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People who didn't buy Arma1 but OFP1 -> will you buy Arma2?

As a NON Arma1 player, will you buy Arma2?  

120 members have voted

  1. 1. As a NON Arma1 player, will you buy Arma2?

    • Yes i will buy Arma2 and its finally the true successor to OFP1
    • Yes i will buy it, but its not a successor to OFP1
    • No i won't buy it (whatever reason)
    • No i won't buy it, because its still not worthy to call it "OFP successor".

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Wow, how are people saying it's not the successor to OFP? :confused:

Perhaps it's just some rebellious folk.

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Wow, how are people saying it's not the successor to OFP? :confused:

Perhaps it's just some rebellious folk.

To expect it to be the successor to OFP could be setting myself up for disappointment if it doesn't fulfill those expectations.

To expect it to be an advancement in BIS's combat sim sandbox series that the community can build upon to create even more immersion and gameplay options....well, then I'll be more apt to like it than hate it ;)

Reference my post on page 2 btw ;)

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The whole thread is a bit premature is it not? I didn't vote because I nor anyone else here has a clue how ArmA 2 will play! Admittedly it is looking good and much more promising that I originally thought. I just hope I wont be disappointed a second time around!

BTW ArmA was definitely a 'cash cow' nothing wrong in that. If BIS makes amends with 'game 2' I'll be happy! :p

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I agree that ArmA was a cash cow, and before I say more, I am a big OFP / BIS fanboy. However, I have to disagree with you. Nothing wrong with a cash cow per se. But, releasing a cash cow, that is also an unfinished and or inferior product is not treating your customers with the respect they deserve. I symapthise with BIS becasue they had no choice, I probably would have done the same, however, that doesnt make it right.

In the end it comes back to bite them in the arse, look at the good rep they had after OFP, now after ArmA, see how much damage has been done. You only need to read around here or at the Codies forums and you come across plenty of people who say 'ArmA was a buggy mess, so I am not touching ArmA2'. So they pay for it in the end.

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(...) releasing a cash cow, that is also an unfinished and or inferior product is not treating your customers with the respect they deserve. I symapthise with BIS becasue they had no choice, I probably would have done the same, however, that doesnt make it right. (...) plenty of people who say 'ArmA was a buggy mess, so I am not touching ArmA2'. So they pay for it in the end.

Full ack. Though I believe BIS still has the opportunity to rectify their mistake. If Arma2 turns out to be as good as we're hoping, many people who had turned their backs on it might just reconsider.

Of course that would mean the game has to be polished on release and the AI problems seen in the preview versions should not be present. Whether or not that will be the case is... well, controversial. ;)

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I agree that ArmA was a cash cow, and before I say more, I am a big OFP / BIS fanboy. However, I have to disagree with you. Nothing wrong with a cash cow per se. But, releasing a cash cow, that is also an unfinished and or inferior product is not treating your customers with the respect they deserve. I symapthise with BIS becasue they had no choice, I probably would have done the same, however, that doesnt make it right.

In the end it comes back to bite them in the arse, look at the good rep they had after OFP, now after ArmA, see how much damage has been done. You only need to read around here or at the Codies forums and you come across plenty of people who say 'ArmA was a buggy mess, so I am not touching ArmA2'. So they pay for it in the end.

I think it is necessary to look at the situation from all sides. Just like you I was (still am) pissed off with the way they released ArmA it stayed on my PC for no more than a month! OFP I played endlessly for over two years! ArmA was a massive disappointment to many people when it came out and has probably done BIS a bad service like you say. I like many paid for probably nothing more than an ongoing test bed for 'game 2'!

However, I am also in business and know that when things get tough and the future of all new products is on the line loosing a few customers today is better that going under and trashing all your investments. I understand that BIS is a small company and what they have achieved so far is nothing short of a miracle. I don't want them to fail to deliver their future projects; I want to see what they are capable of achieving further so I can enjoy again a game that revolutionised (indeed introduced) the genre.

I myself have had to loose a few friends in order to gain popularity elseware! It can be an annoying fact of life. That is why I said in my previous post that I am not 'judging' yet.

I understand that BIS has continued to patch ArmA in the same way they supported OFP. Many developers only bring out a new 'payware' version of an ‘unfinished’ title! Those who persevered with ArmA are probably now enjoying the game, as it should have been.

I'm not a BIS 'fan boy' but I do appreciate what they have achieved and their perseverance with it, and understand the difficulties they face especially with regard to finances.

I will buy ArmA2 if only to show my appreciation of their work, but no doubt I will get my moneys worth at the same time, and also knowing full well that any problems there are with the boxed version will get fixed in due course!

Edited by Journeyman

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I have to whole-heartedly disagree that is was merely a "cash cow."

So to summarise it: Even if one BIS leader told us straight into the face that he scratched what he had from the disks and released it as ArmA 1 to get some money from us - we are ALL idiots - not only me - and we will buy again, knowing that it will be full of bugs. BIS can count on us.

Wow, what a coming out, now it is public :D yes, I am a cash cow. I feel hurt.

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Ok, even though my original intention was to really find-out if there are people, who bought OFP but not Arma1 and if they will buy Arma2 after all infos.

I had various people complaining to me via PM, that this Poll is not so good, since it locks-off a majority of people (namely the ones who played OFP1 AND Arma1) and since most of these guys have voted anyway, i agree to the people PM'ed me and i have changed the title to "@ OFP Veterans -> Will you buy Arma2?".

Now i hope the Moderators can change the "sub-title" in the poll too, so this poll makes more sense after all.

Also i accidentally selected "Public Poll", so if anybody feel this should be rather "private", please tell it here or report the first post to the moderators i guess.

