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i dont think anyone would yell "Corpsman" when someone is wounded, you simply yell "Medic!" for everyone to know that someone is wounded

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Yeah, definately a goof on the writers. Much like the comical "My left/right engine is hit!" bit with the single engine jet O'neal was flying that was shot down.

Never mind the fact that even if it was a two engine plane, he would say "port/starboard" instead of "left/right."

i dont think anyone would yell "Corpsman" when someone is wounded, you simply yell "Medic!" for everyone to know that someone is wounded

You're kidding, right? :icon_rolleyes:

Edited by Laqueesha

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i dont think anyone would yell "Corpsman" when someone is wounded, you simply yell "Medic!" for everyone to know that someone is wounded

Yes. Marines yell Corpsman when needing medical attention on the field. For that is his (MOS) Military Occupational Specialty. For after all. They are Navy Hospital Corpsman. With Marine training.

Edited by ScorpionGuard

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No more updates for ArmA 2 this week? Are next? :icon_neutral:

"Are next" what? Your asking if there will be anything next week? They've been keeping up with their weekly updates pretty well. I think people should consider themselves lucky that BIS is even releasing anything at this point, nontheless regularly every week on a Thursday lol. :)

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What? We had so many updates in the past, that I could even life without a single update until release

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What? We had so many updates in the past, that I could even life without a single update until release

You are one of the lucky people then. :D

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For sake of clarity, Medic is a lot more obvious than Corpseman for a vast majority of the players (Non US military buffs and foreigners like me).

For that matter, I always thought "Medic" was just short/Slang for "Medical Doctor" and not an official Army rank/status. You learn something everyday. Meanwhile "Corpseman" is harder to pronounce and strangely refers to a corpse = dead body, letting you doubt of his abilities to heal you at all...

On the battlefield, I guess you would call for anyone with medical background, regardless of his branch of origin.

Edited by EricM

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I think corpsman is a case of orientation. It's just that word medic is so used with health in games and movies it's getting flexible. But Corpsman is not really flexible term. I believe if more games would use this term more, it would eventually become as known and flexible as medic.

Edited by Raphier

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It's prononced coreman. Although I have to admit, shouting for a Corpsman always makes me a bit nervous.

Edited by Redkid Joker

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Meanwhile "Corpseman" is longer to pronounce and strangely refers to a corpse = dead body, letting you doubt of his abilities to heal you at all...

It's Corpsman not Corpseman. Comes from them being parts of the Navy's 'Hospital Corps' I believe. Similar to the rank 'Airman' belonging to what was once the United States Army Air Corp before it was the USAF.

I agree though that 'medic' is a more generally recognised term, and will probably be used so that people don't have to have a glossary on military jargon on hand.

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I think that the terms, "Corpsman" or "Corpsmen" should be used in ArmA 2 as it is most factually accurate term to be used in this situation, regarding the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Navy.

I don't believe that it should be changed to "medic" just because some people do not know the term.

For example, it wouldn't make much sense if a BMP-1 was referred to as a main battle tank because some people do not know what an infantry fighting vehicle is.

Edited by Laqueesha

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For sake of clarity, Medic is a lot more obvious than Corpseman for a vast majority of the players (Non US military buffs and foreigners like me).

For that matter, I always thought "Medic" was just short/Slang for "Medical Doctor" and not an official Army rank/status. You learn something everyday. Meanwhile "Corpseman" is harder to pronounce and strangely refers to a corpse = dead body, letting you doubt of his abilities to heal you at all...

On the battlefield, I guess you would call for anyone with medical background, regardless of his branch of origin.

I understand your point. But also. Very few Countries have Marines. The Top three countries in the order of age are. Spain 1537, UK 1664, and the US 1775. So when watching movies of the Military type. You will hear Medic. Everyone has an Army. But we are speaking of accuratcey in the game. Corpsman or Coreman will be the person to come to your aid. If you whore to call a Coreman a Medic. You would have insalted him. And after he patch you up. He will remind you of it. It's like calling a Marine a Soldier. Just get ready to fight your way out of the building.

Edited by ScorpionGuard

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I understand your point. But also. Very few Countries have Marines. The Top three countries in the order of age are. Spain, UK, and the US. So when watching movies of the Military type. You will hear Medic. Everyone has and Army. But we are speaking of accuratcey in the game. Corpsman or Coreman will be the person to come to your aid. If you whore to call a Coreman a Medic. You would have insalted him. And after he patch you up. He will remind you of it. It's like calling a Marine a Soldier. Just get ready to fight your way out of the building.

What's all that fuzz about Medics and Corpsmen? Why you're so upset about something that is neither confirmed nor denied.

Maybe the medic in the game is called correctly Corpsman, maybe he is called Medic. If the unit is correctly called Corpsman but the soldiers are screaming medic - so what? You taking that whole thing way too serious, talking about insults and stuff.

If I get wounded on a real battlefield, you expect me to think first how that guy with the bandage and stuff is called like? I gonna call for a medic and I doubt that if the guy coming to patch me up gonna tell me that the correct term is Corpsman if he's a Marine/Navy guy...

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What's all that fuzz about Medics and Corpsmen? Why you're so upset about something that is neither confirmed nor denied.

Maybe the medic in the game is called correctly Corpsman, maybe he is called Medic. If the unit is correctly called Corpsman but the soldiers are screaming medic - so what? You taking that whole thing way too serious, talking about insults and stuff.

If I get wounded on a real battlefield, you expect me to think first how that guy with the bandage and stuff is called like? I gonna call for a medic and I doubt that if the guy coming to patch me up gonna tell me that the correct term is Corpsman if he's a Marine/Navy guy...

Understuded. But am not being serious. Just accurate. And you don't think about what's drilled in to you. US Marine & Navy use coreman. That's it. The game is US Marine based. If you wish to call them Medics. Find Army. Call them Medics. You mite be on the wrong battlefield. But we will find your unit. And send you packing. Semper Fi.

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I got your point, no worries. I know that the USMC guy is called Corpsman.

Just remember that there are more sides in the game than only USMC which have a Medic and no Corpsman, russians... for example.

So as I see it, the USMC unit itself will be called Corpsman in the editor, and displayed text but the sound sample played might be medic.

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Medic is a general term for a person involved in medicine, especially emergency or first-response medicine, such as an emergency medical technician, paramedic, or a military member trained in battlefield medicine. Also the term is used toward a Nurse in pre-hospital care and/or emergency departments. It may also refer to a medical student or, in limited settings, a physician.

thats said, whatever trained medical personal / specialist on the field(Navy cropsman, Army 68W, etc.)can be called medic

but dont get me wrong, Navy Corpsmen should be Navy Cropsmen, they should have the correct title, its just that you cant said its wrong if someone yell "Medic!!!(Someone need whatever medical attention he/she need) Guys we need a Cropsmen up front!!!(he find a fellow Marines to pass the word)"

mummmmmhum~I love English :D

Edited by 4 IN 1

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Cropsman (Crop circles ?) is just as funny as my Corpseman...

Especially if it's spelled Corpsman and pronounced Coreman.

I think we'll all end up yellin "Shrink!!!!" before we get mad about a non issue.

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Cropsman (Crop circles ?) is just as funny as my Corpseman...

Especially if it's spelled Corpsman and pronounced Coreman.

I think we'll all end up yellin "Shrink!!!!" before we get mad about a non issue.

I believe a "Cropsman" is a farmer of some kind.


Maybe a fArmA 2 reference, perhaps?

Anyways, a Corpsman is a Corpsman, and a Medic is a Medic.

End of story. :)

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does it really mater. They do the same job. and if some is dieing I dont think marines will be like "Medic" and the Corpsman will be like "I'm a corpsman not a medic. I aint helping this person till you get it right"

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does it really mater. They do the same job. and if some is dieing I dont think marines will be like "Medic" and the Corpsman will be like "I'm a corpsman not a medic. I aint helping this person till you get it right"

It matters as much as screaming "Lieutenant" to Colonel. "Soldier" to Marine. Or screaming "medic" to Corpsman.

You're calling japanese people chinese here, mind you.

Edited by Raphier

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does it really mater.

Yes, it really does "mater."

It matters as much as screaming "Lieutenant" to a Colonel. "Soldier" to Marine. Or screaming "medic" to Corpsman.

You're calling Japanese people Chinese here, mind you.

Well said, Raphier.

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