SD_BOB 10 Posted September 9, 2011 Is Dead Island worth a look? I just bought Civ 5 which was a ludicrous £7.50 would be rude not too. Oh and the RO2 update is the other maps we've not had so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smurf 12 Posted September 9, 2011 And now the changelog: -New maps (Commissar's House, Station, Spartanovka, Pavlov's House) -Client Performance Optimizations -Client and Server crash fixes -Improvements to hit detection -Punkbuster Anti-Cheat can now be used by servers and is on by default -Added enable PunkBuster setting and PunkBuster disabled warning in Server Browser -Removed the ability to swap teams from the class select menu. Instead, there is now a button to open the team select menu. This will reduce some confusing 'Role is taken' messages. -Adjustments to weapon unlocks for each class. Veteran marksman now unlock semi auto sniper rifles, veteran anti-tank now unlock satchels, and more. -RO1 players will now get automatic bayonet upgrades for the Kar98 and Mosin rifle without needing to level these weapons first. -Mid-game map voting will now immediately change maps if enough players vote. -Fixed some reloading issues for weapons with stripper clips (G41, Kar98, etc) -Fixed problems with enemy spotted from inside a tank -Fixed occasionally seeing your dead self with no head or arms -Fixed an exploit with cover allowing super speedy firing for rifles -Fixed getting stuck inside geometry in some places when mantling -Fixed glitchy camera view when rotating into a wall while prone -Fixed an issue with map boundaries during Firefight sudden death -Several spawning bugs squashed -Fixed some issues with player progression -Added sorting by column to the Server Browser -Fixed server crashing due to Steamworks not being properly cleaned up -Fixed server crashing when using PunkBuster UCON system -Fixed Ranked vs. Unranked issues. It really works this time. Really Really -Fixed some Spawning and Role Selection issues -Fixed VOIP notifications not appearing and often crossing Public/Team channels Video Settings menu refinement -Added ability to cancel changes -Exposed Ultra texture quality settings to only machines that have enough memory -New Occlusion Culling Graphical Setting - higher setting will have less object "pop-in" but be slow (original default in previous beta), normal setting will run better but have a bit more object "pop-in" (New default). Will provide significantly better frame rates on normal setting. -The maximum video setting a system will be assigned on startup is high. -Added MaxAnisotropy of 16 to Ultra texture settings -Added 'stat perfdump' console command to get better information about poor performance people are seeing. -Memory Optimization for 32 bit machines. -Fixed exploit of glowing characters on low shadow settings -Ping now shows in the scoreboard -Fixed binoculars not working properly when a non-standard ironsights FOV was set on rifles -Modified network relevancy checking to reduce characters popping in -Added the ability to enable and disable VAC for servers on the commandline (overrides what is in the ini files). To enable VAC add the switch -VACSECURED to your commandline. To disable VAC add -NOVAC to your commandline. -Added the ability to override the automatically calculated Steam query port. Use SteamPort=<OverridePortNumbe> on your commandline. Note: Has not been heavily tested, use at your own risk -Fixed an issue with AI swapping positions while a player was dead and waiting to take over positions in a tank. This made it appear that some positions were "coming back to life" -Fixed some vehicle AI bugs -Fixed not being able to kill the hull MGer or tank gunner in the Panzer IV if they were a human player -Created an intelligent system to grab bullet from partial clips before moving on to whole clips. This prevents you from ending up with all of your clips having just a few rounds missing. -Fixed getting bullet whizzed by guys that are not even facing you (I.e. shooting away from you). Also fixed double replication of some hit impacts/bullet whizzes. -Refined speedhack detection to have less false positives Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ben_s 11 Posted September 9, 2011 The 3 issues I've wanted to be fixed since the start of the Beta are now fixed. *yay* -RO1 players will now get automatic bayonet upgrades for the Kar98 and Mosin rifle without needing to level these weapons first. -Added sorting by column to the Server Browser -Ping now shows in the scoreboard Also, With this one, does this mean that if I fire 10 rounds in 1 clip, then reload, it'll reload that clip again as it's not full or empty? -Created an intelligent system to grab bullet from partial clips before moving on to whole clips. This prevents you from ending up with all of your clips having just a few rounds missing. Or have I misunderstood what it does? