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Preview perhaps, A bit early for review don't you think?

Why so early? I think it's perfect time for that.:cool:

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Why so early? I think it's perfect time for that.:cool:

Well, if they're going to make a review they better have something newer then the press preview version from February :p

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Usually reviews come out once the game has been released to the public.

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Usually reviews come out once the game has been released to the public.

Game reviews are usually released before the game so they'll actually help a gamer choose what he's going to buy. It's not rare to have a review AFTER the release, but usualy they happen before the game hits the shelves. When I was working for a gaming magazine to finish my diploma, we got almost every game days after they'd gone gold.

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I've had my TrackIR 4:PRO for two and a half years now, and it has served me well. As a matter of fact, I can't imagine playing without it anymore. It will be interesting to see how they possibly can improve on this already great product.

I'm really looking forward to the video (whatever it will reveal), but why all these mysteries ? :p

This game will rock !

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Sadly, I think it's going to be the 1st until I see Dslyecxi's video at this rate and being in this time zone. :confused:

Ah well, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. :D

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Great! A better insight in what Chernarus is like :)

On the other hand, I can't wait to see dslyecxi's work :D

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Great! A better insight in what Chernarus is like :)

On the other hand, I can't wait to see dslyecxi's work :D

I'm a little confused about dslyecxi information, i can see a video in hes web site but did he already released what he meant/wanted to release?!

Yesterday (29th) i didn't remember seeing the Teaser #2 video.

Is there more to come?

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No, whatever he wants to present us wasn't presented yet ;)

Update 3, April 29th: By popular demand, a second teaser. Full reveal will be on the 30th, still. Enjoy!

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that teaser of something he was about to show tonight, but apparently changed to first May (same day the trackIr 5 debuts?)

I don't know, I am just speculating.

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Hey bravo, yea theres more to come, full version.

And how is it we get treated so well to screens, info, and video here. And theres nothing coming out on OFPDR. Not to be fanboyish, cause I support both. But man the info coming out here is just fantastic.

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saw lots of light reflecting off things in dyslexi's teaser - including off some blokes goggles. Hope this means sniper's scopes and other things with glass in them like binoculars can catch the sunlight to give away snipers position.

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Hey bravo, yea theres more to come, full version.

And how is it we get treated so well to screens, info, and video here. And theres nothing coming out on OFPDR. Not to be fanboyish, cause I support both. But man the info coming out here is just fantastic.

Thats because BIS gave birth to a superb community in 2001 ;)

I really don't know where people say that it was delayed to 1st May.

I hate to lose these kinda information :)

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Did you noticed, on that Chernarus page there is 5 black&white screens with named like nature_classified, industrial_classified ect... So I think, there is more specific information about those topics to come, like vehicles and weapons :)

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Did you noticed, on that Chernarus page there is 5 black&white screens with named like nature_classified, industrial_classified ect... So I think, there is more specific information about those topics to come, like vehicles and weapons :)

Nice find! Looking forward to it too!:D

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Why the Black and White ?

The nature looks so good in colors with the autumn leaves and all... that's a waste of talent if you ask me.

Edit : ok, these may be placeholders for different categories...

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Edit : ok, these may be placeholders for different categories...

Yeah, they'll probably color them as they release categories.

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Edit : ok, these may be placeholders for different categories...

Yes, categories which isn't revealed yet.

If you remove the "_classified" from every picture-link you'll get the colored ones (Colorless / Color). Categories are: Old sights, Military, Nature, Industrial and Inhabited. So videos, pictures and/or text info? Hmm.. :j:

EDIT: Argh.. you beat me to it.

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To be honest i understand that exist people who appreciate black and white photos, but in this case i think the more natural the better.

Though i thought BIS never edited their pictures ;)

Oh another thing, yes Dams... very interesting to imagine.


Yeah, they'll probably color them as they release categories.

would be a nice tactic indeed

edit 99^2: @Dslyecxi, thanks for the extra info :) and yes we like the teaser2, every info is appreciated.

Edited by bravo 6

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plz tell me that teaser vid was in game footage


Regarding the release of the full video - it will be out sometime tonight, US Central time. Can't give any better detail than that right now. Depends on a few things happening first. Believe me, as soon as it's up, I'll post about it and let you guys know. Expect a new topic in the A2 forums to coincide with it as well, for discussion etc.

Thanks for all the positive feedback about the teaser, too. Glad you guys like it. :)

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