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Latest ArmA2 & ArmA2:OA Press Coverage | NO discussion here!

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Both links work for me.

Hopefully it's just the Morphicon release, but in that case I still can't understand why they couldn't just wait and release a patched up version simultaneously with the rest of EU. Bad reviews are still bad reviews even if they're out there 20 days earlier...

It also confuses me that the worst known bugs from earlier previews doesn't seem to have been half as bad as those mentioned in that review of the actual release version..?

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Small excerpt:

"Im Grunde funktioniert gar nichts. Ja, es ist so schlimm. Wir testen ArmA 2 mit zwei Redakteuren und beide kommen aus dem Fluchen nicht mehr heraus."

Basically nothing functions. Yes, it's really that bad. We test Arma 2 with two editors and both can't stop coursing.

Mainly they criticize scripting Problems and Problems with the KI in the campaign. And yes it seems to be the goldmaster. They already recieved a beta patch, they couldn't test yet. But they say they can't believe that this small patch could change alot, because the game is too heavily bugged.

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Uhh, shock and horror.. (bad) publicity stunt?

Can anyone please make sense from this madness?

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This is what i got from a free transulator

You read the detailed ArmA 2 tests Friday, punctually to the Release of the military simulation, on pcaction. de. As soon as also the evaluation of the PC Games stands, let's present you here on the websites our result. Already today we reveal first opinions to the game.

PC Games: Let's come without Umschweife to the subject of bow, a large nerve factor already in Armed Assault. How it keep a lookout in ArmA 2? Did the developers learn from its mistakes?

Robert horn: "Who the predecessors knows, who are white the bow a large subject of the row. Unfortunately ArmA 2 forms there no exception. In the opposite. I do not know, what the developers rode to publish such a product, honestly. In the reason, nothing at all functions. Yes, it is so bad. We test come ArmA 2 with two editors and both out of the cursing no longer out. It catches at with small, verschmerzbaren graphics mistakes, goes further with NPCs sticking in walls and aufpoppenden error messages and ends with not functioning scripts, that ruin the entire Gameplay. In Arma 2, you get now namely many missions all at once, that you work off all in any sequence. In addition there are again and again optional orders. And here the KI itself makes itself a stroke through the calculation. For it occurs again and again that our KI driven allies (it rules yes war, we speak here about large combat units) must make simply a warehouse flat, that you must seek and destroy. And so the order is then no longer feasible for the players. Or, you seek a NPC, that is not however out of unerfindlichen reasons there, where it should be. Usually the way establishment routine flips out at the same time and the goods errs somewhere through the forests. The chance to find it there is same zero. It not also already happened that orders were reported as failed, that we yet once supposed had to us! The list is unfortunately endless. Recently sent us Publisher Peter Games a first beta Patch, that a few should arrange. We could trying that to be sure not yet. Must, over to rescue what is to be rescued, the patch however far larger be, think I."

Stefan white: "I Robert only can agree with my colleague and fellow sufferers. As an old OFP veteran, I am appalled regular about that, in what condition qualitatively bad the version into the trade go becomes. I received today morning for example abrupt a message about that, would be failed a next to goal. I would not have created it to rescue a shot down helicopter Crew. Interestingly enough I received the order first AFTER this message. Such massive scripts mistakes stretch until now through the entire campaign and make this practically unspielbar. All in everything is the campaign in ArmA 2 until now an absolute disappointment."

PC Games: Is there, to report then next to the innumerable mistakes of also goods to ArmA 2? For example in things realism?

Robert horn: "There clearly is also positive. The scenarios for example. Those are seven smaller missions that do not hold together. That function felt better and give a small few of this operation-Flashpoint-feeling back. Also one must say that the vehicle design and weapon design is again once first-class. Therefrom the boys of Bohemia Interactive understand something. Also the landscapes convince me personally. The zone is inconceivable gigantic (what also a disadvantage is) and quite wooded. Again and again one encounters on small villages, farm or old ruins in the forests. Looks really nicely. In things realism did not do itself according to my opinion too many in comparison with the predecessor. It is just yet always an Armed-Assault-game, with its heights and depths, calculated flights paths and so further. Connoisseurs are found there very quickly right."