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ACPL Jon 68 Posted September 9, 2011 Someone did say CoD? -.- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Richey79 10 Posted September 9, 2011 The maps scale really well in territory mode when you only have a few players. Even a three versus three match is great. I usually avoid servers above 35ish players, as it has a tendency to turn into a meat grinder. RE: the eternal realism/gameplay debate... Something I really hated in A2 was that you could sustain a leg injury that meant you had to crawl for the rest of an hour long mission. Then, either the AI would bug out and refuse to heal you (Medic: 'Ur not in my squad, soldier!'), or you'd be on a 'tard server and no one would come and help you. I prefer having magic bandages. It rather breaks the fourth-wall for me when I have to suicide in order to respawn, just so that my avatar can walk again. Bandaging is currently extremely fast (barely seems to play an animation in first person view), but modders and server admins will deal with that in time. There'll be an 'Ostfront-mechanics' mod soon enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Charles 22 Posted September 9, 2011 Is Dead Island worth a look? Reviews range from 30 to 90. Personally, i've had a blast so far, but i just can't dislike a game where you can ninja kick zombie's heads off :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangtail 0 Posted September 9, 2011 (edited) Is Dead Island worth a look?I just bought Civ 5 which was a ludicrous £7.50 would be rude not too. Oh and the RO2 update is the other maps we've not had so far. It had a shakey launch but it is one of the best games I've played this year. It really makes you feel like you are in a '28 days later' scenario and it is a big sandbox which is something we haven't seen in a Zombie game before. Highly recommended :D PS: I love Steam and their endless deals - It allows me to pick up games that I might not have bought otherwise. All the Need For Speeds are on special this weekend - I just picked up Hot Pursuit for $10.00 :) Edited September 9, 2011 by BangTail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joogrr 10 Posted September 9, 2011 It had a shakey launch but it is one of the best games I've played this year.It really makes you feel like you are in a '28 days later' scenario and it is a big sandbox which is something we haven't seen in a Zombie game before. Highly recommended :D PS: I love Steam and their endless deals - It allows me to pick up games that I might not have bought otherwise. All the Need For Speeds are on special this weekend - I just picked up Hot Pursuit for $10.00 :) Holy crap I just started playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I don't have time for another sandbox type of game and be able to satisfy my Arma abstinence :D Is it really that good? Oh and BTW what do you mean "shaky launch"? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangtail 0 Posted September 9, 2011 They released the wrong version on Steam but they fixed it within 24 hours. If you like Zombie games, you will love it. It's the best Zombie game I've played. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roberthammer 582 Posted September 9, 2011 Warning guys, you going too much offtopic ;) Nice to see new more bigger maps ,but all of them have bad framerates and they also giving me a random CTD still Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangtail 0 Posted September 9, 2011 I only had CTDs in the 1st few days of the beta and only in the server browser. It's been rock solid for me for a while now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Montanaro 0 Posted September 9, 2011 (edited) I suggested that we agree to disagree but you seem intent on continuing this and taking the things I've said out of context.I never called you elitest, I said that people who pursue a certain agenda are elitest and if you think that applies to you, then so be it. You haven't 'qualified' anything, you've stated a personal opinion that I don't happen to agree with and that's fine, civil discourse is encouraged. Where I will agree with you is that RO2 is aimed at a wider and more diverse audience than RO1, it is still nothing like CoD IMHO. Your distinct inability to let our difference of opinion fall by the wayside reduced you to playing the 'troll' card. Now, back to Dead Island. If anyone fancies some Co-oP, don't be shy :D PS: I'm getting a 1.2GB update for RO2 via Steam, no idea what it is :) We started off on the wrong foot when you ROTFLMAO at my opinion. I said RO2 sometimes reminds me of COD and similar style games. I posted gameplay features which are more on the shootemup side of the FPS spectrum. Then you patronized me with the "join the military" thing without even discussing the points I brought up. Pretty rude. Hell I even went as far as to try to explain away my own points (and a