monty67t 0 Posted January 24, 2009 What happened to these? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark SudoNix 1 Posted January 24, 2009 just so you know... us navy seals wear a modified digital cammo pattern now... kinda like the marines but with alot more pockets... Im stationed in virginia beach and i see the DEVGRP guys running around all the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark SudoNix 1 Posted January 24, 2009 another thing for the ace team... kinda bugs me a little bit... cause noone has ever done this... the ch47 especially, needs a copilot... not a biggie but just something that deff. should be there... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangtail 0 Posted January 24, 2009 Great MOD, I love it! Couple of things I have noticed on my end - I made a couple of test maps, they run fine when I am on them alone but when my test buddies log on, they get "no entry config" messages relating to the ACE Ammo boxes (not always the same message). The medicine and rucksack boxes are fine but the ammo and weapons boxes consistently cause this problem. The ACE boxes are not visible to these players and when I removed the boxes and replaced them with standard BIS boxes, this stopped happening. Regards, E Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted January 24, 2009 If I may make this suggestion. Inform anyone who wishes to create custom units how to get them to work with ACE, I know my units do not work, neither do the Russian Federation units. It would be nice if we could make more units that work with ACE because right now it's just the vanilla models & textures for US Army and Russia. Also replacement packs do not replace every unit. Medics stay stock. Quite annoying. Also fix the Special Forces textures. The backwards flag is bugging the hell out of me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Panda-PL- 0 Posted January 24, 2009 Also fix the Special Forces textures. The backwards flag is bugging the hell out of me. The flag on right arm is mirrored IRL. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex72 1 Posted January 24, 2009 WOW, people would rather remove improved AI rather than make other settings changes? Why even bother playing Arma then? Whats your problem then? 80FPS to 9FPS remember? Wont help with other "settings". Only a new computer would help. ArmA has been played since its release and it has been fun. You mean no one should have baught and played ArmA until AI enhancements came out? I dont really get your post to be honest. And dont respond here please. Take it to PM if you feel the need for more silly outbursts. /Alex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fiasco 0 Posted January 24, 2009 How do you disable getting tired / screen blacking or increase the amount of sprint / walk time? The one feature my clan universally hates in ACE is exhaustion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marijus 0 Posted January 24, 2009 Nice mod i like it. Yes, have some bugs, but and ArmA have bugs P.S. and where i can find "M1A2" + "M1A2 TUSK" models, not in mod? my opinion its beter M1 pack in ArmA. Respect for addonmaker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangtail 0 Posted January 24, 2009 How do you disable getting tired / screen blacking or increase the amount of sprint / walk time?The one feature my clan universally hates in ACE is exhaustion. Yah its a little on the ridiculous side. I dont think professional soldiers are having respiratory failure after sprinting 20 yards E Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted January 24, 2009 Not this again. Â Search the thread, this has been discussed. I'm not sure if it can be disabled but I do believe the devs have addressed this. "Print this Topic"-> Edit-> Find then search for stamina or exhaustion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Panda-PL- 0 Posted January 24, 2009 Yah its a little on the ridiculous side. I dont think professional soldiers are having respiratory failure after sprinting 20 yards  watch You can fall asleep watching the soldier run with full load. Guys, I would say the video speaks for itself: it is you that is dooing it wrong. The discussion of stamina system was over pages ago. It is way to generous. It's staying there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted January 24, 2009 Yup. You just got to learn how to use it as a measure of fatigue. No soldier will sprint until he passes out anyways, I've never seen this happen. Depending on how much you are carrying, one can sprint much further then 20yds. I gotta agree with Panda[PL]. From experience, it's pretty generous. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted January 24, 2009 How do you disable getting tired / screen blacking or increase the amount of sprint / walk time?The one feature my clan universally hates in ACE is exhaustion. Yah its a little on the ridiculous side. I dont think professional soldiers are having respiratory failure after sprinting 20 yards  E Maybe it's the load you are carrying in the backpack that is on the ridiculous side You just need to apply the same common sense that you would in real life with regards to what you carry and how you move. Anyway, this discussion has already been done to death. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
delta99 34 Posted January 24, 2009 72 @ Jan. 24 2009,14:34)]WOW, people would rather remove improved AI rather than make other settings changes? Why even bother playing Arma then? Whats your problem then? 80FPS to 9FPS remember? Wont help with other "settings". Only a new computer would help. ArmA has been played since its release and it has been fun. You mean no one should have baught and played ArmA until AI enhancements came out? I dont really get your post to be honest. And dont respond here please. Take it to PM if you feel the need for more silly outbursts. /Alex I certainly don't have a problem. It wasn't a silly outburst and I think anyone from the ACE team will also agree that it isn't the AI improvements causing your issues. It must be something else. Yes, you can play ArmA with the vanilla AI but it is pretty pathetic and for me not any fun at all anymore since the introduction of AI improvements from groups like TrueMods and now ACE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangtail 0 Posted January 24, 2009 How do you disable getting tired / screen blacking or increase the amount of sprint / walk time?The one feature my clan universally hates in ACE is exhaustion. Yah its a little on the ridiculous side. I dont think professional soldiers are having respiratory failure after sprinting 20 yards  E Maybe it's the load you are carrying in the backpack that is on the ridiculous side  You just need to apply the same common sense that you would in real life with regards to what you carry and how you move. Anyway, this discussion has already been done to death. Nope, wasnt even carrying a backpack. AKMS, 5 mags, 2 grenades. Sorry but I can run with that load (webbing, BA, helmet etc) for WAY more than 100 metres in real life (and have done) So if it's staying that way, that's cool - It's your mod to do as you please with but please dont try and imply that it has ANYTHING to do with realism as that's just false. Cheers, E PS : And I am not in ANY way dissing your mod because I really like it. I thought maybe it was something on my end so I reinstalled and its the same deal. It's more like 100 metres in reality but its still unrealistic IMHO. PPS : As its already been discussed elsewhere in the thread, I have nothing more to say about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted January 24, 2009 @ethne Please remove @ACE from your commandline ...... sorted - now no exhaustion. If you bring up old topics without reading all the prior posts you should prepare to be targetted by us 'armchair experts'. [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangtail 0 Posted January 24, 2009 @ethnePlease remove @ACE from your commandline ...... sorted - now no exhaustion. If you bring up old topics without reading all the prior posts you should prepare to be targetted by us 'armchair experts'. [TAO] Kremator LoL. Nice constructive post there. Im so sorry I dont have time to read a 70 page thread and I was only replying to someone who made a comment a few posts before me. If you dont have anything productive to add, best to say nothing at all. E Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted January 24, 2009 @ethnePlease remove @ACE from your commandline ...... sorted - now no exhaustion. If you bring up old topics without reading all the prior posts you should prepare to be targetted by us 'armchair experts'. [TAO] Kremator Lol, nice constructive post there. E I'm no arm chair "expert" and my experience doesn't come from any video game. That's pretty constructive throwing that around as well when many of us here have served. And you don't have to read all these pages. In my post further up I mention how to search a thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangtail 0 Posted January 24, 2009 @ethnePlease remove @ACE from your commandline ...... sorted - now no exhaustion. If you bring up old topics without reading all the prior posts you should prepare to be targetted by us 'armchair experts'. [TAO] Kremator Lol, nice constructive post there. E I'm no arm chair "expert" and my experience doesn't come from any video game. That's pretty constructive throwing that around as well when many of us here have served. Not going to get into a flame war with you or anyone else here. I've served myself and I was only replying to Fiasco's comment. Calm down please. E Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted January 24, 2009 I'm calm. It takes much more then that for me to lose my cool. As many on these forums can back up, I don't get in flaming wars nor lose my cool at others. And here's how to search a thread quickly. Just above the page numbers at the bottom of the page click on "Print this topic". Next in your browser go to Edit. Then click Find. Then type in a key word. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spartan 163 0 Posted January 24, 2009 Anyone have a class list? I have tried to get the pdf from the ACE forums and I can't d/l it. I also can't open the xsl they have in the pack. Any help would be welcomed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted January 24, 2009 Didn't try with the mentioned equipment, but the system feels pretty good to me. Are you SURE you are running and not sprinting? No mods going on that enforces sprint (not sure how they would work with ACE though)? The 'obvious cheat' I mentioned a few pages back is the fact that if a coop server is running with the new sway values and the player is not, you gain a hell of an advantage over AI. If sway is reduced, so it is also for the AI. But WE get the advantage of using the rest system (doubt AI will use this). When the new sway values are enabled, it prolongs the firefights tenfold for both sides because also the AI seem to have a hard time hitting anything, adding to the fun (maybe not realistic). I'm actually starting to like it on coop maps, but I guess it would be extremely frustrating for PvP/TvT players. I still agree it should be toned down a little, but not so much that the rest weapon system feels totally unneeded. It shouldn't be required to do weapons rest when in close combat (or constantly to hit something). But would be nice to utilize if you stay guard at a corner to take out anything that comes in view down the street. Also the effect of resting could be toned down a little (if possible). Laying down should be the only 'ultimate rest'. Edit: Quote[/b] ]And here's how to search a thread quickly.Just above the page numbers at the bottom of the page click on "Print this topic". Next in your browser go to Edit. Then click Find. Then type in a key word. Thanks - you're a life saver. I was unaware of this trick. The forum software search thingy only points you to a topic, and I've given up searching most of these kinds of threads usually. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted January 24, 2009 Anyone have a class list? I have tried to get the pdf from the ACE forums and I can't d/l it. I also can't open the xsl they have in the pack. Any help would be welcomed. Here you go Prototype 001. It's taken straight from the ACE forums. Some of the Class Names are missing and a few aren't correct(Weapons/Ammo) but it's pretty thorough. I started to fix/update one for myself but it's a daunting process. Hopefully one of these days I'll bite the bullet and finish it up. If I do I'll send it along to the devs and if it's cool with them I'll post it here. CarlGustaffa, It's my pleasure. Glad to help. I think it's the most unknown trick on these forums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spartan 163 0 Posted January 24, 2009 Thanks Manzilla. I owe you one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites