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About freeman23

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. freeman23

    Voice of the closest players on field

    This is already in the game and has been since OFP. Simply switch your ingame chat channel to "direct communication" and fire away.
  2. freeman23


    The easiest way to achieve a precise airstrike (utilizing laser guided bombs) would be to simply use the "Invisible-Targets-Addon". AFAIK the ARMA one still works.
  3. Well, all the SOM airstrike really does is spawn 2 harriers. I guess you could do that without much trouble.
  4. freeman23

    Porting Units

    Not entirely true. A number of ARMA addons work flawlessly.
  5. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2444/3589329712_5ec793f18b_b_d.jpg >100KB http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2455/3589329084_39127573cf_b_d.jpg >100KB http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3599/3588521423_75e123224a_b_d.jpg >100KB
  6. freeman23

    Surrendering module

    That's hardly going to convince the AI. :)
  7. freeman23

    Dynamic conversation system

    Not advanced at all. The ECP Mod managed to do just that back in the old OFP days. It's a real pity you can't interrogate prisoners, in fact, after they have surrendered, you cannot even take them into custody or something like that. Surrendering is pointless the way it's implemented at this time.
  8. are you serious? you dont get these blurs in real life either...unless you're tripping i guess.
  9. Hi guys, is there any way to turn off this nausea-inducing motion blur 1st person effect? (.cfg parameter?) It's making my eyes bleed and is giving me one major headache. Also, has anyone figured out how to use the logics yet? Some seem to work right away (surrendering)...some don't (i have yet to carry away a wounded soldier for example). Regards, freeman2344
  10. freeman23


    hi, i'm sorry if this is the wrong forum for my problem, but i didn't know where to post else. i've got a serious problem with wrptool. when trying to add a texture to the texture browser i'm getting the error : Access violation at address 004C30CD0 in module 'wrptool.exe'. Read of address 000000004... does anyone know how to fix this? thx in advance
  11. freeman23

    VTE open beta 09-13-05

    nice mod..nice trenches... is there any way to place these trenches in the editor? edit: and on which island can i find this nice base? http://flashpoint.nekromantix.com/vte/VTE_promo01.jpg
  12. freeman23

    problem with dedicated windows server

    via internet..ill try to reinstall it..
  13. freeman23

    problem with dedicated windows server

    2302, 2303, and all the gamespy ports.
  14. freeman23

    problem with dedicated windows server

    passwordAdmin = "******"; reportingIP="master.gamespy.com"; hostname = "<Delta Boys>"; have i missed something important?