couple posters agreed with my assessment on map/server size). Could the update you are getting be some preloaded files for the official game? ---- But anyway, back to my main issue with the game. Has anyone found any features of RO2 that are truly new or groundbreaking that sets it apart from the rest? Don't say the cover system, that feature hardly works. I'd say the range of movements you can make with an MG. Edited September 9, 2011 by Montanaro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cyper 18 Posted September 9, 2011 I'm not elitist. I own COD games and BF games and enjoy them. I generally prefer realism over run and gun; but I've never looked down my nose at COD as you seem to suggest.To dismiss that there are different genres of FPS games is naive. RO used to be marketed as a more realistic tactical game. That has changed. Me saying I want that style of game back doesn't mean I want to "experience getting shot" :rolleyes: That's like saying if I want a racing game with realistic handling and fuel consumption that I should join the F1 racing circuit... This whole "join the military" thing is just you exaggerating and trolling to push your agenda (and I'm the elitist?). You have never once actually addressed any of the points I've made about the gameplay mechanics (other than saying you hide in closets; which doesn't prove anything). I've qualified my statements (and so have TripWire Interactive); you haven't. ---------- Post added at 02:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:30 PM ---------- Red October is a good size, but it's pretty narrow. Tanks have little room to move and there is not much room to flank (on 64 person servers). The other maps are about the size of a couple city blocks. TWI said map size would change depending on the number of players in a server (this isnt in the beta) but from what I've seen 64 person is crowded and we've seen half the maps that are in the final game. That's what I was worried about.. Because tank combat doesn't get very fun if it's just extreme close combat with infantry and other tanks. The orginal RO had a quite good map seize on some maps. I bet some maps are made for extremely close infantry combat with constant action but due to the fact that the game has SDK bigger maps will probably be created. Personally, I will only buy the game if the map seize is good (e.i. not crowded with 64players). I generally don't like when the players run around like chickens getting shot down all the time. I had a lot of good moments in RO. In overall, how does the health system work? Is it improved since RO? How is the damage system? How is it to shoot in the game? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted September 9, 2011 Has anyone found any features of RO2 that are truly new or groundbreaking that sets it apart from the rest? Don't say the cover system, that feature hardly works. I'd say the range of movements you can make with an MG. If it´s this you long for in a game - unique & yet unseen features - good luck finding fun in the ArmA franchise. I thought we play RO because it´s good at what the box says, giving you intense WW2 PvP :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Montanaro 0 Posted September 9, 2011 If it´s this you long for in a game - unique & yet unseen features - good luck finding fun in the ArmA franchise. I thought we play RO because it´s good at what the box says, giving you intense WW2 PvP :confused: Hey, arma added underwater swimming and fishies! (and supposedly working monitors in vehicles) Don't hate. Plus their progressively better islands are never to be duplicated by any other company (maybe Cornered Rats of WW2ol modeling parts of Europe). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Richey79 10 Posted September 9, 2011 That's what I was worried about.. Because tank combat doesn't get very fun if it's just extreme close combat with infantry and other tanks. The orginal RO had a quite good map seize on some maps. ...In overall, how does the health system work? Is it improved since RO? How is the damage system? How is it to shoot in the game? The health system is pretty simplified, in all honesty. You still see where your character has been hit, a la RO:OF, but there's no movement or aiming penalty. You can bandage up light injuries very quickly. If you don't, you'll bleed out eventually. Some injuries will kill you and can't be bandaged, but you take about 10 seconds to die, and the screen blacks out, allowing you to fire back. Hopefully, someone will mod this system in the future and make it a bit more complex. I'm not a huge tanker, but various threads on TWI's forums have raised concerns about some elements of the damage system. It's nice to have proper damage that destroys individual systems and kills crew members, but it's a bit unpredictable what effect hits to particular areas of the tank will have at the moment. I mean, unpredictable to the point where it takes some of the fun out. People have reported hitting either nation's tank from the side five or six times and causing no damage. The tanks also seem rather unbalanced at the moment, particularly on the tank-only map, Gumrak. With the other maps, there's not much room to maneuver the tanks, honestly. Their support role reminded me of BF:BC2 more than RO:OF. The focus seems to be on infantry at the moment, but I believe it was the same with the original mod and when RO:OF first launched. If this version of the Unreal Engine will do big maps, then I'm sure we'll have combined op maps with a bigger role for tanks in the near future. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 0 Posted September 9, 2011 Been playing RO since day 1. What I do like is the ability to take a 2nd weapon. It gives me complete satisfaction. I do not like the bandaging/health restore system, as is. The cover system I tend not to use, I much prefer to "pop up, lean, point & shoot", in the old fashioned way... The latest batch of maps is a difficult subject,,, loading times on map change, teleporting, something that I have not experienced with the previous builds, all will will be fixed, I am sure...:cool: I bet it's a code thing rather than a Map memory leak/bad optimization problem. My Steam, says I've been playing 5 days,5 hours and 5 minutes Don't believe it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted September 9, 2011 I do not like the bandaging/health restore system, as is.The cover system I tend not to use, I much prefer to "pop up, lean, point & shoot", in the old fashioned way... +1 And as of todays patch it seems many people are suffering from stuttering/lag as soon as arty comes in, i´m one of them. Adding to this the new maps brought some strange jerkiness in performance i haven´t witnessed before. And the constant "you have been team swapped" is totally killing it, all rather meh today in RO2land. My Steam, says I've been playing 5 days,5 hours and 5 minutes Don't believe it... Ingame profile stat? That´s the standard -test- values we all see :p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Montanaro 0 Posted September 9, 2011 Don't really like Pavlovs house. =( Not a big fan of the two weapon thing. I can actually carry two pistols. I can also carry the potato masher and the F1 grenade. BUT I can't pick up 2 extra grenades of my country's origin.................what sense does that make? I dont see too many people with two guns, and I know sometimes a soldier may carry a rifle and an smg (based on a couple pictures I've seen). But generally that never happened. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Charles 22 Posted September 9, 2011 Don't really like Pavlovs house. =(Not a big fan of the two weapon thing. I can actually carry two pistols. I can also carry the potato masher and the F1 grenade. BUT I can't pick up 2 extra grenades of my country's origin.................what sense does that make? I dont see too many people with two guns, and I know sometimes a soldier may carry a rifle and an smg (based on a couple pictures I've seen). But generally that never happened. Of course you can take more Stiehlhandgranaten. I even had 9 MG34 drums on a round of barracks :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Montanaro 0 Posted September 10, 2011 Maybe I didn't try hard enough, but I couldn't pick them up on a couple occasions. 4 frags would be nice (had a bug once where I had unlimited...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 0 Posted September 10, 2011 A small update has been released... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Colossus 2 Posted September 11, 2011 Anyone else with major lag/ping problems since the last major update? Even on the closest servers in Sweden I get horrible lag and ping (~150-200 ms) problems. If the launch is still 13th of September, I'm sure nobody envies them at this stage. :bored: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roberthammer 582 Posted September 11, 2011 Anyone else with major lag/ping problems since the last major update? Even on the closest servers in Sweden I get horrible lag and ping (~150-200 ms) problems.If the launch is still 13th of September, I'm sure nobody envies them at this stage. :bored: Yes i got same issue - they saying the PB is doing that lag and am sure they will fix this in final version Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seitan 8 Posted September 11, 2011 Time to try something different after ArmA. At start a bit fast for old ofp/arma player. :) Too bad the last patch screwed up something badly. Alt+tab usually crashes the game and pb enabled servers has horrible pings now. Artillery lags the server sometimes... just like in arma lol. But i'm enjoying this one so far. Nice to kill some ArmA-players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites