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Complaints about DOF/Blur/Bloom/HDR/Cholesterol etc.etc.

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HDR works good for me.


Bloom is way to overdone. Everything that comes close to white looks like a LED wall or something.

worst part is when having bad ingame weather, then the sky above you is dark and rainy...but the horizon...it lokks like the sun is shining 360 degrees around you at the horizon.

motion blur while turning: thats okay

motion blur/depth of field while runnig is horrible! :mad: my eyes start to hurt when runnig long times, cause they try to focus. but no chance...everything looks blured and you cant see shit.

please give us an option to disable.

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I think the blur is awesome, I just hate how it looks on a lower end system. It is cool when you whip your head around but when your head is still everything remains blurry for what seems like forever. Call me crazy but when my head turns I don't feel like I'm on an acid trip.

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the woprst thing is the blur when runnig a bit. blur when turniung is okay....but it's not okay to blur everything to death when runnig for some seconds. that means in the end (except you are a not moving sniper) the whole game is permanently blurred :(

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....it should optional. IMO this would be fine.

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Yeah the forums are up again! Here is a picture of the worst case of HDRR. Please make it back to the ArmA state. There it was a tactical advantage from which side you attack the enemy but now there are many times when arma 2 just glows like alien shi*!


Second thing: It is really disturbing if the environment goes blurred by motion. If you run a short distance not even the edge of the screen gets blurred...everything. When you stop it takes round 10 seconds to get a sharp image again...it bugged me headaches playing the game mostly 90% scrawled :(

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It's good to see others feel the same as me, BiS, please listen to us and make this an option in the next patch?

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......Second thing: It is really disturbing if the environment goes blurred by motion. If you run a short distance not even the edge of the screen gets blurred...everything. When you stop it takes round 10 seconds to get a sharp image again...it bugged me headaches playing the game mostly 90% scrawled :(

It's called "motion blurr" and I fear its not a bug but a feature.....but it sucks like hell. I have to zoom in whille running just to see whats in front me. And its getting worse the longer you run.


After a while it really makes me sick. Hope that BIS will make this optional too, cause some people like it. But some people also like Cheese with Marmelade.....;)

Edited by CHB68

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Merged the two threads as they're both pretty much whinging about the same stuff.

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After a while it really makes me sick.

me too :(

my friend i just talked to, too :(

my clan, too :mad:

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That's because they're in a clan, I'd feel sick if I wasn't in a squad ;)

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That's because they're in a clan, I'd feel sick if I wasn't in a squad ;)

Did a clan kick your squad's ass in a multiplayer game or what causes your immense and intense hatred for the same crap with a different name?

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I don't mind any of the motion blur/head bob/HDR, but when I first palyed i did get dizzy lol. But an option like some games to be able to turn HDR off and all that stuff, you can already turn head bobble off so no one should be complaining about it. But it would be a good thing to do for the people that do get sick of even the motion blur. online, a server would choose what's off/on.

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I guess the initial poster meant the blur when looking around.

I love it but somehow i also felt a slight sickness after playing for a good while.

Or is it somehow directly releated to the head bobbing settings?


i had to turn head bob down quite a bit and then was happy. the motion blur is great as when in real life turning your head things aren't sharp either.

really enjoy the effect.

edit - one note. when mucking around with my ati catalyst settings i found that disabling a few things made the game a lot sharper. on the ohterhand, enabling most of the catalyst settings + high shadows made everything blurry and i mean everything permanently. shadows normal fixed it for me.

Edited by twisted

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(Community organisation place - for ArmA 2)

Threads about fanpages & squads should go here. (Please note, "clan" is a swear word).

Placebo.. are you swearing :P

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the motion blur is great as when in real life turning your head things aren't sharp either.

Are you saying that when you look around quickly in Armed Assault, you can see everything just as well like you were completely still? If that's the case, you're an advanced lifeform. I'd say human eyes already create the motion blur/image processing delay effect by themselves, there's no need to amplify something that we already experience in and outside games. Motion blur and depth of field are like having a visual aid to show which direction a sound is coming from even though you have (at the very least) stereo sounds and a pair of ears to listen. Only they don't aid you at all, only make things harder to see than you would in real life.

Edited by Celery

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Hi all!

Do we already have a statement form BIS about an optional removal of motion blur? I am prone to gamesickness, and at the current state I can't play the game for more than 5 minutes.

If this "feature" persists, I need to give up the game! :eek:

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I think ppl are missing Armored_Sheep's explanation.

I just came to this understanding when tweaking things over the weekend. If your machine is running the game perfectly there would not be much or any blur.

When you spin your head fast or run with bobbing head and the frame rate drops the blur is added giving you the high immersion feeling rather than the game jerking all over the place..

Removing the blur would simply mean it would jerk and you would lower the visual settings.

Getting to the point where you have just a little blur is probably ideal to give you the best slow/static visuals and a fluid immersive feel while running around.

Everytime it blurs, you know you are lagging, I'd rather lag in focus than lag out of focus.

This is how console games mask their low frame rates.

It's not fooling anyone.

Please allow me to turn it off. I find it uncomfortable to look at.

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I guess the blur is a needed thing to keep performance up. Looks like this is part is needed to hinder the engine from slowing down when moving. It also seems to "cover up" texture loading and other stuff.

Basically for me it looks unreal and it´s really weird to have to wait for some time after a stop to get a clear picture.

I would appreciate a better solution than the one used right now but it seems that it´s a performance thing and therefore will hardly be solved soon.

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Did a clan kick your squad's ass in a multiplayer game or what causes your immense and intense hatred for the same crap with a different name?

Didn't mean to to touch a nerve, don't worry 1.02 comes with AI sense of humour addon as default ;)

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When talking about "blur", there's actually 2 different things going on :

- Motion Blur : set head bob to minimal. I like the subtle effect while running and turning.

- Static Blur/DOF : set Post Processing to low. You get a rather crispy image back.

I Like it that way...

HDR is fine, but he bloom on the other hand is way out of control...

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Making the motion blur effect optional is a must IMO. My system isn't powerful enough to run high FPS constantly so the blur literally makes me sick after only a few minutes of playing :(

I don't really think this whole blurring thing is realistic either. It seems way overdone to me even on higher FPS. Yes, IRL when you turn your head things aren't sharp but not everything turns into a blurry mess either. Plus, most people are playing the game on LCD screens which introduce some slight motion blurring by themselves. Please BIS, make it optional.

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When talking about "blur", there's actually 2 different things going on :

- Motion Blur : set head bob to minimal. I like the subtle effect while running and turning.

- Static Blur/DOF : set Post Processing to low. You get a rather crispy image back.

I Like it that way...

HDR is fine, but he bloom on the other hand is way out of control...


but what about the annoying blur (or whatever) when your character runs 50m?

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Even with low post processing, I get static blur, thing that I hated since it appeared in ArmA.

2nd, the motion blur is apparently there for gameplay reasons. You get blur after effort and injury, I'm fine with that.

My suggestion, is to have a "very low" post processing effect setting, which would leave only the "gameplay reason" effects. Zero static blur, zero motion blur when healthy and breathing ok

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