a ride.

Is there any way to stop this from happening?

Unforunately not snafu. The addon identifies who will fast rope by where they are sitting in the chopper using the assignedVehicleRole command. So if you're not either a gunner or a driver you're coming along for the ride and the guys you are assigning as co-pilots would be considered cargo by the game. Having said that the UH-1 co-pilot is considered a gunner by the game so you could possibly use that type of chopper. Alternatively, you cold write a little script that makes the "co-pilot" get back in if he gets out of the chopper.

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hi mate

out of curiosity i tried to get these great scripts to work with the RAF chinook ... works to an extent however the ropes are not deployed .. troops go through the motions of deploying but with no ropes they fall to their death ...

however every other feature works ... was wondering if is it possible to disable the fast rope action and use as a chopper taxi script .

best wishes mate

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Hiya Shark,

Yep the scripts should work for any chopper - the only thing is that you can't use the fastrope destination option on choppers its not configured for. In the next update I'll disable the fastrope option for choppers its not applicable to so only the "land destination" action appears.


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Good idea. Thanks

NORRIN, is it possible to give it a Incoming vector and a Outgoing Vector waypoint? Otherwise it can tend to fly right into direct line of fire.

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nice one mate ...

looking forward to update ....

any plans to configure fast rope to fit available CH47 (variants) ...

would be a great touch ..

or is it out of your hands ?

best wishes

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Hello Norrin, not sure if you remember or not, but got another Q for ya.

Why is it, that after the "Rappel" waypoint, you can't place another waypoint? Like, if I wanted the Helicopter to rappel, then head back to base.

Everytime I try to put a move waypoint or whatnot after the rappel waypoint, the helicopter completely bypasses it and goes straight to that move destination which annoys me frankly since I don't want the helicopter to remain immobile in the air after dropping off troops.

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