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GC 2008 Press Coverage

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The campaign is not an “On Going War†with its automatic generated mission as we were told in the past. Considering that BIS wants to tell a story with the protagonist of the razor team, it is not that very dynamic, but more interesting how the story of the conflict grows up.

Ok, so its official... BIS has given up on every single thing that made Game2 sound so great. To say they removed the dynamic campagin because they wanted to tell a story is the funniest thing I have ever heard as you can still tell a story mixed in with dynamic missions... or, just do both. But lets not forget, ArmA2 was suppose to be about NEW gameplay. Not the old story mode of past games.

Why don't you make a completely dynamic campaign instead? I'm sure you would get famous within the community.

Besides that, how can you tell that BIS has given up every single bit Game2 made so great. You must know a lot of details from both Game2 and ArmA2 then, more then we know in fact.

And also, c'mon and don't act like BIS would be the first company that changes plans partly or in whole over the years.

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The campaign is not an “On Going War†with its automatic generated mission as we were told in the past. Considering that BIS wants to tell a story with the protagonist of the razor team, it is not that very dynamic, but more interesting how the story of the conflict grows up.

Ok, so its official... BIS has given up on every single thing that made Game2 sound so great. To say they removed the dynamic campagin because they wanted to tell a story is the funniest thing I have ever heard as you can still tell a story mixed in with dynamic missions... or, just do both. But lets not forget, ArmA2 was suppose to be about NEW gameplay. Not the old story mode of past games.

Why don't you make a completely dynamic campaign instead? I'm sure you would get famous within the community.

Besides that, how can you tell that BIS has given up every single bit Game2 made so great. You must know a lot of details from both Game2 and ArmA2 then, more then we know in fact.

And also, c'mon and don't act like BIS would be the first company that changes plans partly or in whole over the years.

When 'Game2' was first announced we heard great plans about a real dynamic campaign and dynamic destruction, well, the dynamic destruction didn't make it in and they gave good arguments for that and a simple version works just as wel/even better. But without a dynamic campaign what is it that makes ArmA2 really different from ArmA1? The 'microAI' is nice but it is not the change most people expected, so if ArmA was OFP1.5 then ArmA2 would become OFP1.75, i'll probably buy it anyway as there still isn't anything better, but without the dynamic campaign the game is going to rely on community made content too much. (Again...)

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ArmA2 is NOT next gen, there is little to no new technology in use (other then eye candy), almost no community suggestions have been used, and ArmA2's gameplay seems exactlly the same as OFP's with some conversation system tacked on. ArmA1 was suppose to be the game that used the old technology and gameplay... NOT ArmA2.

I can guess that most of everyone here is anxious to play some manifestation of their own OFP/ArmA wet dreams... I am. Unfortunately for you and I, the game is not finished and nothing about it is for certain till that day arrives. confused_o.gif

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One thing is certain, if some people stopped saying 'I want, I want' and started saying 'Thanks you BIS' for actually making the title we might be more pleased.

I only joined B.I.S. forums a few days ago and I'm surprised at all the 'I want' posts, the criticism of W.I.P. content and the general belief of Arma2 is not much more than Arma1, of course this is not everyone.

I'm an Arma1 player, I'm impressed with what I've seen of Arma2, the additional content, the advancements in code & engine, the improvements in graphics & the ability to move forward from the original title. I personally believe some members have been here so long (or not) that they can't see all the plus points for a mind full of I wants.

Don't get me wrong, I have to laugh, I just came from CM OFP2 forum, the same thing is happening there. What is wrong with that? the problem is CM seems to be saying they are bringing out a title that is a progression, but everything is looking totally different.  My money is on Arma2 and the Leipzig show has shown an old friend had just grown wiser and not become a stranger.


p.s. It could be worse, you all could be getting COD5  nener.gif

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p.s. It could be worse, you all could be getting COD5  nener.gif

The CoD community is alot less demanding, they are fine with every game being just a graphical update, this is probably one of the most demanding game communities but maybe thats why we are also playing the best games. tounge2.gif

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- The command interface is slightly different, like order your men in a vehicle is now: Select them -> 9 –> Complex command -> Get in vehicle

Hello there,

I am very interested in this , I hope one day BIS can post a developers blog entry about the new Micro-AI and the new command interface so we can see what their plans are.

Heres one feedback based on the video I already can give now.

This engine needs a hierarchical command bar.


-> Select Vehicle(F2) -> Give Orders

-> Select SubGroup(Fireteam/ColorGroup) (F5) -> Give Orders

-> Select Vehicle(Double-F2) -> Select Commander (F2) -> Give Orders

-> Select Subgroup(Double-F4) -> Select MG-Guy (F3) -> Give Orders

[(F1) goes back up the tree if you are in a sub-branch , only crew and fireteam members are in those subbranches , other AI are still at top-level]

That way the command bar stays neat , you still can access any AI and most of the time you should only be commanding vehicles and subgroups anyways smile_o.gif

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I'm confused about how Team Razor fits into the normal AI command structure.

Does this mean 1-5 are Team Razor and 6-12 (or higher) are generic AI units? What happens if one or more of Team Razor dies early in the campaign? Is are command limited to only Team Razor in the campaign?