Stefan white: "A breath therefrom how the game correctly could function then, experiences one in the scenarios as far as one can start this. In the first scenario, I receive for example always an error message that certain files are missing. To the good fortune, the remaining scenarios let start themselves. Altogether these are not better arrive, if so clearly because also here with deceitfulnesses and bow in KI, way establishment and Skripting to calculate is. The realism is lived highly, what comes the game however not always too goods. So the soldiers fire already once several hundreds of meter far, merely recognizes one on this distance hardly yet its goal. It runs out here on the same Krux, like already in Armed Assault or operation Flashpoint: One seeks himself if possible quickly a sniper weapon in order to come into the enjoyment of a goal telescope. In other things, there is also cuts with regard to the much praised reality vicinity - so is not it for example incomprehensible that jeep gasoline consume, tank however. Can and an overthrown motorcycle be erected no longer and becomes through it useless? Does who think itself please so somewhat from?"

PC Games: And what is with the Performance? Did ArmA 2 run on the test computers at least somewhat fluidly? And with which PCs did you test?

Robert horn: "We say was so, it tolerable. My test computer is a Core2Duo @3.16 GHZ, with 3 GB RAM and a Gerforce 8800 GTS 512: I was able to play ArmA 2 on high attitudes, ran at the same time the game however again and again into the coring. I tighten graphics gladly on attack, but my computer not unambiguously yielded that. But that was also in the predecessors so."

Stefan white: "My test PC possesses the same basic data and has through it an identical Performance picture."

However to be honest I would not listen to the german reviwers becuase they tend to have a bashing agenda on BIS

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This bad news makes so much sense after the London event articles called the game extremely stable.

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This bad news makes so much sense after the London event articles called the game extremely stable.

Either that's reeeealy dry sarcasm, or I'm not following.:D

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Summing up the mentioned bugs in the german release version according to PC Games:

- gfx bugs

- NPC´s stuck in walls

- Popup-windows with error messages

- not-working scripts in the campaign

- AI units ruin campaign as they interfere with player missions and make it impossible to fulfill mission goals at times

- bugged pathfinding sometimes makes it impossible to meet NPC´s needed for missions as the NPC´s are not where they are supposed to be but instead are wandering through the woods, lost with their own pathfinding routines

- Missions are reported "failed", even if the player hasn´t even picked the mission yet.

- At the start of scenarios popup-windows appear that indicate that files are missing.

- Jeeps consume gasoline while tanks don´t...

- Motorcycles that have fallen on the ground can´t be used again

- Ingame performance on a Core2Duo @3,16 GHz, 3 GB RAM, Gerforce 8800 GTS 512 MB

is not that satisfying. There are freezes during gaming.

Summary: The campaign is unplayable in the current state, the bugs are all over the game. In their opinion it´s ashaming that Arma 2 gets released in this shape. It´s basically unplayable.

They have been sent a beta-hotfix by the publisher but have not yet tested it yet.

They are not optimistic that the number of bugs, errors and malfunctions can be cured with the tiny patch.

This is a joke, right BIS ?

Edited by Balschoiw

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This is what i got from a free transulator

However to be honest I would not listen to the german reviwers becuase they tend to have a bashing agenda on BIS

Uhh your translator is really bad :p

However to be honest I would not listen to the german reviwers becuase they tend to have a bashing agenda on BIS

Actually not... the most of them are just typical german perfectionists and we german have evrey right to be it, leading nation in... ummm... everything "important".

However this pre-preview already saddens me pretty much, i was knowing it was coming out like this.

Since the Arma1 release i have a very big mistrust and disrespect in the german publisher Morphicon, hence thats why i ordered 505 in Great-Britain.

But the Problem is, the Press will write now their reviews, the game will again only come to an "Average", like 60-75% rating, this will have a massive impact on the release numbers of Arma2 in german areas (Germany, Sitzerland and Austria), thanks to the german Publisher Morphicon :rolleyes::(

Honestly, i know there will be patches, but the average buyer don't give anything on patches. They read the press coverages, read that this is a bugged game with average rating and simply don't buy it - end of story.

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I have this odd feeling that the problem is on their side.

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hum, can any BI stuff who know the stuff came out and say something about that?

the bashing seems very heavy

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I don't get it. If it is that bad now then why did the earlier previews never mention any of it? Same goes for the 505 event. If the bugs are that bad surely we would have heard from earlier previews?

Doesn't add up.

Edited by -snafu-

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Maybe Codemasters bought Morphicon... :D

But will they tell in German reviews, that this is Morphicon's fault to sell incomplete game, and not BiS's fault? I bet they will not...

Ok, what about boycotting all the German early releases?

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I have this odd feeling that the problem is on their side.

Why ?

The error reports are detailed and the type of errors do suggest that they are not hardware-related as malfunctioning scripts, missing files and AI-deficits are something we

ALL know from Arma 1.