To the Cash-Cow discussion:

"Cash-Cow" is according to my default translator/dictionary "A Product or part of a enterprise/company which has a large amount of revenues" and another translation is "Gold Donkey" (Look at dict.cc).

And as i said, i find this not insulting or something like that, though some people mailed me that it can have a negative/insulting opinion in America.

Its like... hmm take for instance the Mercedes E-Class... its their most selling car and its known that its their "cash cow" (the press called it once similar in german).

Its the car which generates a huge income and after all secures the Company large percentages of their billions of income, even though gross-production costs might be only a tiny fraction of the retail price.

Now if this is good or bad i don't want to evaluate, when i would say "The E-Class is Mercedes' Cash-Cow".... Its OK, i don't want to insult Daimler with that, its just a paraphrase.....

Also i should mention that i still bought 3 copies of Arma1 after its release, even though it was bugged like hell and all gaming magazines, first-reviewers, etc. said it was "terrible" on release.

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I still play at ofp1. I bought Arma1, I was really disappointed, i sold my copy of Arma1.

yes, i will buy Arma2; but if only I like it, after trying a demo. I won't buy Arma2 only because it is created by BIS. And yes Arma2 can be the real successor of OFP1. :) (if lessons are taken from the Arma1 failure)

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i bought the first armed assult, but i upgraded my machine to vista 64bit with 8GB ram so it wouldnt play ARMA anymore. im just waiting for ARMA2, tried to book a week off after release date but some git at work has already got it off :(

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i bought the first armed assult, but i upgraded my machine to vista 64bit with 8GB ram so it wouldnt play ARMA anymore. im just waiting for ARMA2, tried to book a week off after release date but some git at work has already got it off :(

Heya, have you already tried version 1.16beta? It runs very good and smooth + fixes your memory issue!

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I chose option 2, since obviously OFP: DR is OFP1's successor. Arma2 is the successor to Arma1.


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I chose option 2, since obviously OFP: DR is OFP1's successor. Arma2 is the successor to Arma1.


An attempt at trolling? The "popcorn" bit gives that away.

I bought every game that BIS released for PC, and it's going to stay that way with ArmA 2 :)

I wasn't happy with the way ArmA was released, being in a terrible state and not much good for singleplayer at the time. Although I did have some great fun with it in MP.

But it was patched up, so at least BIS fixes their games :)

Edited by Maddmatt

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Cash-cow originates from the financial sector, that's right. It describes a best-selling product which doesn't need much change or further development (maybe just a face-lift every few years (come to your example: see the new E-Class W212)). The term itself doesn't say anything about the quality of the product.

In gaming industry however the term was mainly coined by content-less, not very innovative sequels/addons/expansions as the whole Sims series but also DLC in various games (Oblivion, later Fallout 3) with the only purpose of draining cash from the gamers using well-known, popular names.

Therefore it sounds negative for most gamers, but people who know the term from finance probably don't see anything bad about it.

Edited by Andi

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The poll doesn't apply to me given it's input. But yes, I will buy Arma2. And I will buy OFP2. Don't care who is successor or not, I just want good military sim games which I can edit the hell oout of and have hours of fun (and frustrations) with. I think that will apply to both games. I see Oblinion mentioned above. Also a series I like to support. But I don't buy expansions. If that becomes the Arma2/OFP2 route, I'll buy the games but (most likely) not the expansions. I don't consider Fallout3 a siple expansion to Oblivion even if they share some of the engine features. Those cheap (yes, cheap but utterly useless) official 'payware addon' stuff however... Oh, don't get me going! :)

One question though. When I pressed view results, I could see what everyone voted for. Shouldn't a vote be anonymous?

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Who votes nr.4 without having even tested ArmA2 yet? :386:


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I find it funny that some people who voted that they wont buy it still comment frequently on these forums.

Cydon is one who sticks out like a pimple.

Honestly, I think the results are completely worthless when I look at the names.

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I find it funny that some people who voted that they wont buy it still comment frequently on these forums.

Cydon is one who sticks out like a pimple.

Honestly, I think the results are completely worthless when I look at the names.

It's pretty interesting to look at the names. I'd say the poll is even more valuable due to the fact that it lists names, honestly. Seeing x-many votes for an option is one thing - seeing WHO voted for that (cough, cough) is much better. ;)

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I'm not going to vote anything until I try ArmA2 out and see if it's the true successor to OFP1, I cant see how the people who haven't tried ArmA2 voted for options 1, 2 and 3 (judging properly from screenshots and preview vidoes is not possible until you have tried it yourself)

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I have A1 & will buy A2 not because I think it is the true successor but because I think BIS has put alot of new and interesting concepts into this new version which will give me and my friends alot of variety and fresh game play for a long time to come.

I will be trying the demo too (especially if it's out prior to the main title).

p.s. I love the conceptual idea of inc. wildlife, a great idea in my opinion and will add to the dynamics of each match (assuming we can insert them into missions).

roll on June.

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I cant see how the people who haven't tried ArmA2 voted for options 1, 2 and 3
I have voted for option 2, because I will buy ArmA2 and ArmA was the true successor to OFP1 for me.

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That's voting is for "People who didn't buy Arma1 but OFP1".

Also, that second option suggests that neither ArmA nor ArmA2 are successors of Flashpoint, but failures.

I can't vote, since I own both games, and looking forward 3rd one. :P

Personally, I think that ArmA was just something between the product expected by millions, but in the same time a great improvement of the ancestor of current Poseidon.

Whether you liked A1 or not, you'll appreciate the advantages of introducing that "half done" game. Firstly we got rid of YEARS of problems with Game2 in it's first steps. Secondly, the addon-making community is now familiarized with today's quality. Third those who realised advantages that A1 gave to players, took use of them. Fourth - last but not least - it made Game2 actually be released, not burried like many other titles in that awful economy situation that everyone had to bear with.

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