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It has already been said, that every member of team razor has to survive, if one dies you have to restart the mission, or load a save.

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I'll keep the current command system wink_o.gif

After 7-8 years between ofp and arma, I'd say I know every combination of keys without looking wink_o.gif

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@ those who bash BIS for scraping the fully dynamic campaign, it's perfectly understandable if you want to create an entertaining plot with twists and surprises, character development, voice acting etc...

Every scriptwriter in the world will tell you how hard it is to make already 1 good storyline. You can have some sort of branching in the story, but it is virtually impossible to make a fully dynamic mission AND have the same level of detail that a scripted scenario has.

Most people complained there was no characterization in Arma 1, that the campaign was so "generic". So what did try to BIS do ? Listen to their community and tried to create a good scripted scenario "a la OFP" with strong characters... And now, they get bashed for that.

A 100% dynamic campaign could be awsome for an MP campaign with your buddies, but it would be very lame for a SP experience IMHO.

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It has already been said, that every member of team razor has to survive, if one dies you have to restart the mission, or load a save.

God damn i hated that in QG, and going to hate it then.

Gimme Armstrong! make me feel like a random grunt again. whistle.gif

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yeah totally agree with EricM here, c'mon guys a fully dynamic Sp campaign aint that good always.. it riscs ruining the immersion of the game. wink_o.gif

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@ those who bash BIS for scraping the fully dynamic campaign, it's perfectly understandable if you want to create an entertaining plot with twists and surprises, character development, voice acting etc...

Every scriptwriter in the world will tell you how hard it is to make already 1 good storyline. You can have some sort of branching in the story, but it is virtually impossible to make a fully dynamic mission AND have the same level of detail that a scripted scenario has.

Most people complained there was no characterization in Arma 1, that the campaign was so "generic". So what did try to BIS do ? Listen to their community and tried to create a good scripted scenario "a la OFP" with strong characters... And now, they get bashed for that.

A 100% dynamic campaign could be awsome for an MP campaign with your buddies, but it would be very lame for a SP experience IMHO.

Quote[/b] ]Campaign starting as linear missions, then continue to missions with choices and finally continue to dynamic phase with freedom as Evolution style.

This sad Jan Hovora (Ohara) last year at INVEX (similar as GDC but czech and smaller)


That would have been the best solution, it could have had a good open ended story, leaving you to play on at the end.

EDIT: Woah, my post messed up the page. tounge2.gif

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It has already been said, that every member of team razor has to survive, if one dies you have to restart the mission, or load a save.

God damn i hated that in QG, and going to hate it then.

Gimme Armstrong! make me feel like a random grunt again.  whistle.gif

I thought BIS said they'd be replaced? If we're going to have to restart the mission everytime a team member dies I think it would be easier to just send them deep into the forest. tounge2.gif

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It has already been said, that every member of team razor has to survive, if one dies you have to restart the mission, or load a save.

God damn i hated that in QG, and going to hate it then.

Gimme Armstrong! make me feel like a random grunt again.  whistle.gif

I thought BIS said they'd be replaced? If we're going to have to restart the mission everytime a team member dies I think it would be easier to just send them deep into the forest.  tounge2.gif

Well there is a wounded/unconscious system now, so 'down' probably doesn't mean 'dead' anymore. wink_o.gif

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Thanks telejunky, added it to the first page. thumbs-up.gif

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It has already been said, that every member of team razor has to survive, if one dies you have to restart the mission, or load a save.

God damn i hated that in QG, and going to hate it then.

Gimme Armstrong! make me feel like a random grunt again.  whistle.gif

I thought BIS said they'd be replaced? If we're going to have to restart the mission everytime a team member dies I think it would be easier to just send them deep into the forest.  tounge2.gif

Well there is a wounded/unconscious system now, so 'down' probably doesn't mean 'dead' anymore. wink_o.gif

That's possible, though I imagine it would be more like 'shot in the stomache =wounded' and 'shot in the head =dead', unlike Arma where both would mean death unless you were very far away.

I guess that makes restarting the mission not so bad.

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Yep, found it ten minutes ago. There's not really anything new regarding the "problems" in the last video though, but it does show indepth commanding.

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New ArmA 2 Video on www.armabase.de!

MfG Markus

Reloading while walking confirmed.

Better markers.

Some kind of consolethingy (Pause at 2:25), though it might as well be some kind of commandoptionconsole.

Some kind of bloom effect which can be turned on/off (I thought it would have been part of the HDR effects)

EDIT: A video like this concentrated at AI behaviour would be good.

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The video is about a so called "High Commander Mode".

It has a length of 10 minutes, featuring a cool introduction by the armabase.de guys (although the noises are pretty loud) and also Elton (a silly german comedian... whistle.gif ) playing Guitar Hero at the end.


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Hmm looks pretty much like Arma1.

Distant textures still outwashed and blurry... so far nothing to get exited about.

but its just WIP..... tounge2.gif

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The new video seems like playing an RTS. I dont know to hate it or to like it...

Keep in mind there will still be a mission editor so its not like the game is always going to be like that or anything. I like the whole high command thing. I just hope its easy to stay with the men you are commanding as you give them orders because sitting back and watching all the time isn't always fun.

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