I don't get it. If it is that bad now then why did the earlier previews never mention any of it? Same goes for the 505 event. If the bugs are that bad surely we would have heard from earlier previews?

Doesn't add up.

It does if you keep in mind that the campaign was not playable at the London 505 meeting....obviously for a reason...

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It does if you keep in mind that the campaign was not playable at the London 505 meeting....obviously for a reason...

There are far more obvious bugs according to that review. Still doesn't add up. Things like GFX bugs would have been noticeable in the preview versions.

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I think BiS needs a strong guy who will steadfastly deal with the "outside stuff" like publishers and will haggle much more reasonable agreements.

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Yeah, a tough guy with a name like Vinny 'the fish' or Anthony 'Haven't-found-where-he-buries-the-bodies'

Yarrg.. need to go to work. Not a joyful way to start the day.. Keep the chin up BIS, we're rooting for ya.

Edited by Scrub

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Actually not... the most of them are just typical german perfectionists and we german have evrey right to be it, leading nation in... ummm... everything "important".

Nah, that's us. :p

I think I'll wait until I actually get my hands on the game before I decide whether or not to waste my precious mud on it. But it does indeed beg the question why we've heard nothing of these problems beforehand?

Maybe the Germans pirated a version and FADE kicked in. :cool:

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, missing files

Maybe the DVD they got is the problem, not the build.

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Do wan't to believe that.... must be a joke or something, i think someone of BIS must say something about that, obviously when they have all the info about that review.

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Sadly, but its a matter of common knowledge that games are not really final at release day. Lean back and enjoy ArmA with all modifications, addons and missions. Haste makes waste. Guess that BIS will do their best to fix all of the bugs. ;)

Maybe some publishers arent interested in proper betatesting+supporting...saves time and money. The rest has to be done by developers and community. Bad and evil profit-oriented world...

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Damn... gamestar reporting they´ve sighted ARMA2 in a store in Munich!


Hope Amazon will deliver before the weekend!

As i said there are already a lot of guy playing it right now and some reported in some forums, even bugs during the intallation already (mouse bugs, graphic bugs, whatever).

I think BiS needs a strong guy who will steadfastly deal with the "outside stuff" like publishers and will haggle much more reasonable agreements.

Ohh yes... its not my business here and should be no bashing, but after the disaster with Arma1 and when i would be BIS and i would just have read through some german communities, i would never signed a deal with this sub-prime publisher again.

Its just that there nowhere was ever one good word fallen for this publisher, but 1000 bad words against it.

I'm so angry at Morphicon, i can't put in words how i feel.

I really hope BIS has learnt aftet the second time now...

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Damn... gamestar reporting they´ve sighted ARMA2 in a store in Munich!


The onlineshop is shipping Arma 2 on friday...

Lots of people are currently cancelling their preorders due to the PC-games article.

Magazines are not allowed to post reviews of Arma2 before friday, but the PC-Games team decided to post the Bugwarning to give the people who wanted to buy the game on friday a chance to rethink their decision as the game is in a terrible shape.

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Summing up the mentioned bugs in the german release version according to PC Games:

- gfx bugs

- NPC´s stuck in walls

- Popup-windows with error messages

- not-working scripts in the campaign

- AI units ruin campaign as they interfere with player missions and make it impossible to fulfill mission goals at times

- bugged pathfinding sometimes makes it impossible to meet NPC´s needed for missions as the NPC´s are not where they are supposed to be but instead are wandering through the woods, lost with their own pathfinding routines

- Missions are reported "failed", even if the player hasn´t even picked the mission yet.

- At the start of scenarios popup-windows appear that indicate that files are missing.

- Jeeps consume gasoline while tanks don´t...

- Motorcycles that have fallen on the ground can´t be used again

- Ingame performance on a Core2Duo @3,16 GHz, 3 GB RAM, Gerforce 8800 GTS 512 MB

is not that satisfying. There are freezes during gaming.

Summary: The campaign is unplayable in the current state, the bugs are all over the game. In their opinion it´s ashaming that Arma 2 gets released in this shape. It´s basically unplayable.

They have been sent a beta-hotfix by the publisher but have not yet tested it yet.

They are not optimistic that the number of bugs, errors and malfunctions can be cured with the tiny patch.

This is a joke, right BIS ?

WTH! :butbut:

Before that I was convinced to buy this game, now I'm not and I'll not buy it until somebody give me a proof that this list is a bullshit.

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